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9/11 Redux pt 5

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911 Was An Inside Job? [New Merge Thread]

Unread postby Schadenfreude » Wed 11 Jun 2008, 16:56:58

NOTE: Can't post to the old 911 Merge Thread anymore.


Senator Karen Johnson's (R-Az) speech on the floor of the Arizona Senate has inspired a lot of impassioned comments above from the Truth community but the video does not seem to be going viral as they expected it would. Still, it seems there is always some significant news in 911 Truth.

Re: 911 Was An Inside Job? [New Merge Thread]

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 11 Jun 2008, 18:52:41

I was just waking up and listening to NPR on 9/11. Alaska is four hours later then NYC, so it was morning. NPR started talking about it so I got up and turned on the TV during breakfast. Holy god, the live cameras showing the first tower burn caught the second plane smashing into the next tower.

Watching the jumpers trying to escape the heat from the burning jet fuel and then the towers collapsing was utterly horrible.

God bless the US Armed Forces for their heroic work in tracking down and killing and capturing as many of the Islamicist religious fanatics of Al Qaida as they can.
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Re: 911 Was An Inside Job? [New Merge Thread]

Unread postby allmeyer » Wed 11 Jun 2008, 19:22:15

I was watching TV when the smaller building fell down all by itself. It took me a long time to be convinced it was an inside job even though I saw that. Now I am pretty sure of it.
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Re: 911 Was An Inside Job? [New Merge Thread]

Unread postby mmasters » Wed 11 Jun 2008, 19:33:25

Wont be the last one either!
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Re: 911 Was An Inside Job? [New Merge Thread]

Unread postby roccman » Wed 11 Jun 2008, 19:33:59

Plantagenet wrote:I was just waking up and listening to NPR on 9/11. Alaska is four hours later then NYC, so it was morning. NPR started talking about it so I got up and turned on the TV during breakfast. Holy god, the live cameras showing the first tower burn caught the second plane smashing into the next tower.

Watching the jumpers trying to escape the heat from the burning jet fuel and then the towers collapsing was utterly horrible.

God bless the US Armed Forces for their heroic work in tracking down and killing and capturing as many of the Islamicist religious fanatics of Al Qaida as they can.

Looks like a page from the 6 o'clock news.

1) make it personal

2) instill empathy (jumpers)

3) "god bless" the donuts, bums in alley ways, and our "heroic" heros...slaying

4) the boogyman.

Big F'n yawn PA.
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Re: 911 Was An Inside Job? [New Merge Thread]

Unread postby Schadenfreude » Wed 11 Jun 2008, 19:39:01

[align=center][flash width=425 height=350][/flash][/align]

Richard Gage 9/11: Blueprint for Truth

Architect Richard Gage regularly gives his presentation and claims to convince the vast majority of his audiences - even when those audiences consist of other architects and engineers.

The proper attitude to have when it comes to this subject is to support a renewed investigation to answer some of the very many glaring and unanswered questions surrounding those attacks. Because the Truth is that we really don't know what happened on 911 and the government has not proved its case.

If you are interested in how 911 relates to Peak Oil, be sure to watch the documentary "Oil, Smoke & Mirrors".

Re: 911 Was An Inside Job? [New Merge Thread]

Unread postby mos6507 » Wed 11 Jun 2008, 19:52:21


Re: 911 Was An Inside Job? [New Merge Thread]

Unread postby Schadenfreude » Wed 11 Jun 2008, 20:03:37

mos6507 wrote:Aw, Jeez...

What do you mean "again"? The 911 discussion here has hardly stopped ever since the beginning of the

Occasionally, the 911 thread grows too big and for some reason you can't post any longer to it. This just happened again so I started another one.

Notables who have linked 911 to the advent of Peak Oil include Richard Heinberg, Barrie Zwicker (End of suburbia), Michael Ruppert, and others. This thread carries on in that tradition.

Did you wish it were censored? How many other subjects do you wish were censored here? Or is this the only one?

9/11 Redux pt 5

Unread postby dissident » Sun 15 Dec 2013, 21:03:02 ... 6783752992

W. Bush covered for the House of Saud, prime terrorism exporters around the globe. Something smells, really bad.
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Re: 9/11 Redux pt 4

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Mon 16 Dec 2013, 17:51:24

... the notion that a mentally ill person with a documented history of violence (and who claimed to be hallucinating at the time) could get himself placed next to President Obama, putatively the most powerful person in the world, and then flash “gibberish” sign-language to the audience, is hilarious.
But consider the other scenario. Mr. Jantije (the “interpreter”) stabs Obama in the neck, fatally wounding him, and is instantly mowed down by gun fire from South African security and U.S. Secret Service agents. Jantije lies dead on the stage, his body riddled with bullets. Security men hunker down, anticipating another attack. Pandemonium ensues.

The next day the media report the facts as they know them. Jantije was a 34-year old schizophrenic, once wanted for murder, who had somehow finagled his way onto the stage, pretending to be an “interpreter.” No one can adequately explain how it happened. Obviously, egregious vetting errors had been made. Blame is assigned. Excuses are made. It becomes a jurisdictional shit-storm.

Except no one believes that story. With Jantije dead, conspiracy buffs are free to smirk at the preposterous notion that one guy, a mental patient no less, acted alone. Their version is far more sinister. Jantije was a CIA assassin, equipped with a phony medical record to deflect suspicion. Then, after the vile deed, instead of being whisked off stage as planned, Jantije is killed, Jack Ruby-style, guaranteeing he won’t talk.

As to why the CIA would want the president dead, pick your poison. Obama wanted to leave Afghanistan, which the military-industrial complex couldn’t abide. He wanted to reach out to Iran, which Israel couldn’t abide. He wanted to curtail electronic spying, which the NSA couldn’t abide. He wanted to limit the use of drones, which the military couldn’t abide. When it comes to CIA mischief, there’s never any shortage of theories.
... ... d-the-cia/
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Incontrovertible Evidence That 9/11 Was State Sponsored

Unread postby Roger Rabbit » Wed 18 Dec 2013, 01:31:01

An Act of War: CIA Leak Gives “Incontrovertible Evidence” That 9/11 Was State Sponsored

The Saudis deny any role in 9/11, but the CIA in one memo reportedly found “incontrovertible evidence” that Saudi government officials — not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom — helped the hijackers both financially and logistically. The intelligence files cited in the report directly implicate the Saudi embassy in Washington and consulate in Los Angeles in the attacks, making 9/11 not just an act of terrorism, but an act of war.

Well its time to measure up our allies, know your enemy, I have always thought Saudi government had a hand in this, I sure hope more comes out..

Roger Rabbit

Re: Incontrovertible Evidence That 9/11 Was State Sponsored

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Wed 18 Dec 2013, 02:35:39

Rogue elements in the US regime have covered up evidence on rogue elements in the Saudi regime.

And Obama, to this day, kisses the Saudi King.

They've got their presidents mixed up:
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Re: Incontrovertible Evidence That 9/11 Was State Sponsored

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Wed 18 Dec 2013, 02:46:21

Wake me up when this hits MSM headlines instead of peppersuniverse.
(Rabbit- this will get moved to 9/11 Redux- we have a consensus here since a few years ago to keep the whole topic in one place- I don't think anyone has invented a 'Godwin's Law' equivalent for 9/11- but as the mother of all great modern conspiracies- the topic is up there for such nuance. :) )
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Saudi's involvement in 9/11 - LIVE with Senator Bob Graham

Unread postby Roger Rabbit » Thu 19 Dec 2013, 14:42:11

Now its main stream, Saudi's government was behind 911.
Roger Rabbit

Re: Saudi's involvement in 9/11 - LIVE with Senator Bob Grah

Unread postby Roger Rabbit » Thu 19 Dec 2013, 14:44:31

Inside the Saudi 9/11 coverup by the New York Post..

After the 9/11 attacks, the public was told al Qaeda acted alone, with no state sponsors.

But the White House never let it see an entire section of Congress’ investigative report on 9/11 dealing with “specific sources of foreign support” for the 19 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudi nationals.
Roger Rabbit

Re: Incontrovertible Evidence That 9/11 Was State Sponsored

Unread postby Roger Rabbit » Thu 19 Dec 2013, 14:54:06

SeaGypsy wrote:Wake me up when this hits MSM headlines instead of peppersuniverse.
(Rabbit- this will get moved to 9/11 Redux- we have a consensus here since a few years ago to keep the whole topic in one place- I don't think anyone has invented a 'Godwin's Law' equivalent for 9/11- but as the mother of all great modern conspiracies- the topic is up there for such nuance. :) )

Senator Bob Graham and the New York Post are now talking about Saudis involvement in 911..

I even posted a new thread on this..

You said to wake you up when it goes mainstream, well here it is..

Roger Rabbit

Re: 9/11 Redux pt 4

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Thu 19 Dec 2013, 18:08:51

None of which makes me think there is going to be enough impetus to put the entire evidence back up for a proper investigation. (Planty and AP your opinion is noted).
I should have said: "Wake me up when Larry Silverstein is hauled before a Grand Jury." :P

The mysterious destruction of Building 7 has become the Rosetta Stone of 9/11. Virtually all independent experts who have studied the case, including thousands of architects and engineers, agree that the government’s explanation – that a few small office fires somehow destroyed WTC-7 – is a non-starter. Building 7, these experts say, was obviously taken down in a controlled demolition, as Silverstein himself admitted. (A nationwide ad campaign called “Re-Think 9/11” will remind millions of Americans about Building 7 this September.)

Despite his confession to demolishing his own building, Silverstein has already received $861 million from insurers for Building 7 alone, as well as over $4 billion for the rest of the Trade Center complex. That $861 million for WTC-7 was paid on the basis of Silverstein’s claim that airplanes were somehow responsible for making Building 7, which was not hit by any plane, disappear at free-fall acceleration.

The insurance companies are not openly accusing Silverstein of insurance fraud, presumably because doing so would threaten to demolish the 9/11 cover-up and bring down the US and Israeli governments at free-fall speed. But they have gone so far as to call Silverstein’s demand for more money “absurd,” a considerable understatement.

The insurance companies claim that Silverstein’s demands amount to “double recovery.” They say that Silverstein was already paid $4.9 billion – vastly more than the paltry $115 million or so that he and his backers paid for the complex just weeks before it was demolished – so why is he asking for another $3.5 billion? Silverstein’s answer: He needs the money.

And does he ever. He was originally demanding an extra $11 billion, before Hellerstein capped it at $3.5 billion.

The insurers have not mentioned the fact that the World Trade Center Towers were condemned for asbestos in early 2001, just months before Silverstein bought them in July, six weeks prior to their demolition. They have not mentioned that Silverstein doubled the insurance coverage when he purchased the Trade Center. They have not mentioned that Silverstein hardballed his insurers to change the coverage to “cash payout.” They have not mentioned that Silverstein engineered his purchase of the Trade Center through fellow Zionist billionaire Lewis Eisenberg, Chair of the Republican National Committee and head of the New York Port Authority. ... n-barrett/


Even a blind man can see- Larry Silverstein & help did 9/11. He should be in prison for the rest of his days along with everyone else involved.
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Re: 9/11 Redux pt 4

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sat 21 Dec 2013, 01:42:54

The insurance companies are not openly accusing Silverstein of insurance fraud, presumably because doing so would threaten to demolish the 9/11 cover-up and bring down the US and Israeli governments at free-fall speed. But they have gone so far as to call Silverstein’s demand for more money “absurd,” a considerable understatement.

I think you're on to something there...

This is just like the guy involved in the Kennedy assassination, who demanded to be let out of jail, (for his direct role as a burglar in the Watergate scandal), and 10 million in cash or he'd blow the whistle. (He got out of jail and got the money) ... lpage#t=18
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Re: 9/11 Redux pt 4

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Mon 03 Feb 2014, 18:37:15

What does it take to get the mainstream world to believe that 9/11 was an inside job:

1) Well written investigative reports from credible sources
2) Architects, Engineers and airplane pilots starting 9/11 truth movements
3) Victim families rights groups seeing public acknowledgement (Press for truth)
4) A 5 second interruption of a super bowl MVP interview

It seems 1, 2 and 3 didn't do it but #4 has: ... vp-intervi

Yeah, about time...
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