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Blame Obama!

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby mmasters » Wed 04 Mar 2020, 14:16:20

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 12 Apr 2020, 19:50:59

Another day another amazing revelation.

Now we find out that at least one of the two biolabs in Wuhan was conduction experiments on bats and virus collected in caves in Yunan province, about 1000 km from Wuhan.

AND, that research was funded by a US NIH grant given to the Chinese researchers during the Obama adminstration


The US funding was supposedly first granted about 10 years ago, during Obama's first term. The actual collection of bats and the work on bat viruses began in 2011 and continued for years.

As a US scientist who depends on US science funding, I always resent it when I find out that precious US science dollars are being given to foreign scientists, especially scientists in a wealthy foreign country like China.

I resent it even more when it is for a dubious project like collecting highly dangerous viruses from bats and then conducting experiments on the viruses.

What if something went wrong?

What if some of the bat virus escaped or leaked?

Might that not be dangerous?

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 31 Aug 2020, 22:25:20

Ever since mos/asg/ennui started this "blame Obama" thread people have been posting here about various screw-ups and failed schemes that can be blamed on Obama and/or his administration.

However this time I come not to blame Obama but to praise him.

Apparently Obama deserves the credit for getting the NBA players to quit their goddamned virtue signaling boycott nonsense and get out there and play basketball again.


Personally, I'm a big NBA fan like Obama, and like Obama I think the NBA player should get out there and play. I'm rather enjoying all the harmless "virtue signaling" the players are engaged in....BLACK LIVES MATTER is now painted on both sides of the basketball court (although I thought they should've painted it in bigger letters to really really signal how much they care). Every player has chosen a virtue signaling little motto to wear on his jersey, so they've all got "education" or "black lives matter" or "enough" or something like stitched right on their backs. You can't virtue signal much more clearly than to put a slogan on your back. And the coaches and the refs all wear shiny little pins that demand racial equality, so they can virtue signal right along with the players.

Its a hoot. Every time I see a player with "equality" sewn on his back I wish I made $4 million a year just like him so we could have equality.

But then the NBA players decided to boycott the playoffs and stop playing games. No NO NO! said Obama. None of that BS. This is the final, man...... Just get your lazy selves out there and play some hoops, said Obama.


Finally some common sense from Obama. I like it. I'm happy to say I support Obama 100% on his call for the NBA players to stop their stupid boycott of the playoffs and get back to work and play hoops like the world class athletes they are.

NO NO NO. Definitely NOT ENOUGH. This is the FINALS! Obama says to heck with the boycott...just get back on the court and start balling again!
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby jedrider » Wed 02 Sep 2020, 13:02:01

Plantagenet wrote:Another day another amazing revelation.

Now we find out that at least one of the two biolabs in Wuhan was conduction experiments on bats and virus collected in caves in Yunan province, about 1000 km from Wuhan.

AND, that research was funded by a US NIH grant given to the Chinese researchers during the Obama adminstration


The US funding was supposedly first granted about 10 years ago, during Obama's first term. The actual collection of bats and the work on bat viruses began in 2011 and continued for years.

As a US scientist who depends on US science funding, I always resent it when I find out that precious US science dollars are being given to foreign scientists, especially scientists in a wealthy foreign country like China.

I resent it even more when it is for a dubious project like collecting highly dangerous viruses from bats and then conducting experiments on the viruses.

What if something went wrong?

What if some of the bat virus escaped or leaked?

Might that not be dangerous?


Something DID go wrong. However, since the results must be published, I presume, I think the purpose is to get the science out there. Unfortunately, it probably was a stupid thing to do and consideration to safety (hey, it's a foreign country) was stupidly short-sighted. However, that's where the bats are, so on that account, I could see what they were up to. The world didn't yet realize how dangerous these viruses are. Yes, bad decision there. Safety probably should 'trump' science in this case.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby asg70 » Wed 02 Sep 2020, 21:19:04

Plant just mines the internet for the Obama keyword to find anything negative no matter how fake the news is (i.e. Zerohedge).

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 03 Sep 2020, 01:19:54

asg70 wrote:Plant just mines the internet for the Obama keyword to find anything negative ...


Once again you show that you have zero understanding of what you are reading. Its bizarre how you are 180 degrees off from reality---and this isn't the first time.

Far from being negative about Obama, my post is all about how I AGREE with Obama and I SUPPORT Obama's position on the NBA resuming play. And far from mining the internet for the Obama keyword, as you fantasize, I am following the NBA playoffs because I am an NBA fan and there was an article about Obama role in getting the NBA playoffs restarted and thats something that I 100% support.

But your little brain apparently can't process what you are reading so you make things up and post imaginary nonsense.....and apparently you don't even know that you are posting nonsense.

Look....asg/mos/ennui.......perhaps I can help you with your problem.

I have a suggestion that might help you improve your reading comprehension skills.

The next time you read a post and get all wee-wee'd up about it, consider the possibility that you are totally misunderstanding what you read.

AND if you misunderstand what you read, then there is good chance that any reply you post will be a mess of meaningless nonsense.....just like your post just above on this topic.

Here's my suggestion to help you......after you read a post I suggest you go back and try reading the post again. In particular, I suggest you should try reading the post slowly and out loud to make sure you understood what the post meant. Read it slowly and carefully and stop after each sentence and take a second to summarize in your mind what that sentence actually said---not what you imagine it said. AND make sure to look up any words you don't understand, and then re-read that sentence again with the "mystery" words you didn't understand at first now under your control.

If you take the time to understand what the words mean, and you take the time to understand what the sentences mean, then hopefully you'll be able to understand what the entire post meant.

I'm only telling you this because you've got a problem, dudette. You do this all the time----your comments on posts here at this site are often nonsensical and show that you just don't understand what you read. And you're not a little bit off---you often get things you read entirely wrong and backwards......just like you just did with my post above.

Its a bad look for you----Its a bad thing that in your post just above you've once again demonstrated that your reading comprehension level is zero or even sub-zero, since the facts are the opposite of what you imagined.

You've got a problem, dudette. I don't think you're too dumb to understand what you read, but there is something going on with you that results in you repeatedly not understanding what you read and repeatedly getting off on the wrong foot as a result.

Please try my suggestion above....I think it might help you with your reading problem.

Good luck to you asg/mos/ennui.

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 08 Sep 2020, 09:47:48

This isn't really a “Blame Obama” story, but it occurred during his term.

It appears that Steele was a long term informant for the State Department and was feeding them Russian sourced info. Sort of a double agent or just a dupe?

Anyway, at Steeles request, some guy in the state department destroyed the correspondence!

"Taken in its totality, it looks like Steele was a foreign influence operation, whether witting or unwitting," said Kevin Brock, the former assistant director of intelligence at the FBI. "He was injecting information from Russia, Ukraine, or whoever was feeding him or paying him."

Brock said Winer's admitted destruction of some of the Steele documents was disturbing. "In what universe does a source of the U.S. government get to request all of his records be destroyed? It doesn’t make any sense," he said.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 08 Sep 2020, 12:29:28

Newfie wrote:This isn't really a “Blame Obama” story, but it occurred during his term.

It appears that Steele was a long term informant for the State Department and was feeding them Russian sourced info. Sort of a double agent or just a dupe?

Anyway, at Steeles request, some guy in the state department destroyed the correspondence!

"Taken in its totality, it looks like Steele was a foreign influence operation, whether witting or unwitting," said Kevin Brock, the former assistant director of intelligence at the FBI. "He was injecting information from Russia, Ukraine, or whoever was feeding him or paying him."

Brock said Winer's admitted destruction of some of the Steele documents was disturbing. "In what universe does a source of the U.S. government get to request all of his records be destroyed? It doesn’t make any sense," he said.

Even weirder, the Hillary campaign and the DNC paid Steele to go and find dirt on Trump.

Since Hillary was was in charge of the State Dept she surely knew that Steele was an informant for the state department, and according to former FBI director James Comey Obama was already in the loop because when he went in to brief Obama on this mess Comey was surprised that Obama already knew all about it.

The obvious inference is that the Hillary campaign hired Steele precisely BECAUSE they knew all about his ability to send disinformation right back into the State Department. The whole operation seems to be a pre-planned dirty trick to have Steele create the dirty dossier, send it in to the state department, pipeline it over to the FBI and get an investigation started, and then leak this information to the Washington DC press so they could publish the leak as an "October Surprise." And thats exactly what happened.

Hillary herself was already under FBI infestation for her theft of secret government emails, so the leak that Trump was also a subject of an FBI investigation was supposed to help Hillary in the November election. And for a day or two there was a kerfuffle in the MSM over Trump being investigated.....but then Comey made an announcement that the secret government emails Hillary stole had turned on Andrew Weiner's laptop and that story totally swamped the story about Trump's FBI investigation ....... and then the election happened and Hillary lost, quite possibly because Comey's last minute release about her emails was so damaging.

And then Obama and the Ds decided to "weaponize" the Steele dossier and use it to sabotage Trump by expanding the FBI infestation based on the Steele dossier. And that ultimately led to the Mueller Special counsel investigation.

Its a very very very complicated little plot Obama and Hilary and the Ds pulled off. Its actually pretty clever.

Thats why all of Steele's communications with the state department were destroyed and thats why that information has been made public.......the Ds are covering this all up because special investigator Durham has been doing an internal investigation of this mess.

I know you already are aware of all this, but I'm just summarizing out of force of habit. HAVE A GREAT DAY!

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 09 Sep 2020, 08:59:44


Its a good summary.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby evilgenius » Wed 09 Sep 2020, 18:17:18

Plantagenet wrote:
Newfie wrote:This isn't really a “Blame Obama” story, but it occurred during his term.

It appears that Steele was a long term informant for the State Department and was feeding them Russian sourced info. Sort of a double agent or just a dupe?

Anyway, at Steeles request, some guy in the state department destroyed the correspondence!

"Taken in its totality, it looks like Steele was a foreign influence operation, whether witting or unwitting," said Kevin Brock, the former assistant director of intelligence at the FBI. "He was injecting information from Russia, Ukraine, or whoever was feeding him or paying him."

Brock said Winer's admitted destruction of some of the Steele documents was disturbing. "In what universe does a source of the U.S. government get to request all of his records be destroyed? It doesn’t make any sense," he said.

Even weirder, the Hillary campaign and the DNC paid Steele to go and find dirt on Trump.

Since Hillary was was in charge of the State Dept she surely knew that Steele was an informant for the state department, and according to former FBI director James Comey Obama was already in the loop because when he went in to brief Obama on this mess Comey was surprised that Obama already knew all about it.

The obvious inference is that the Hillary campaign hired Steele precisely BECAUSE they knew all about his ability to send disinformation right back into the State Department. The whole operation seems to be a pre-planned dirty trick to have Steele create the dirty dossier, send it in to the state department, pipeline it over to the FBI and get an investigation started, and then leak this information to the Washington DC press so they could publish the leak as an "October Surprise." And thats exactly what happened.

Hillary herself was already under FBI infestation for her theft of secret government emails, so the leak that Trump was also a subject of an FBI investigation was supposed to help Hillary in the November election. And for a day or two there was a kerfuffle in the MSM over Trump being investigated.....but then Comey made an announcement that the secret government emails Hillary stole had turned on Andrew Weiner's laptop and that story totally swamped the story about Trump's FBI investigation ....... and then the election happened and Hillary lost, quite possibly because Comey's last minute release about her emails was so damaging.

And then Obama and the Ds decided to "weaponize" the Steele dossier and use it to sabotage Trump by expanding the FBI infestation based on the Steele dossier. And that ultimately led to the Mueller Special counsel investigation.

Its a very very very complicated little plot Obama and Hilary and the Ds pulled off. Its actually pretty clever.

Thats why all of Steele's communications with the state department were destroyed and thats why that information has been made public.......the Ds are covering this all up because special investigator Durham has been doing an internal investigation of this mess.

I know you already are aware of all this, but I'm just summarizing out of force of habit. HAVE A GREAT DAY!


I facepalm you because you aren't thinking about the obvious reasons why people do things. Nations want to know about other nations. Why is it so unusual to expect Russian operatives to manipulate the American people? Don't the people have routines by which the Russians can not only know them, but manipulate them. Don't those routines lay along the lines of our hatred toward certain opposite side political characters, no matter which party? I think it would be a mistake to think about this in terms of being a purely domestic situation. It rises up to this level, as I say, simply because power abhors a vacuum. Espionage is routine.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 10 Sep 2020, 17:21:58

evilgenius wrote:I facepalm you

Nope. Not going to happen.

I saw you coming and dodged your clumsy move and you missed me and you facepalmed yourself.

I'll try not to laugh....

evilgenius wrote:Don't the people have routines by which the Russians can not only know them, but manipulate them. Don't those routines lay along the lines of our hatred toward certain opposite side political characters, no matter which party? I think it would be a mistake to think about this in terms of being a purely domestic situation. It rises up to this level, as I say, simply because power abhors a vacuum. Espionage is routine.

Sorry, I don't agree. I think countries should respect one-another's elections and not try to interfere.

And if they get caught interfering then should expect some blowback.

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 02 Apr 2021, 16:28:43

The leftist mob has come for Obama.


Obama's name was suggested for a Junior High School, but Hispanics at the school howled in protest and denounced Obama as an "oppressor" of Hispanics

I could think of better things to cancel Obama for, like his role in derailing the UN climate treaty set for ratification in Copenhagen, or his failed policy in Syria that led directly to the ISIS Caliphate, but if Hispanics want to cancel Obama for being an evil racist oppressor of Hispanics, who am I to object?

Hispanic activists are now denouncing Obama as a fraud and saying he was an actually a racist oppressor of Hispanics

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 02 Apr 2021, 18:02:11

I have previously predicted the D party would eat itself from within. Too many disparate parties with little in common except hatred for Trump.

Obama ran on HOPE in 2008, and orchestrated the 2020 election on HATE.

I first read about that in a 2018 WaPo article. It held true.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby dissident » Fri 09 Apr 2021, 12:57:06

Newfie wrote:I have previously predicted the D party would eat itself from within. Too many disparate parties with little in common except hatred for Trump.

Obama ran on HOPE in 2008, and orchestrated the 2020 election on HATE.

I first read about that in a 2018 WaPo article. It held true.

This is the key. Identity politics is self-defeating especially when it is based on "critical theory" (aka cultural Trotskyism). The premise is that oppressors are not aware that they are oppressors and victims are subconsciously enabling their own oppression. Critical "theory" is not falsifiable and thus not theory. It is a cult dogma.

Here we have Obama being tagged as an oppressor even if he thought he was advancing minority rights. So what is the evidence against Obama in this narrow instance? There is none. All that is required is accusation and critical dogma. People are not measured by their actions but their "social construct" roles. So in the cult-rotted brains of the SJWs accusing a black man of being a white supremacist is perfectly sane. This inanity has happened several times over the last 5 years as critical dogma has come out of the closet.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 17 Jun 2022, 19:12:52

Obama is now a prepper.

Obama just ordered three separate propane storage tanks for his giant oceanside mansion on Martha's Vineyard.


This gives Obama an enormous storage capacity of 2500 gallons of propane.....thats got to be over a year's supply....Obama-the-prepper has now got enough fossil fuels to get him through any major interruptions in fuel supply that might happen due to the incompetence of Biden.

I always say we average citizens should pay attention to what our glorious political leaders do.....not what they say.

In Obama's case while he talks about getting off fossil fuels, what he actually is doing is putting in a huge fossil fuel storage system so he will make sure that he personally has access to fossil fuels. This suggests that average people should also consider making some preparations for possible interruptions of fossil fuel supply. Not everyone can afford to buy a beach front mansion and then install huge fossil fuel storage tanks like Obama has done, but average people can still store a little bit of fossil fuel to help them get through whatever interruptions in fuel supply that might be coming soon----just like Obama-the-prepper has done for himself.

There are lessons to be learned from the wisdom of people should now be installing huge fossil fuel storage tanks at their homes and taking other steps to survive any interruptions in fuel supply that might be coming...

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 23 Jun 2023, 19:00:00

Christine Amanpour, the PBS and CNN star interviewer, just had a lengthy interview with Obama where she showed what a phony he is.

TO her credit, she actually asked Obama hard questions and pressed him when he gave evasive answers.

In particular she pressed obama on why his response had been so weak when Russia invaded Crimea in 2014. Amanpour suggested that Obama was partly to blame for the current war in Ukraine, because he had failed to deter Putin after he invaded Crimea.

Obama fell right into her trap. First of all, Obama lied and said the Russians hadn't conducted an armed invasion of Ukraine. But many many photos and reports show armed Russian troops and military vehicles crossing the border and occupying key sites across Crimea.

And then Obama admitted there had been "sympathy" in his administration for the idea that Russia had "interests" in Ukraine, and that somehow justified Putin's invasion.


Obama was crazy to have sympathy for Putin invading Crimea back in 2014 but it's even crazier that he is still singing the same song after Putin has invaded the rest of Ukriane. That makes Obama just another Putin lover and traitor to the democratic west.. What Obama is saying is no different then what the crazy Russo-Nazis say when they claim that Russia has legitimate interests in Ukraine so it's OK for them to Invade Kiev, or Russia has interests in Estonia, or Poland, or east Germany so its OK for them to invade those places as well. NO NO's not OK for the Russians to invade other countries and Obama is an idiot to say it is.

I remember when this all happened back in 2014 and I posted here that by not opposing the Russian invasion of Crimea Obama had turned himself into the Neville Chamberlain of our time, and just as Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler led directly to more invasions and then to WWII, Obama's appeasement of Putin would lead to more invasions.

And I was totally right about that back in 2014. I suppose I should say that it gives me no pleasure to be right about this, but actually I am a little bit pleased that I correctly predicted just what would happen after obama appeased Putin back in 2014.

So here are in 2023 with Russian troops occupying eastern Ukraine and bombing the heck out of the rest of Ukraine, and Obama the Putin-lover----Obama the Neville Chamberlain of our time---- still is trying to excuse his mistake in not opposing Putin's invasion of Crimea. Jeez what a dope that man is. Unfortunately now that the war has actually started I can't predict what will happen next in Ukraine......IMHO all we can do now is hope that obama hasn't already set us on a path that will lead to WWIII when he was "sympathetic" to Russia and decided to appease Putin after he sent Russian troops to invade Crimea back in 2014.

Obama is the Neville Chamberlain of our time. By appeasing Putin after he invaded Crimea in 2014, Obama just encouraged Putin to invade again and start a bigger war with Ukraine now....

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 25 Jun 2023, 09:42:40

I recently heard Zeihan refer to Obama’s “cult of personality.”

I had not previously consider it but I think he is onto something.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 25 Jun 2023, 23:49:42

Newfie wrote:I recently heard Zeihan refer to Obama’s “cult of personality.”

I had not previously consider it but I think he is onto something.


I find Zeihan more and more interesting.

He is an independent thinker and he's got some great insights into the way that demography may affect future global geopolitical issues.


Thank you for introducing me to Zeihan......I check him out regularly now.

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby ralfy » Fri 04 Aug 2023, 20:13:35 ... 2152123392

7 wars, millions dead and displaced, 1 nobel peace prize, 0 sanctions, 0 ICC arrest warrants
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby ralfy » Fri 04 Aug 2023, 20:23:41 ... 8443485185

Today is Barack Obama's birthday.

Did you know that Barack Obama received a Nobel Peace Prize for dropping more bombs than G. W. Bush?
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