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Government Shutdown USA

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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Cog » Wed 16 Jan 2019, 19:17:45

If the House and Senate can form 2/3rds majorities in both chambers they can reopen government by passing a budget that will override a presidential veto. That is your check and balance. But Republicans should be warned. Go against the president on this issue and we will turn you out of office next election. This is a make or break issue for me and millions of people who voted for Trump. He can not bend on this issue and survive it.

Well I'm the people and I DEMAND the government remain shut down until we have border funding. So there you go.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby jedrider » Wed 16 Jan 2019, 20:07:44

In raising an oppositionally delinquent child, parents are told NEVER to give in to their demands:

Columnist explains how Nancy Pelosi emasculates Trump and treats him like stubborn child

So, this is going to be a long one ;-)
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Cog » Wed 16 Jan 2019, 22:35:20

Good. The longer the better.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Wed 16 Jan 2019, 23:31:59

If at some point, there's a serious problem getting a lot of SS or Welfare checks, or food stamp, etc. money out, someone is going to cave. Probably the dems, since they constantly claim to be all about government benefits and "the little guy". Kind of hard to pretend to hold that stance and let their key constituents not get paid.

Now, if and when that becomes an issue, I don't know.

Another issue that looks to be a lot of "fun" is the tax season with a poorly staffed IRS, new tax law, including new forms and way of doing things, etc.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Cog » Thu 17 Jan 2019, 00:32:26

Feb Ebt is being paid by January 20th. So those people will be ok until march. I figure after federal workers miss two paychecks there will be a lot of hollering about it. The furloughed feds can file for unemployment but I'm not sure about the essential feds who are working without pay. Someone will fold by end of January is my guess.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Cog » Thu 17 Jan 2019, 16:21:26

As speaker of the house Pelosi is entitled to use US military aircraft to travel to foreign countries. Trump just cancelled all her trips until the shutdown is over. LOL

I'm still laughing on how this is playing out.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Cog » Thu 17 Jan 2019, 16:54:55

But it gets better. Trump waited until Pelosi and her Democrat congress person contingent were waiting on the tarmac for their overseas junket, to cancel it and future flights
Trump is the man.

He reminded Pelosi in his letter that we can't waste precious military resources during a shutdown. LOL. CNN is in full meltdown mode and I'm laughing my ass off.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 17 Jan 2019, 17:46:27

Back in the 60’s in high school we played a game of “cutting”, using wit to insult and degrade one another. But this isn’t 60’s high school, or is it?

Hard to know how this will play out. I mean essentially this little fit is simply a bet, a game of chicken, with each side betting the other will blink. I’m thinking Pelosi is betting that, as Cog notes, Trump has no wiggle room on this. For him it is his entire political future in the line. I’m betting she has had him psychologically profiled and thinks she knows exactly what he will or will not do. And that, at some point, public pressure will become so great he can’t withstand it and will have some kind of meltdown and loose his base. Briefly, she is out to emasculate him.

I don’t think Trump is out to damage Pelosi in the same fashion. He can be a lot of things but I don’t think I’ve seen him be vindictive. It’s true is back is up to the wall and he needs some escape route. He needs to make some room for himself to maneuver.

I’ve no idea how this will play out. I think immigration is an important issue that needs to be taken seriously. I could care less if a wall is built. I’d like to see real enforcememt of existing statutes. A return to the law of the land.

And if I was Trump’s advisor maybe that’s what I’d say, OK, let the wall go, but in return we start enforcing all existing immigration codes. If you don’t like the code then change them in Congress. In the meantime we pass legislation to defund sanctuary cities. Dump this load back in her lap.

Or at this point I may just be repeating myself.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 17 Jan 2019, 18:57:54

Newfie wrote:I don’t think Trump is out to damage Pelosi in the same fashion. He can be a lot of things but I don’t think I’ve seen him be vindictive.

Trump doesn't deal well with criticism or attacks, and Pelosi is attacking him. Trump will counterattack against Pelosi, just as he has counterattacked against Mueller and Jeff Bezos and the MSM and everything else that he thinks is attacking him.

And today the counterattack started---Trump cancelled special military flights Pelosi had scheduled to ferry her and a batch of D Congresscritters off on a boondoggle to Europe and Egypt and then Afghanistan. The Ds were actually on a special government bus taking them to their special government plane for the special government paid boondoggle in Europe and Egypt when Trump cancelled it. They had to turn the bus around. The Ds were FURIOUS!!! They aren't going to get to see the Pyramids on Uncle Sam's nickel!!!?!?!?! How can that be???


Trump can be clumsy in dealing with the Ds but this time I think he was right on target---what in heck are Pelosi and the Ds doing jetting off to Europe and Egypt in the middle of the Shutdown anyway? Shouldn't they be negotiating to end the shutdown or something? This is a crazy time for Pelosi and her fellow Ds to be doing a big government funded boondoggle anyway. Pelosi was just in Hawaii at a $900/night resort, then she went to Puerto Rico with the other Ds to lie on the beach and meet with lobbyists, and now she wants the government to pay for a European boondoggle????!?!?!?!

ENOUGH! BASTA! Stay in DC and do your job. End the Shutdown, Nancy. Start negotiating with Trump now.

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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Cog » Thu 17 Jan 2019, 19:09:40

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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 17 Jan 2019, 19:15:31


That’s a good story, now how do you communicate that to 330 million others? (although she never was going to Egypt, and Brussels was a refilling stop).

[quote]Overall, 85% of the public knows that Reagan was a Republican, while virtually the same percentage (84%) knows that Clinton is a Democrat.

Nearly as many (78%) correctly identify John F. Kennedy as a Democrat. But Americans are less familiar with the partisan affiliations of earlier presidents and current congressional leaders. Roughly six-in-ten (58%) know that Franklin Roosevelt was a Democrat, while 55% correctly identify Abraham Lincoln as a Republican. Comparable majorities know that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is a Democrat (61%) and House Speaker John Boehner is a Republican (55%).[/[quote] ... l-parties/

From reading the full article it seems hughe swaths if the American Public are largely brain dead about the immigration issue.

Maybe that’s Trumps our, he needs to educate the American Public and in a hurry.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Cog » Thu 17 Jan 2019, 19:52:58

Why was she and a contingent of Democrat congressmen flying off a seven day junket when the government was shut down? To visit the troops? LOL. We have troops on the border right now. Maybe she could fly down and see them.

Pelosi acted like a child when she disinvited Trump from giving his SOTUS in the House. His response was "Oh yeah. Hold my beer and watch this"

Peolosi and crew are welcome to fly Space A on a military cargo jet sitting on web seats and having a box lunch. Or perhaps fly commercial and take it out of her budget as Speaker.

You wanted to know what electing Godzilla as president would look like? Now you know and I'm loving every bit of it.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby jedrider » Fri 18 Jan 2019, 00:32:29

Newfie wrote:I don’t think Trump is out to damage Pelosi in the same fashion. He can be a lot of things but I don’t think I’ve seen him be vindictive.

Well, he didn't LOCK UP Hillary, but he certainly uses the language of vindictiveness and his base laps it up as if they're spectators in the Roman Colosseum.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 18 Jan 2019, 00:52:35

I see both sides as seeing the other as the one being childish which is wishful thinking on both sides. If Trump can convince the majority that Pelosie is the problem she will have to yield but the opposite is true so the stalemate continues. I think Trump will win in the end if he continues to stand tough. At any rate it will be over by election day 2020.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Cog » Fri 18 Jan 2019, 06:48:03

jedrider wrote:
Newfie wrote:I don’t think Trump is out to damage Pelosi in the same fashion. He can be a lot of things but I don’t think I’ve seen him be vindictive.

Well, he didn't LOCK UP Hillary, but he certainly uses the language of vindictiveness and his base laps it up as if they're spectators in the Roman Colosseum.

Are you not entertained? ;)
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Cog » Fri 18 Jan 2019, 10:00:41

There is a way out of this shutdown. The Democrats say they support secure borders. Whether that is true or not is doubtful, but they publicly have said so. Lets say the House proposes a bill called the Enhanced Border Security Bill. In that bill, lets say $3 billion, instead of the $5.7 billion is proposed for border security. Buried in the legislative language somewhere, is text allowing the President discretion in how that money is spent to enhance security.

The Dems walk away saying that they did not vote for a border wall. Trump builds a border wall using his discretion as the chief executive. All sides can claim victory and we all go home happy.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 18 Jan 2019, 11:53:57

We don't need no stinkin' gov'mint.
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Cog » Fri 18 Jan 2019, 15:38:40

Latest from the White House: ... g-shutdown

"Under no circumstances during a government shutdown will any government owned, rented, leased or chartered aircraft support any congressional delegation, without the express written approval of the White House chief of staff, “Nor will any funds appropriated to the Executive Branch be used for any congressional delegation travel expenses, without his express written approval"

So no more junkets to Puerto Rico or anywhere else in the world. Whatever will our Congress critters do now?
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby jedrider » Fri 18 Jan 2019, 17:20:27

President is intending to start a food fight. I think the tomatoes will be going his way, though.

Focus is on Trump and NO ONE else!
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Re: Government Shutdown USA

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Fri 18 Jan 2019, 17:23:53

jedrider wrote:President is intending to start a food fight. I think the tomatoes will be going his way, though.

Focus is on Trump and NO ONE else!

Nonsense. Pelosi is front and center, with the biggest picture and a quote and a video, re the shutdown, page 1 of the NYT (online) today.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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