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Globalists Want To Cull 90% Of World’s Population

Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby Henriksson » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 12:52:18

noobtube, could you explain to this "degenerate idiot" how people in net food-importing countries whose income is greatly devoted to food - meaning they will be the first to be priced out of the market - and who have very little capability to cut down on food waste, and who live in countries with great instability and corruption are actually more likely to do OK? My feeble mind doesn't get it.
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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby noobtube » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 13:55:02

So, TOO BIG TO FAIL banks are somehow less corrupt than systems based on barter and exchange in Africa or India or China or in native South America?

So, there is MORE waste in peasant farming societies than there is in industrialized, over-built, over-manufactured, trash-generating cities?

So, there is MORE food security in areas plowed over to make mini-malls, and subdivisions, and highways, and office parks, and sports stadiums, and my personal favorite, grass lawns?

And, what is price? Price is based on money.

What is money? Money is a contrivance of governments to pay for guys with guns. Namely, money is used to buy violence, murder, war, death, and destruction. Without violence, there is no money (at least not in any way "the West" understands it).

To think "the West" is just going to buy its way out of collapse, is an example of their total detachment from reality.

For the vast majority of the world, without any money, the end of oil will just seem like a slight inconvenience.

When the time comes, "the West" will learn their stock investments, and gold, and silver, and good jobs, and bank "savings" and credit cards and dollar "bills" (and other "money") will not let them keep the good life. "The West" has a sense of entitlement that makes absolutely no sense in a world of declining energy and material resources. But, this trash still thinks they are somehow immune, that they are the "exceptions" in the world.

It is a tragedy that the stupidest, most idiotic pieces of garbage the world has ever seen, happen to be the ones who control the world's resources, with the biggest military.

But, empires collapse suddenly (see Napoleon, the Ottomans, the Nazis/Japanese, the Soviets), and the Americans are next in line.
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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 14:07:18

You are welcome to your opinion. But America is the biggest exporter of food in the world, and many countries depend upon our mechanized agriculture. India, China, and many countries in Africa are dependant upon American grain. Without oil, we will cease exporting food, there will be a lot less food and it will cost more, but Americans will still be eating when much of the World starves. If you doubt we will survive, then look at the History of the Great Depression.
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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby noobtube » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 15:05:53

On a website called Peak Oil, you use the Great Depression as an example of what is coming?

Do you understand that oil was cheap and food was abundant during the Great Depression? FDR was destroying food to try and keep prices high so that banks and farms wouldn't collapse.
Food quality was at its highest.

That is not what is happening now.

Food quality in the United States is the worst it has ever been (including during World War 2). All of these chemical cocktails they are putting in American food has led to obesity, diabetes, gastronomical epidemics, cancers, and rampant heart disease.

What grains are the United States exporting? Are you talking about that Genetically Modified Organism bullshit they are dumping all over the world?

African food is best for Africans. Indian food is best for Indians. Bolivian food is best for Bolivians.

Americans think they are feeding the world because the TeeVee says Monsanto and Archer Daniels Midland just dumped tons of franken-foods on suspecting peasant farmers. And, the Americans think, see we are so exceptional. We're giving them help (that they never wanted).

You have French vessels stealing fish from African fishing waters. American vessels draining the Pacific of marine life. The Gulf of Mexico is totally polluted. And, little to nothing is caught off the Northeast because Americans overfished it to extinction. Almost everything there has to be farmed. Pacific Northwest salmon are gone. Most corn goes to feed animals. And, the cattle are fattened on steroids and grains. The milk has pus in it. The oranges and cheese are sprayed with chemicals for color. Americans don't even know what they are putting in their mouths and fat bellies.

Americans steal African and Arab oil and dump contaminated, polluted, engineered "food" that no one else wants, in return.

With all the resources "the West" is stealing from Africa, Africans could EASILY feed triple its population.

There is nothing good the Americans are doing on this planet. All Americans are doing is trying to extend business-as-usual a little longer, for a miracle to save them from their degenerate, evil behavior on this planet.

It's not going to come and the world will do just fine once the Americans are wiped off the Earth.
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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby dissident » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 15:10:28

Ah yes, the trope about 3rd world corruption. People in the OECD who do not have the mental capacity to pay attention to what goes on around them are the ones that believe this pap about how they live in a non-corrupt paradise. Look around and see the rot and awe at its scale.
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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby Henriksson » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 15:46:11

noobtube wrote:So, there is MORE waste in peasant farming societies than there is in industrialized, over-built, over-manufactured, trash-generating cities?

It seems to me that you didn't really understand my post. No, there isn't, but that isn't to their advantage. Perversely, this is actually beneficial for OECD countries since they have a whole lot more low-hanging fruit, meaning that it is easier to decrease food consumption. Developing countries, meanwhile, are already cut to the bone.

noobtube wrote:African food is best for Africans. Indian food is best for Indians. Bolivian food is best for Bolivians.

If you have any idea how they'll adequately feed the whole population, I'd be interested to hear about it.

dissident wrote:Ah yes, the trope about 3rd world corruption. People in the OECD who do not have the mental capacity to pay attention to what goes on around them are the ones that believe this pap about how they live in a non-corrupt paradise. Look around and see the rot and awe at its scale.

I look around me and a see a society that, while far from perfect, is far better in terms of stability and corruption than most of the world.
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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby noobtube » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 17:33:36

pstarr wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
noobtube wrote:African food is best for Africans. Indian food is best for Indians. Bolivian food is best for Bolivians.

If you have any idea how they'll adequately feed the whole population, I'd be interested to hear about it.
Don't ask. He's the noob. (Hint: corn, potatoes, peppers, and lots of other foods were all 'discovered' (at least from a Eurocentric point of view) by Columbus. The world is a food carnival!

Oh. To answer the OP, yes world population will crash. But not in the ole' USA. :)

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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby noobtube » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 19:24:05

pstarr wrote:What's not serious? You made a dumb comment, I corrected it.

And by the way. Where did you come up with this BS?
All of these chemical cocktails they are putting in American food has led to obesity, diabetes, gastronomical epidemics, cancers, and rampant heart disease.

What grains are the United States exporting? Are you talking about that Genetically Modified Organism bullshit they are dumping all over the world?

You're not a vegan are you?

You must be one of those American "exceptionalists" I keep hearing about.

So, Americans are the exception to hunger and poverty?

Well, at least I know it wasn't sarcasm.
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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby Loki » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 20:20:41

Pete and Henriksson, please don't poke the retarded monkey. It just makes him squeal louder.

On a more important note, who's troll account do you think DesuMaiden is? I'm guessing Pops :lol: For a newbie, "she" seems to have the common peak oil memes down pat.
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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby Loki » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 21:35:51

pstarr wrote:Pops? No, only if he is an intense Asian kid.

So you're saying Pops is the intense Asian kid's troll account? Now everything makes sense.

Didn't you see DesuGuy's video? He seems to be researching his youtube account here.

No, is he a "true believer" or just eliciting responses to mock/dismiss? Don't care either way, the threads have been interesting.
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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby MD » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 21:56:01

DesuMaiden wrote:Once we run out of oil,

I repeat myself for you one more time:

Stop filling dumpsters, as much as you possibly can, and everything will get better.

Just think it through.
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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby dissident » Mon 13 Oct 2014, 23:35:56

pstarr wrote:You are just being a stickler, MD. That's like saying we haven't run out of road when we drive off the cliff. You could say the road is still there, but it is just vertical and unimproved :razz:

Another analogy is mayonnaise in a jar. There will always be some left which is not worth the effort to extract.
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Re: Will the world population crash after oil is gone?

Unread postby Pops » Tue 14 Oct 2014, 09:37:36

Hey, I put on my socks one at a time just like everyone else!

I don't see the population "crashing" as in slate-wiper dieoff from starvation or the necessity of walking to work even if the work is digging a ditch - perish the thought. Like pstar said elsewhere, it is an abundance of virtually free energy that has made this economy possible but I think it is the offshoot of that, the huge jump in knowledge, that has made the spike in population possible.

The population explosion is the result of a dramatic drop in overall mortality, rather than a rise in fertility. That drop is mostly due to the knowledge of germ theory and rise in public health efforts and sanitation. Vaccines and miracle drugs are a big deal but clean water and soap, and the sense to use them, are a huge factor and those aren't going away.
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