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Re: Hello!...And thanks for the education...

Unread postby WildRose » Sun 25 Jun 2006, 01:10:27


Do I detect a bit of wisdom in that area? The teenagers, that is.
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Re: Hello!...And thanks for the education...

Unread postby ubercynicmeister » Sun 25 Jun 2006, 23:42:01

WildRose wrote:Ubercynicmeister,

Do I detect a bit of wisdom in that area? The teenagers, that is.


No, it's just that I've done myriad outreach for things like astronomy and so forth for schools with teenagers.

I wish I could type more, but every time I go over a few lines this crummy browser starts to go funny - I need to re-load it.

Thanks for the reply, BTW.
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Greetings from South MS

Unread postby rexxz » Tue 27 Jun 2006, 08:51:08

Hello everyone. My name is Cory, and I come from Biloxi, Mississippi. As terrible as it may sound, I was only recently introduced to the reality of peak oil. I can say that I feel cheated for not being made aware of this information sooner, but no use in crying over spilled milk. I'm relatively young(18), and I've already been attempting to make long-term plans for my future. It looks like my plans need changing now.

I want to learn as much as I possibly can about this, and perhaps discuss solutions with the rest of you. Hopefully y'all can point me in the right direction...
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Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby presidentsherrill » Tue 27 Jun 2006, 18:59:08

Just tipping my hat in to say hi and to welcome myself to the forum. I have been aware of peak oil for a few years now. Though I would have to classify that I am not a doomer, but someone who boldly welcomes the new world that peak oil will eventually bring on.

Last edited by presidentsherrill on Tue 27 Jun 2006, 19:14:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby holmes » Tue 27 Jun 2006, 19:09:03

Greetings in the name of his Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I, Jah Rastafari. Ever faithful, ever living, ever sure. Conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, Elect of God and King of the Kings of Ethiopia. Yeah! Yeah! Ever living, ever sure! Yeah! Positive vibrations! Yeah!
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Re: Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby presidentsherrill » Tue 27 Jun 2006, 19:17:40

Greetings to you as well, but I was under the impression that Emperor Haile Salassie I, was dying of a rear entrance anal tract infection. If he is making a recovery I am most pleased to hear of this wonderous news. Please give your liege my best.
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Re: Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby holmes » Tue 27 Jun 2006, 19:23:48

I see u dont like to have fun. o well. cheer up. its just a reggae music thing. Thats what I get for greeting people. The last time. Good luck in MO.
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Re: Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby Pops » Wed 28 Jun 2006, 10:21:52

Hello from Lawrence County, Pres.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby presidentsherrill » Wed 28 Jun 2006, 14:13:30

Greetings Pops, and thank you for the kind welcome.
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Re: Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby Pops » Wed 28 Jun 2006, 14:39:29

Don’t mention it, have you been lurking around here or just find us?

We sure do like your area of the world out here, we are runaways from Cent. CA almost two years now. The little towns we grew up in were a lot like the one we live near now – about 35mi west of you. Of course those Ca towns are overran by commuters from the Bay Area now.

Can’t complain though, they paid for our farm! ;>)

I’m not really a true Doomer either - which isn’t to say I believe things won’t go to Hell in a hand basket; they just might. I do believe folks that set themselves up for the future will have a chance to get by.

Can’t say I welcome it tho :)
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby clueless » Wed 28 Jun 2006, 15:21:01


How did you make the adjustment from CA to farmland ? I moved from Ca to Oregon (where I grew up, but have been away for 20 years) and have struggled a bit.

I didn't necessarily move for fear of PO in Ca, but wanted to live somewhere where I didn't have to have a mortgage, and could raise my kids (although the fact my family owns land up here crossed my mind a few times).

How do you get Ca out of your blood ? I find myself hoping for peak oil to come quickly in order to justify my moving...

Got any advice for a Clueless ex-Californian ?
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Re: Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby presidentsherrill » Wed 28 Jun 2006, 16:39:55

I have been a part time lurker for over a year, I just recently moved to springfield, which is actually a far larger city than where I am from. I thought I would come down here and continue my education and try to find a job to boot. I read alot of the post in here and it seems that most of the members are either hardcore doomers and those that want to live off the grid. While I find peakoil to be a major problem, we may not truely feel any major problems for 10 years or more, so I just wonder why some people feel they have to duck tail and run.
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Re: Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby clueless » Wed 28 Jun 2006, 16:56:56

Yeah, I lurked for about a year before posting. I guess I needed some support from the frustration I was feeling from being ignored.

I realized "living off the grid" was ridiculous, and not viable. I believe, in the near term, the debt problem is a far bigger problem than Peak Oil. A broke, indebted population, living in an economy that is driven by 75% consumption is not a good mix.

As a country we are hanging by a thread. A broke, indebted population will be compelled to stop consuming one way or another Peak Oil or not.

Problems will be felt here in this country before 10 years, I just don't think they will come visibly from oil - Debt and a falling dollar are going to paralyze the good ole US of A.
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Re: Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby Pops » Wed 28 Jun 2006, 18:30:47

Clue, we were both farm kids, Susan was raised in a peach orchard (not literally of course) and I on a ranch. I’m not sure what part of CA you are from but the central valley is not what most folks think of when they talk about CA – even CA city folks.

Most think of LA or San Francisco – I’ve been to the Bay maybe 5 times (it was 80 miles away) and LA maybe 3 except for work. As I mentioned above where we live now is much more like where we grew up than some strange land.

I always wanted and planned for a little place and it is simply unattainable in CA.

From the [Opinion] Assessments and Plans thread:

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004

“My short-term concerns are primarily the precarious conditions of the economy. Bubbles, bubbles everywhere, real estate over exuberance, weak dollar, current account deficit, huge federal, state and personal debts, jobless recovery. A short-term political or terrorist induced oil crunch could be devastating to this house of cards. Long term I’m still worried about the economy and my non-expert energy outlook is flat and even declining prices for maybe 5-8 years, then at first gradual then accelerating increases thereafter.”

My Crystal Ball was off at least for the first 2 years after review but I’m not convinced it will get worse in the short term – but I was wrong before. :)

presidentsherrill wrote:While I find peakoil to be a major problem, we may not truely feel any major problems for 10 years or more, so I just wonder why some people feel they have to duck tail and run.

Ten years ain’t a long time after you get through 50 of them. As a young buck (which I’ll assume you are until corrected) I too may have chosen fight over flight. But after a little experience I have decided on the veracity of the saying “Discretion is the better part of valor.”

Kids, grandkids and hard-won assets and the above assessment prompted me to jump off the merry-go-round and entrench. As for running, it’s to outdistance the other guy, not the bear…

And there is a reason the tail is tucked while running – to protect the assets.

The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Greetings from springfield mo

Unread postby presidentsherrill » Wed 28 Jun 2006, 19:36:40

Well 27 actually, I suppose you can consider that young. :)
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Re: New members- Tell us about yourselves

Unread postby auwolf » Sat 22 Jul 2006, 08:50:16

Hiya, I'm 27, stay-at-home-mum to a *nearly* 2 year old, and am in Australia (where we don't all own guns so reading the BOB thread was a bit of an eye-opener to me LOL!) I read LATOC on Thursday, and am quite overwhelmed though am jumping into planning for the worst. My partner, an IT geek, is an eternal optimist and while he believes in PO he thinks I'm going a bit overboard. *sigh* I pointed out it does no harm to be prepared, but if we aren't prepared and the SHTF we could die. He still thinks I am being overdramatic, but he hasn't read the whole LATOC website.

I have some questions on preparedness stuff and I guess I'll find my way through.

I am really glad we live where we do though (geographically) as we are in a subtropical climate, everything grows here all year round and winters are balmy. The hardest thing to deal with is the humidity (I will miss aircon I have to say LOL!) The suburb could be better too but we're looking at moving somewhere better soon.
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Hello everyone, I'm new...

Unread postby Clann » Thu 27 Jul 2006, 10:47:41

Hiya everyone, I've just joined

Currently doing some research into this very very complex topic. Looking forward to meeting you all, if anyone has some BASIC info on peak oil would be glad to hear/discuss it, although excuse my ignorance on it! Lol.
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Re: Hello everyone, I'm new...

Unread postby TheTurtle » Thu 27 Jul 2006, 11:21:24

Welcome, Clann! :-D

There's lots of information here at I'd recommend that you start with this link:
A Peak Oil Issues Introduction
put together by Montequest, one of our Senior Moderators.
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Re: Hello everyone, I'm new...

Unread postby Ayoob » Thu 27 Jul 2006, 13:34:14

Watch the Albert Bartlett video, read the Olduvai Gorge thread, and stay away from the hippies.

After you climb back down from the ceiling, check into the Preparing for the Future forum and read everything Ludi writes. After that, go eat your bacon and eggs and do pushups.
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Re: Hello everyone, I'm new...

Unread postby Fergus » Thu 27 Jul 2006, 15:33:56


Watch the Albert Bartlett video, read the Olduvai Gorge thread, and stay away from the hippies.

After you climb back down from the ceiling, check into the Preparing for the Future forum and read everything Ludi writes. After that, go eat your bacon and eggs and do pushups.

Welcome. If your still coherent after the Gorge thread, well then theres hope for you. If that thread does not throw you over the deep end, nothing will. Thats a doozey of a thread .
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