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Re: *deep breath* Hello...?

Unread postby Raxozanne » Fri 21 Apr 2006, 16:20:34

nemo wrote:We're still monkeys, but if you look at a long enough timeline, I'm sure you'll agree with me that we are actually improving? Sapiens is better than Erectus is better than slimy bacteria, IMHO.

Bacteria, erectus and sapiens all compete with each other and with other species. It's the name of the game of life.
I do admit that the bill of human rights was an incredible breakthrough though. But why would anyone live and let live when you can gain so much by taking (Genghis Kahn).

Don't mind me I'm just rambling...

Welcome anyway!
Hello, my name is Rax. I live in the Amazon jungle with a bunch of women. We are super eco feminists and our favourite passtimes are dangling men by their ankles and discussing peak oil. - apparently
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New Member.

Unread postby rvijay » Sat 22 Apr 2006, 08:44:29

Greetings Everyone !

I am a new member here and just wanted to introduce myself. Thanks to Tate (Username: directinfo) for suggesting this board. Lots of members, forums and posts/discussions here. Thanks for all the efforts to everyone involved.

I am just a small simple person interested in peak oil. Get most of my info. from Yahoo Groups. However, I might also lurk, share here from time to time.

Warm Regards to all,

Vijay :-D

Edited: I am from Canada, East Coast.
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Re: New Member.

Unread postby Aaron » Sat 22 Apr 2006, 09:08:32


Glad to have you here.

Many of us came from Yahoo Energy boards (myself included) as well.

This place really is what it appears to be... a genuine community.

No hidden agenda, or business aspect, or political ideology... just an academic inquiry in the traditional sense, from the top down.

This place is only possible because of an unlikely intersection of events & people. The right people just happened to come along at just the right moment to spontaneously create this site as it sits today. And because of the insight of a very bright guy who registered the domain name first, we all get to enjoy an "agenda free" site focused on depletion issues.

The coolest part is that it's one of those rare Internet experiences, where it's obviously genuine and above reproach on it's face. Being intentionally unpretentious, (can I say that?), generates a sure sort of credibility you don't see often.

Especially on topics like peak oil, which are both, 1) in desperate need of a boost in credibility, & 2) critically important to our collective futures, this has enormous impact, (we believe), in educating about hydrocarbon depletion issues.

So anyway, welcome to the site...

Oh yeah...

When I write responses like this to new member posts, I'm also writing to the many, many lurkers who will read it... I see the server logs, and for every member who sees this post, 10 or 20 times that number of lurkers will see it.

So... Howdy all you lurkers out there! Join already & let's make a little human history together.


The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt, but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise... economics is a form of brain damage.

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Re: New Member.

Unread postby stu » Sat 22 Apr 2006, 09:30:18

Good point Aaron.

Too many lurkers and not enough members. I can guarantee that a lot of lurkers here have decided to google info about the current oil price rises and try to get clued up on the reasons and causes for this. They probably stumbled over one of the many Peak Oil sites out there and found us as well.

No doubt if you are learning the basics of PO and are starting to have a serious reality check then I don't blame you for lurking as it takes a lot of balls to embrace PO as a reality, even if you don't totally believe it.

Either that or you think we're all a bunch of doomers trying to revive the spirit of Y2K. :lol:
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Re: New members- Tell us about yourselves

Unread postby SampanViking » Sat 22 Apr 2006, 18:37:33

Hi I am the SampanViking

I am an Administrator for your new partner site Chinese Economy Today, the site that specialises in news and discussion regarding er....

Most of my interests are either China centered or at least Chinacentric, but I do have the need to gather information regarding the greater global economy and energy supplies are a part of the operation.

I hope to be able to contribute my knowledge in those areas I can and benefit from that of the other members.
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Re: New Member.

Unread postby rvijay » Sun 23 Apr 2006, 17:10:56

Thanks for the warm welcome Aaron and stu. Hope this site grows and serves many people. :-D
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Re: New Member.

Unread postby Barbara » Sun 23 Apr 2006, 17:42:26

Great post, Aaron.
Sometimes there's a need to remember the good ole days! :lol:
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Re: New Member.

Unread postby emailking » Sun 23 Apr 2006, 23:19:23

It took a lot of lurking before I felt confident to say anything at all on these boards. And even then, my first few posts were in my field of expertise, and unrelated to peak oil.
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Old time lurker

Unread postby aragon » Wed 26 Apr 2006, 16:47:33

About 3 years ago i became peak oil aware.In that time span i have educated myself about the issues,the problems, and the path ahead.I have read all the books i could get my hands on and surfed the web.The peak oil web site and myself are old friends and i have lurked here since its beginnings.I have gone through the roller coaster ride of ups and downs,doubt and self pity that this issue seems to bring out in all of us. The conclussions i have reached are that we are in big trouble.If we were all pulling in the same direction with a common goal we might have got through this.As a species we are in denial.We live in a finite enviroment with finite resources and yet we pursue infinite growth. In fact we have created a system that demands it.The only superpower on the planet has made its choice, secure the oil at its source.You dont have to be a genius to see where this is leading.Resource at 11.
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Re: Old time lurker

Unread postby Aaron » Wed 26 Apr 2006, 16:58:23

Welcome & thanks for posting...

What a long, strange trip it's been...
The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt, but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise... economics is a form of brain damage.

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Re: Old time lurker

Unread postby stu » Wed 26 Apr 2006, 17:07:40

Welcome aboard.

Good to see more lurkers jumping on.

For starters I recommend this website to help you decide what is more realistic and whether you are an optimist, doomer or moderate.

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Re: Old time lurker

Unread postby bobbyald » Wed 26 Apr 2006, 17:25:04


I agree with your assessment.

As a species we were never going to pull together - resources wars it is then.

Good luck.
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Re: Old time lurker

Unread postby killJOY » Wed 26 Apr 2006, 17:26:37

Be advised: This stops being "fun" once you realize how persistent the deniers are.

[I put "fun" in quotes because it's never actually "fun" at all.]
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Re: Old time lurker

Unread postby aragon » Wed 26 Apr 2006, 17:55:00

Thanks for the link Stu been there done that.As far as which camp i am in that should be obvious we are in over shoot. As i like to call it TMP(to many people).I would like to thank three people.Aaron you have made me laugh alot, Monte you have made me think,and last but not least Jack youve made me sad but wiser.
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Re: Old time lurker

Unread postby Aaron » Wed 26 Apr 2006, 19:58:29

Our pleasure... glad to see another sane person.
The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt, but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise... economics is a form of brain damage.

Hazel Henderson
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Re: Old time lurker

Unread postby aragon » Wed 26 Apr 2006, 21:35:11

Sane perhaps,but by the standards of the rest of the world less then so.People have little interest in something that might inconvenience their life styles.To most, the peak oil forum is a cult of Cassandras at best tolerated at worst ignored.We live in a world of me, me, me, more, more, and more.If you tell people that their way of life is going to have to change to shift down,you might as well have a sign around your neck saying the end is near.The truth may be out their but most are not interested.I am really going to miss starbucks coffee.....sigh......
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A Belated Hello

Unread postby mjdlight » Thu 27 Apr 2006, 21:13:03

Long time lurker, I just recently started posting after I felt I was finally ready to contribute posts that will add to the discussion. I hope that assumption proves to be correct.

What about me? 26 year old male/part time grad student (phd in PoliSci) with a fairly decently paying full time job. Oddly enough, my first sort of encounter with Peak Oil came when I caught "The Prize" on PBS when I was about 10 or 11. (I was a strange kid.) After the first few segments, when the paramount importance of oil to our way of life became obvious even to me, a child, I began to ask myself, "How much of this stuff is left? What happens if we run out someday?" This question was never addressed by "The Prize" until the closing moments, when the narrator said something to the effect of, "Supplies will last well into the 21st century...blah blah blah." Reassured, I thought nothing of the matter for 15 years or so.

Fast forward to last year. The rapidly rising cost of gas sends me off to the Internet to do some research on oil. Soon enough, I stumbled across Savinar's site. This was my first exposure to peak oil. Instantly, the memory of my childhood question/worry came flooding back to me. After peeing my pants for a couple of days, I began to look into peak oil in earnest.

End result...still worried. Quite worried. If there's one thing I've got going for me, its that my father raised me "old school." I was told at a young age, "What a man can't afford, he can't have." The idea that credit cards were only to be used as a cash substitute and paid off in full every month and on time was impressed upon me again and again. I've kept that habit to this day, and I've never failed to pay my bills in full and on time. I live in a small, clean apartment that has an easily affordable rent. Heat is paid by the landlord and my electricity bill is low. I drive a used Corolla. My entertainment and RandR pursuits are low cost. I save money every month.

My next goal is to become a more efficient user of energy. I'm also looking into enrolling in NJ's CleanEnergy program, which allows you to channel your electricity bill payments to wind/solar generating companies. Slightly higher monthly cost, but so worth it, in my opinion.

I know this may sound silly, but being debt-free and living well within my means makes me feel slightly more secure about hitting the peak in my lifetime, though sometimes I think this is the equivalent of looking out the window of an airplane and thinking, "If the plane crashes, the clouds will catch me!" I guess we all have our pyschological defense mechanisms, right? At least I don't believe in fairytales like abiotic oil, right? :)

Anyway, I'm a huge music fan. Mostly very obscure stuff, but a few truly talented (IMHO) mainstream artists appeal to me. Anyway, one of these groups is Tool. And one of their songs, "Aenima" -- an enema-- get it? seems to me to be the perfect anthem (despite being LA-centric) for the truly misanthropic, cynical Doomers. So True-blue Doomers, if you've never heard of Tool or their music, take a look at these lyrics (and especially the final stanza!):

Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this
bullshit three ring circus sideshow of
Freaks here in this, hopeless fucking, hole we call LA.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time.
Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.

Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.
It's a bullshit three ring circus sideshow of
Freaks here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time.
Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.

Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.
Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will
I sure could use a vacation from this
stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit...
One great big festering neon distraction,
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.
Learn to swim.
Learn to swim.
Learn to swim.
Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be.

Fuck L Ron Hubbard and fuck all his clones.
Fuck all these gun-toting Hip gangster wannabes.
Fuck retro anything. Fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all you junkies and fuck your short memory.
Fuck smiley glad-hands with hidden agendas.
Fuck these dysfunctional, insecure actresses.

'Cause I'm praying for rain
and I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom please flush it all away.
I wanna see it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.

Time to bring it down again.
Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.
I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.
I wanna see it come down.
Suck it down.
Flush it down.

Again, hi everyone. Thanks for having me. I hope I can contribute to the great discussions on :)
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Re: A Belated Hello

Unread postby threadbear » Thu 27 Apr 2006, 22:54:41

Welcome MjDlight, Like the lyrics, appreciate your anxiety. It aint going to be pretty, but looks like you'll do fine, wherever you may be, when things get nasty.
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Re: A Belated Hello

Unread postby coyote » Fri 28 Apr 2006, 01:12:04

Excellent introduction, MJD. You were a smart kid, too bad they lied to you like that.

Like the lyrics, they express the extreme exasperation with what our way of life has become, and what it feels like it's leading to. Even without knowledge of Peak Oil, there's just a feeling that things can't keep going the way they are.

I respect your conservative responsibility with money and means, you're doing better than I am. I think those clouds may help you after all -- you won't have to go through the period of readjustment most of us will. And, of course, you won't have the creditors knocking on your door...

Good luck, and welcome.
Lord, here comes the flood
We'll say goodbye to flesh and blood
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Re: New Member.

Unread postby Annette » Fri 28 Apr 2006, 02:26:59

My name is Annette. I live in Melbourne, Australia. Just moved here about 9 months ago. I’m 19 years old. I work for a major importing company. Live here is a lot different from where I come from in the country.
I have only just recently become aware of Peak Oil thanks to my informed partner. We are trying to prepare for what is coming, though I’m still not too sure what to expect.
PO needs to happen. The society now makes me sick. Will the zombies wake up?
Another thing is its funny the amount of people who are consumer mad. Now I admit to purchasing items I don’t really need or eating something I don’t need or some of the time don’t want. I can’t wait for all this to disappear.
I would love to hear from other PO aware people from my area.
Looking forward to putting in my 2 cents.
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