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THE Ukraine Thread (merged)

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Re: Ukraine: Flu virus H1N1 mutates

Unread postby Mesuge » Fri 06 Nov 2009, 08:07:19

This is apparently organized mass hysteria for both domestic and int. audience consumption from the circles of the president's office aka the "pro-western democratic" leader with cca <5% approval ratings. The issue here is that Ukraine is again late with its gas payments to Russia.
They just play it with Brussels and IMF, "..Look Ma, we are sick and dying, please extend the credit for russian gas or the disease will spread over winter and kill-off the continent in short order.."

Btw. yes, they have genuine natural propensity to epidemics, for instance the rate of HIV/AIDS is much higher than in the rest of Europe, but this one is just very poor taste spectacle.

Disclaimer: in case this is in fact the "big one" scenario (probability 0.01%), and we are entering the age of human population trimming sooner than expected via bioweapons, we must acknowledge that the PTB could hardly find more suitable place to launch it from..
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Re: Ukraine: Flu virus H1N1 mutates

Unread postby felmetk » Fri 06 Nov 2009, 15:07:31

I'm a physician and I've been watching this.

I could be wrong, but think it's politically motivated hysteria in a country with inadequate medical resources. I'm sure swine flu is hitting them hard, but the number of hospitalized cases and mortalities does not yet suggest a more severe illness than we've seen in the states. It's impossible to know the denominator of mildly ill or asymptomatic cases.

the site AFT can be a bit inflammatory. There's a lot of bad reporting on this topic out there. Watch the WHO website for reliable updates.
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Re: Ukraine: Flu virus H1N1 mutates

Unread postby Dreamtwister » Fri 06 Nov 2009, 19:30:28

jbrovont wrote:There was a site keeping fairly up to date news on this, but about 48 hours ago it started getting very laggy and now it's just dissapeared from the internet: (notice I'm not posting a link or saying go here - it's aparently out of service now.

I've been reading the site regularly for over a year without any problems, but within a few hours of it posting the Baxter story (along with a lot of supporting links/arguments) it was toast. Could be coincidence - I'm not much one for full tin-foil theories, but it's just kinda weird.

I don't know if it's a conspiracy or not, but I'm more inclined to think it's because of the more than doubling of reported cases over the last 24 hours.

Here's a site with better performance:

nearly 900,000 reported cases reported
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Re: Ukraine: Flu virus H1N1 mutates

Unread postby RedStateGreen » Sat 07 Nov 2009, 14:27:37

felmetk wrote:I'm a physician and I've been watching this.

I could be wrong, but think it's politically motivated hysteria in a country with inadequate medical resources. I'm sure swine flu is hitting them hard, but the number of hospitalized cases and mortalities does not yet suggest a more severe illness than we've seen in the states. It's impossible to know the denominator of mildly ill or asymptomatic cases.

the site AFT can be a bit inflammatory. There's a lot of bad reporting on this topic out there. Watch the WHO website for reliable updates.


I just read (still looking for that link but this other one is pretty consistent with it) that while the number of SUSPECTED (meaning people rushing to the doctor) cases is unusually high, the actual mortality in the Ukraine with H1N1 (22 in 255,000 cases) is identical to the rest of the world, so far, if not lower.
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Re: Ukraine: Flu virus H1N1 mutates

Unread postby Quinny » Sat 07 Nov 2009, 15:18:51


225indigomoon wrote:I trust what RSOE EDIS reports.
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Re: Ukraine: Flu virus H1N1 mutates

Unread postby Kristen » Sat 07 Nov 2009, 18:40:28

Can the body even reach 55 degrees Celsius?
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Re: Ukraine: Flu virus H1N1 mutates

Unread postby felmetk » Sat 07 Nov 2009, 21:59:08

Kristen wrote:Can the body even reach 55 degrees Celsius?

no. and you don't measure the temperature inside the lungs. and lungs don't melt, since they are mosly water. the "article" is absurd.
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Re: Ukraine: Flu virus H1N1 mutates

Unread postby CarnbY » Mon 09 Nov 2009, 10:01:09

225indigomoon wrote:I trust what RSOE EDIS reports.

The numbers seem outdated, at least in Norway's case it lists one death, but we have had 16. It's a high number compared to for example Sweden and Denmark. People in high-risk groups are getting vaccinated as the vaccines are made available.
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Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby toast » Tue 17 Nov 2009, 01:02:50

This internet story of a bio-weapon being released in Ukraine has been going on for a month with no clear answers. Are we dealing with something real or is this just internet hype? Can anyone in Europe comment?
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Re: Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby Dreamtwister » Tue 17 Nov 2009, 02:10:10

The incident is genuine (It's spread to southern Belarus as well), but I'm not entirely sold on the "bio weapon" theory. Consider:

There are plague outbreaks all the time, in nearly every country on earth. In most industrialized nations, the outbreaks are quickly caught and contained. Very few people actually die. But this year is different. Some of the early symptoms of pneumonic plague are fever, chills, aches and weakness. Sounds a lot like flu, doesn't it? The scenario practically writes itself.

Some guy isn't feeling well, so he hops on the bus to the local hospital. The doctor, overworked and stressed out by the "H1N1 pandemic" paranoia sees him. This is the 34th patient he's seen today who presented with fever and a headache. Sounds like flu. "Here, take these antivirals and go home." Patient goes back home (on the bus again).

24 hours later, patient 0 is coughing up blood, and half the people on the bus show up at the hospital with fever and a headache...2 weeks later, they are burning corpses and declaring martial law.

Sure, plague is treatable with antibiotics, but how many countries keep a 2 week supply of tetracyclin on hand for 43 million people?

And let's not even think about what might happen if this strain is antibiotic-resistant... 8O
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Re: Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby sparky » Tue 17 Nov 2009, 07:09:49

I saw in a Chechen blog ( made in Britain ) a report of bubonic plague in Ukraine but those guys are very very flaky.
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Re: Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby Dr. Ofellati » Tue 17 Nov 2009, 08:10:41

Dreamtwister wrote:The incident is genuine (It's spread to southern Belarus as well), but I'm not entirely sold on the "bio weapon" theory. Consider: --snip--
Sure, plague is treatable with antibiotics, but how many countries keep a 2 week supply of tetracyclin on hand for 43 million people? And let's not even think about what might happen if this strain is antibiotic-resistant... 8O
I buy it. Good analysis.
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Re: Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby crude_intentions » Tue 17 Nov 2009, 18:10:16

We know that the internal temperature of the lungs of those with a terminal case of what many are calling ‘Ukrainian Plague’ is often from 130F to 135F.

This sounds like bunk. Death occurs within 15 mins at tempature above 106F. I don't see anyway possible for tempatures to get that high.

“Suspicious aircraft were forced to land. A US operated (Russian-made long-range heavy transport) AN-124 changed its call sign from civilian to military which then triggered a response from the IAF (Indian Air Force) upon entering Pakistani air space (forcing) the plane to land in Mumbai while (a) second one was forced down by Nigerian fighter jets that also arrested the crew.”

“According to reports, China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force contacted the Indian and Nigerian intelligence officials about the presence of these US operated Ukrainian aircraft amidst growing concern that the United States was spreading ‘biological agents’ in the Earth’s atmosphere, which some Chinese officials believed to be an attempt to (commit) mass genocide via the spread of H1N1 swine flu.”

These aircraft “were carrying ‘waste disposal’ systems that could spray up to 45,000kg (nearly 100,000 pounds) of aerial type mist from sophisticated….nano pipes” in the planes’ wings – called chemtrails.

Our goverment granted is stupid but not insane. With the ability for a human being to be in New Delhi 9am and New York City at 9pm. No sane goverment on earth would release an airborne biological agent with a human to human transmission vector. Hell even in a state of war the U.S would probably use A TNS (Tatical Nuclear Strike) above releasing a biological agent.
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Re: Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby Dr. Ofellati » Tue 17 Nov 2009, 18:31:56

crude_intentions wrote:
We know that the internal temperature of the lungs of those with a terminal case of what many are calling ‘Ukrainian Plague’ is often from 130F to 135F.

This sounds like bunk. Death occurs within 15 minutes at temperatures above 106F. I don't see any way possible for temperatures to get that high.

Systemic temperature. It's the brain that is damages by high temp.

I don't agree that it's true, but I can imagine bacteria in lungs causing temps to rise rapidly. Seems unlikely, though.
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Re: Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby timmac » Tue 17 Nov 2009, 18:46:06

Article said 200,000 people a day were getting infected and now down to 100,000 a day and now has spread to Poland ??

But not one bleep on the main stream news about this, [CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Etc, Etc]

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Re: Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby DrBang » Tue 17 Nov 2009, 19:38:29

What ever is happening, there is some serious monkey business going down here. Depends I guess whether you trust the WHO.

Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, Ukraine - update 1 from WHO website

3 November 2009 -- According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the country has now recorded more than 250 000 cases of influenza-like illness, with 235 patients requiring intensive care. As of 2 November, 70 deaths from acute respiratory illness have been reported.

Regions in western Ukraine continue to show the highest rates of acute respiratory illness/influenza-like illness. The level of activity in the Kyiv area is also increasing rapidly.

Laboratory testing in Ukraine has confirmed pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in samples taken from patients in two of the most affected regions. As the pandemic virus has rapidly become the dominant influenza strain worldwide, it can be assumed that most cases of influenza in Ukraine are caused by the H1N1 virus.

This tells me something is happening. Then again that something may not be ethical in context of the people we look to to guide us through these sorts of things.

Ukraine Flu Outbreak: Virus Is a Mixture of H1N1 and Parainfluenza, Causes Cardiopulmonary Failure
Interview with Dr. Victor Bachinsky ... &aid=16088

Based on autopsies, we have come to the conclusion: it’s not pneumonia, but cardiopulmonary insufficiency and cardiogenic shock... The virus enters directly into the lungs, there is bleeding... Antibiotics should not be used...

Why do we have such a high mortality rate in the country?

Because people are going to pharmacies to get medicine instead of going to their doctors to be treated... No it is not pneumonic plague. It’s all nonsense... antibiotics do not help... Those with strong immune systems will survive. People with weak immune systems will succumb to the illness... Face Masks provide 30% extra protection. Wearing glasses gives an additional 10% protection, that is 40%, because the virus penetrates the mucose membranes.

The Head of the Chernivtsi regional forensic bureau, Professor Victor Bachinsky M.D. makes a strong statement: all the victims of the virus in Bukovina (22 persons aged 20 to 40 years) died not from bilateral (double) pneumonia, as previously thought, but as a result of viral distress syndrome, i.e. the total destruction of the lungs. We caught up with Professor Bachinsky, to find out how he came to this conclusion, and how people can protect themselves from this disease.

Professor, you said earlier that the virus, from which many people have died – is a mixture of types of parainfluenza and influenza A/H1N1. How do you cure this disease?

The question of how to treat this virus is not up to me. I am a pathologist. I just found out what it is and made an exact diagnosis. It is important to provide the correct treatment based on diagnosis.

For those who are interested in tracking this:

Confirmed/Probable Cases: 1424571
Fatal Cases: 316
This is an aggregate data point for Ukraine. To view individual incident reports, zoom the map in.


Total Destruction of Lungs in Ukraine Fatal H1N1 Cases

Recombinomics Commentary 04:22
November 9, 2009 ... Lungs.html

The symptoms are observed at different stages of disease - a fever with a temperature over 38 C, cough, respiratory disorders. When cough was characterized by negligible allocation phlegm or dry unproductive cough with blotches of blood. All the patients come to hospital on average by 3-7 days of onset, were in serious condition. Period of time from onset to death averaged from 4 to 7 days. In all patients during a hospital for signs of respiratory insufficiency of various degrees, which quickly rose and manifested accelerated respiration rate, shortness of breath and effectiveness of independent breathing. X-ray studies were performed on 1-2 day hospitalization. Most patients experienced a double-headed particles of lower lung lesion, followed by a trend towards total destruction.

Now, tell me why there is a complete blactout of news in the UK/US/Australia? The BBC did post a minor article but then nothing to follow. There is a lot I could post on this as I have been watching it. There are far more serious questions than answers (which may be ugly). I get the impression though that this is not the cup of tea for many posters on this site. IMO this is the start of something disgusting.

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Re: Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby Cloud9 » Wed 18 Nov 2009, 07:38:41

It took 146 days from the time the world became aware of the H1N1 outbreak in Mexico for the disease to arrive in my home town and kill a child.
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Re: Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby rangerone314 » Wed 18 Nov 2009, 09:24:06

Only able to find this so far from gov (embassy in Ukraine) about the flu there:

November 2, 2009
H1n1 Flu Outbreak in Western Ukraine

The U.S. Embassy is aware of the disease outbreak being widely reported in Western Ukraine. According to press reports, the Ministry of Health has confirmed that the disease in question is 2009-H1N1 influenza, sometimes referred to as novel H1N1 or swine flu. The Embassy is monitoring the situation and remains in contact with Ukrainian public health authorities responding to it. According to the press, Ukrainian authorities have put several precautionary measures in place. For example, the Embassy understands that the current school vacation will be extended for three weeks; authorities have asked that public gatherings not take place; and pregnant women are being advised to defer non-emergency visits to hospitals where patients suffering from flu-like symptoms are being treated. Additionally, some press reports have said that restrictions limiting the "unnecessary" movement between regions will be in place for the next three weeks, although no details of how officials will determine the urgency of travel have been released. Individuals reporting flu-like symptoms are being advised to limit contact with other people, and, in some cases, are being treated in isolation units at local hospitals. However, public health officials have told the Embassy that as of October 30, no general quarantine is in effect
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Re: Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby Pretorian » Wed 18 Nov 2009, 21:12:04

crude_intentions wrote:
We know that the internal temperature of the lungs of those with a terminal case of what many are calling ‘Ukrainian Plague’ is often from 130F to 135F.

This sounds like bunk. Death occurs within 15 mins at tempature above 106F. I don't see anyway possible for tempatures to get that high.

Once I come home from school and feel a bit cold. I dress up, doesn't help. I dress up like an Eskimo, doesnt help. So I told my father , and he gave me a thermometer, and after he looked at it (it was an old one with mercury, I didnt know how to look at it) he asked me very calmy: "Did you touch the lamp with it? " I had 107.25 for at least a few hours. Perhaps a bit more at some point. I was conscious and feeling fine (well, freezing). An hour later I started to fall asleep and had most weird dreams of my life.
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Re: Ukraine bio-weapon?

Unread postby DrBang » Wed 18 Nov 2009, 22:04:17

timmac wrote:Article said 200,000 people a day were getting infected and now down to 100,000 a day and now has spread to Poland ??

But not one bleep on the main stream news about this, [CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Etc, Etc]


One thing we should be well aware of by now is:

1 Just because it is not in mainstream news does not mean it does not exist


2 Mainstream news is bought, paid for and manipulated by people who don't have our (and I mean all of us) best interests at heart.

Mainstream media, the law, the finance system, government, law enforcement, military, food production, medical industry, energy production, etc

How many of these things are now so corrupt that they have outlived their usefulness?

Think for your self. No one else will.
Wishing it was not true doesn't change the consequences if it is.
Apathy and inaction will cost us all dearly.
Evolve or waste away, this the choice before us now.

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