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THE Terror / Terrorism Thread pt 4 (merged)

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Re: War on Terrorism = false flag

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Wed 23 Mar 2016, 08:07:45

He's also severely deluded if he thinks Plant's critique of Obama warrants the slightest bit of concern from NSA etc. There are probably still thousands of daily threats to kill the guy, mostly from within America. Millions upon millions of hate filled vitriolic posts about O on Facebook alone. Really what planet does Mos live on? Does he think is a hotbed of radicalism or what?
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Re: War on Terrorism = false flag

Unread postby Cog » Wed 23 Mar 2016, 08:45:34

What the left has attempted to do over these few decades is to control the language in such a way as to make certain words a crime or at least subject to shaming. Political correctness run wild. Donald Trump has exposed that for what it is and the left is infuriated over it. Which is why they are attempting to shut down Trump rallies and the right of his supporters to listen to him.

The left has a 1984 vision in mind where the state controls the language in such a way that thought crime becomes impossible. Illegal Alien? Can't use that word anymore. Undocumented worker is now the preferred phrase. Why is that? Because it changes the meaning of the person you are referring to, to make them seem more likable and their conduct more acceptable.

“In the end we shall make thought crime literally impossible,” explains the Newspeak engineer, “because there will be no words in which to express it” --1984
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Re: War on Terrorism = false flag

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 23 Mar 2016, 15:06:41

Cog wrote:The left has a 1984 vision in mind where the state controls the language in such a way that thought crime becomes impossible. Illegal Alien? Can't use that word anymore. Undocumented worker is now the preferred phrase. Why is that? Because it changes the meaning of the person you are referring to, to make them seem more likable and their conduct more acceptable.

“In the end we shall make thought crime literally impossible,” explains the Newspeak engineer, “because there will be no words in which to express it” --1984

Ennui isn't even that sophisticated. Ennui is just a classic "follower"--- he literally believes Obama can do no wrong and he loses his little mind and goes into a rage whenever obama is criticized.


Meanwhile Obama's response to the Brussel's islamic terror attacks just got even weirder.

It was bizarre enough that on the day of the attack he responded by going to a baseball game and doing "the wave." Today he gave a speech in which he (1) told people not to worry so much about IS because it isn't an "existential threat", (2) said he rejects efforts to defeat IS because that wasn't "smart", and (3) rejected the idea of stronger bombing attacks on the Islamic State because he claims it would only create more terrorists.

Basically, Obama is rationalizing doing as little as possible against Islamic extremist terrorists.
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Re: War on Terrorism = false flag

Unread postby onlooker » Fri 25 Mar 2016, 19:42:14

First my condolensces to families of the latest victims of Terrorism. Terrorism is all too real. This post that I begun is referring to the War on Terrorism. The West is reaping what they sowed. I find all your comments humorous is so much as the book referenced by Cog is a good primer on the effect of War and its value to a controlling elite power structure. War is about control, control of your own population both in a sly deceptive way ie. cultivating fear and also solidarity against an outside enemy. Also war is about a more direct oppressive condition that makes the State ubiquitous and intolerant of challenge. War is about projecting military might and having the justification to do so. War is about profit. Finally War is also about this from 1984 "The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact."
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Re: War on Terrorism = false flag

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 25 Mar 2016, 20:01:11

onlooker wrote:....War is also about this from 1984 "The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact."

I agree that Obama is not out to win the war, but I don't think its part of larger 1984-like policy to keep society on the brink of starvation or or to keep the structure of society intact or anything like that.

When it comes to the wars he started in Libya, Syria, etc. Obama is just kicking the can down the road to the next president. He's surprisingly good at starting little wars but he's basically unwilling to do what it would take to actually win those wars. Obama got to nominate one last SCOTUS justice, and he still occasionally lashes out at the police or the Rs or Putin or the Brits and the French or whoever else annoys him at any particular moment but at this point he is the lamest of lame ducks.

Obama seems to accept it---he knows he isn't going to do very much of anything at this stage except play golf and go on foreign trips and learn to tango and things like that.

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Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 20 Jun 2016, 12:29:19

The Dept. of Justice has just released heavily edited transcripts of the Omar-the-terrorists 911 calls to the police, made as he committed 49 murders as part of a terrorist attack in Orland Florida. The DOJ decided many of the statements the terrorist made were not politically correct, and so they were censored. Apparently every reference to Islamic terrorism or the Islamic State or such things was edited out----its hard to know exactly since those are the things that were deleted.

This seems a bit bizarre to me. The whole basis of the US justice system is that evidence is made public. The statements made by the terrorist as he murdered people are clearly evidence, and yet the DOJ has taken it upon itself to remove things that it found not be PC.

Of course, this has a literary counterpart in the MINISTRY OF TRUTH---the government agency in Orwell's 1984 in charge of deleting and altering history to remove anything that isn't politically correct.

It appears in our Brave New World of 2016 the US is now adopting certain unsavory methods predicted by George Orwell in his famous book "1984".

Suddenly the US DOJ is in the business of censoring historical documents and statements---this is more than a bit like Orwell's "Ministry of Truth."

"If its not PC---you don't have to know about it"

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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby onlooker » Mon 20 Jun 2016, 13:00:29

Yes,Plant, I would agree.

The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.
George Orwell
English essayist, novelist, & satirist (1903 - 1950)

from 1984
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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby Hawkcreek » Mon 20 Jun 2016, 13:07:16

Yes, it is becoming more and more clear that our biggest enemies are our owners.
But does anyone see a way to change that?
And please don't make me laugh by saying we should vote for the red, blue, or other team.
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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby careinke » Mon 20 Jun 2016, 15:23:41

Hawkcreek wrote:Yes, it is becoming more and more clear that our biggest enemies are our owners.
But does anyone see a way to change that?
And please don't make me laugh by saying we should vote for the red, blue, or other team.

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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 20 Jun 2016, 15:53:14

Obama has made such a fuss about the importance of not saying the magic words "Radical Islamic Terrorism" that it seems to have infected his justice department. Apparently it was verboten for even radical Islamist terrorists to talk about radical islamic terrorism.

But in one of the quickest flip-flops in US history, the justice department has reversed itself and released the full transcripts. Hundreds of deleted words and phrases that were censored because they are not politically correct, have been restored to the transcript.

Now, instead of reading "I pledge allegiance to ### #### ### may God protect him, on behalf of ### #### ####"

the transcript reads:

“I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of the Islamic State,” Mateen says on the new transcript.

Fortunately, honesty and openness have triumphed over the politically correct idiots in the Obama administration this time, but in the long haul history is running in the direction that Orwell so brilliantly predicted 60 years ago in "1984" and I expect full censorship of any talk of Islamic terrorism to begin about 2 years into the Clinton Administration.

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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 20 Jun 2016, 16:26:06

How the Obama administration would describe past historical events:

“The kamikaze pilot launched his attack on the U.S. aircraft carrier after proclaiming his loyalty to the Great Empire of [omitted] and its Emperor [omitted].”

“The S.S. division was utterly committed to [omitted] Germany and its leader [in German], the author of My Struggle [in German].”

“The cadres rampaged through China during the Cultural Revolution at the best of the Chairman of the [omitted], who urged them to [omitted], one of the sayings collected in his Little [omitted] Book.”

from Rich Lowry
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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Mon 20 Jun 2016, 19:36:11

Why is anybody complaining about Middle Eastern terrorists?
They'll be happy when they have done to us what they have done to themselves.
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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby efarmer » Tue 21 Jun 2016, 10:42:15

Terrorism is a common thread in human existence and allows a small cadre of zealots to use fear against a large mass of people and gain notoriety, power, and attention and whatever sympathy is out in the bigger pool of observers for the terrorists cause. The political right in America is concerned that the most clear and present danger form is properly branded, IMHO as this fits into their brainwashing of people whom they will disenfranchise in a New York second for power and bucks. The Neocon regime that ascended to power in 2001 blew the cork out of Saddam's barely contained Middle East version of Tito's Yugoslavia, I.E. a cultural and religious powder keg with a brutal dicator as the cork. Coinciding with the emergence of intenet technology, state of the art terrorist organizations emerged like Silicon Valley start ups and immediately began squabbling with each other for supremacy and the crown of barbarity for the best of the brutes. Fox News and the voices that stroked the Neocon meme to a nation of people lazy on their information sources are now parsing adjectives for terrorism as important branding information, I suppose so one knows if they are getting sate of the art Islamic Terrorism, medium quality Mexican Narco Terrorism, or a wacko who sees a vision in his pizza cheese, so they know if they are obtaining a quality product. I submit that News and media sources who run on fear mongering to make money are terrorists of a very low nature similar to scat throwing simians at the zoo. Neoconist Terrorism is a possible combination of a suitable adjective and terrorism. When career infopimps and culture clash vampires need to feed, they parse words like this instead of actions or real issues.
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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 21 Jun 2016, 23:03:35

The morons in the Obama administration have lost track of Omar-the-terrorists wife---they failed to arrest her or even watch her, even though they knew that she conspired with Omar to murder the 49 people in the gay club in Orlando ---- and now she's gone walkabout to parts unknown.

A. G. loretta-lynch-admits-federal-authorities-have-lost-orlando-shooters-wife]

The Islamic Terrorists who shot up the Christmas Party in San Bernadino were a husband and wife team. You'd think the dopes in the Obama administration would consider the possibility that Omar and his wife were a terrorist team.

But no. Apparently they were too busy censoring Omar-the-terrorist's 911 calls to remove all mention of Islam to be bothered about arresting his wife, even though she drove him around and helped him plan out the terror attack, and was in direct contact with him during the murder spree.

The feds just let the other Islamic terrorist get away!
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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 22 Jun 2016, 08:47:16

She said SHE didn't know the Wife's location, not that they were of tracking her.

Maybe they do, maybe they don't. Might just be hysteria.

I'll stay tuneded.
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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 22 Jun 2016, 12:51:53

Who could ever forget the grand moment when Obama, when asked about ISIS, said he had no strategy to deal with them.

Ooopsies.....two years later and the US is fighting two wars against ISIS in both Syria and Iraq.

Now the Obama administration says it has no strategy to deal with ISIS in Libya.

Ooopsies again.

Its like Deja Vu all over again. :lol:

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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 23 Jun 2016, 18:56:43 least he's consistent.

And Hillary want to build on his legacy!

And my alternative is Trump?

Oh good grief!
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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby GregT » Thu 23 Jun 2016, 19:31:13

Just be thankful that you live so far away from the US planter.

Support Obama, or learn to speak Russian, comrade.

US Bombing Syrian Troops Would Be Illegal

"In an internal “dissent channel cable,” 51 State Department officers called for “targeted military strikes” against the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, a proposal that President Barack Obama has thus far resisted. However, were he to accept the cable’s advice, he would risk a dangerous – possibly catastrophic – confrontation with Russia. And, such a use of military force in Syria would violate U.S. and international law."

"If the U.S. were to mount an armed attack on Syria, the (UN) Charter would give Assad a valid self-defense claim, and Russia could legally assist Assad in collective self-defense under Article 51 of the Charter. Moreover, forcible “regime change” would violate Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which the U.S. has also ratified."

"The Center for Citizen Initiatives, a group of U.S. citizens currently on a delegation to Russia in order to increase understanding and reduce international tension and conflict, issued a statement in strong opposition to the “dissent” cable. Retired Col. Ann Wright, anti-war activist Kathy Kelly and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern are part of the group."

“It is not the right of the USA or any other foreign country to determine who should lead the Syrian government,” the statement says. “That decision should be made by the Syrian people.”

"The statement urges the State Department “to seek non-military solutions in conformity with the UN Charter and international law.” It also urges the Obama administration to “stop funding and supplying weapons to armed ‘rebels’ in violation of international law and end the policy of forced ‘regime change’.” Finally, the statement calls for “an urgent nation-wide public debate on the U.S. policy of ‘regime change’.”"

"This is sage advice in light of the disasters created by the U.S. government’s forcible regime change in Iraq and Libya, which destabilized those countries, facilitating the rise of ISIS and other terrorist groups." ... be-illegal
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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby Theedrich » Thu 23 Jun 2016, 19:35:00

A small contribution to the discussion:

(Reference from Zero Hedge, “51% Of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia” at ... ant-sharia )

Submitted by Richard Spencer via,

Really, what did you expect?

A considerable portion of U.S. domestic and foreign policy is based on the assumption that Islam in the U.S. will be different: that Muslims here believe differently from those elsewhere, and do not accept the doctrines of violence against and subjugation of unbelievers that have characterized Islam throughout its history. But on what is that assumption based?

Nothing but wishful thinking. And future generations of non-Muslims will pay the price.
From: ... z3obT6vHs0:

“Meanwhile, An Islamic Fifth Column Builds Inside America,” by Paul Sperry, IBD, October 1, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

In berating GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson for suggesting a loyalty test for Muslims seeking high office, CNN host Jake Tapper maintained that he doesn’t know a single observant Muslim-American who wants to Islamize America.

“I just don’t know any Muslim-Americans — and I know plenty — who feel that way, even if they are observant Muslims,” he scowled.

Tapper doesn’t get out much. If he did, chances are he’d run into some of the 51% of Muslims living in the U.S. who just this June told Polling Co. they preferred having “the choice of being governed according to Shariah,” or Islamic law. Or the 60% of Muslim-Americans under 30 who told Pew Research they’re more loyal to Islam than America.

Maybe they’re all heretics, so let’s see what the enlightened Muslims think.

If Tapper did a little independent research he’d quickly find that America’s most respected Islamic leaders and scholars also want theocracy, not democracy, and even advocate trading the Constitution for the Quran.

These aren’t fringe players. These are the top officials representing the Muslim establishment in America today.

Hopefully none of them ever runs for president, because here’s what he’d have to say about the U.S. system of government:

• Muzammil Siddiqi, chairman of both the Fiqh Council of North America, which dispenses Islamic rulings, and the North American Islamic Trust, which owns most of the mosques in the U.S.: “As Muslims, we should participate in the system to safeguard our interests and try to bring gradual change, (but) we must not forget that Allah’s rules have to be established in all lands, and all our efforts should lead to that direction.”

• Omar Ahmad, co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the top Muslim lobby group in Washington: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Quran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.“

• CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.” Imam Siraj Wahhaj, director of the Muslim Alliance in North America: “In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing. And the only thing that will remain will be Islam.”

• Imam Zaid Shakir, co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, Calif.: “If we put a nationwide infrastructure in place and marshaled our resources, we’d take over this country in a very short time... What a great victory it will be for Islam to have this country in the fold and ranks of the Muslims.”...

These Islamic luminaries, who arguably spend more time with Muslims than Tapper, say the American Muslim community would rather live under a theocracy.

“Every Muslim who is honest would say, I would like to see America become a Muslim country,” Shakir said.

Why? Because Islam preaches that Allah's laws are superior to man-made laws and therefore requires the faithful to not only convert others, but also establish Islamic rule over others.

In this, Islam is unique.

It’s a key departure from Christianity, for one, which instructs followers to respect secular leaders — rendering “unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” — while living godly lives within secular societies.

So for devout Muslims, the Quran is more than just a holy book. It's a blueprint for government.

While Tapper’s ignorance is breathtaking, it’s par for the course for the inside-the-Beltway crowd.

The Washington punditry continues to harbor dangerously naive assumptions about Islam, which only emboldens Islamic supremacists growing exponentially within our borders.

• Sperry, formerly IBD Washington bureau chief, is author of “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington.”
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Re: Islamic Terrorism

Unread postby onlooker » Thu 23 Jun 2016, 19:38:50

GregT wrote:Just be thankful that you live so far away from the US planter.

Support Obama, or learn to speak Russian, comrade.

US Bombing Syrian Troops Would Be Illegal

"In an internal “dissent channel cable,” 51 State Department officers called for “targeted military strikes” against the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, a proposal that President Barack Obama has thus far resisted. However, were he to accept the cable’s advice, he would risk a dangerous – possibly catastrophic – confrontation with Russia. And, such a use of military force in Syria would violate U.S. and international law."

"If the U.S. were to mount an armed attack on Syria, the (UN) Charter would give Assad a valid self-defense claim, and Russia could legally assist Assad in collective self-defense under Article 51 of the Charter. Moreover, forcible “regime change” would violate Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which the U.S. has also ratified."

"The Center for Citizen Initiatives, a group of U.S. citizens currently on a delegation to Russia in order to increase understanding and reduce international tension and conflict, issued a statement in strong opposition to the “dissent” cable. Retired Col. Ann Wright, anti-war activist Kathy Kelly and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern are part of the group."

“It is not the right of the USA or any other foreign country to determine who should lead the Syrian government,” the statement says. “That decision should be made by the Syrian people.”

"The statement urges the State Department “to seek non-military solutions in conformity with the UN Charter and international law.” It also urges the Obama administration to “stop funding and supplying weapons to armed ‘rebels’ in violation of international law and end the policy of forced ‘regime change’.” Finally, the statement calls for “an urgent nation-wide public debate on the U.S. policy of ‘regime change’.”"

"This is sage advice in light of the disasters created by the U.S. government’s forcible regime change in Iraq and Libya, which destabilized those countries, facilitating the rise of ISIS and other terrorist groups." ... be-illegal

All show as the game of chicken continues between US and Russia/China
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