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THE Tsunami Thread (merged)

THE Tsunami Thread (merged)

Unread postby brentmeister » Sun 26 Dec 2004, 12:20:14

Yahoo news
Deaths Tolls Mount After Quakes, Tsunami 32 minutes ago,  World - AP Asia, By The Associated Press:

More than 7,000 people were reported dead across southern Asia, most killed by massive tidal waves that smashed coastlines after a magnitude 8.9 earthquake off the Indonesian coast Sunday morning, followed by reports of a 7.3 magnitude jolt in India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean.

Here is a breakdown of the toll so far:
_ Sri Lanka: About 3,000 are reported dead, and as many as 1 million displaced, police said. Massive tidal waves smash coastal villages.

_ India: Nearly 1,900 are reported dead, according to government officials. Huge waves left southern beaches strewn with bodies and flipped-over fishing boats and cars. Some flooding was reported.

_ Indonesia: At least 1,902 are reported dead, according to a health ministry officials. Towns were leveled and bodies wedged in trees by walls of water. Aceh province on Sumatra island — torn by separatist violence for years — was near the Indonesian quake's epicenter and was the hardest-hit part of the vast archipelago.

_ Thailand: Officials said 289 people died, 3,675 were injured and thousands were missing, mostly in idyllic southern islands packed with holiday revelers from around the world at the height of the tourist season. Swimmers were battered on coral reefs and sunbathers were swept out to sea.

_ Malaysia: At least 42 people, including an unknown number of foreign tourists, were dead, according to official reports. Tens of thousands were temporarily evacuated from hotels and apartments after the Indonesian quake was felt throughout peninsular Malaysia. No major damage was reported.

_ Bangladesh: After the Indonesian quake, a magnitude 7.36 temblor struck the southern port city of Chittagong. Tidal surges killed at least two children as a boat with about 15 tourists capsized. Reports said the quake was felt in the central, southern and western parts of the country, including the capital Dhaka.

_ Maldives: No deaths were confirmed, but much of this low-lying country of coral atolls off India's southwestern coast, a popular and expensive tourist destination, is reportedly inundated. The country's only international airport is closed.

I don't know what to say.
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Unread postby BorneoRagnarok » Mon 27 Dec 2004, 04:37:58

My friend in Northern states of Peninsular Malaysia almost died yesterday. She overslept so she miss the tsunami. The micro tsunami ( 5 -8 metres) hit the beach 1:15 p.m. yesterday. A lot of people are camping in the beach while enjoying the sun. 20 minutes, later a lot people been swept to the sea never to be seen again. Many fellow citizens were fishing people out of the sea.

People fleeing house by the seas. There were overturned cars, boats and debris everywhere. No one knows the extent of casualties. Official figures are far lower than the actual ones. ... p1wave.jpg

The same scenarios will be repeated by 'peak oil'. In a short interval, people find they don't have any mobility to move their fat aces around. Their cars will be turned to luxury chicken coops virtually overnight. Electricity supply will be cut off and no clean running water due to lack of diesel for water intake pumps. No foods as the food wasted in the farm and warehouse like former Soviet Union. Then dieoff will begin and last for generations like the previous Roman Empire.
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Unread postby Laurasia » Mon 27 Dec 2004, 22:35:36

I'm glad you're okay; I'm glad your friend's okay.

My condolences...those numbers are staggering and mindblowing.


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Unread postby mindfarkk » Mon 27 Dec 2004, 23:23:45

Borneo - very sorry for all who have lost their lives, glad your friend survived.
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Death toll from Tidal Waves may reach 45,000

Unread postby wzx » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 00:42:07

Tuesday December 28, 12:07 PM
'Biggest relief effort ever' as Asian disaster toll predicted to hit 45,000

The biggest humanitarian relief operation ever mounted was underway along Asia's devastated shores as the death toll from a massive earthquake and the tidal waves it unleashed was predicted to hit 45,000. With the scale of the catastrophe still unfolding the confirmed death toll passed 27,000 in nine countries -- but Indonesia warned that it alone could have suffered up to 20,000 more fatalities on top of its official figure of 4,725 deaths. Indonesia's Vice President Yusuf Kalla, who is in charge of coordinating relief efforts, said he estimated that "21,000 to 25,000 people" had been killed in Sunday's disaster.

The quake, the biggest in 40 years at 9.0 on the Richter scale, ruptured the Indian Ocean seabed off Indonesia's Sumatra island, sending huge waves thousands of kilometres (miles) to kill and destroy in countries around southern and southeast Asia and even in Africa.
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Unread postby PenultimateManStanding » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 01:15:54

The whole subcontinent of India was rammed on a conveyer belt of tectonic plate motion into southern Asia producing the Himalayan Mountains. Ancient Pangaea was ripped apart producing the Atlantic Ocean. We are small potatos folks. Here today, gone to Maui.
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Unread postby savethehumans » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 02:08:45

Does anyone know yet what damage was done to the extraction and refining, and delivery infrastructure in this region? Don't mean to sound heartless, but the loss of oil & gas from India/S.E. Asia/Indonesia will have to be made up from somewhere else, only making our current PO problems worse...and that's gonna affect even MORE people.

I often wonder if humans actually believed it when they thought they could control geological/geographic nature....
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Unread postby savethehumans » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 02:25:48

I think you said it all, brent, just by letting the news story say it. :(

And the WHOLE WORLD is gonna be in this no-power mess very soon! 8O
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Unread postby TrueKaiser » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 04:51:35

savethehumans wrote:I often wonder if humans actually believed it when they thought they could control geological/geographic nature....

reminds me of this

What fools these mortals be.
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Unread postby Specop_007 » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 05:15:00

savethehumans wrote:I often wonder if humans actually believed it when they thought they could control geological/geographic nature....

I dont know anyone who ever said we could....
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Unread postby lowem » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 05:44:30

I first heard of the part about 8.9 and 12,000 people killed. Then the death toll kept rising, 15000, 16000 and now over 25000. The quake got upgraded to 9.0 and then (not sure if confirmed) 9.2 (!)

There are articles going around about how this was equivalent to a million nuclear bombs going off (they didn't say what was the yield though). Humongous amount of energy, but way out of reach of our technology to harness.

Still kinda shocked. News articles still pouring out. Pictures of cars stacked on top of each other. Rows of dead children. Tsunami raced all the way across the Indian Ocean, reaching Africa. Earth rotation momentarily disturbed.

Seismometers worldwide still going crazy, chart painting from reverberations and aftershocks. Wonder how long this will last :
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Unread postby JR » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 06:16:49

This morning ABC is saying deathtoll may reach 55,0000.

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Unread postby smiley » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 07:14:18

Put's 9/11 back into perspective, doesn't it.
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Unread postby Guest » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 08:28:34

smiley wrote:Put's 9/11 back into perspective, doesn't it.

In what way? The over-reaction of the American public?

Unread postby smiley » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 08:44:46

In what way? The over-reaction of the American public?

No that OBL is a minor nuisance compared with the things nature can throw at you. Statistically you're much more likely to be killed by nature than by the hands of a terrorist.

This earthquake was a hundred times more powerful than the largest in LA. If it would have struck there we would have been looking at hundreds of thousands of deaths, since there wouldn't be a building standing.

Yet the study of earthquakes, hurricanes, landslides, tornadoes etc. receives only a fraction of the money spent on terrorism. For most researchers it is basically a sponsored hobby.

That makes me wonder whether we've got our priorities straight.
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Unread postby Guest » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 09:26:02

smiley wrote:That makes me wonder whether we've got our priorities straight.

*clap* *clap*

Unread postby CarlinsDarlin » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 11:14:55

I too am glad you and your friend are okay. It is truly a tragic event and staggering the number of lives that have been lost. What else can be said. I wish you and your fellow countrymen - and all of those who have been affected - the patience and strength to deal with all the work and emotions that will follow.
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Unread postby holmes » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 13:53:29

truly sad. However lets deal with reality now. The coastal regions of the world are all being cleared and commercially developed and /or slums.
The ecological indicator, the song birds, are declining rapidly becuase of the coastal habitat losses. US is exponential loss of infrastructure.
All due to over-population, horrible resource management and the destruction of the natural protective ecosystems that are there to protect the limited "true" habitat available to man. The impact and numbers are now beginning to crack the infrastructure worldwide. More resources will be thrown into building more "protective" infrastructor and this will only add carcasses to the heap and will further weaken the natural protective infrastructures of the world and drive humans into bancruptcy. This sunami is just a warm up. Nature wants entropy. Nature will achieve entropy. Liebigs Law of the Minimum.
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Unread postby mindfarkk » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 14:31:09

my heart breaks for every one of those parents, children, brothers, sisters, who have no idea what happened to their family members and may not for weeks or months, and like the family survivors of the 9-11 attacks, have to wait and wait for news. what a hell. many only to find they have lost all they had to live for. it's a tragedy of almost unimaginable scope and i am sick inside; it's taken days to even sink in. i send my heartfelt prayers to every person involved, for their comfort and strength and surchease of such pain.
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Unread postby lotrfan55345 » Tue 28 Dec 2004, 14:40:49

Confirmed Death Toll:

Sri Lanka: 14,000 dead
Indonesia: 20,000 dead
India: 15,000 dead
Thailand: 1,400 dead
Maldives: 52 dead
Malaysia: 44 dead
Burma: 30 dead
Bangladesh: 2 dead
Somalia: 200 dead
Kenya: 15 dead
Seychelles: 3 dead
Tanzania: 10 dead
South Africa: 1 dead

55000+ Death Toll (im tired, math may be wrong)
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