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Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 16 Nov 2020, 11:54:33

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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby Armageddon » Mon 16 Nov 2020, 18:20:59

It's called the Great Reset.
Its led by the Davos set.
I wish we could all get on the same page bc they call it many things, Green New Deal, New World Order, Sustainable Development, etc.
But Great Reset is in the open now & the term will be well known for its horror.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 16 Nov 2020, 19:34:46

So I Googled it.

What a bunch of pap. You can make this anything you want.

More here. ... eat-reset/

Still dont catch wht they are aiming for, concretely.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 16 Nov 2020, 20:26:18

OK, found a bit more here. ... s-exploit/

Health Passports. Perhaps leading to a Social Credit System as in China. Sweet.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby REAL Green » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 05:55:46

“Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will "Lead To Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, & Biological Identity" ... -identity/

“Globalist Klaus Schwab made it clear that transhumanism is an integral part of “The Great Reset” when he said that the fourth industrial revolution would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which in his book he clarifies is implantable microchips that can read your thoughts. As we highlighted earlier, “The Great Reset” is attracting a deluge of fresh attention in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, which Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said was an “opportunity for a reset.” The agenda is primarily based around dismantling the current capitalist system in favor of greater centralized technocrat rule which will lead to lower living standards, less fuel consumption, fewer civil liberties and the accelerated automation of jobs. However, another key aspect to “The Great Reset,” or the “fourth industrial revolution” as Schwab calls it, is merging man with machine… “As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” writes Schwab. “Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.” Schwab also waxes lyrical about the transhumanist utopian dream shared by all elitists which will ultimately lead to the creation of human cyborgs. “Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us,” writes Schwab. “Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.”
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 19 Nov 2020, 21:33:33

Its funny, the Great Reset was presented to me her and at least 2 other places in the last couple of days.

But it reminded me of the WEF annual Global Risks Report. ... eport-2020

It is something I look at every year. I get the impression the WEF is a pretty big outfit and not all pieces are on the same sheet of music. This Risk report has been coming out since 2007!and has some basic risk/impact analysis that runs through it in a consistent manner over that 13 year span.

That they totally missed the pandemic as a risk (but listed it 10 years ago) is instructive. I think it is more of a good indication of what worries upper middle income bureaucrats than anything else. Gretta was all in the news in 2019 so the 2020 report saw environmental disasters as the big threat. Wisdom of the crowd - humph!!!! So much for their predictive power.

Lest I slam this report too badly I note I read it because it is the only report of its kind I know of. They may not be accurate, but they are making some attempt at assessing the world risks, and for this they are to be commended.

Reflecting back on the WEF and the Great Reset I think this effort, the reset, is a reactive plan. The WEF did not see this coming, but once here they can see the potential to make use of it foe their purposes. Yet they have no better idea of the future than you or I. So their plan may work out as intended or it could back fire on them or something else may occur. Who knows.

I personally do jot like the Great Reset, to say I hate the idea is likely too mild a statement. Yet I do believe there is a very good chance of it coming about in some form. I can see just on this forum many folks are swallowing the bait hook, line, sinker and pole. That is disheartening.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby Subjectivist » Sat 21 Nov 2020, 13:58:51

"The Great Reset" is just the latest way of saying the rich get richer and the rest get poorer.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby REAL Green » Sun 22 Nov 2020, 08:15:56

“Understanding the left’s plan for a ‘Great Reset’” ... z6eWcAhXG0 ... 389_5_.jpg

“Once the majority of people are dependent on the government, it’s time for “The Great Reset.” There’s even a website, to which Antonio Chavez, who drew the parody image that graces this post, introduced me. A video at the site explains what’s going on: The Wuhan virus has been a useful pause in the way we’ve abused the world. (National Geographic was one of many sites suggesting that decreased pollution during the lockdown should “inspire us to do better.”) “We now have an opportunity to use our influence for society and the planet’s best interest,” intones a heavily accented Cockney voice. And then comes that word BLM activists threw around: It’s time to “reimagine” society. The “reset” concept is the brainchild of two men: Klaus Schwab (an engineer who is eerily like Auric Goldfinger) and Thierry Malleret (a futurist journalist). At the World Economic Forum, they joined with some of the world’s wealthiest (and often least savory, useful, or moral) people to discuss a better way to control the rest of the world – all for the little people’s benefit, of course, and with those assembled providing the world’s leadership . . . that is, when they’re not eating caviar and drinking fine wines. Stripped of its fancy trappings, the Great Reset is simple: Socialism, sold as the answer to apocalyptic climate change. In this brave new world, there will be no pollution, no climate destruction, and no private property (although one gets the feeling that the movement’s advocates, people like Prince Charles, will keep their stuff). Overpopulation will also end (although, again, I’m betting that the nomenklatura will keep their procreative rights). At bottom, the only thing that will distinguish this Brave New reset world from the Middle Ages, given that the ultimate plan is to roll back the industrial era, will be that what little energy is still produced will be used for computers to control us. Otherwise, the world will be home to absolute monarchs and serfs. Stripped of its cult-like language, the Reset is a typical leftist Utopian project. As with all such projects, it will fail – but not before the world first welters in blood, pain, and death. We’d better hope Trump really released the Kraken, or else there are ugly times ahead.”
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 22 Nov 2020, 10:51:30

Subjectivist wrote:"The Great Reset" is just the latest way of saying the rich get richer and the rest get poorer.

Its more about control. Who can get in a subway car, who can visit you, which buildings can you enter, turns off your email? Who controls your Red, Yellow, Green status button?

Control is power.

The Second Amendment is peanuts compared this this.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby REAL Green » Sun 22 Nov 2020, 11:43:32

Newfie wrote:
Subjectivist wrote:"The Great Reset" is just the latest way of saying the rich get richer and the rest get poorer.

Its more about control. Who can get in a subway car, who can visit you, which buildings can you enter, turns off your email? Who controls your Red, Yellow, Green status button?

Control is power.

The Second Amendment is peanuts compared this this.


There is this talk about techno control of the mind and such things but the real control will be with money, purchases, mobility, and career opportunities'. This will also include communications with censorship, propaganda, and indoctrination by education curriculum. Once they control the basics of daily life and your source of knowledge they have you. In a delocalized world with people made helpless with things like basic income to do nothing or slave labor of collectives then control can be automated. Algorithms will follow and influence you. China is well along with this. The west is in a civil war with this currently. The left want to push socialism and MMT to gain control of the economy and wokism to gain control of the social fabric. The left has been hijacked by the Great Reset crowd. The right is resisting. These two forces are colliding in a civil war. This stuff is straight out of the Matrix!
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 22 Nov 2020, 17:36:59

REAL Green wrote:There is this talk about techno control of the mind and such things but the real control will be with money, purchases, mobility, and career opportunities'. This will also include communications with censorship, propaganda, and indoctrination by education curriculum. Once they control the basics of daily life and your source of knowledge they have you. In a delocalized world with people made helpless with things like basic income to do nothing or slave labor of collectives then control can be automated. Algorithms will follow and influence you. China is well along with this. The west is in a civil war with this currently. The left want to push socialism and MMT to gain control of the economy and wokism to gain control of the social fabric. The left has been hijacked by the Great Reset crowd. The right is resisting. These two forces are colliding in a civil war. This stuff is straight out of the Matrix!

Overall outcome is going to be very much Latin American.
To learn about future of US watch what's going on in Brazil, Bolivia or Venezuela.
In future system will degrade to much lower tech than you can possibly imagine.
That is because resources and intellectual capacity needed to keep high tech world is disappearing and most intelligent people begin to realize what's going on and cease their contributions to this society.
Pointless to talk about UBI or MMT as these are nonsenses even if trending between elites.
MMT was tried in Weimar Republic and more recently in Zimbabwe between countless other places to result in uniformly the same outcome - ruin.
UBI is so patently stupid and preposterous idea that MMT by comparison is crafty and successful economic doctrine.
The very fact that such ideas are openly discussed as a possible working solution is only demonstrating that Westerners in their huge majority are just brain dead zombies.

You people don't understand that all what is in store is degradation of life standards, decay of technological civilization, return to far more primitive life styles for most while keeping high tech islands for elites.
In 10-20 years you will be glad to have electricity few hours a day and a job paying $100 per week and your UBI will be a bowl of soup from Samaritans or Salvation Army assuming that they still exist.
Stop dreaming idiots!
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby OutcastPhilosopher » Sun 22 Nov 2020, 18:26:53

EnergyUnlimited wrote:
REAL Green wrote:There is this talk about techno control of the mind and such things but the real control will be with money, purchases, mobility, and career opportunities'. This will also include communications with censorship, propaganda, and indoctrination by education curriculum. Once they control the basics of daily life and your source of knowledge they have you. In a delocalized world with people made helpless with things like basic income to do nothing or slave labor of collectives then control can be automated. Algorithms will follow and influence you. China is well along with this. The west is in a civil war with this currently. The left want to push socialism and MMT to gain control of the economy and wokism to gain control of the social fabric. The left has been hijacked by the Great Reset crowd. The right is resisting. These two forces are colliding in a civil war. This stuff is straight out of the Matrix!

Overall outcome is going to be very much Latin American.
To learn about future of US watch what's going on in Brazil, Bolivia or Venezuela.
In future system will degrade to much lower tech than you can possibly imagine.
That is because resources and intellectual capacity needed to keep high tech world is disappearing and most intelligent people begin to realize what's going on and cease their contributions to this society.
Pointless to talk about UBI or MMT as these are nonsenses even if trending between elites.
MMT was tried in Weimar Republic and more recently in Zimbabwe between countless other places to result in uniformly the same outcome - ruin.
UBI is so patently stupid and preposterous idea that MMT by comparison is crafty and successful economic doctrine.
The very fact that such ideas are openly discussed as a possible working solution is only demonstrating that Westerners in their huge majority are just brain dead zombies.

You people don't understand that all what is in store is degradation of life standards, decay of technological civilization, return to far more primitive life styles for most while keeping high tech islands for elites.
In 10-20 years you will be glad to have electricity few hours a day and a job paying $100 per week and your UBI will be a bowl of soup from Samaritans or Salvation Army assuming that they still exist.
Stop dreaming idiots!

Yes. I have long said the future for the United States is something resembling Brazil. The demographics are right in line with this also, large hispanic swaths embedded throughout the country, small black population, even smaller asian population mostly on the west coast, and a large majority-minority european population.

You cannot expect to maintain a first world nation by reducing the majority european population that built the country. The big mistake was made by the jewish slave traders and white aristocracy to bring the african slaves to the US. That was a massive mistake that the US has been paying for through probably trillions of dollars of welfare payments to african americans and large amounts of crimes that african americans commit. They make up 13% of the population yet commit over 50% of all violent crimes. There is a reason for the large prison population.

The next issue you have is a massive dumbing down of the population through entertainment, moronic education system, terrible food and water supply, and lack of any kind of realistic viewpoints on reality. One of the biggest problems here is the institution of feminism which creates a bizarre return to the jungle type of sexual free for all that has turned normal relations between the sexes upside down. The marriage and birth rates are at all time lows and have been declining for some time now. This creates an inverse pyramind of workers at the bottom supporting those at the top of the age pyramid because there are no longer enough young people to support all of the old. This is why schemes like social security and others are doomed to fail, they are ponzi schemes that relied on continual population growth which is no longer feasible not just due to energy decline but also due to the implementation of feminism.

So many believe that there will be some kind of techno-utopia, which the future is nowhere near that because there are not many intelligent enough people to create it and also you need a large amount of workers that have the ability, skill, and knowledge to maintain it. Where are all the maintenance men that will be able to repair all of the tech gadgetry? Probably on opiods, suiciding themselves, cleared out by a divorce, opted out, left the country for another, living off SSI, etc.

The future is going to be an implosion of the System and existing social order. Things will be much more localized and much of the grid will end up failing. Of course any kind of UBI MMT will not work whatsoever. The only thing that massive hand outs of money will cause is hyperinflation and currency collapse.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby REAL Green » Sun 22 Nov 2020, 18:37:13

EnergyUnlimited wrote:You people don't understand that all what is in store is degradation of life standards, decay of technological civilization, return to far more primitive life styles for most while keeping high tech islands for elites. In 10-20 years you will be glad to have electricity few hours a day and a job paying $100 per week and your UBI will be a bowl of soup from Samaritans or Salvation Army assuming that they still exist.
Stop dreaming idiots!

Degradation is likely in the cards but keep in mind some will fare better than others. Some may even prosper becuase they will find niches of constructive growth. Location and people are the key to this so if you are positioned poorly now and can change people and place. Make this change before it is too late. Notice I include people in the equation. People likely are as important as location because groups are multipliers.

I am promoting to those who may have an interest to downsize now relatively and realistically. You will still have to live your status quo life but add a green prepping component and build on it. If it appeals to you do more. This adaption may not be so much for you as for your significant others younger than you. They will likley see increasing disruption every year hence. If you can start their journey now it will make a big difference. I have been seriously green prepping now for 10 years. Many steps take multiple years. There are others steps that are immediate by just buying or making things.

Green prepping is a combination of footprint lowering activity like localism and low carbon capture strategies combined with resilience of preparing oneself mentally, physically, and with stocks of goods. This prepping also means learning a variety of new skills. This is not so much curative as palliative. Everyone is trapped in a decaying Anthropocene. There is nowhere to hide. Even those well positioned are at risk from those who are unprepared once a crisis develops.

The key element of green prepping is fulfillment. Meaning is a spiritual asset. Knowing that you are enhancing survival and helping the planet provides a meaning that reflects a truth. The truth is found in emulating nature and her ways. The planet is currently in succession with the web of life and with a parallel disrupted systems and cycles. Adapting to this by finding places for constructive change amid overall destructive change is a spiritual reward. Fighting this process of destructive change will only cause anger and pain. Sometimes that is all there is. For many there is no other option than to struggle.

Try to avoid being put in this situation. One can actively try to avoid being overwhelmed by destructive change by proactively embracing the process of destructive change. For many they are not yet in destructive change directly so they can make great headway. Embracing destructive change early on means conditioning oneself for hardships before they strike and having the assets to mitigate them.

REAL Green calls on those who can to do this but do it relatively in relation to their unique life postion. Do constructive change realistically in relation to what your local of people and place will tolerate. Green prepping goes against the grain of the status quo of techno growth and affluence. Alienating others and overdoing change just ends up causing failures so don’t radicalize. Some can do dramatic change but most can’t. This is why REAL Green does not claim any particular prescription. This is uniquely personal and local. Deep behavior is most of it. The behavior of acceptance of decline is the fundamental value. It is what the planet is doing. This is why anyone can do it but to be a master of it means applying deep behavior to lifestyle. This is where the mastery of REAL Green starts.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby ralfy » Mon 23 Nov 2020, 01:19:00

Looks like a call from the rich who's realizing that pandemics, peak oil, and other crises are making them realize that what they want can't go on in the long term.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby REAL Green » Mon 23 Nov 2020, 07:31:46

The “Great Reset” proposal is little more than a power grab by bureaucrats and technocrats aligned with the global elites to maintain their privilege plus with the bonus of participating in a new social political control of the population. Notice, much of the global private wealth is with them so for debt to be partially erased in a debt jubilee will mean vast amounts of their digital wealth would be eliminated. The Faustian bargain in this case is for power to offset the loss of vast amounts of savings. They will maintain their position relatively and gain power of being the force of control.

The call for greater control of the people with utopian ideals is a disguised call for less affluence so the reality is institutionalized impoverishment. Much of this will be among the lower level elite who are not a part of the club. They are the ones who should be worried. The poor have little already and can be easily controlled it is the near elite who will be fleeced and demoted. This global socialism will result in a huge reduction of near rich without a corresponding tradeoff for them. They will be the force of resistance to this civil war in the making.

The Green New Deal that is proposed will not produce any more than what is already being produced by the various private initiatives. In fact, the destruction of the private sector will, mean less not more production. Instead the process will be internalized and controlled as part of the power grab. Decline will be forced on much of the population. The green of it is just a great excuse to grab power much like we have seen with the pandemic hoax. When civilization decline these things always happen. The elites grow their position in increasing dysfunction. There is a physics to it.

The plan on automating and digitizing the economy and the management of the social fabric is just a social credit experiment. This control is already being perfected in China under Xi and the CCP. Increasingly you will be told what to do by your unaccountable overlord. As we saw in this rigged election, representation will be eliminated partially or altogether. Money will be transformed. Cash eliminated like is already occurring in Europe. Once they control your payments then your purchases can be managed. Eventually I see control of procreation as a final motive. It will take draconian control to achieve this much like what China did in the 70s and 80s. Basically, this is a Chinese example westernized. This process of change can occur rapidly once threasholds have been crossed. Civilization is close to that point. This is why Trumps challenge is so dramatic. Trump means nothing now but he is the embodiment of resistance to this fundamental transformation. If Trump wins it will set back this process. The modern liberal loves the idea of the Great Reset unconsciously because it involves the appearance of science so Trump represents an existential threat.

I agree we need a Great Reset but the opposite of what is proposed. The current proposal is delusional because decline is the main force now. Dysfunction, Abandonment, and irrational policy will be the result. A proper reset would emulate and mirror this process with a far different world. These are the turbulent forces found in chaos theory. Chaos is well understood scientifically but not socially. Apophenia is an error of perception. It is the tendency to interpret random patterns as meaningful. Here humans are interpreting the evolution of human civilization as a next great turning to further growth and development. The reality of the situation is planetary succession of the web of life and the disruption of a stable epoch for a new one with human forcing changing systems and cycles. This planetary system is now beyond human forcing and feeding back on its own initiative.

This is a new regime that is now of abrupt change affecting all. While I agree humans will have to adapt to this new regime, I feel modern humans are incapable of adaptation at the macro level because civilization is not programed for it. Anti-civilization is the proper program and this is not possible at that level. Small group and local level adaptation is possible. The reason I feel this way is the modern tools global humans use are the ones that initiated the human forcing in the first place. More growth and technology is the problem so this Great Reset is just a delusion of human patterns. The delusions here is that more growth, technology, and control will result in more growth, technology and control or in other words a circular trap.

What is happening in reality is the opposite. Civilization is being ripped apart by planetary succession and the reaction is more of the same. This is a very slow and deliberate process which debt, technology, and control appear to handle. Humans are shifting future productivity to the here and now and calling it productive when the reality is we are cannibalizing. We are seeing growth and technological expansion when the reality is increasing dislocation of vital productive means. Instead of managed degrowth within a social narrative of human respect for this planetary succession we get the call for geoengineering via social engineering. Just like 0% of a number is zero so will this attempt to grow negative growth. It is failure and this Great Reset is actually a manifestation of the final failure of modern man. It is the pinnacle where diminishing returns goes nonlinear to negativity.

The meaning of all this can only be found at the individual and small group level locally. This Great Reset is a self-organizing force of human delusions. It is being met by populism which is also a delusional force that attempts to maintain what cannot be maintained. Both these forces will destroy each other as they are being destroyed. As an individual find cover from these greater forces. To do this find the proper local of people and place to constructively grow within an overall force of destructive change. Decline in place mirroring the planet and find successful ecosystem adaptation. Be that species that finds its niche to grow in overall unwinding of complexity. Much opportunity will be freed up for those who can proactively adapt to this great planetary force of change.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby Karle » Mon 23 Nov 2020, 18:12:01

warpig13, thanks for putting this on the table. I agree with what you say but why not take it one step further?

Maybe it is like this:
The elite have watched and read about the financial crisis and peak oil for many years. They have gradually realised the results will not be positive for them no matter how much money they have.

The elite are dependent on the 99% because the elite are not able to maintain and repair their Lear jets to give just a simple example. They are not dependent on all of the 99% but on about the smartest quarter.

Watching things developing and occassionally reading here something from @shortonoil and taking some time to study the second law of thermodynamics, and seeing the 99% keep multiplying like rabbits the elite might have seen a point where they needed to do something. Namely

1) stop the masses from using resources the elite need for their survival. But forcing people to travel less, drive less and being jailed at home would have lead to a world-wide revolution. They must be scared to do all that voluntarily. A "deadly" global pandemic could be helpful.

2) Get rid of three quarters of the masses, the not too bright ones or the ones they consider a burden, like old and physically or mentally disadvantaged. A virus could be used to first get rid of the last mentioned. For the next stage they could target those stupid enough to wear masks, fall sick after some time and then are easy prey for the virus. And finally those stupid enough to accept being vaccinated with a hastily developed unproven vaccine which will kill many, always leaving the more intelligent ones at each stage.

Of course I am not serious. I am very sure that none of the elite would be so cruel and selfish. I was just thinking what if they were.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby OutcastPhilosopher » Tue 24 Nov 2020, 19:41:53

Karle wrote:warpig13, thanks for putting this on the table. I agree with what you say but why not take it one step further?

Maybe it is like this:
The elite have watched and read about the financial crisis and peak oil for many years. They have gradually realised the results will not be positive for them no matter how much money they have.

The elite are dependent on the 99% because the elite are not able to maintain and repair their Lear jets to give just a simple example. They are not dependent on all of the 99% but on about the smartest quarter.

Watching things developing and occassionally reading here something from @shortonoil and taking some time to study the second law of thermodynamics, and seeing the 99% keep multiplying like rabbits the elite might have seen a point where they needed to do something. Namely

1) stop the masses from using resources the elite need for their survival. But forcing people to travel less, drive less and being jailed at home would have lead to a world-wide revolution. They must be scared to do all that voluntarily. A "deadly" global pandemic could be helpful.

2) Get rid of three quarters of the masses, the not too bright ones or the ones they consider a burden, like old and physically or mentally disadvantaged. A virus could be used to first get rid of the last mentioned. For the next stage they could target those stupid enough to wear masks, fall sick after some time and then are easy prey for the virus. And finally those stupid enough to accept being vaccinated with a hastily developed unproven vaccine which will kill many, always leaving the more intelligent ones at each stage.

Of course I am not serious. I am very sure that none of the elite would be so cruel and selfish. I was just thinking what if they were.

Finally someone with some intelligence
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby Armageddon » Tue 24 Nov 2020, 20:45:19

It’s pretty ironic how this global pandemic hit right when the financial system was tanking (hundreds of billions into the repo market daily, ZIRP was happening globally, GDP was tanking) and PO was hitting. The timing couldn’t have been better for them.
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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby careinke » Sat 28 Nov 2020, 05:07:18

This video seemed germane to the thread: Pretty good explanation from a conservative/anarchtistic point of view.

0:00 Intro
2:05 What is the Great Reset?
8:45 Economics of the Reset
11:38 Why now?
12:20 The plan for CBDCs?
18:21 Conclusion

Great Reset & CBDCs: The Global Elite's Plan!!:

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Re: Peak Oil > Covid 19 > Great Reset

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 30 Nov 2020, 17:37:51

Here it comes. ... rs-vaccine

The International Air Transport Association is in the process of finalizing a digital COVID-19 passport that would include information about a traveler’s COVID-19 testing and vaccinations that would be verified by labs, airlines and government agencies, according to a new report.

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