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how would you explain climate change and weather to kids?

Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby Karle » Sun 16 Jun 2019, 19:32:46

No problem with explaining the weather to the kids. When I tell them no reason to worry about the climate, however, it is more difficult. But after some time of explaining they start to understand that man does not change the climate.
Once they are around 15 years old brain wash has already worked and it gets more difficult.
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby GHung » Sun 16 Jun 2019, 20:19:25

Karle wrote:No problem with explaining the weather to the kids. When I tell them no reason to worry about the climate, however, it is more difficult. But after some time of explaining they start to understand that man does not change the climate.
Once they are around 15 years old brain wash has already worked and it gets more difficult.

Biology has affected climate for billions of years. Why is "man" (biological creature) excluded from that reality?
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby phaster » Sat 06 Jul 2019, 20:58:37

my dialog “pitch” experiment on a catholic forum about climate change is over (at least for me),... but it did give me some insight(s) as to how other people view the issue

just like any religion (i.e. catholic, islam, etc.) there are partisan believers and partisan non believers in climate change,... as well as those that are basically disinterested in the topic

consider my self somewhat knowledgable about the topic of climate change having had an opportunity to learn (decades ago) about the basic science from pioneers in the field of CO2 measurements,... but alas ran into plain old human nature, where individuals think of themselves as being above average (DISCLOSURE on occasion I do tend to make that assumption myself)

anyway WRT the actual dialog,... didn’t feel like I was hearing anything I have not heard before so figured it was time for swan song “post(s)” that basically encapsulate my overall thoughts on the issue,... also shared the sign that made me believe mankind was actually capable of changing the climate on a global scale ... 554065/291 ... /556646/64

FWIW I became a believer of manmade climate change when I read a paper about “global dimming” and did some basic calculations looking at the amount of CO2 produced per day based on the daily number of barrels of oil consumed, then thought about the fact that CO2 stays in the atmosphere for a pretty long time

…actually kinda curious about what sign made others a believer in “manmade climate change”

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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby jedrider » Tue 09 Jul 2019, 01:36:00

phaster wrote:
…actually kinda curious about what sign made others a believer in “manmade climate change”


I didn't even know about it until the year 2000 when Gore lost the election to Bush via the arbitrary Supreme Court decision. So, I saw Gore's movie and I thought that was silly that changing our light bulbs was going to save us. Upon a little research, I came to the 'unfounded' conclusion that our civilization has mere decades before the consequences become dire. I thought that if we did something, we would buy ourselves more time, like an extra 20 years or so, which I thought was a good 'bargain' as things go.

I now realize that I didn't know NOTHING back then, but intuitively, I think I naively hit the nail on the head. It wasn't hard to convince me.
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby jedrider » Tue 09 Jul 2019, 01:38:55

..., there is no scientific consensus regarding the impact of climate research on the scientists performing it. It hasn’t been studied in a systematic way.

Kind of sad when you can't even explain it to adults without them breaking down. I think the children have it easier, for now.
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby Yonnipun » Mon 15 Jul 2019, 04:19:37

If you are going to explain the climate change to kids then how would you explain the next question - " why did you bring me into this world"?
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby jedrider » Mon 15 Jul 2019, 10:58:50

Yonnipun wrote:If you are going to explain the climate change to kids then how would you explain the next question - " why did you bring me into this world"?

I can't even explain why I want to be alive after the age of 65. I'm just months away.
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby phaster » Sat 28 Sep 2019, 16:38:24

Dry Facts, Debate, Despair: How Not to Teach Climate Change

...The message from popular culture can seem to urge that teachers just get with the program and tell students what to think., ...But effective teachers know that leading with the attitude that anyone who doesn't accept climate change is stupid is no way to help their students learn.

...Having students debate whether climate change is solid science isn't a good strategy, because the science is, in fact, solid; there's nothing there worth debating. As multiple studies using different methods have independently concluded,

...concentrating on the dire consequences of climate change isn't a winner either: While students will certainly pay attention to hearing about climate change's role in current extreme weather events and the like, the risk is that they will wind up feeling despondent and powerless.

Dry facts, debate, doom and gloom—teachers striving to teach climate change effectively despite the obstacles to doing so can be forgiven for considering all of the above.

Fortunately, there's a better way. Climate change education is no different from any other topic in science, in that teachers want students to learn how scientists arrive at their conclusions: by collecting and evaluating evidence, assessing different explanations for the evidence, and provisionally adopting the best explanation available. ... ot-to.html

Children suffering eco-anxiety over climate change, say psychologists

...“Children are saying things like, ‘Climate change is here as revenge, you’ve messed up the climate and nature is fighting back through climate change’,” said Caroline Hickman, a teaching fellow at the University of Bath and a CPA executive.

“There is no doubt in my mind that they are being emotionally impacted ... That real fear from children needs to be taken seriously by adults.”

Swedish teenage activist Greta Thunberg has led a worldwide youth movement demanding action on global warming through weekly “Fridays for Future” protests. ... SKBN1W42CF

given Greta’s address to world leaders

since the definition of “hope” is a desire for a certain thing to happen,... seems to me that the seemingly angry Swed and her minions of global admirers is actually an indication that this group is full of “hope” by virtue of her/their willingness to act

Hopeless or hopeful? How eco-anxiety affects kids and youth

...there may be some benefit to eco-anxiety -- as long as there’s not too much of it.

“Too much anxiety paralyzes you,” said Korol, relating the issue to the Yerkes–Dodson law that suggests stress can increase motivation. For many of the eco-anxious, encouraging engagement and participation in climate action may actually be helpful, she said, but so can turning down the TV.

That’s because hope is a key factor. “It’s important to counteract the nihilism and the hopelessness that people feel,” she said. “Hopelessness is the big enemy of solving any problem, including climate change. When we’re talking about children, we need to give them hope.” ... -1.4608324
truth is,...
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby dohboi » Sat 28 Sep 2019, 18:44:51

Thanks for this, phaster. I'm not sure there is a 'good' way to teach children that their future is totally and utterly fucked.

Of course, you can lie to them by offering lots of hopium, but I'm not sure that's either ethical or practical.

Industrial civilization has been waging war on the future, and it's been winning. But the beginning of that 'losing' future has now begun.
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby Nefarious » Sun 29 Sep 2019, 10:08:33

Tell them the truth.
Kid, when a man's job and livelihood are dependent on him believing and stating a certain view, you're going to be hard pressed to get anything other than that view.
Confessions of a climate scientist: the global warming hypothesis is an unproven hypothesis,
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby dohboi » Sun 29 Sep 2019, 10:15:24

Ummm, denialists have their own devoted thread. Please take such non-sense to that particular orifice...thank you :)
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby phaster » Sun 29 Sep 2019, 14:14:40

FWIW something worth watching, which directly explains "denial" the moment it is socially acceptable to put all that carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and as long as this remains the case there will never be the political will to spend the money that is needed to develop things like carbon capture and storage to the level that will actually make a substantial impact on climate change
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby Pops » Sun 29 Sep 2019, 15:33:02

Go out and sit in the car in the sun.
Start with the windows down. Say:
The air is like the window glass, it lets sunlight in that keeps us warm.
Then roll up the windows. Say:
But driving the car too much adds the wrong kind of air that keeps in too much heat.

This is especially good when a 16 y/o wants to use the family car.
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby Sinclarsorus » Sun 29 Sep 2019, 16:23:02

Global warming is another scam used by Wall Street to de-industrialize high paying manufacturing jobs. One volcano puts out more CO2 then the whole 200 years of industrial revolution combined. Its fraud.

The average temperature of Earth is normally much higher in the past as a whole. In fact normal for our planet would be having Disney World under 250 feet of water right now. That's normal sea level geologically in the past.

While we where protesting about Global Warming, Wall Street was raiding our companies and destroying real jobs along with getting tax bills passed that allow them to get away with paying no tax. If this happened a hundred years ago there would be riots in the streets right now. Tell your little kids how Wall Street destroyed any possible hope of civilization enduring long term, and that they will have to work at fast food joints when they grow up if the robots don't replace those jobs too.

The biggest threat to our ecology is Asteroids and always has been. If one the size of past events like 12,900 years ago that destroyed all the Saber Tooth Tigers, that's what I call a disaster. 70 percent of the life destroyed, massive tidal waves hundreds of feet high worldwide, and people are worrying about a little bit of CO2, its really comical to me how people bought into this scam.

Its a diversion, while we are looking the other way Banksters are stealing your money.

The big threat right now is plastic bottles in our oceans. Its in all the fish and everything else. People buy everything to drink in these bottles, its a total environmental disaster, the plastic even comes into our drinks giving us all kinds of medical conditions and could even be contributing to the rising epidemic of diabetes. The plastic compounds get into our cells channels stopping insulin from working like it should. So stop your little kids from drinking out of these containers, its going to kill them long before C02 ever will.

Stop little kids from drinking out of these plastic bottles and other plastic lined containers. Thats what you should tell them now.
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby phaster » Sun 29 Sep 2019, 17:10:17

Sinclarsorus wrote:One volcano puts out more CO2 then the whole 200 years of industrial revolution combined. Its fraud.

ya sure about that?

This argument that human-caused carbon emissions are merely a drop in the bucket compared to greenhouse gases generated by volcanoes has been making its way around the rumor mill for years. And while it may sound plausible, the science just doesn’t back it up.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world’s volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, while our automotive and industrial activities cause some 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide. Despite the arguments to the contrary, the facts speak for themselves: Greenhouse gas emissions from volcanoes comprise less than one percent of those generated by today’s human endeavors.

…spectacular volcanic eruptions, like that of Mt. St. Helens in 1980 and Mt. Pinatubo in 1991, actually lead to short-term global cooling, not warming, as sulfur dioxide (SO2), ash and other particles in the air and stratosphere reflect some solar energy instead of letting it into Earth’s atmosphere ... or-humans/

Human activities emit 60 or more times the amount of carbon dioxide released by volcanoes each year. Large, violent eruptions may match the rate of human emissions for the few hours that they last, but they are too rare and fleeting to rival humanity’s annual emissions. In fact, several individual U.S. states emit more carbon dioxide in a year than all the volcanoes on the planet combined do.



…In a 2011 peer-reviewed paper, U.S. Geologic Survey scientist Terry Gerlach summarized five previous estimates of global volcanic carbon dioxide emission rates that had been published between 1991 and 1998. Those estimates incorporated studies reaching back to the 1970s, and they were based on a wide variety of measurements, such as direct sampling and satellite remote sensing. The global estimates fell within a range of about 0.3 ± 0.15 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, implying that human carbon dioxide emissions were more than 90 times greater than global volcanic carbon dioxide emissions.

…Occasionally, eruptions are powerful enough to release carbon dioxide at a rate that matches or even exceeds the global rate of human emissions for a few hours. For example, Gerlach estimated that the eruptions of Mount St. Helens (1980) and Pinatubo (1991) both released carbon dioxide on a scale similar to human output for about nine hours. Human emissions of carbon dioxide continue day after day, month after month, year after year. ... activities

as for,...

Sinclarsorus wrote:[one] big threat right now is plastic bottles in our oceans. Its in all the fish and everything else. People buy everything to drink in these bottles, its a total environmental disaster,...

Stop little kids from drinking out of these plastic bottles and other plastic lined containers. Thats what you should tell them now.

you might find this stuff interesting,...

Sløtface tackle “the desperation of climate change” on powerful new single ‘Sink Or Swim’

“…The climate crisis is a huge and bundled issue,” added Sløtface bassist Lasse Lokøy. “Instead of showing icebergs melting and things that feel so far away, we felt that it made sense to make this about something we all live every day: Trash. ... im-2551823

Coca-Cola's plastic secrets | DW Documentary

By 2050, there could be more plastic than fish in the sea. Ten tons of plastic are produced every second. Sooner or later, a tenth of that will end up in the oceans. Coca-Cola says it wants to do something about it - but does it really?
truth is,...
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 30 Sep 2019, 11:28:33


what go me out the Climate Change bandwagon was a speech by Bill McKibben. It was a Sunday morning and I was on a long drive. I then read up on it and that got me going.
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 30 Sep 2019, 11:36:39

Just a quick comment, in case it has not been noted previously.

ATM it would seem that the KIDS are explaining climate change to the ADULTS.

Maybe that because kind D’s have a more clear view of reality.
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby Sinclarsorus » Mon 30 Sep 2019, 15:13:16

15 active volcanos around the world, I'm sure has more impact on C02 emissions than civilization ever has. Plants thrive in high CO2 environments anyway, so what is the problem? The sea levels are normally much higher then present anyway. We just happen to be in a inter-glacial period now, where sea levels are below normal levels of geologic time.

All this science comes from the same funded operations like foundations and all that malarkey controlled by Wall Street operations . Its just designed to make people think there is scarcity to keep prices high for everything we buy. If you took all the people on earth it wouldn't even fill up the size of Texas, but we are told the world is over-populated and all that jazz .

All this stuff is designed to make money or control something or someone.
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby clif » Tue 01 Oct 2019, 02:40:14

15 active volcanos around the world, I'm sure has more impact on C02 emissions than civilization ever has.

Human activities emit 60 or more times the amount of carbon dioxide released by volcanoes each year. Large, violent eruptions may match the rate of human emissions for the few hours that they last, but they are too rare and fleeting to rival humanity’s annual emissions.
....thanks phaster

First I think shot down

Plants thrive in high CO2 environments anyway, so what is the problem?

Plant scientists have observed that when levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rise, most plants do something unusual: They thicken their leaves.

And since human activity is raising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, thick-leafed plants appear to be in our future.

But the consequences of this physiological response go far beyond heftier leaves on many plants. Two University of Washington scientists have discovered that plants with thicker leaves may exacerbate the effects of climate change because they would be less efficient in sequestering atmospheric carbon, a fact that climate change models to date have not taken into account.

In a paper published online Oct. 1 by the journal Global Biogeochemical Cycles, the researchers report that, when they incorporated this information into global climate models under the high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels expected later this century, the global “carbon sink” contributed by plants was less productive — leaving about 5.8 extra petagrams, or 6.39 billion tons, of carbon in the atmosphere per year. Those levels are similar to the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere each year due to human-generated fossil fuel emissions — 8 petagrams, or 8.8 billion tons.

“Plants are flexible and respond to different environmental conditions,” said senior author Abigail Swann, a UW assistant professor of atmospheric sciences and biology. “But until now, no one had tried to quantify how this type of response to climate change will alter the impact that plants have on our planet.”

2nd talking point dismissed by science.....

The sea levels are normally much higher then present anyway. We just happen to be in a inter-glacial period now, where sea levels are below normal levels of geologic time.

Hmmm an inter-glacial period, where less water is locked up in ice as opposed to a glacial period where more water would be locked up in ice and sea levels would be lower.....

so the argument falls apart on it's face

BTW we live in buildings and have large amounts of infrastructure that would be very threatened by sea level rise of just a meter or two, and not just the USA though cities like Houston, Oakland, Miami, Washington DC, New Orleans, Boston are threatened by sea level rise, So is Shanghai China, London, Mumbai India, Osaka Japan, Jakarta Indonesia, Dhaka, Guangzhou China, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, Hong Kong, Manila Philippines, Melbourne Australia, Rotterdam, Tokyo Japan, Venice Italy, Barcelona Spain, Istanbul Turkey, Dublin Ireland, Alexandria Egypt, Tel Aviv and Haifa Israel, Guangzhou China, just to name a few. Yer argument doesn't take into account the massive efforts that will be needed to solve the problems EVERYONE of these and hundreds of other cities and towns face.

All this science comes from the same funded operations like foundations and all that malarkey controlled by Wall Street operations .

Got actual proof that ain't pulled from yer-anus? yer forgetting much of the science is being done OUTSIDE the USA, and lots has been done long before wall street worried about how the enviroment effects their bottom line;

IE that CO2 is a greenhouse gas,

In 1862, John Tyndall discovered that certain gases (water and carbon dioxide) help trap heat from escaping the atmosphere. Later, in 1895, Swedish Chemist Svante Arrhenius observed the infrared-absorbing properties of carbon dioxide and water molecules.

kinda blows a planet sized hole in yer rant eh?

Its just designed to make people think there is scarcity to keep prices high for everything we buy. If you took all the people on earth it wouldn't even fill up the size of Texas, but we are told the world is over-populated and all that jazz .

Because it isn't the 2 square foot area your body occupies but the amount of arable land for food, and the amounts of natural resources, a large amount non-renewable that are used by an ever growing population. The ever increasing amounts of not just green house gasses but everything dumped into the environment that we keep changing, until we currently exist on a planet that is outside the environmental conditions that the entire human race has ever seen. The planet cannot support the amount of people that exist with out massive influxes of energy, currently coming from the ever decreasing stocks of fossil fuels. Given the fact we try to burn increasing amounts, and the size of new discoveries are shrinking, it doesn't take a genius to see at some point the supply will fail to keep up with demand. that is BTW just for energy, nothing about the dwindling fresh water we depend on for out every increasing appetites because of increasing population. The rate of desertification in China is around 900 square miles a year, an area nearly the size of Rhode Island, with an area the size of New Jersey becoming desert every five years. That is with an 1.43 Billion mouths to feed.... In the US the Ogallala Aquifer underlying portions of eight states (South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas) is shrinking at an ever increasing rate. Farmers rely on it for irrigation and many people around it rely on it for ground water. Parts in New Mexico. Colorado and Kansas have essentially run dry..... with rainfall replenishment never coming close to extraction each year .... might be a problem for all those farmers we depend on for grains and cattle etc.

Your simplistic rant falls apart upon even a rudimentary inspection like I did ....

Also we are facing the sixth great extinction, that is almost entirely the result of trying to fit 7.5 billion people on a planet and denying the rest of the earths species the places they need the thrive.
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Re: how would you explain climate change and weather to kids

Unread postby jedrider » Tue 01 Oct 2019, 14:01:28

Sinclarsorus wrote:15 active volcanos around the world, I'm sure has more impact on C02 emissions than civilization ever has. Plants thrive in high CO2 environments anyway, so what is the problem? The sea levels are normally much higher then present anyway. We just happen to be in a inter-glacial period now, where sea levels are below normal levels of geologic time.

All this science comes from the same funded operations like foundations and all that malarkey controlled by Wall Street operations . Its just designed to make people think there is scarcity to keep prices high for everything we buy. If you took all the people on earth it wouldn't even fill up the size of Texas, but we are told the world is over-populated and all that jazz .

All this stuff is designed to make money or control something or someone.

What a TROLL name! What a DROLL name! What a DROLL post!
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