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If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby papa moose » Sat 11 Feb 2012, 14:13:48

vision-master wrote:Why do you think the gods drank from one of these?


Crap, now i'm going to be up all night wondering about why God favours a particular style of drinking vessel!
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby threadbare » Sat 25 Feb 2012, 12:14:23

mmasters wrote:I'm not sure how wise his strategy is in putting 75% in precious metals...once the money system starts going bonkers you can bet the government is going to seize metals and attempt to put some sort of backing on the currency, on a new currency or on oil itself (once peak oil becomes public knowledge). I think it's a bad investment strategy. Funny money is here to stay for the most part. Energy is the place to invest at least for now.

I have 60% of liquid assets in pm's, but warn people that in a dire scenario, everything can change. I am planning to ditch gold for property somewhere around 2500, in spite of all the prognostication of 6,000.00 gold. That will only happen with govt compliance. I don't hold any energy stocks, for ethical reasons. However, energy for the short term is the best place to be. Again, though, all the talk of 200.00 plus oil follows similar rules. At some point rationing kicks in, not by price, but by govt dictate. Prices may be held in check by this mechanism, in a dire scenario.

It's worth noting, though, that whenever oil goes up, the Saudis get richer and the dollars they make, end up in U.S. banks. The U.S. will interfere with gold, before they interfere with oil price, for this reason. So energy, yes...better bet for now.

Chris Martenson is not the magic man with all the best answers. He's brilliant, a great analyst, but blinkered like everybody else. He should not be followed as if he is a guru. He isn't and probably doesn't want people to follow him blindly either. If you contradict the party line on his site, he's okay with it. However, you may get several adherents rushing at you with a "Have you read the Crash Course yet?" And, the heavy emphasis on the 'Doctor' Martenson is trying.

I rarely post on the site anymore. They've lost most of their best posters and it's a bit like watching paint dry reading their forums. I wouldn't read his book. I would read other forums that encourage passionate open and more lively discourse. Then I would pick out the best posters with the most diverse points of view and weigh their points of view against one another. Martenson is one voice among many.
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby mmasters » Sat 25 Feb 2012, 18:58:52

Yeah I remember it being a bit clinical over there on the Martenson forum. I like the looser feel over here better. Nice to see you back btw.

I agree with those that say fiat is here to stay but they'll probably confiscate gold at a good price or drag it in the mud for the hell of it (tax it out of existance, continue to not report proper inflation accounting in oil and food)

Hey, no ethics for oil, ride on the tails of the banksters, if you don't do it someone else will. :razz:
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby threadbare » Sat 25 Feb 2012, 21:18:10

mmasters wrote:Yeah I remember it being a bit clinical over there on the Martenson forum. I like the looser feel over here better. Nice to see you back btw.

I agree with those that say fiat is here to stay but they'll probably confiscate gold at a good price or drag it in the mud for the hell of it (tax it out of existance, continue to not report proper inflation accounting in oil and food)

Hey, no ethics for oil, ride on the tails of the banksters, if you don't do it someone else will. :razz:

Good to be back. Thanks for the welcome! It's going to be harsh for Chris if new readers start buying gold at 1750, ride it to 2000 and are then taxed to death on profits. It will be a great big, "why bother?" for them. The Crash Course is too sure of too many things. The other thing, they appear too sure of, is the idea that no alternative to oil could possibly be implemented on a mass scale over a period of less than 15 years. They may be right, but I'm skeptical. It feels too much like it's rooted in belief, though it is described as being an objective opinion rooted in 'solid science'. Solid science viewed in retrospect, becomes rubbery indeed!
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby dolanbaker » Sat 25 Feb 2012, 21:34:19

The crash course should be treated as a foundation IMHO , how you build on it is entirely up to you depending on your local circumstances!

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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby Revi » Sun 26 Feb 2012, 08:50:02

I am listening to Chris Martenson right now.
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby Pops » Thu 16 Jan 2014, 08:31:54

Martenson was on the News Hour last night correspondence from his doomstead and looking not entirely like a whack job, mainly because he has an attractive and intelligent partner, LOL

He didn't mention peak oil of course mostly defended his prior predictions. You might like it: ... 01-15.html
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby TheAntiDoomer » Thu 16 Jan 2014, 08:36:04

must suck to waste you're whole life on a doomstead and doom never comes.
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby Subjectivist » Thu 16 Jan 2014, 09:35:53

TheAntiDoomer wrote:must suck to waste you're whole life on a doomstead and doom never comes.

Oh I don't know, seems like he has a pretty sweet life. How does it feel to expect cheap oil to be gushing up all over and end up with prices around $95.00 a barrel year after year?
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby MD » Thu 16 Jan 2014, 11:02:07

I have zero preps, and I recognize and accept that I may die as a result.

I'm still pretty fast on my feet though. :mrgreen:
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby dinopello » Thu 16 Jan 2014, 11:51:24

Subjectivist wrote:
TheAntiDoomer wrote:must suck to waste you're whole life on a doomstead and doom never comes.

Oh I don't know, seems like he has a pretty sweet life wife.

I fixed it for you...

I wonder how much of a fiat currency nest-egg Martenson built up before he went off-grid. Maybe be plowed it all into his compound. It does look like a nice life although I would miss having lots of neighbors. I'm just social like that. Martenson is a good spokesman for the whole concept of peak - much more sane-sounding to the average person than the Savinar or maybe even Bartlett.
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby davep » Thu 16 Jan 2014, 12:19:45

It's a great lifestyle, doom or no doom.
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Thu 16 Jan 2014, 13:30:34

MD - "I have zero preps, and I recognize and accept that I may die as a result." I'm pretty sure that no matter how much anyone has prepped they are still going to eventually die. Heck...they might slip and die in the solar powered shower. As they once tried to teach me: "Don't live your life like one of those folks who wants to live forever". The idea is that being that way might interfere with you accomplishing your mission...and maybe enjoying what life you do have left.
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby Pops » Thu 16 Jan 2014, 14:27:53

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

James Dean said that
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: If You're Not Listening to Chris Martenson...

Unread postby davep » Thu 16 Jan 2014, 15:11:38

The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.

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Chris Martenson : Mad As Hell

Unread postby Tanada » Sat 14 Jan 2017, 22:10:41

Chris Martenson has offered up his analysis of current events. It is about four times longer than the quote below but you can read the whole thing at the link. Thoughts?


Obama’s main failing in the ACA was in not going directly after the powerful insurance industry and forcing its players to participate in the reduction of waste, and sharing in the costs. Instead, they got more than a free pass: they got millions of new enrollees with the right to ‘withdraw’ from any markets and exchanges where they felt their massive profits might take a ding.

And withdraw they did, with 2 million people losing their coverage for 2017 due to major carriers pulling out of state exchanges.

Just looking at the cost of healthcare alone, we can detect massive fraud and deceit being foisted on the American public today. What emerges from these many rackets is a corrosion of the social contract. In a word, these arrangements are abusive.

The enormous pressures we see across the globe, with the rise of what the mainstream news outlets (aka “largest purveyors of fake news”) are trying to label as ‘nationalism,’ are really in large measure simply a reaction to the economic oxygen having been sucked away from the populace of various countries and delivered into the hands of a very tiny elite.

Yes, that elite still controls the ‘news’ and therefore the narrative; but increasingly people are waking up and deciding for themselves that ‘something is wrong’. Not unlike a person slowly becoming aware that they have somehow fallen into and been the victim of an abusive relationship.

Let me be clear: if we do not somehow find the courage and appropriate leadership to begin righting these wrongs, this trajectory ends in tears. And it shouldn’t be up to a government body to have to regulate proper action; the insurance companies themselves should have nobody but themselves to blame if they fail to self-regulate.

Ditto for every major corporation that is running various rackets using a combination of predatory pricing, overly complex practices, and regulatory capture to operate as a cartel.

If the elites don't manage to figure out how to contain their greed, then an angry electorate is just the beginning of their troubles. Anybody seeking to understand the political landscape really just needs to spend a little time on the eroding prosperity of the bottom 99% over the past 20 years.
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Re: Chris Martenson : Mad As Hell

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 14 Jan 2017, 22:44:18

Nice rant. A very clear view of whats wrong but nothing as yet about how to go about fixing it. Of course you can subscribe if we want to read about possible solutions.
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Re: Chris Martenson : Mad As Hell

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Sat 14 Jan 2017, 23:56:31

"Instead, they got more than a free pass: they got millions of new enrollees with the right to ‘withdraw’ from any markets and exchanges...".
And this wasn't anticipated when the ins industrty didn't rise of in protest over the ACA? How the heck do some folks think the plan got pushed thru?
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