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Discussions of conventional and alternative energy production technologies.

Re: Help Support FREE ENERGY

Unread postby Stinky Bill » Tue 27 Aug 2013, 06:25:23

Aaaaaargh!! :(

PASCO -- When Green Power owner Michael Spitzauer recently convinced Port of Pasco commissioners to renew his previously terminated lease, he said he had straightened out his financial affairs.

But three former Green Power investors and state officials said that's not the case.

Those investors have unpaid judgments pending against Spitzauer totaling almost $16 million for never-built projects that he claimed would convert municipal waste into biofuel.

Spitzauer also owes about $62,000 in unpaid wage claims, state fees and fines.

"Spitzauer reminds me of the lead character in The Music Man," said Brad Jones, an attorney for an Australian couple who claim Spitzauer defrauded them of more than $8 million.

Read more here: ... rylink=cpy

Michael Spitz the dummy and sez he never did nuffin so there :roll:
Stinky Bill
Posts: 186
Joined: Wed 07 Aug 2013, 06:48:52

Re: Help Support FREE ENERGY

Unread postby Stinky Bill » Wed 28 Aug 2013, 06:08:34

Not as far as I could throw them!

by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

May 11, 2012 -- Today, the New Energy Systems Trust (NEST), an international organization with slogan: "Networking to bring the best exotic free energy technologies to market", announced that their website, is now live. The site is hosted in Germany and maintained by Anton Cloete of Merit Computers in S. Africa, with graphics design by Jim Rodney of California, who designed the 5-kilowatt E-Cat case seen in so many stories around the world about a breakthrough cold fusion technology prepping for commercial roll-out next year.

The NEST mission statement reads:

The New Energy Systems Trust is an association for matching up the best exotic free energy technologies, business professional services, financing, licensees, and customers (which includes everyone). We are preemptively setting up a network to help facilitate the rapid emergence into the marketplace of breakthrough, affordable, clean energy technologies. The emergence of these devices can empower the individual, remove our dependence on oil and other polluting energy sources and corrupt political systems, create jobs, and inspire hope for a peaceful, sustainable future in which we can thrive in harmony with the earth.

The primary purpose of the site is to assist in this networking function by collecting applications or submissions from inventors, investors, professional service providers, licensees, customers, and job services. "We want to be the watering hole where people meet up and find ways to help each other out," said NEST President, Sterling D. Allan of Utah, USA. His decade-old free energy news and directory service (,,, has been the premier destination for educating the planet about the many exciting breakthroughs now nearing market readiness.

"We are to free energy inventors what an agent is to an athlete or movie star," said NEST vice president, Ray Jennings, who serves as an attorney in Massachusetts. "We can introduce them to the talent, opportunities, and resources needed to play their best."

Another NEST officer, Chip Paul, a businessman and caregiver in Oklahoma, emphasizes: "NEST is a socially motivated organization, seeking to help bring about a vastly better world by empowering individuals worldwide with affordable, distributed, environmentally responsible energy."

Wothcha got then dudes?

-An inventor in Uganda has a kilowatt-level, solid-state generator that we're in process of helping validate. It looks very promising, and is based on an elegantly simple ...... meh!
-As announced on Monday, it looks like we have a new technology in our Top 5. Magnacoaster is shipping their generators to back-order customers, according to a customer/advisor and Magnacoaster. They're associated with Zero Point Institute of India that is connected to...... bleh!

-No new news from Defkalion yet. They apparently are holding off until August to post the results of their recent third party testing.. blah!

-Intelligentry is still looking to September as when they will introduce noble gas engines available for purchase and delivery. They claim that their production prototype was recently proven and is now ready to go into production........ meh!

-NEST is in discussions with a company that claims to be working with an inventor of a widget that is fueled by water. They claim that the technology fully developed and ready to go to market within a few months..bleat!

-The same company also has a battery technology. The specific details are confidential. They are looking for seed capital to help build the machine. We introduced them to a venture capital firm ... baaah!

-Dickens Mg-Cu-water cell. I have been working with a patent attorney to determine the status of the IP. While there do not appear to be patents which would prevent us from putting out a product........ m'kay

-An inventor in Colorado has idea for an Antenna project. This project would be similar to the Moray antenna. We provided the inventor with our boilerplate NDA. He reviewed and said it looks good ... bleat!

-An email was sent to Robert George of Brillouin congratulating them on their current round of funding. Also let him know that NEST is officially forked and that we are looking forward to working with them in the future.

-Had email correspondence with a principal of AMPERNERGO regarding formation of NEST and potentially licensing and business strategy for rollout of E-Cat tech. gnrrrff!

-An email was drafted to be sent to licensees regarding an update of where we are now and to give them a heads up about signing up on the website. Would also like to mention that the Zydro technology will be available for licensing soon... happy happy joy joy

-An email was sent to Wayne Travis of Zydro regarding intentions to mention him in our licensee email. Zydro’s technology is close to licensable and it would be a good time to poll our network for interest.....snort!

-BlackLight Power Inc has been in business since 1991. They purport to have a LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) device that will produce up to 200 times the energy input, with the output being heated water or electricity. Randall Mills, the inventor of the process, claims ... MEH!

-Nanospire: On March 19, 2007, in a test of the first reactor, the investigators confirmed the presence of the same form of crystalline water discovered in 2004. The water exhibits extraordinary behavior during a precisely controlled process using Nanospire's harnessed cavitation reentrant jet technology. The cavitation process creates H20 crystals that apparently achieved relativistic speeds, scoring the interior sections of the reactor testicle.
In a series of subsequent tests in 2009, funded by another grant, the lead investigators, Mark LeClair and Serge Lebid, tested a larger reactor. During their tests, they triggered intense fusion, fission and large scale elemental transandentle events using ordinary water... Meh.....HE'S FALLEN IN DER WATER. They also produced a significant amount of energy producing 2.9 kW of hot water using only 840 watts of input, a coefficient of performance (COP) of 3.4 times more energy out than whatever.

Nanospire is currently seeking funds to produce both fusion and non-fusion device and trousers commercial purposes. .... BLEAT!

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Stinky Bill
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Re: Help Support FREE ENERGY

Unread postby Stinky Bill » Thu 29 Aug 2013, 04:06:03

M friend Keef is really peeved with Stirling Allan.
He is STILL telling everyone that SunCube is nice and will save the small blue planet :(

Donations to PES are needed and greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Directory:Green and Gold Energy
<< A Top 100 Energy Technology >>
Green & Gold Energy was founded to to deliver cost-effective, grid-competitive solar electric power. Their stated goal is to reduce the delivered cost of rooftop generated photovoltaic electrical output to below that available from the grid.
The company's SunCube™ system is listed in the top ten of NEC's Top 100 because of its efficiency, low cost, simplicity, safety, and availability for residential application.....BlAH.....BLEAT......Meh!

I think you will agree my degree of openness with the SunBall and SunCube is a first timer. I fully realize the dirty tricks the existing fossil fuel and electricity industry will bring to bear to stop losing kWhs to rooftop solar generation.
One way to ensure my and the products' survival is to be very open with the technology so others can copy what I have done. I have offered other concentrator developers to swap, on a equal kWh basis, SunCubes for their concentrator technology. The market for grid competitive kWhs is so massive no one company could supply the demand. The more that solar concentrators appearing on rooftops the more the entire concentrator industry will survive.
We are in the first stage of a real war in which the existing electricity providers and their fossil fuel miners will do anything to stop kWhs being generated on consumers rooftops. When solar kWhs were much more costly than those from the grid, the industry didn't lose any sleep. Now that solar kWhs can be delivered at a lower cost than from the grid the world of the fossil fuel supplier and electricity industry company has changed and their income is under real threat.
In Australia the dirty tricks have started: ... 566257.htm

Looks Good
On Apr. 13, 2008, New Energy Congress member, Jonathan Bonanno wrote:
I just bumped into Greg at a CPV conference in Madrid. GGE was a major sponsor of the event and just announced a $50 mil. purchase order for Emcore TJ I think he has some serious funding or at least revenue.
The product looks good and based on the amount of licenses that he has sold, SunCube must work.


On April 13, 2008 11:12 AM, New Energy Congress member, Richard P. George, Ph.D. wrote:

Greg has announced ~$78 million worth of orders placed with Emcore, but Emcore has only received $500,000 through the end of the 2008 1st quarter. These "orders" appear to be vapor, much like some of the huge telecom orders in 1999-2001 like the $500 million order in 2000 for Sun servers that Enron's telecom unit placed but never actually purchased. The lack of actual sales from this order was a major factor behind Emcore's stock crashing ~75% in the past several months.

He has sold several licenses but where are the working units (even pilot production ones) in verifiable installations with any independent measurement data validating output claims? The Korean deal was announced over a year ago but there remains no evidence that anything has actually materialized or that any product is actually being delivered, even in limited volumes.

Looking good (on paper) is not enough. Given the large number of red flags discovered to date while doing due diligence on Green and Gold Energy, we have to verify every detail.

- - - -

On January 25, 2008 7:28 PM, New Energy Congress member, Richard P. George, Ph.D. wrote:

I am downgrading my vote on Green & Gold Energy Suncubes from a Top 2 ranking to "Not Enough Information". I am increasingly suspecting that the SunCube is a fraud.

There is absolutely no proof that there is a single suncube actually installed and running. Likewise, there is no verifiable proof that their system delivers the output claimed. None of the licensees have manufactured, installed, or sold a single system. The U.S. licensee remains secret and undisclosed. Multiple deadlines have past. The product remains intriguing vaporware.

The company's employees have lied to me on several occassions (statements independently verified as being false). I read through the last four months worth of postings on the yahoo sungrid forum about the SunCubes.

Greg Watson is now claiming that his "legal people" will not let him sell Suncubes until he gets the IEC 61208 solar concentrator certification ( . However, there is no IEC standard yet, the working group has not delivered a final standard despite seven years of meetings and work, there will not be a standard for another 12-18+ months (with continuing uncertainty about how to actually measure concentrator output given the myriad design and concentration approaches and uses of tracking on one or two axis being a major barrier to radification), there will be no products certified under this standard for another 6-12 months after the final standard is approved, and both UL and the California Energy Commission have decided to take an alternate certification route (UL engineering inspection) as an alternative given the long gap (something that Greg has known since I informed him of this alternative in September 2007).

This [is the] latest excuse from Greg. He has a long history of failing to deliver on promises and claims.

But then Greg Watson had a word in his ear!!

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View Messages

Report Abuse
Re: Greg Watson and the NDA trick 27-Oct-09 04:10 pm
What Rover doesn't know is that Dr Richard P George (via Lite Solar) is a
former failed US SCIG licensee, just out to try to screw us up with more
lies. In fact, up until I read his recent posting (hey Rover you actually
did me a favour posting that!), he was in daily contact trying to discuss
doing business with us again. Sorry Rich but the only folks you will be
hearing from are our legal guys. Hey Rich, we have your signed NDA and all
your emails. Remember?

So Richard got scared and wrote this one!

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard George
To: 'Andrew Left'
Cc: Greg Watson
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 1:44 AM
Subject: RE: green and gold energy


The SunCube technology is viable and their design is very solid. The basic concept is to have a module with one square meter of collection area feeding the light to nine fresnel lenses that focus the light on nine Emcore tripple junction 37% efficiency CPV chips. This module is then integrated with a two axis tracking system. Some of the advantages of this design is that they can be mounted on roofs, the weight is low (about the same as a flat plate monocrystalline or polycrystalline module), it can be handled and installed without cranes, it doesn't have the wind load problems that larger arrays (e.g. Solfocus; any array 2KW to 11KW on a 2 axis tracker - a big PV sail), and it should be relatively easy to mass manufacture.

I read your reports on Emcore. You made a misstatement in one about their tripple junction CPV chips being 100X more expensive than standard PV. This is true when comparing their space applications to terrestrial flat plate pv at one sun concentration (e.g. no concentration) . However, this is only true when comparing a unit of size (e.g. one square meter of Emcore's tripple junction cells vs one square meter of Sunpower A300 cells). When one accounts for concentration, the costs drop dramatically. The SunCubes operate at ~1100 suns. Other competitors using the same Emcore CPV chips are using them at concentrations between 500X and 1200X. Essentially, these applications use a chip 1 square centimeter in size but that one chip harvests the power of 1 square foot worth of sunlight at 37% efficiency. Going back to the one square meter of Emcore's tripple junction cells vs one square meter of Sunpower A300 cells example, the one square meter of Emcore cells operating at 1100 suns generates ~300,000 watts of power while the 1 square meter of Sunpower's monocrystalline cells (SunPower 305 module) operating without concentration generates 187 watts of power. The Emcore chips use significantly less silicon per watt of power output and use inexpensive fresnel lens or reflective materials to focus the light from a large area onto their

I cannot discuss commercial size orders at this time but I am in the process of scheduling trips to Australia and South Korea to meet with Green and Gold Energy and their Korean licensee, ES Systems, in the next month or two. A colleague will be visiting their Indian licensee in Pune India as well. I would prefer to withold any further comments until I have had the chance to complete these visits. In addition, there are a lot of positive developments and progress here that are not publicly available at this time.

I have reviewed and talked with every CPV player that has a realistic chance of shipping product in the next two years and plenty more that are further behind. Green and Gold Energy and their licensees are significantly further ahead everyone else in this industry and will ship more product this year than the rest of the industry combined.
Blah de blah...........Meh!!

Dr. Richard George

Bleaugh!!!!! :x
Stinky Bill
Posts: 186
Joined: Wed 07 Aug 2013, 06:48:52

Re: Help Support FREE ENERGY

Unread postby Stinky Bill » Thu 29 Aug 2013, 04:11:20

Woe is me, shame and scandal in the family
Woe is me, shame and scandal in the family

In Trinidad there was a family
With much confusion as you will see
There was a mama and a papa and a boy who was grown
He wanted to marry and have a wife of his own

He met a young girl who suited him nice
He went to his papa to ask his advice
His papa said, "Son, I have to say no
That girl is your sister but your mama don't know"

Hey, woe is me, shame and scandal in the family
Hey, woe is me, shame and scandal in the family

A week went by and the summer came down
And soon another girl on the island, he found
He went to his papa to name the day
His papa shook his head and this time he did say

"You can't marry this girl, I have to say no
That girl is your aunty but your granny don't know

Hey, woe is me, shame and scandal in the family
Hey, woe is me, shame and scandal in the family

Now, he went to his mama and covered his head
He told his mama what his papa had said
His mama, she laughed, she said, "Go man, go
Your daddy ain't your daddy but your daddy don't know"

Hey, woe is me, shame and scandal in the family
Hey, woe is me, shame and scandal in the family
Hey, worries, it worries me, shame and scandal in the family
Hey, woe is me, shame and scandal in the family

Hey, hey, woe is me, shame and scandal in the family
Hey, hey, hey, woe is me, shame and scandal in the family

LENR family that is :-D
Stinky Bill
Posts: 186
Joined: Wed 07 Aug 2013, 06:48:52

Re: Help Support FREE ENERGY

Unread postby Stinky Bill » Fri 30 Aug 2013, 06:54:34

What's hot this week in the wacky world of Free Energy?

OMG! It's MAGNET MOTOR time again!!

Yildiz Entertaining Manufacturing Licenses, But...

Yildiz announced today that he is opening for manufacturing licenses for his all-magnet motor technology. In my opinion, this is premature. He needs a business team around him first, to come up with reasonable terms and strategy. Maybe Chava Energy could fill that role?

by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

This morning, I received a Skype message from Halil Turkmen, who is Muammer Yildiz' associate and translator. He wrote:


BSMH is proud to announce Worldwide Licensing

License for manufacturing will be granted in 5 different power ranges:

1 - 0,5 HP - 1 HP
2 - 1,5 HP - 3 HP
3 - 3,5 HP - 4,5 HP
4 - 5 HP - 7 HP
5 - 7,5 HP - 15 HP

To apply for a license, please use the contact form on our web page, send in “Letter Of Intent” along with documentation describing your company. [Or you can reach Halil through our contact info for him.]........ WARNING WARNING.......HOLD ON TO YOUR WALLETS!

Meetings will be arranged according to applications order.

Open License

He also told me: "The open license will be done for the simple designs. Not industrial types" [which the above refer to].

The open license would basically consist of people being able to download plans for the motor, and if they are successful in building a company or product around that, they would remit a royalty (e.g. 5% is what I'm recommending) on all commercial sales.

And "simple" in this context is relative. From what I can gather so far, this system would not be very easy to replicate. But at least it can give the scientists something to grab onto.


I have mixed feelings about this announcement of receiving manufacturing license inquiries.

It's premature for several reasons:

Hasn't been scientifically proven.
PCT hasn't been filed yet.
Hasn't been engineered for reliable running.
Don't have a production prototype.
As I've reported previously, I have many reasons (35+) to believe that Mr. Yildiz' magnet motor is for real. If you've not already taken our poll in response to that story, feel free to do so now over on the right. Here is the tally from the first day, which ratios have held pretty constant since then.

Here's my vote............. it is BOLLOCKS!
Stinky Bill
Posts: 186
Joined: Wed 07 Aug 2013, 06:48:52


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