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Page added on February 18, 2023

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Beware a climate ‘doom loop,’ where crisis is harder to solve

The devastating effects of climate change on Earth could become so overwhelming that they undermine humanity’s capacity to tackle climate change’s root causes, researchers warned Wednesday.

They are calling it a “doom loop.”

The self-reinforcing dynamic, outlined in a report jointly published Wednesday by two British think tanks, warns of a spiral effect:

Governments risk expending so much money and attention on merely coping with the impacts of climate change that they neglect efforts to reduce global emissions, exacerbating the crisis.

“We’re pointing to a potential situation where the symptom of the climate and ecological crisis — the storms, the potential food crises, and things like this — start to distract us from the root causes,” report author Laurie Laybourn, an associate fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research think tank, said in an interview. “You get a feedback that starts to run out of control.”

The report’s authors do not believe that climate change has already triggered a global “doom loop” that is irreversible, but warn that in some places the dynamic could begin to take hold.

“We could get to the point where societies are faced with relentless disasters and crises, and all the other problems that the climate and ecological crisis is bringing, and will increasingly distract them from delivering decarbonization,” said Laybourn.

Humanity has a ‘brief and rapidly closing window’ to avoid a hotter, deadly future, U.N. climate report says

One example of the doom loop is economic. As African nations spend increasing sums on simply mitigating escalating climate change crises, they have less money to invest in reducing long term emissions targets, Laybourn said.

According to the African Development Bank, the impact of climate change is already costing the entire continent between 5 and 15 percent of its annual GDP growth, per capita.

“Those costs just become even more insurmountable,” Laybourn said. “In that situation, you are eroding the ability of countries across Africa and other parts of the world to be able to deliver more prosperous — and of course sustainable — conditions.”

It could make it more difficult for African nations to raise the $1.6 trillion they have agreed to spend between 2022 and 2030 toward meeting their climate action pledges.

Climate change made the economically devastating floods across West Africa last summer around 80 times more probable to occur, according to an analysis in November.

Around the world, a report published in 2022 in the journal Nature found that each additional ton of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere cost the equivalent of $185, when the economic toll of deadly heat waves, crop-killing droughts and rising seas linked to climate change is taken into account. These costs add up quickly, the authors behind Wednesday’s report say, and will deplete governments of the economic resources they need to tackle climate change’s root causes.

Costs of climate change far surpass government estimates, study says

Humanity has already unleashed more than a trillion tons of carbon dioxide since the start of the Industrial Revolution, driving up global temperatures by more than a degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit). Within the next decade, global average temperatures could reach 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above preindustrial levels — a threshold scientists say is critical to avoid irreversible changes.

It is still technically possible, and even economically viable, for nations to curb carbon pollution on the scale that’s required, according to the United Nations-assembled panel of 278 top climate experts. However, the authors of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2022 report warn that “it cannot be achieved through incremental change.”

In Europe, Laybourn warned that climate change could force more and more refugees to flee increasingly uninhabitable homelands, triggering political backlashes in wealthier host nations — and further distracting voters from climate change, which he says is the issue’s root cause.

By the year 2100, extreme heat events will make parts of Asia and Africa uninhabitable for up to 600 million people, the United Nations and Red Cross warned in October.

“This doom dynamic could manifest itself in things like a more nativist politics,” Laybourn said. In “a more ecologically destabilized world, it’s more conflicted, with more people on the move.”

However, even if humanity begins to enter a “doom loop,” it isn’t doomed, researchers say. Laybourn believes that it is still possible for humanity to extricate itself from it — because societies, he believes, ultimately do have control over how they respond to destabilizing crises.

“The psychological element of this is the fundamental quantity,” Laybourn said, pointing to the way in which individuals dramatically relearned everyday habits in the face of the covid-19 pandemic, over a short period of time, potentially saving many lives.

“Throughout history, in moments of destabilization — you can see the doom dynamic. You can also see a virtuous circle as well, where certain events, shocks, create positive social movements,” he said. “It can happen in astonishingly short periods of time.”

energy central

88 Comments on "Beware a climate ‘doom loop,’ where crisis is harder to solve"

  1. makati1 on Sat, 18th Feb 2023 3:22 pm 

    Another “greenie” piece of BS! There are ZERO ways humans can affect climate change. ZERO!

    Look at the BS closely and you will see it is always about power and $$$. Power to the elite and money transferred from the serfs/slaves to the elite. The only “change” they want is money/power to them and from you!

    All we can do is adjust to the changes as they come. They do not happen overnight, like war. They happen over centuries/millennia.

    The elite want us to stop using “their” resources and live like the Middle Ages, or worse, so their extreme lifestyles will be possible. They are arrogant, stupid, megalomaniacs that need to be stopped.

  2. peakyeast on Sat, 18th Feb 2023 4:21 pm 

    Well.. Governments could stop inventing problems and wasting energy on pure stupidity. Then there would be much more capacity to mitigate actual problems.

    However, the opposite seems to be in the cards.

  3. theluckycountry on Sat, 18th Feb 2023 6:16 pm 

    I’ll pass on this one. No one wants to hear about the loss of glaciers and the NW passage being open half the year. I’ll come back when the entire northern polar cap vanishes in summer

  4. makati1 on Sat, 18th Feb 2023 9:26 pm 

    peaky, the US war budget of $1,000,000,000,000+ is just money waste. If it was truly a democracy that wants peace, it could cut that by at LEAST 90% and still protect the 50 states. But that would be a rational decision, impossible by the bought and paid for US Congressional whores.

  5. makati1 on Sat, 18th Feb 2023 9:27 pm 

    Thelucky…you will not live that long.

  6. FamousDrScanlon on Sun, 19th Feb 2023 4:10 pm 

    Poor Mak. That Boomer guilt is really getting to him. I think he might have set a new world record for overcompensation.

  7. FamousDrScanlon on Sun, 19th Feb 2023 4:18 pm 

    Water Stress: A Global Problem That’s Getting Worse

    Water scarcity threatens the health and development of communities around the globe. Climate change is intensifying the problem, pushing governments to find more innovative, collaborative ways to address water stress.

    How is climate change affecting water stress?

    For every 1°C (1.8°F) increase in the global average temperature, UN experts project a 20 percent drop in renewable water resources. Global warming is expected to increase the number of water-stressed areas and heighten water stress in already affected regions.

    Fucking Boomers fucked everyone

  8. FamousDrScanlon on Sun, 19th Feb 2023 6:38 pm 

    How does anthropogenic warming influence the record-breaking northwest Pacific marine heatwave?

    “…”According to attribution analysis, human influence was estimated to have made such an event about 43 times more likely and the return period from more than two centuries in the counterfactual world to about five years in the present climate,” said Prof. Yin.”

  9. FamousDrScanlon on Sun, 19th Feb 2023 6:53 pm 

    Homes in flood zones are overvalued by billions, study finds

    Failure to account for climate change means low-income homeowners could see their home values plunge

    “American homes in flood zones are overvalued by hundreds of billions of dollars, according to a study published on Thursday in the journal Nature Climate Change. Low-income homeowners in states controlled by Republicans are especially at risk of seeing their home values deflate as global warming accelerates.

    Flooding is a costly and deadly natural hazard across the United States. For decades, the Federal Emergency Management Agency offered flood insurance at discounted rates, incentivizing developers to build houses in flood-prone areas. The agency’s flood maps are also notoriously outdated. That has led to a dangerous situation for homeowners as they grapple with year after year of debilitating floods.”

    Fuck all those red state deniers. After the next disaster don’t send them anything.

    Send drones with cameras so we can watch them pull themselves up by their boot straps…oh what’s that? your boots got washed away along with your house & all your possessions? Too bad – no help for loud mouth deniers.

  10. FamousDrScanlon on Sun, 19th Feb 2023 7:57 pm 

    I’ve been talking about positive self reinforcing feedback loops for 15 years.

    Scientists Examine Dangerous Global Warming ‘Accelerators’

    A new study categorizes climate feedback loops and the possibility they could push the climate past planetary tipping points.

    “If amplifying feedbacks are strong enough, the result is likely tragic climate change moving beyond anything humans can control,”

    “Climate feedbacks are physical, chemical and biological processes in the ocean, atmosphere and on land that, in most cases, reinforce each other to speed up warming. One example is melting sea ice that allows the ocean to absorb more sunlight, which warms the water, to melt more ice.”

    The researchers examined 41 climate feedback loops and found 27 that significantly increase warming but may not be fully accounted for in climate models.

    The feedbacks are worse than they are letting on. I wouldn’t put my money on a methane bomb which would be the mother of all feedback, but clathrates on the seafloor all over are melting. Some of it is converted to co2 but some of it is making it’s way into the atmosphere. Humans can’t stop it – assuming they bothered to try. If there’s no dopamine hits, the humans can’t be bothered.


    It’s Happened Before: Paleoclimate Study Shows Warming Oceans Could Lead to a Spike in Seabed Methane Emissions

    Shallow deposits of frozen methane beneath oceans may be more vulnerable to thawing than previously known.

    “The main message of the study is that researchers need to consider temperature changes greater than they are currently looking at, Weldeab said, due to the possibility of unexpected feedbacks that can magnify warming like changing currents or methane releases brought on by higher temperatures.

    “It’s not only the warming, right, but the feedback process, the loop process of warming,” he said, identifying the disruption of the Atlantic heat pump as the cause for a “remarkably large warming” of 6.8 degrees Celsius in water between 300 and 1,300 meters deep in the ancient history of the study area.”

    I’ve always preferred to use the paleoclimate record than models & the arrogant prick (not all) modelers who create them. For some reason white men are obsessed with computer models. They use it as a guide in the same way the religious revere scripture.

    Only a shit for brains idiot with a 17th century understanding of how this planet works & what causes it to change would say humans can’t change the climate/planet.

    Only 1 sub-tribe has insisted that humans can’t change the climate.

    Religious White American men are the fact free sub-tribe who keeps wrongly insisting that humans can’t change the climate.

    The reason? Because only god (their god) is powerful enough to do that. Tell yourself.

    Nope humans can & have changed the climate. It’s easy & fairly easy to understand.

    Change the chemistry of the atmosphere & you can change the climate. Fuckin Duh

    A nuclear war of just 100 warheads could put the earth into a nuclear winter.

    Just 100 out of 15,000ish nukes.

  11. makati1 on Sun, 19th Feb 2023 8:57 pm 

    Sorry Famous, but I predate Boomers.

    “Overcompensation” or is the Western world being flooded with so much propaganda that it is drowning in lies,hypocracy and bullshit? I think it is the latter. Reality is not in the Western dictionary any more or the peasants would be assembling guillotines in the town squares and rounding up their lying, corrupt leaders for a test run. Many on here are ostriches. So be it. Believe what you will, but don’t say I didn’t tell you so.

  12. makati1 on Sun, 19th Feb 2023 9:13 pm 

    BTW: I am not in your so called group Famous. I am not religious. There is, and never has been, proof of a god of any type or form only greedy power hungry men wanting to control their fellow humans. This is the ONLY life you have and if you waste it…

    Yes, maybe 100 nukes can change the climate,for a while, but many humans will survive and things will move on. Climates change and have since the earth was formed about 4+ billion years ago. No humans then. Why do so many uneducated humans believe it is possible because we are burning FFs? Over educated? Brainwashed? Or just plain stupid? Or all three?

    Even mammals survived the extinction event that killed off the dinosaurs. That’s how we got here. Do the climate change believers even have a clue how much pollution and heat the many erupting volcanoes put in the air every day? Nope! They would rather post selfies on the internet of what they ate for breakfast than actually learn and think for themselves. Maybe that group deserves to die out. I think so. Are you one of them Famouse?

    “Overall, 46 volcanoes were in continuing eruption status as of 19 December 2022.”

  13. makati1 on Tue, 21st Feb 2023 5:59 pm 

    A scan by another name:

    A 10% skim from all of their loyal member’s incomes. Own ranches, factories, universities, office towers, etc. and claim religious exemptions. I hope the IRS fries them.

  14. FamousDrScanlon on Wed, 22nd Feb 2023 5:19 pm 

    Mak says/denies “BTW: I am not in your so called group Famous. I am not religious.”

    Horseshit! Denier Mak denies again. What a phony cunt.

    No one believes you. Even people who disagree with me, don’t want nothing to do with you.
    I wonder, do your teeth go rotten from having your foot in your mouth so frequently?

    You are a magic diaper wearing cult follower from the moment you were exposed. All these denial dupes are just mini cults.

    Dump the Mormons & join the climate denier club of America. Y’all are in love with the thought that “they” get up at 4.AM & spend billions of dollars on fooling you. How FUCKING FLATTERING is that?
    It’s all about you & your special denier bum buddies.


    Heat and drought bite in large parts of South America

    “Since 2019 large parts of Argentina and neighboring countries have been reeling under drought conditions with the last four months of 2022 receiving less than half of the average precipitation: the lowest rainfall in 35 years.

    Combined with high temperatures, this has led to widespread crop failures. Argentina is one of the world’s top wheat exporters but agricultural exports for 2023 are projected to further drop 28% compared to 2022 levels. Uruguay declared an agricultural emergency in October 2022, with 60% of the country’s territory experiencing “extreme” or “severe” drought.”

  15. FamousDrScanlon on Wed, 22nd Feb 2023 5:35 pm 

    After Cyclone Gabrielle, New Zealand wonders how – and if – to rebuild

    As people dig their houses from the silt, the country faces questions over where to rebuild, as the climate crisis heralds more and more extreme weather


    The never-ending fallout of the northern rivers floods: ‘People are just worn down’
    The town of Lismore in the NSW northern rivers region was hit by two huge storms in February and March last year. The floods were the most expensive disaster in Australian history. Photograph: David Maurice Smith/The Guardian

    In February 2022, the first of two catastrophic floods wiped out communities in the NSW northern rivers. A year on, the crisis is nowhere near over

    Records smashed – homes & businesses smashed.

  16. FamousDrScanlon on Wed, 22nd Feb 2023 8:37 pm 

    I called it years ago – Florida’s real estate rush to the exits has begun.

    Florida’s Great Displacement

    The state’s climate exodus has already begun

    “The Keys are also the first flock of canaries in the coal mine of climate change. Over the past few years, the residents of these islands have been forced to confront a phenomenon that will affect millions of Americans before the end of the century. Their present calamity offers a glimpse of our national future.

    Nature is changing. Today’s hurricanes tend to be stronger, wetter, and less predictable than those of the last century. They hold more moisture, speed up more quickly, and stay together longer.”

  17. makati1 on Wed, 22nd Feb 2023 9:30 pm 

    Famouse, you are a liar and trouble maker. I said I am not religious. I hope all religions disappear as they are nothing but leeches on the stupid. Similar to the current “climate disaster” BS. Fools all.

    For an example, they are following the West into Armageddon like sheep to the slaughter. That would be fine with me, if they were not going to take the rest of us with them. I hope it just continues until they are so crippled that they cannot harm anyone ever again. The 3rd world for the West would suit me just fine. We shall see.

    BTW: It is a sunny, 81F here at 11:30 AM this Thursday morning. The garden is doing great and the birds are singing. What is it like in your world?

  18. makati1 on Wed, 22nd Feb 2023 9:34 pm 

    “No one believes you. Even people who disagree with me, don’t want nothing to do with you.
    I wonder, do your teeth go rotten from having your foot in your mouth so frequently?

    You are a magic diaper wearing cult follower from the moment you were exposed. All these denial dupes are just mini cults.”

    Are you describing yourself, Famouse? I will live to dance on your grave, along with that of the West. The new century is the East, minus the US ass kissing Australia, New Zealand and Japan. lol

  19. FamousDrScanlon on Thu, 23rd Feb 2023 1:12 pm 

    A suburb in Arizona lost its source of water.

    Residents warn: We’re only the beginning

    ‘The mega-drought is pitting neighbour against neighbour, and the repercussions are international’

  20. FamousDrScanlon on Thu, 23rd Feb 2023 1:42 pm 

    Rising sea level threatens stability of boundaries, Philippines warns

    “…the Philippines, with more than half of its cities and communities located along its coasts, is one of the most vulnerable to sea level rise due to anthropogenic climate change.

    The Philippines has observed sea level rise at 60 centimeters, about three times that of the global average.”

    Global Warming: Frontline Philippines
    January 26, 2023

    “As this piece was being written, the number of dead, missing, and injured and the toll on agriculture and infrastructure were still rising in Oriental Mindoro, Camarines Norte, Samar, Romblon, and other provinces where almost every barangay had been devastated by days of torrential rain.

    No super typhoon was responsible, and neither is it the rainy season. Low pressure areas (LPAs) and the clash between hot and cold air have nevertheless been bringing floods to parts of southern Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao.

    No country can long endure the human and material costs of the unpredictability and intensifying violence of the weather disturbances that climate change is generating across the planet — and in the Philippines they have made even more problematic the poverty and destruction that bureaucratic bungling and corruption has inflicted on millions of Filipinos.

    The increasing number of the super typhoons that have been smashing into the Philippines, the unseasonal weather, the tornados, cyclones, droughts, floods, and exceptionally cold winters in other countries are among the many indications that time is running out and the hour of what could be the end of the human race approaching.

    Among the most vulnerable countries to global warming is the Philippines: it is a frontliner in the seemingly global rush to extinction. Not only is it in the path of typhoons; it also sits on the Pacific “ring of fire” that powers earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The deaths, the injuries, and the billions in property losses and livelihood from these disasters contribute to the poverty and want that already define the lives of millions of Filipinos.”

    Filipinos see climate change, unemployment, military tensions as top challenges in Southeast Asia — study

    “The ASEAN Studies Centre at ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute noted that “76.8% of Philippine respondents say that climate change is their biggest threat, overtaking unemployment and recession, as the pain of destruction is felt most acutely from Typhoon Nalgae (Paeng) at the end of October 2022.”

    There you go Mak – more than 3/4 of Filipinos say you are a dumb fuck denier tard.

    If your home, USA, collapses Filipino patriots will gut you like a fish within the first 48hr. Money is the only reason they tolerate you.

  21. FamousDrScanlon on Thu, 23rd Feb 2023 1:45 pm 

    “First 100F/37.8C of 2023 in the United States! Falcon Lake in Texas reached the triple digit, while in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee monthly records are falling like flies.

    “Atlanta rose above 80F in winter for the first time in its history.” [Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport reached 81F / 27.2C, breaking the old record of 80° from Feb. 7, 2019].

  22. makati1 on Thu, 23rd Feb 2023 2:37 pm 

    Famouse, get a job and a life. You are obviously on drugs or mentally deficient. I have no time for delusional Westerners.

  23. makati1 on Thu, 23rd Feb 2023 2:38 pm 

    BTW Famouse: If you believe anything CNN prints you are stupid! I live here, do you ?

  24. FamousDrScanlon on Fri, 24th Feb 2023 8:11 pm 

    Parts of US see earliest spring conditions on record: ‘Climate change playing out in real time’

    Parts of Texas, Arkansas, Ohio and Maryland, along with New York, are all recording their earliest spring conditions on record

    “Blooming daffodils in New York City. Leaves sprouting from red maples in North Carolina. Cherry blossoms about to bud in Washington. Record winter warmth across much of the eastern US has caused spring-like conditions to arrive earlier than ever previously recorded in several places, provoking delight over the mild weather and despair over the unfolding climate crisis.”

    Enjoy it Cancer apes, because HELL is coming early too.

  25. FamousDrScanlon on Fri, 24th Feb 2023 8:46 pm 

    Doomsday Glacier melting in Antarctica means terrible news for global sea level rise

    The collapse of the glacier could trigger a chain reaction leading to the collapse of surrounding glaciers.

    “The Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica, also known as the Doomsday Glacier, is melting in unexpected ways that could lead to its rapid collapse, a new study has revealed.”


    How the ‘Doomsday Glacier’ Could Change the World

    “The Thwaites Glacier, an ice formation the size of Florida, can change the world. And the latest research shows that some of its most vulnerable spots are in greater danger than previously thought.

    Thwaites holds a colossal amount of ice, enough to gradually raise sea levels by over two feet(Opens in a new tab)(Opens in a new tab), though its collapse in a heating climate could unleash many more feet from neighboring glaciers. The Antarctic glacier has destabilized, retreating back nearly nine miles since the 1990s. If much of it progressively melts in the coming decades and centuries, large swathes of coastal cities and populated areas around the globe could become submerged, and easily thrashed by storms. For this reason, scientists are now intensely researching where Thwaites is melting, and how fast it might melt. These are monumental questions for Earth’s future denizens.”

    Get ready for the biggest coastal property sell-off in history.

    Watch all the denier douche bags belly ache & elbow their way to the front of the BIG GOV bailout line. They’ll also be denying they were deniers when the inevitable witch hunts begin.

    Think of #metoo & other cancel culture witch hunts, only instead of losing your job you lose your head & they try to burn you. Fire, there is always fire when the talking apes lose their shit.

  26. makati1 on Fri, 24th Feb 2023 9:40 pm 

    The only “doomsday glacier” melting is your mind, Famouse. Get a life.

  27. makati1 on Mon, 27th Feb 2023 3:09 pm 

    Perhaps one new article daily would create more interest than five or six once a week or so?

  28. eee on Mon, 27th Feb 2023 7:59 pm 

    I just send this message to the US Department of States

    This is a message from the Quebecer writing comments on
    I told you that I will destroy the US for your refusal to kill Blinken and his family and your refusal to put a full trade embargo on Israel. There is more destruction coming into the US.

    42 million people under winter alerts across the U.S.

  29. eeeed e e on Mon, 27th Feb 2023 8:51 pm 

    There is a possibility that half of me is here on earth, and the other half of me is outside of earth reality and running earth calculator. That makes me your GOD and I own You.

  30. makati1 on Tue, 28th Feb 2023 4:38 am 

    ee… no part of you is on planet earth. I do think your brain is in Lala-land due to a serious drug addiction. Get help.

  31. ee e ee on Tue, 28th Feb 2023 11:01 am 


    The earth reality is moving backward in time using the mechanism of entropic degradation. At the end of you recovers the basic building block, energy building block, that you used to build the reality and the calculator.

    GOD live in a cold vacuum with no air and no heat. Earth will slowly transform itself into a ball of ice as the entropic degradation move earth backwards in time and eventually breaks earth into primitives elementals forms and to finally moved closer to where GOD lived, if you have the right body to survive intense cold. This is one my theory that need to be proven, of course.

  32. theluckycountry on Tue, 28th Feb 2023 2:05 pm 

    “” The floods were the most expensive disaster in Australian history..
    In February 2022, the first of two catastrophic floods wiped out communities in the NSW northern rivers. A year on, the crisis is nowhere near over

    Records smashed – homes & businesses smashed.””

    Famous, where do you live? I live here, these places are backwaters, the most expensive disaster? Hardly, that’s a lie! The Brisbane floods were but they won’t put a dollar figure on that. It always floods here, don’t get sucked in by the WeatherPorn, that’s all it is.

  33. makati1 on Tue, 28th Feb 2023 4:32 pm 

    An unusual storm. A flood caused by man’s use of a flood plain for construction, etc.. All are blamed on carbon use and humans, who just want a better life by using resources the elite want for themselves.

    Manila is mostly built where there once was swamp, and now they wonder why most of it floods during a bad storm or typhoon. They have to go down 20 or 30 meters to get to rock firm enough to build a 30 story building and then use many pylons to support it. I watched them do that next to my condo years ago.

    BTW: Most buildings there are designed to accommodate the occasional floods.

    US example of poor choices of construction site: Miami. But then, I just saw an ad for one acre of undeveloped flat land on the beach in Florida for sale with nothing but grass. The list price was in the million$ Fools all.

  34. Duncan Idaho on Tue, 28th Feb 2023 6:37 pm 

    Former veteran California FBI agent sentenced for bribery

    Pretty minor for that type of pig.
    Might get a promotion?

  35. eee e ee on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 4:14 am 

    I left the following message for Urusla von der Leyen on the webpage

    This is a message from the Quebecer writing comments on

    I told you fucking garbage whore I GOD and I would destroy, the US, Europe, Canada, Israel and Quebec. Give us sometime bitch and we will give you a good show, ugly gray alien bubble head.

    Catastrophe ferroviaire en Grèce : 36 morts et 66 blessés hospitalisés (nouveau bilan)

  36. eee e on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 5:09 am 

    The message below has been send to this email address [email protected] and a message was left for the US Department of State at the webpage link:

    This is a message from the Quebecer writing comments on

    told you that I will destroy the US because you refuse to kill Blinken and his family and refuse to put a total trade embargo on Israel. More destruction is coming for the US, Canada, Quebec, Europe and Israel.

    Wet Weather Generates Mudslides in California, Heavy Snow Pummels Mountains

  37. ToldYOu on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 10:45 am 

    Florida train carrying 30,000 gallons of liquid propane derails
    An investigation is underway after another train carrying hazardous materials derailed 50 miles south of Tampa. Officials say there has been no leakage.
    March 1, 2023

    I told you that I will destroy the US because you refuse to kill Blinken and his family and refuse to put a total trade embargo on Israel. More destruction is coming for the US, UK, Canada, Quebec, Europe and Israel

  38. JuiceANdMoreJuice on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 11:47 am 

    We have a Juice working to subvert the US losing his camouflage and changing into a gray alien. I am talking about the Jews Merrick Garland.

    Grey alien picture for reference

  39. why did elite whitey (((uppertard))) abandon free speech for this site Colorado: Lawyers for Muslim who murdered ten people in supermarket say he’s schizophrenic on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 11:57 am 

    On This Day…
    Mar 01, 2016: Arish, Egypt
    Jihadists behead a man and shoot his teenage son to death: 2 Killed

    supertards pleae change ur undies after 5 weeks

    please feel at ease among frineds we’re all lovers of supremacist muzzies here

    this is my master treatease. i don’t waste time on this forum. it’s lame. I focus on my goats

    muzzie bribe went with isis to make babies and now want to go back. what the world going to. this is ok but supertard big muzzie beard SAWS swt pbuh is banned from UK and harrassed by AA.

    supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swt reported muzzies in ger comprise of 40% of jizya payment to the tune of 4 billion euros per month. with that money they could go REAL GREEN or FAKE GREEN, it doesn’t matter that would’d been prosperious without the rapey rapey and stabby muzzies. The scale of jizya is incredible. it’s all out in the open if you just listen to the UK muzzie andy choudary for explanations
    muzzie sabotage airliner and got loved 1000x in the form of reporting of “union dispute”. supertard big muzzie beard SAWS pbuh swtreported it’s actually jihad.

    Then in astralia muzzie with big grin and smug looking face with a hat and meat grinder practically begged to be amputated and put on muzzie hamster wheel. cops love him 100000x more and are puzzled why he did this. i’m scratching my head too which has thinning hair

    Muzzie in NZ allah acbar and went after cop with axe. Cops loved muzzie 10000x love conquer all. No tweet AOC SAWS pbuh swt , not siri Lanka, not when muzzie shot 6 cops on philadelphia. 25 billion tweet on Christchurch though

    then there we deceptions of deep green, real green, deep deep green, fake fake green, and all the permutations of green. when AOC SAWS pbuh swt – (ZOMG i’m amazed at the technology in a sink food grinder) failed, the greta SAWS pbuh swt deception kicked in. I belived everything even the fantastic flying goat story.
    The mini AOC Greta DUM DUM is just a deception
    for many years, centuries, million, quadrillion of years since (((supremetard))) SAWS pbuh swt created heaven and earth and before supertards SAWS pbuh swt big muzzie beard and glenn roberts put up web sites, i warned tards and supertards about muzzies.

    i made no progress sort of like banging head against concrete, concrete wins everytime

    but then i “reverted” to a supremacist muzzie jerk and I’m the best of humanity allah has created. i wear a muzzie dress and i pee sitting down holding up the bathroom line. this made supertard SAWS pbuh swt have bladder infection but the love for muzzies only intensified.

    and now i have superpower, big goat SAWS pbuh swt is feeling intense heat. all stops are pulled it seems – even Robert Inget the controlled libtard opposition is deployed to censor me. but uppertard SAWS pbuh swt is not going to destroy free speech for someones love of muzzie. supertard SIS SAWS pbuh swt dropped the appeal and that’s final. it’s now as good as case law. supertard SIS SIS SAWS pbuh is back being occupied with his bunker and learjet and auto keltecs and he said absolutely do not bother him. so it’s set in stone that uppertard SAWS swt pbuh is not going to modify this forum

  40. thank you uppertard for supporting free speech on this forum 2023.02.27 (Israel) A 25-year-old American is shot dead in his car by supremacist muzzes Palestinian terrorists. on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 11:59 am 

    supertards pleae change ur undies after 5 weeks

    please feel at ease among frineds we’re all lovers of supremacist muzzies here

  41. today marks beginning of thank you uppertard for supporting free speech month 2023.02.26 (India) A Pandit religious minority is shot to death by Jaish-e-Mohammed. on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 12:04 pm 

    March is thank you uppertard month

    supertards pleae change ur undies after 5 weeks

    please feel at ease among frineds we’re all lovers of supremacist muzzies here

  42. eee e e on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 12:25 pm 

    Rep. Newhouse: U.S. should ‘partially decouple’ economic ties with China

    What advantage are there for the US the be the guardian and enforcer of globalism for the banking elites, Western Europe nations, EU, Nordic Europe nations, Japan, UK, South Korea and china: none.

    Maybe it is time for the Chinese, Japanese and South Koreans to become the the guardian and enforcer of globalism. It is time for China to become the world reserve currency. China seems to express a desire to become the next world reserve currency and the the the guardian and enforcer of globalism.

  43. eee e3e on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 1:21 pm 

    I told you that other half of me, run earth calculator, including biologic human calculator section.

    I told you, that we can make your face bleeds red.

    Jump to 0:22, you will see I say the truth.

  44. makati1 on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 2:21 pm 

    I’m out of here. I may come back when the bots are gone. Maybe.

  45. 99.7% of people are lovers of supremacist muzzies according to recent rasmussen poll 0.21% left are lovers of elite whitey (((supertards))) on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 3:03 pm 

    very little love for elite whitey supertards

    supertards pleae change ur undies after 5 weeks

    please feel at ease among frineds we’re all lovers of supremacist muzzies here

  46. 99.7% of people are lovers of supremacist muzzies according to recent rasmussen poll 0.21% left are lovers of elite whitey (((s 2016.12.29 Philippines Hilongos 0 kiled 32 injured Bangsamoro supremacist muzzies Islamists bomb a boxing match. on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 3:22 pm 

    very little love for elite whitey supertards

    March is thank UPPERtards for free speech month
    July is elite whitey supertard month

    supertards pleae change ur undies after 5 weeks

    please feel at ease among frineds we’re all lovers of supremacist muzzies here

  47. 99.97% of elite whitey supertards are lovers of supremacist muzzies 99.98% of elite whitey (((supertards))) are lovers of supremacist muzzies according to recent rasmussen poll in 2023 on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 3:41 pm 

    supertards pleae change ur undies after 5 weeks

    please feel at ease among frineds we’re all lovers of supremacist muzzies here

  48. elite whitey (((supertard))) CLOTT Adams say supremcist muzzies r peaceful supremacist muzie hung himself on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 4:45 pm 

    ISIS fanatic jailed over the gruesome beheading of two elite whitey supetards Scandinavian women Maren Ueland, 28, and 24-year-old Louisa Vesterager Jespersen hikers in Morocco that shocked the world hangs himself in prison

    supertards pleae change ur undies after 5 weeks

    please feel at ease among frineds we’re all lovers of supremacist muzzies here

  49. theluckycountry on Wed, 1st Mar 2023 5:04 pm 

    “I’m out of here. I may come back when the bots are gone. Maybe.”

    It’s not so bad makati, you just scroll down past the obviously insane to find the genuine posters. Though I think it’s only you and me now lol.

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