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Page added on February 8, 2019

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Kunstler: Dreams Die Hard

Somewhere between the fevered Zzzz’s of American Dreaming and the blinding shock of being “woke,” there is a recognition that an awful lot about contemporary life is not working and can’t go on. At the bottom of this discontent is the mistaken notion that the unwind of modernity can be arrested or mitigated by “smart” and “green” this-and-that.

The disappointment over it will be epic when we discover that the laws of physics override the bright ideas of politicians. America has been blowing green smoke up its own ass for years, promoting oxymorons such as “green skyscrapers” and “clean energy,” but the truth is we’re not going to run WalMart, Suburbia, DisneyWorld, and the interstate highway system on any combination of wind, solar, geothermal, recycled Fry-Max, and dark matter. We’re just running too much stuff at too great a scale for too many people. We’ve blown through the capital already and replaced it with IOUs that will never be honored, and we’re caught in an entropy trap of diminishing returns from all the work-arounds we’re desperately trying.

For all that, there are actually some sound proposals in the mostly delusional matrix of the Green New Deal promoted by foxy front-person AOC.

  • Revoke corporate personhood by amending our Constitution to make clear that corporations are not persons and money is not speech. Right on, I say, though they have not quite articulated the argument which is that corporations, unlike persons, have no vested allegiance to the public interest, but rather a legal obligation solely to shareholders and their boards-of-directors.
  • Replace partisan oversight of elections with non-partisan election commissions. A no-brainer.
  • Replace big money control of election campaigns with full public financing and free and equal access to the airwaves. Quite cheap and worth every penny.
  • Break up the oversized banks that are “too big to fail.” And while you’re at it, resume enforcement of the anti-trust laws.
  • Restore the Glass-Steagall separation of depository commercial banks from speculative investment banks. Duh….

Of course, a lot of the proposals above may be obviated when the money system we’ve been using, and its subsidiaries in markets, blows up, taking much of the world’s notional wealth with it, along with our hopes and dreams for replacing the fossil fuel economy with “Green technology.”

The Green New Deal may be an exercise in throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks, so let’s just assume that a lot of the “social justice” pander-jive in it will slide down the wall onto the floor and make its way to the dumpster. Stuff like: “the right to full employment” (there is no such right), Free college and medicine (doesn’t pencil out with our capital gone, though the current odious rackets must go), “ending the war on immigrants” (how about ending the Democratic Party’s war on enforcing immigration laws?)

There are two kinds of deadly narcissism at work in American culture these days: techno-narcissism — the belief that magical rescue remedies can save the status quo of comforts and conveniences — and organizational narcissism — the belief that any number of committees can lead a march of humanity into a future of rainbows and unicorns. Both of these ideas are artifacts of a fossil fuel turbo-charged economy that is coming to an end. Societies and economies are fundamentally emergent, non-linear, and self-organizing as they respond to the mandates of reality — which are not necessarily consistent with human wishes. Circumstances in the world change and sometimes, when the changes are profound enough, they provoke episodes of flux and disorder.

A better index for our journey into the unknown frontier beyond modernity will not be what is “green” and “smart” but perhaps what is “sane” and “insane.”


60 Comments on "Kunstler: Dreams Die Hard"

  1. makati1 on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 2:59 am 

    “There are two kinds of deadly narcissism at work in American culture these days: techno-narcissism — the belief that magical rescue remedies can save the status quo of comforts and conveniences — and organizational narcissism — the belief that any number of committees can lead a march of humanity into a future of rainbows and unicorns. Both of these ideas are artifacts of a fossil fuel turbo-charged economy that is coming to an end.”

    That pretty well sums up America today. Narcodreams without the drugs…or in many cases, with the drugs.

    “U.S. Leads the World in Illegal Drug Use”

    “Drugs, alcohol and suicides contribute to alarming drop in U.S. life expectancy”

    Slip slidin’…

  2. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 5:00 am 

    The come-back of Marine le Pen:

    With Macron stumbling, le Pen is leading in the polls in the run-up to the European elections in May, which will cause an earthquake in Europe. And all the rightwingers including le Pen, love Putin. Even Christian-Democrat Juncker loves Putin:

    (“Putin is my friend”)

    With the British out of the way and a rapprochment of a more rightwing EU and Russia, forming a block of 640 million, nuclear armed to the teeth, we finally get the upperhand over our Anglo friends, with China baked into the Eurasian cake, through their alliance with Russia and their giant New Silk Road project.

    Poor Anglos, all dressed-up and nowhere to go.

    Two Anglo-centuries drawing to a close, Eurasian century/centuries are next.

    Not sure what George Soros has to say about this development. Probably hates it.

  3. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 5:07 am 

    “And all the rightwingers including le Pen, love Putin. Even Christian-Democrat Juncker loves Putin (“Putin is my friend”)”

    What a friggin joke, clogged. Your reference is in Dutch and being a friend is not “Love”. Nobody in Europe trust Putin. He is a Russian nationalist with Russia first not Europe. You are duped because you see Russia essential to your PBM fantasy. Many see Russia as less of a threat if engaged and worked with. That is it.

  4. Dredd on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 5:26 am 

    “Oil … is the devil’s Excrement.” OPEC co-founder Juan Pablo Perez Alfonzo
    (“I guess that means Oil-Qaeda is the bowels of the devil.” Dredd)

  5. JuanP on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 5:38 am 

    I don’t know shit about AOC because I consider her a moron so I won’t waste much time learning about her. She appears to be the new Obama selling hope and change to the ignorant, idealistic American youth, and, just like Obama, if she wins she will be a huge disappointment, but some people will be happy and support her because she is a minority woman, just like some people supported Obama because he was half black. The five points mentioned by JHK above would be a positive step, but anyone thinking she’ll push that through is living in Davy’s Lalaland. The USA is going in the opposite direction; any person with some knowledge of history understands that the USA is headed towards an awful crisis and a terrible tragedy, this could manifest as a revolution, civil war, breakup, military dictatorship, and/or police state oligarchy (this last one is almost here already). I lived in a military dictatorship for 13 years and recognize many of its symptoms in today’s USA. I enjoy more freedoms and felt safer in Uruguay’s dictatorship than I do in today’s American “democracy”. There is zero possibility that this will end well for people living in the USA; terrible times are coming. I want to recommend to every American resident who intends to stay to build a community and focus on the basics: food, water, shelter, healthcare, and defense. Everything else is a waste of time, including trying to save the environment or preventing Climate Change. If you want to help the environment, do it locally. Forget humanity’s survival and focus on yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your friends. A certain degree of selfishness is necessary in these times. Not even gods could save America or the world!

  6. JuanP on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 5:43 am 

    Delusional Davy “Nobody in Europe trust Putin.”

    More lies from the Exceptionalist. Putin is the most liked, respected, and admired political leader worldwide, including in Europe. Every single poll on the subject for more than a decade proves that, including Western MSM ones. Your Russia and Putin bashing is really old and stale, Davy! You are full of shit!

  7. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 6:03 am 

    “I don’t know shit about AOC because I consider her a moron so I won’t waste much time learning about her. She appears to be the new Obama selling hope and change to the ignorant, idealistic American youth, and, just like Obama, if she wins she will be a huge disappointment, but some people will be happy and support her because she is a minority woman, just like some people supported Obama because he was half black.”
    “if she wins”??? LOL, she will splinter the Democratic Party.

    The five points mentioned by JHK above would be a positive step, but anyone thinking she’ll push that through is living in Davy’s Lalaland.
    Are you triggered by me juanpee?

    “The USA is going in the opposite direction; any person with some knowledge of history understands that the USA is headed towards an awful crisis and a terrible tragedy, this could manifest as a revolution, civil war, breakup, military dictatorship, and/or police state oligarchy (this last one is almost here already).”
    Spare me the drama, queen. LOL. The world is heading for decline and decay and the US is no exception but your anti-American version is BS. You are emotionally triggered anti-American low IQ individual. You almost never say anything wise and balance it always emotionally charged BS like your buddy makato

    “I lived in a military dictatorship for 13 years and recognize many of its symptoms in today’s USA. I enjoy more freedoms and felt safer in Uruguay’s dictatorship than I do in today’s American “democracy”.
    BIG deal. Go home

    “There is zero possibility that this will end well for people living in the USA; terrible times are coming. I want to recommend to every American resident who intends to stay to build a community and focus on the basics: food, water, shelter, healthcare, and defense. Everything else is a waste of time, including trying to save the environment or preventing Climate Change.”
    BS, juanp, The US is full of success stories and we are always reinventing ourselves. There is good and bad going on here unlike the horrible version of the US that illegal aliens like you spew.

    “If you want to help the environment, do it locally. Forget humanity’s survival and focus on yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your friends. A certain degree of selfishness is necessary in these times. Not even gods could save America or the world!”
    Well I do agree with you there. Occasionally you say something rational when your emotions run their course.

    “Delusional Davy “Nobody in Europe trust Putin.” More lies from the Exceptionalist. Putin is the most liked, respected, and admired political leader worldwide, including in Europe. Every single poll on the subject for more than a decade proves that, including Western MSM ones. Your Russia and Putin bashing is really old and stale, Davy! You are full of shit!

    More lies from triggered juanpee who is an emotionally charged anti-American who is delusional and low IQ

  8. intellectual nematode Alert! on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 6:11 am 

    Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 6:03 am

  9. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 6:41 am 

    Just what Asia needs more of is billionaires.

    “American Dominance in Tech Wealth Creation Upended by Asian Wave”

    “A shift is underway among the world’s richest young entrepreneurs. Six of the world’s 10 wealthiest self-made billionaires age 40 and under are from the Asia-Pacific region, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Four are Chinese and two are Australian. Just three are from the U.S., which used to dominate the list. “From a technology perspective, in the past five years China has come on in leaps and bounds,” said Allan Chu, head of technology, media and telecom for China at Credit Suisse Group AG. “You’ve seen startup companies develop into technology giants and it’s created a lot of wealth for the founders.”

  10. Darrell Cloud on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 7:01 am 

    I’ve been watching this documentary on the Spanish Civil War. There are quite a number of parallels in the fault lines that divided Spain to the fault lines that are dividing America today. It is worth a watch.

  11. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 8:08 am 

    “World Hurtling Toward Multi-Civilizational Asiatic Hegemony”

    Says an American-Indian:

    …and of course he hopes that.

    I think it is too early to write off whitey, but yes, white planetary hegemony 1492-2016 is over.

    I have no doubt that China will become the new #1… but that it can be counter-balanced by a united white world, a bit like the USA-USSR dichotomy after 1945, but less hostile… provided we can agree on a formula of a new multi-polar world order, based on heritage and ancient “Great Civilizations”, that live next to each other, with limited interaction and hopefully peacefully. With a new world organisation that will replace the UN, an outdated US-centric club based on the winners of WW2. In that new world organization, called something like “United Civilizations”, rather than “United Nations”, every geography will be represented: Europe (including Russia and Heartland USA), China, Islam, India, Africa, Latin-America, Japan. Perhaps even post-Brexit Britain, loosely coupled with continental Europe, lording over balkanized territory in North-America, like Anglo-Canada and parts of NE-USA (New England etc.) and perhaps Down-Under, if China doesn’t take it, a big if.

  12. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 8:12 am 

    yet, look around clogged, none of your extreme fantasy is real

  13. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 8:28 am 

    I’ve been watching this documentary on the Spanish Civil War. There are quite a number of parallels in the fault lines that divided Spain to the fault lines that are dividing America today. It is worth a watch.

    The Spanish Civil War was a war between left and right, between the Spanish Catholic-nationalists vs the Moscow & Anglo-backed “Republicans” (read: communists).

    Anglos like Orwell and Hemingway obviously fought on the side of the communists, that is what natural born globalists do for a living.

    But Spain is a hardcore European nation with a magnificent heritage (it took us Dutch full 80 years to ram these f*ckers out of our…

    …so obviously, if left alone to itself, the identitarian Right always wins in Europe.

    Spain (and Portugal and Greece) had the luck not to fall in the hands of either Soviets (Eastern Europe) or Anglos (western Europe), but were protected by right-wing “dictators” like Franco, until the seventies.

    That’s why Spain is still Spain, very much unlike France and the UK, who were less lucky and both lost their resp. magnificent capitals to the third world, with other big cities to follow. Madrid (and Rome) are still white and will remain white.

    But as (US-insider?) Darrell suggests, now even in the US the situation has arrived at a breaking point.

    Here US alt-righters discussing Trump’s SOTU, which they all reject:

    Somewhere in the podcast they agree that the US empire is over.

    These people re-identify as Europeans, are disgusted with the US, something we continental Europeans should take careful note of and understand the once-in-a-life chance to reassert European independence from the US overlord and help these people escape and draw them in our future commonwealth of European peoples.

  14. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 8:39 am 


    Nothin extreme or unreal about that!

  15. Triggered Juanpee identity theft on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 8:56 am 

    whats da matter dirty juan, did you get your clock cleaned. Now all that is left is low IQ dirty juanpee behavior. LMFAO

    Davy said MAGA! Nothin extreme or unreal about that!
    Davy said MOMMY!
    Davy said BTW, did I ever mention before I have a milk farm?…
    Davy said You do make one good point Juan. I want my mommy!…

  16. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 9:06 am 

    SOTU comments by Russia-insider:

  17. Darrell Cloud on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 9:18 am 

    The fault lines are clearly discernible if you look at the county by county voting patterns in the 2016 election.

    The globalists are concentrated in the cities surrounded by their third world imported populations.

    Middle America is concentrated in the fly over country that voted Trump into office.

    My concern lies with the populations that will pour out of the cities looking for food once the system collapses.

  18. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 9:33 am 

    My concern lies with the populations that will pour out of the cities looking for food once the system collapses.

    Indeed. Perhaps that Davy should invest some prepping time in a shooting course and fraternize with his neighbors and play Continental Army 2.0.


    Back to brexit:

    40 British firms are moving to the Netherlands, the Anglo-friendly country of choice to resettle. And that is only the beginning. 250 firms have shown interest to do the same.

    “They voted for Brexit, now their factory is moving to Holland”

    Glemsford is losing a Philips factory of 500 employees.

    Wouldn’t be surprised if BoJo and Farage will have to flee the country and apply for asylum, perhaps in a grateful Holland.

  19. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 9:49 am 

    Renewable transport in Manila: “Trolley Boys”:

    Income: $10/day

    Businessmodel: hijacking heavily used railway tracks and transport passengers with manpower and selfmade carts.

    On Youtube many more videos “manila trolley boys”

  20. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 10:08 am 

    The long overdue white insurrection movement goes into its 13th week in Paris:

    Protester loses hand.

  21. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 10:38 am 

    Extremely interesting development in the UK Labour party:

    Corbyn pulls off a Joe Stalin and rejects his inner Lenin/Trotsky.

    National Bolshevism rather than (((Globalist Marxism))) for Jeremy.

    The original communist revolution was jewish, as diagnosed by Hitler and confirmed by Vladimir the Great:

    Trotsky joined the revolution, while coming straight from New York with a coffer full with money from jewish banker Jakob Schiff.

    However gradually into the revolution, the goy Stalin turned the internationalist communist movement into a national one…

    …without jews, but left his American allies in the dark about that development until after the war. The Americans should have known better when in Mexico Stalin’s agents killed (icepicked) the jewish revolutionary leader.

    And perhaps the Americans did suspect, but they needed the USSR to together destroy and colonize Europe first and deal with anti-globalist Stalin later.


    Blair and Brown were willing capitalist tools of British jews, but it looks like Corbyn follows the national path and hence his nationalist-pro-Brexit stance. He is not per se anti-Europe, like the globalist Tories are, he just wants his little socialist Britain for the small British guy, regardless of color, a sort of mixed-race GDR. Shabby to the core, but everybody a guaranteed shabby minimum.

  22. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 11:20 am 

    “Indeed. Perhaps that Davy should invest some prepping time in a shooting course and fraternize with his neighbors and play Continental Army 2.0. #StLouisEast”

    AH, clogged, the hot points in East St. Louis are a few city blocks of gangland habitat. You have a big issue with scale and exaggerations.

  23. Duncan Idaho on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 11:20 am 

    I’ve been watching this documentary on the Spanish Civil War.

    I think it was the turning point of the 20th Century.
    When the Soviets and the Nazi’s backed Franco, the writing was on the wall as to where we were headed.

  24. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 1:38 pm 

    “Finland Abandons ‘Helicopter Money’ Experiment: No New Jobs Created”

    “With socialists rising to the calls of the ‘free shit army’ and the ever-more-left-leaning liberal intelligentsia imagining ever-more-creative ways to pretend to fund their massive government interventions (Modern Monetary Theory), the topic of “QE for the people” or “helicopter money” or the more academic-sounding “Universal Basic Income” is becoming ever-more-prevalent. Why should people be forced to work? Why should people have to take responsibility for themselves? America is the land of the free to sit on your ass and receive government handouts after all. Well, we have some more results in on the impact of Universal Basic Income (UBI) experiments – handing out free money to citizens with no strings attached. As part of its experiment, in Finland 2,000 unemployed people aged 25-58 were paid a tax-free €560 (£490) monthly income. This was independent of any other income they had and not conditional on looking for work.”

    “So what were the results? Simple (and Dr Martinelli – and the left – won’t like it): 1) People were happier, and 2) No new jobs were created.”

    “The recipients of a basic income were no better or worse than the control group at finding employment in the open labour market”, Ohto Kanninen, research coordinator at the Labour Institute for Economic Research, said in a statement. Shocker!! Who could have seen that coming? Give people free money for doing nothing, with no conditions, and they will be happier to sit around all day in non-productive utopia.”

  25. TPTB on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 1:41 pm 

    Darrell Cloud

    You do realize your comments are totally inaccurate.

    Firstly, the map you provide shows geography, but geography doesn’t vote. Matter of fact, only 1 in 5 Americans live in what you classify as “flyover country”. And rural populations continue to decline in population due to economic activity occurring in urban and suburban America.

    What is your point?

  26. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 1:46 pm 

    Clogged, so much for those Eurasian friends you talk so glowingly about. LMFAO

    “EU Warns Diplomats Of “No-Go” Zones In Brussels, Cites Influx Of Russian And Chinese Spies”

    “EU officials have issued a bizarre warning to government, military and diplomatic staff working in Brussels, alleging that the European Union’s unofficial capital has become a major hub of Russian and Chinese espionage and spying. The EU authorities have reportedly advised European diplomats and other personnel to avoid specific areas of the city, especially night life entertainment venues, near EU institutions which have seen an uptick in foreign snooping and surveillance.”

    “EU diplomats told German paper Welt am Sonntag they received a formal alert from the European External Action Service (EEAS), warning them of the presence of “around 250 Chinese and 200 Russian spies,” according to the report. The German report identifies Brussels’ popular European Quarter, where the majority of the key EU institutions are based, as a key area being targeted by spies, specifically social hubs like bars and restaurants frequented by EU employees. The “no-go” places included a popular steakhouse and cafe near a building housing the European Commission headquarters, for example.”

  27. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 1:58 pm 

    “Matter of fact, only 1 in 5 Americans live in what you classify as “flyover country”.

    got some references there “what’s your point TPTD”??

    “And rural populations continue to decline in population due to economic activity occurring in urban and suburban America.”

    There is also the exodus from the high tax liberal utopian urban areas too or haven’t you noticed that?

  28. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 2:09 pm 

    “EU officials have issued a bizarre warning to government”

    Currently most EU officials are despicable US vassals.

    So what is your point? Your quote is self-defeating.

    And China is not “our friend”, although not as bad as your club. They do not seek to whipe out the white race, as your club does, including you.

    ZOG is the total enemy and needs to “addressed” first and China could be a great help. I’m counting the hours until the clash.

  29. JuanP on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 3:02 pm 

    Davy is doomed to spend the rest of his life in that flyover hideaway that his family bought to keep him away because they are ashamed of him! Not even his mother loves that motherfucking son of a whore!

  30. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 3:43 pm 

    “The U.S. Faces A Catastrophic Food Supply Crisis In America As Farmers Struggle”

    “American farmers are battling several issues when it comes to producing our food. Regulated low prices, tariffs, and the inability to export have all cut into the salaries of farmers. They are officially in crisis mode, just like the United States’ food supply.”

    “As the government continues to pass the burden onto others while destroying the food industry, things could very well reach apocalyptic levels. Nothing will see this country spiral into complete disarray like a lack of food.”

    “To put it simply, government interference in the agriculture industry is responsible for the food crisis we all are about to face.”

  31. More low IQ JuanP behavior on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 3:48 pm 

    Triggered Juan is learning something on Zero Hedge. It might be more than his GED education can handle.

    Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 3:43 pm

  32. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 3:48 pm 

    “35 Mind-Blowing Facts About America That Previous Generations Never Would Have Believed”

    #1 Approximately one-fourth of the entire global prison population is in the United States.

    #2 By the time an American child reaches the age of 18, that child will have seen approximately 40,000 murders on television.

    #3 The average U.S. adult “logs 6 hours, 43 minutes of total screen time daily”.

    #4 Approximately 96 percent of all Americans use the Internet.

    #5 According to the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, nearly 56,000 bridges in the United States are currently “structurally deficient”. What makes that number even more chilling is the fact that vehicles cross those bridges a total of 185 million times a day.

    #6 In more than half of all U.S. states, the highest paid public employee in the state is a football coach.

    #7 The Pentagon has more square footage of office space than any other office building in the entire world.

    #8 The state of Alaska is 429 times larger than the state of Rhode Island. But Rhode Island has a significantly larger population than Alaska does.

    #9 Alaska has a longer coastline than all of the other 49 U.S. states put together.

    #10 The city of Juneau, Alaska is about 3,000 square miles in size. It is actually larger than the entire state of Delaware.

    #11 The average age of America’s dams is now 52 years.

    #12 The average supermarket in the United States wastes about 3,000 pounds of food each year.

    #13 There are more than 75 million dogs in the United States, and that number is constantly growing.

    #14 Montana has three times as many cows as it does people.

    #15 The grizzly bear is the official state animal of California. But no grizzly bears have been seen in the state since 1922.

    #16 The only place in the United States where coffee is grown commercially is in Hawaii.

    #17 More than 2 million Americans work for Wal-Mart.

    #18 Half of all American workers make less than $30,533 a year.

    #19 According to one recent survey, 37 percent of all Americans eat fast food every 24 hours.

    #20 One study found that one-third of all American teenagers haven’t read a single book in the past year.

    #21 Almost one-third of all Millennials are still living with their parents.

    #22 The suicide rate in the United States has risen by 33 percent since 1999.

    #23 Women have earned at least 57 percent of all bachelor’s degrees in the United States for 18 years in a row.

    #24 If the U.S. health care system was a country, it would have the fifth largest GDPon the entire planet.

    #25 America does not have a single airport that is considered to be in the top 25 in the world.

    #26 Today, a million Americans are living in their RVS, and that number is rising with each passing year.

    #27 More than 100 churches in the United States are dying every single week.

    #28 The original name of the city of Atlanta was “Terminus“.

    #29 There are three towns in the United States that have the name “Santa Claus“.

    #30 There is actually a town in Michigan called “Hell“, and during the recent polar vortex it actually froze over.

    #31 Almost one-third of all land in the United States is owned by the federal government.

    #32 More than 27 million acres of U.S. farmland is owned by foreigners.

    #33 Congestion on our highways costs Americans approximately 101 billion dollars a year in wasted fuel and time.

    #34 According to Bloomberg, it is being projected “that by 2025, shortfalls in infrastructure investment will subtract as much as $3.9 trillion from U.S. gross domestic product.”

    #35 In 1980, the U.S. national debt had just surpassed the one trillion dollar mark. In 2019, we are about to surpass the 22 trillion dollar mark with no end in sight.

  33. Triggered Juan identity theft on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 3:50 pm 

    Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 3:48 pm

  34. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 4:57 pm 

    Well, well, well, the ink of my post about Jeremy Corbyn…

    Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 10:38 am

    …isn’t dry and already I get solid confirmation that my judgment of Corbyn’s relationship with Henry Ford’s International Troublemakers, was correct.

    A Tom Bower has written a hit piece against Corbyn:

    “’She was shocked when we entered’: Jeremy Corbyn drove two friends to his flat because he WANTED them to see new girlfriend Diane Abbott naked in his bed, biography reveals”

    Now who is Tom Bower?

    Bower’s parents were Jewish refugees who fled Prague after the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 and arrived in London later that same year.

    No further questions, your honor.

    Anti-cementheadism, it exists on the left too.
    Jeremy-with-the-Dutch-name just got a little more sympathetic.

    Only a little.

  35. makati1 on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 5:24 pm 

    “Orlov sees that US abandonment of the INF as a route to Eurasia being protected by the Russian nuclear umbrella, with China’s Belt and Road Initiative being the glue that holds things together.

    Russia’s missile capabilities, on land, at sea and in the air are such that any US attack will result in an immediate and devastating retaliation. As the more realistic US strategists acknowledge, the United States has no effective means of defense….

    While it is likely that the Chinese do not have, yet, the same defensive missile capabilities as Russia, they have certainly developed an offensive capability with, inter alia, the Dong Feng category of missiles that have the capability of not only destroying the US carrier based fleets anywhere within a 1500 km range from Chinese territory, but can also deliver a devastating intercontinental nuclear response.

    It would also be extraordinary naïve to believe that an attack by the United States on either Russia or China would not be seen by the other as an existential threat to their own existence and retaliate accordingly….”

    ” The results of those steps that Russia did indeed take were outlined in Putin’s speech on 1 March 2018 in which he revealed an array of new weaponry that placed Russia at least a decade ahead of the United States in military technology.”

    Worth your time to read this weekend. Slip slidin’ faster and faster…

  36. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 5:40 pm 

    “American Suspension Of INF Treaty Is Aimed At China:

    “Chinese attacks on air bases” and “Chinese anti-surface warfare” – are both spheres in which intermediate-range ballistic missiles would play an important role. This is not just my supposition. In another 2016 RAND report, tellingly titled “War with China: Thinking Through the Unthinkable”, this consideration is stated openly and forthrightly: “US land-based missiles from 500 km to 5,500 km are prohibited by the INF treaty, whereas the Chinese missiles are not, giving China a significant advantage.” It has long been obvious that the US (correctly) regards China as the real long-term threat to its global hegemony. Meanwhile, Russia is a mere nuisance, a “dying bear” that is ever approaching collapse, in the wake of which Moscow will have no choice but to sign up to America’s China containment project. (Sure, this sounds like a crazy ideological narrative, and it is – but the US policy of alienating Russia and drawing it into a quasi-alliance with China is even crazier – just ask Kissinger). But like it or not, this really is how the American elites think, and it can’t be denied that there is a certain logic to it. In this context, withdrawal from the INF Treaty – with Russia’s alleged violations as pretext – is just the logical next step to the military component of Obama’s “pivot to Asia”, one that the US is entirely happy to continue and follow through with. It really is as banal as that.”

  37. Davy on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 5:43 pm 

    “Worth your time to read this weekend. Slip slidin’ faster and faster…” is a Russian propaganda site makato. You always complain about propaganda then spend time on propaganda sites. Why is that makato?

  38. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 5:47 pm 

    The DailyMail starts campaign against Jeremy Corbyn:

    “Jeremy Corbyn’s 40 years of plots, lies, intimidation and chaos: Chilling biography tells how Labour leader followed Lenin and Trotsky’s bloody footprint – seize power, purge moderates, crush dissent and leave the dirty work to others”

    “Countdown star Rachel Riley joins Labour rebels to plot a ‘Blairite’ party and calls for JK Rowling to be its leader was greeted with applause at secret meeting of supporters”

    “Jeremy Corbyn is condemned as ‘not fit to govern’ after expose by top investigative author Tom Bowers paints a damning profile of the Labour leader”

    “Married to a joyless fanatic: How Jeremy Corbyn neglected the mother of his three sons and cost them the family home because of his chaotic finances, new book claims”

    “DAN HODGES: Labour’s split is coming.. so how CAN any decent MP stay?”

    “GLEN OWEN: The charge sheet is long. The verdict is irrefutable: Corbyn isn’t fit to be PM”

    The globes are clearly off tonight in the UK.

    Or put differently: the gravitational forces of the EU-sun are pulling apart planet-UK, politically speaking.

    As an illustration of how the UK is deeply polarizing:

    “PETER HITCHENS You have been warned: The Thought Police are coming”

    Hitchins, one of my favorite UK columnists, who every know and then slightly touches the historical truth, is now being banned from speaking at a Marxist hell hole, that passes as a university:

    Anglosphere is rapidly turning into Orwell’s 1984 Oceania, with monsters like mobster running the show.

  39. Cloggie on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 5:50 pm 

    “The globes” should read: the gloves.

    “Anglosphere is rapidly turning into Orwell’s 1984 Oceania, with monsters like mobster running the show.”

    100 years ago the process would have called “bolshevizing”.

  40. makati1 on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 6:07 pm 

    Davy, ALL USMSM is propaganda. So, if NEO originates in Russia that only means it is another view of the world. I prefer a 3D version from many sources to get a clear picture, not the two dimensional one the US puts out for its dumbed down serfs. I read news from all over the world. Don’t you?

    BTW: The Russian view will be 100% more accurate than the US version and will jive with other locations and sources outside the US and its poodle, the UK.

  41. makati1 on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 6:30 pm 

    Players in the Freak Show called American government. “Pussy John Bolton and His Codpiece Mustache: Examining the Freak Show”

    “American government has become a collection of sordid and dangerous clowns…They are not normal American politicians….In particular they seem to be pushing for war with Iran, China, Russia, and Venezuela….The problem with the current occupants of the White House is not that they are conservatives, if they are. It is that they are nuts.”

    Trump, Bolton, Bush 2, Gina, Pompeo, Haley, Mattis, etc. The freaks that could take the world into a radioactive wasteland. The collapse cannot come soon enough.

  42. Chrome Mags on Sat, 9th Feb 2019 7:10 pm 

    One of JHK’s bullets, is:

    “Replace big money control of election campaigns with full public financing and free and equal access to the airwaves. Quite cheap and worth every penny.”

    McConnell claims that’s a greed grab, because it takes away the ability of politicians to take money from PACs and do their bidding in DC with favorable policies.

    Oh, well, it seemed like a good idea at first glance.

  43. Cloggie on Sun, 10th Feb 2019 4:57 am

    Two jews conspiring together to use Poland and Hungary to blow up the EU. This btw is how Anglo-Zionists like mobster and davy think, the only serious enemies white people world-wide have.

    It is exactly the same scheme they used in 1939 to set up Britain and Poland against Germany:

    They must hurry up, because the very same Roth is warning in Vancouver in his native Canada that the US is on the brink of

    Regardless, the next hit will be between their eyes.


  44. Cloggie on Sun, 10th Feb 2019 5:15 am 

    Mobsters heroine AOC wants a 100% renewable energy base for America:

    Trump and mobster protest

  45. Cloggie on Sun, 10th Feb 2019 5:20 am

    For the record: I support renewable energy sabotage attempts by mobster and davy wholeheartedly.

    The last thing we in Europe want to see happening is that America would be successful in that branch of sport.

    What we really want is that Europe gets all the renewable energy and hydrogen patents and that after Trump, America will be forced to buy turn-key renewable energy systems in Europe, to compensate for the fact that Europeans had to buy Anglo oil for decades after WW2.

  46. Cloggie on Sun, 10th Feb 2019 5:29 am 

    The House of Windsor has become a reality tv-show:

    “Duchess of Sussex”.lol

  47. Davy on Sun, 10th Feb 2019 5:30 am 

    “For the record: I support renewable energy sabotage attempts by mobster and davy wholeheartedly.”

    For the record I am real green and you are fake green and a liar.

    I am much more green than you and produce a surplus of solar energy when natural and technological harvesting is considered. I am a supporter of rational green initiatives. You are an empire pusher using renewables as a military asset. FRAUD

  48. Davy on Sun, 10th Feb 2019 5:38 am 

    “Researchers Developed a Technique to Turn Nearly a Quarter of Our Plastic Waste into Fuel”

    “Polypropylene waste accounts for just under a quarter of the estimated 5 billion tons of plastic that have amassed in the world’s landfills in the last 50 years. To turn polypropylene into fuel, the researchers used supercritical water, a phase of water that demonstrates characteristics of both a liquid and a gas depending on the pressure and temperature conditions. Purdue chemist Linda Wang and her colleagues heated water to between 716 and 932 degrees Fahrenheit at pressures approximately 2300 times greater than the atmospheric pressure at sea level. When purified polypropylene waste was added to the supercritical water, it was converted into oil within in a few hours, depending on the temperature. At around 850 degrees Fahrenheit, the conversion time was lowered to under an hour. The byproducts of this process include gasoline and diesel-like oils. According to the researchers, their conversion process could be used to convert roughly 90 percent of the world’s polypropylene waste each year into fuel.”

  49. Cloggie on Sun, 10th Feb 2019 6:05 am 

    For the record I am real green and you are fake green and a liar.

    I am much more green than you and produce a surplus of solar energy when natural and technological harvesting is considered. I am a supporter of rational green initiatives. You are an empire pusher using renewables as a military asset. FRAUD

    LOL More virtue signaling from empire dave and his pathetic solar panels on his goat shed.

    You have to admit that for years you consistently talk down all renewable energy technology initiatives that I have been pushing here.

    Reason: because of your un-outspoken “strategy” (read: criminal wishful thinking) that the world needs to get rid of 6 billion people, with the US of course the “last man standing”. So your beloved empire has a future after all. You call that euphemistically “planning for 1 billion people on this planet”.

    The last thing you need in that context is some semi-optimistic nazti-asshole from Europe, evangelizing about the possibilities of renewable energy, because that would jeopardize your criminal enterprise of “planning for 1 billion people” on this earth.

    I couldn’t give a shit about your 10 pathetic little panels on your roof, you hyper-individualist dip-shit.

    I care about continental scale renewable energy programs, the one that the EU has in place. THAT makes a difference, not your pathetic 10 panels.

  50. Davy on Sun, 10th Feb 2019 6:17 am 

    “LOL More virtue signaling from empire dave and his pathetic solar panels on his goat shed.”
    Translation: Davy is correct I have a couple of grid tied panels and I crow about them like I am the center of the renewable universe.

    “You have to admit that for years you consistently talk down all renewable energy technology initiatives that I have been pushing here.”
    BS, I talk down your techno optimistic exaggerations and half backed technologies that you package and weaponize as a Euroland military asset for the fraudulent fantasy PBM. I give daily references to new technology and I have a real green plan for the individuals.

    “Reason: because of your un-outspoken “strategy” (read: criminal wishful thinking) that the world needs to get rid of 6 billion people, with the US of course the “last man standing”. So your beloved empire has a future after all. You call that euphemistically “planning for 1 billion people on this planet”.
    I am honest about the science and ask people to be realistic about the dangers of a whole host of risks from energy to climate change. Populations need to come down this is established by honest science. If we have a collapse populations may drop to 1BIL

    “The last thing you need in that context is some semi-optimistic nazti-asshole from Europe, evangelizing about the possibilities of renewable energy, because that would jeopardize your criminal enterprise of “planning for 1 billion people” on this earth.”
    More weaponizing of renewable energy with your racist Nazi agenda. Stay focused and get out of your propaganda agenda.

    “I couldn’t give a shit about your 10 pathetic little panels on your roof, you hyper-individualist dip-shit.”
    I have 6 panel on pole mounts and going to 12. I also have 100 acres of pasture gathering solar energy I utilize with animals. I have 60 acres of woods for Biomass. I have a wood boiler to utilize this biomass energy.

    “I care about continental scale renewable energy programs, the one that the EU has in place. THAT makes a difference, not your pathetic 10 panels.”
    You have a problem with personalizing the macro and making it individualized on this forum. Just like the other wack jobs here juanp and makato.

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