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Page added on January 25, 2018

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Would Rural Areas Be Safer In A SHTF Situation?

Would Rural Areas Be Safer In A SHTF Situation? thumbnail

In a situation where national infrastructure and life sustaining resources are suddenly cut off , population density will have a lot to do with how well you get by in the days following the crisis. When it happens, what you have on hand will likely be all you have to work with for an extended time. Those that lack supplies will seek out and take what they need in an increasingly hostile manner as time goes on. This is why being in a large city will likely be hazardous to your well being.

Very few will argue that being in a rural area when something catastrophic happens will greatly increase your chances of survival. A lower population density and more available natural resources to help you get by will make long term survival much easier. This is why so many people advocate heading for a rural area when something happens. The problem is unless you are already established in a rural area, survival will not necessarily be easier.

Leaving the city when supplies and infrastructure are shut down would work only up to a point. Rural areas are like anywhere else. They have infrastructure designed to service a certain number of people that normally live there. The housing, restaurants, roadways, water systems and grocery stores will only handle a small excess of people even in the best of times. When the city dwellers suddenly evacuate to the rural areas in mass, they will simply be taking many of their big city problems with them. They will likely find no housing, food supplies or other infrastructure they need to live.

Because of this many small towns will likely close their roads at some point and prevent entry to anyone who does not live there. They will suddenly realize their already finite resources will not be enough for themselves much less thousands of new people. This realization will likely come only after they have been inundated with strangers demanding supplies and housing. It is for this reason that rural dwellers should hope cities are locked down fairly quickly to prevent people from leaving.

When Henry Kaiser built a new shipyard in Richmond, Ca. in the 1940’s the town was suddenly overwhelmed with new workers. People lived in shoddy trailers they towed in, some slept in boarding houses in shifts and the schools ran three shifts a day. Eventually they built the new infrastructure they needed and life went on but this only happened because they were living in normal times when everything was working properly. Imagine an influx of people into a small town when supplies are already limited and likely to get worse as time goes on.

That is why it is essential that you establish yourself in a rural area before something happens. Simply hoping to show up following an event is no plan and will likely cause resentment by the locals when supplies run low.

Rural areas offer the opportunity to be much more self reliant than city spaces. This is the reason rural areas offer people a better chance to survive something like a grid down scenario. This is only true until the carrying capacity of the rural area is breached. That is when the city problems become rural problems. Simply moving a mass of unprepared people to another area with even less infrastructure will not solve the problem, it will only change the surroundings and create other problems.

There is an old saying that you never eat your seed stock. Self sufficient people know this because if they eat their seeds or butcher their breeding stock they will not have anything to raise the following year which will lead to eventual starvation or loss of future income. To an unprepared person that thinks food is produced in a factory, preserving seed stock makes no sense when they are hungry right now. They do not care about next year, they only care about today which is why they got into their situation in the first place. This is the type of situation that can doom a society if they lose the ability to produce future crops, even on a small scale.

Will rural areas be safer in a SHTF situation? Only if they can maintain order and protect the resources they have to insure long term sustainability of the community. Most communities are not prepared for this type of situation and will need a steep learning curve if they are to survive it. Many will likely not survive it.

Modern farming communities do not have the infrastructure to maintain themselves like many once did. Factory farming has moved much of the local production to central locations around the nation and few farmers produce their own seed locally. These and other modern systems will make it difficult for many farm communities to even care for their own much less thousands of new arrivals.

The only communities that are likely to survive in tact are the ones that are mostly self sufficient already and have a plan to maintain production and protect themselves from looters and overcrowding. Simply running to a rural area in a time of crisis is no cure all. Wherever you are, the key to survival will be advance preparation and a good plan.

Project Chesapeake

142 Comments on "Would Rural Areas Be Safer In A SHTF Situation?"

  1. Mad Kat on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 5:55 pm 

    MM, reading is all to the good if it is a “how to” book from someone who experienced what(s)he was writing about. Not a fictional novel as you refereed to. McCarthy is just another ivory tower snob pretending to know about things he never experienced. Anyone with a few active brain cells can write fiction.

    Even I have written a 300+ page SF novel, but it will never be published. I do nor want any income that is taxable to the US IRS. It is printed for my family and a few friends. Just something I always wanted to do and finally had the time after retirement to finish it. Take away all the free money grants, and he may never have been a writer.

  2. MASTERMIND on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 6:05 pm 


    Just wait till the Cannibals come pounding at your door! You are a helpless old feeble man.And you grew up in America so you have no experience living under extreme pressures and widespread societal chaos…You will crumble like a paper bag!

  3. Mad Kat on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 6:09 pm 

    MM, as for the people around me at the farm, they have what they need. They ‘survive” everyday. What don’t you understand about that fact? They don’t take the SUV to Walmart. They have no SUV, and the nearest Walmart is in the US. They have no electric, phone, internet, or even a bicycle. Water runs everywhere. It rains over 10 feet per year. Food is what they grow or that provided by nature. They have chickens, pigs, goats, gardens. They have lived “survival” all their lives. A collapse will not be anything new to them. A spoiled American would not understand that unless they came here and experienced it.

    Delusion is all in YOUR mind, not mine. Some of us prefer the real world and living in it, not denying it. It is not easy. You have to make decisions everyday that your life depends on. I have been doing that for all of my 73+ years. You do it every time you get in a car to go somewhere. You may never come home alive. ~100 per day do not, in the US.

    I don’t give a damn about what you think. You are a zero. Use some of your intelligence to form a plan for your future and then do it.

  4. Ghung on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 6:16 pm 

    MICROMIND said; See the more you prep the more you invest and the more deluded you become…That is called a feedback loop!”

    Kind of like; “See the more you talk shit the more you invest in talking shit, and the more deluded you become…That is called a feedback loop!”

  5. MASTERMIND on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 6:27 pm 


    Those people working on the farm they don’t need tractor fuel? And they don’t need the rule of law and prosperous society to keep the hoards of starving people away from stealing all of their food? I mean if the stores run out of food the only other place to get it would be farms and people who are preppers who have a bunch stored! See once society collapses you will go from prepper to bulleyse in the blink of an eye…Try being a prepper or homesteader in a place like Syria without the rule of law! You wouldn’t last a day! I mean do you really think you will turn into Rambo and shoot and murder fifty or more people a day! And keep in mind many of them will have weapons as well. You too Greg!

  6. Mad Kat on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 6:56 pm 

    MM, what “farm”? They “farm” maybe a few acres.

    What tractor? My neighbors use hand tools and muscle. Maybe a carrabao. I don’t even know if they sell tractors here.

    What stores? They have the equivalent of a farmer’s market in the US. Nothing canned, bottled, or plastic wrapped from a factory. Just fresh grown/caught/raised food. It is a sea port after all and sailing is not a new invention.

    Muscle is not needed if you have brains that function without delusion. And, yes, I could easily shoot 50 people if it meant my safety. I do have 11 years military training and experience. I don’t expect to have to do that as I do not have a gun of any kind. Nor do most people in the Ps. Not necessary. Guns invite violence. And. the Ps isn’t Syria. Not even close. Catholic, not Muslim. Jungle, not desert. Totally different world.

    BTW: The US has no “rule of law” that will protect YOU. It is for the elite only and you ain’t in their club. lol

  7. twocats on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 7:17 pm 

    most here, who have any clue about reality, are responding to collapse (or potential, impending, slow-motion, whatever) in their own way. I super admire mad kat, davy, and a whole bunch of others on this forum. do I get a bit snippy when people nit-pick what I say or misinterpret me, sure. do I hold a grudge over that? what are we 12? If mad kat, davy, greg t and others showed up at my door in the apocalypse and I had one meal left I would split it with them. I’ll never have a chance to prove that, but its how I feel on the situation.

    people like boat or cloggie, although I appreciate some of their comments here, just don’t talk or think in a way that I can respect. and if i can’t respect your words or opinions in this paradise of wealth and calm, how the hell am I going to trust and respect you when SHTF? Not gonna happen.

    to all the good ones – may you and your families be well and satisfied, and all your endeavors productive.

  8. MASTERMIND on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 7:38 pm 

    Wal-Mart Job Cuts Rise to 1,000 in Company’s Latest Shake-Up

    You know when Wal Mart starts to crack the end cant be far off! A dead canary in coal mine!

  9. MASTERMIND on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 7:41 pm 


    I don’t even consider the majority of people on here human…Theo, Nationalist, Clogg,..Racist scum!

  10. Davy on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 7:49 pm 

    “I made my choice. Have you?”

    Then why are you still in Manila after 5 years of cheerleading your wonderful refuge? By the time you ever get there you will be nearly dead.

  11. Davy on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 7:52 pm 

    “to all the good ones – may you and your families be well and satisfied, and all your endeavors productive.”

    That is refreshing two cats, it used to be like that here on this forum. Maybe if times get hard we will pull together again.

  12. Mad Kat on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 8:10 pm 

    Davy, you only wish. I have many good years left. Probably more then you do. Things move slower here and take longer to materialize. Just getting the legalities finished took three years. Then road building in a wet climate, etc. You would never know, but profess to be an expert on Asia.

    I am out of the city in four weeks. My expenses will be cut in half. More money for preps. Not to mention clean air and quiet. I have been anxiously awaiting the event.

    There is no “pulling together” when there are people like you on here. Your closed minded arrogance and 1%er bloody flag waving bullshit makes agreeing impossible. No common ground.

  13. MASTERMIND on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 8:21 pm 


    How much preps do you have? How many months worth of food and water?

  14. Davy on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 8:23 pm 

    ‘I am out of the city in four weeks. My expenses will be cut in half. More money for preps. Not to mention clean air and quiet. I have been anxiously awaiting the event.”

    I am hoping this means less vomit here too.

    “There is no “pulling together” when there are people like you on here. Your closed minded arrogance and 1%er bloody flag waving bullshit makes agreeing impossible. No common ground.”

    You and one or two others were the reason this board went south starting 4 years ago. You have peddled your hate now for years. The sooner you are gone the better and this forum can heal up and be a respectable outlet for actionable information.

  15. Mad Kat on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 8:37 pm 

    MM, First: I am not about to publish any info on the internet that could be useful to others. What I have is sufficient. That is all I am going to say. Water is a problem only because there is too much of it where the farm is located. Rain averages 10″ per month over the year. Two springs on the property and a river about 1,000 yards away. As for food: year round growing season. Coconuts and bananas everywhere. A fishing port an hours walk away. A chicken farm and a pig farm less than that. Experience with growing my own food. Preps for preserving what I grow. I don’t expect to have a food or water problem.

  16. Mad Kat on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 8:44 pm 

    Davy, I keep telling you that I will have internet at the farm. I will be here just as often to counter your bullshit. I will also keep posting articles I think should be seen.

    YOU are “the reason this board went south”. That some intelligent, open minded contributors came on board that disagree with your bullshit is what caused you to start your immature, bullying rants, proving our point. You are delusional. So, get used to it or move on.

  17. MASTERMIND on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 8:55 pm 


    You can’t tell me how many months of food and water on the internet? Why the fuck would any give a shit? You are in a serious “Deep State” of paranoia! You are just like Greg the paper tiger..Not even enough guts to talk on the internet but you have enough guts to survive the apocalypse. I think not!

  18. Davy on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 9:02 pm 

    “Davy, I keep telling you that I will have internet at the farm. I will be here just as often to counter your bullshit. I will also keep posting articles I think should be seen.”
    I imagine it will be slow and unreliable. I also hope you start doing something instead of sitting on your ass and spreading hate all day long. Do you think you can actually be productive? I doubt it. I don’t think it is in you.

    “YOU are “the reason this board went south”. That some intelligent, open minded contributors came on board that disagree with your bullshit is what caused you to start your immature, bullying rants, proving our point. You are delusional. So, get used to it or move on.”
    I have succeeded in neutering some pretty disgusting anti-Americanism. I neuter your shit daily to where you now only come out at night (US) time and when I am sleeping. What a coward. During the day I run you off the board by showing how ridiculous you are.

  19. MASTERMIND on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 9:21 pm 

    Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse

    “America has had 11 school shootings in the last 23 days, which is more than anywhere else in the world, even Afghanistan or Iraq”

    Thank This Arse!

  20. Mad Kat on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 9:59 pm 

    Davy, your are the one neutered. You do shit and call it chocolate pudding. Delusional as always.

    Are you so ignorant that you never heard of time zones, as in 24 different zones around the world? My time is 14 hours AHEAD of Missouri time. 13 hours ahead during US DST.

    Of course I post at the times I am awake here. Everyone does. Get a brain and then use it. Remarks like in your post above only make you look more stupid than usual. Too may drugs? Alcohol? Brain problems?

    Currently, as I type, 9:58 PM CST on Thursday, January 25 in Missouri vs 11:58 AM Manila time, January 26.

  21. Mad Kat on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 10:07 pm 

    “America has had 11 school shootings in the last 23 days. That’s one every other day, more or less. That statistic is alarming enough — but it is just a number. Perspective asks us for comparison. So let me put that another way. America has had 11 school shootings in the last 23 days, which is more than anywhere else in the world, even Afghanistan or Iraq. In fact, the phenomenon of regular school shootings appears to be a unique feature of American collapse — it just doesn’t happen in any other country…

    So there is of course also an “opioid epidemic”. We use that phrase too casually, but it much more troubling than it appears on first glance. Here is what is really curious about it. In many countries in the world — most of Asia and Africa — one can buy all the opioids one wants from any local pharmacy, without a prescription. You might suppose then that opioid abuse as a mass epidemic would be a global phenomenon. Yet we don’t see opioid epidemics anywhere but America …

    How did America’s elderly end up cheated of dignity? After all, even desperately poor countries have “informal social support systems” — otherwise known as families and communities. But in America, there is the catastrophic collapse of social bonds. Extreme capitalism has blown apart American society so totally that people cannot even care for one another as much as they do in places like Pakistan and Nigeria. Social bonds, relationships themselves, have become unaffordable luxuries, more so than even in poor countries: this is yet another social pathology unique to American collapse.”

    “So my last pathology is a predatory society. A predatory society doesn’t just mean oligarchs ripping people off financially. In a truer way, it means people nodding and smiling and going about their everyday business as their neighbours, friends, and colleagues die early deaths in shallow graves. The predator in American society isn’t just its super-rich — but an invisible and insatiable force: the normalization of what in the rest of the world would be seen as shameful, historic, generational moral failures, if not crimes, becoming mere mundane everyday affairs not to be too worried by or troubled about. … these new social pathologies will follow, too. They are new diseases of the body social that have emerged from the diet of junk food — junk media, junk science, junk culture, junk punditry, junk economics, people treating one another and their society like junk — that America has fed upon for too long.”

    America, slip slidin’ past the 3rd world into an even deeper hell.

  22. MASTERMIND on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 10:32 pm 

    Mad Kat

    Some countries might want to consider putting a travel ban on Americans.. /s

  23. Mad Kat on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 10:47 pm 

    MM, some do. but not most … yet. I have been in five different countries in the last 10 years. UK, France, U.A.E., Japan, and China. How many have you visited?

  24. MASTERMIND on Thu, 25th Jan 2018 10:57 pm 


    Here are list of companies in America that have laid off workers and closed stores in the last year.

    9k retail stores, AT&T, Microsoft, Kleenex, Toys R US, Comcast, Wal Mart, Sam’s Club, GE, Ford, GM, Lego, Sears, Macy’s, K-Mart, Radio Shack, Under Armor, Applebee’s, I-Hop, Subway, Outback, Go Pro,

    If this is not collapse then what do you call it?

  25. MASTERMIND on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 12:19 am 

    Tax overhaul will have a limited effect on U.S. economy, Moody’s says

    More than three-quarters of the $1.1 trillion in individual tax cuts will go to people who earn more than $200,000 a year in taxable income, who constitute only about 5% of all taxpayers

    Looks like it won’t be helping Trump country

    Oh well deporting a dreamer will make them feel better..

  26. fmr-paultard on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 12:25 am 

    mast when i recruit, i say i’m recruit. i’m not like ((eurotard)) being sneaky and trying to recruit my supertards.

    come to our side bro. don’t grab it

  27. Mad Kat on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 12:42 am 

    Mm, it is called downsizing. Total collapse is when they all close and you have no access to your money or ability to buy ‘stuff’. When Walmart closes all of their stores, then it is a collapse. Until then, it is just downsizing to a profitable level. Chains have done that since I was born. If the economy picks up before they go bankrupt, they will open new stores in new locations that may be profitable.

  28. deadly on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 4:51 am 

    In order to prevent total collapse, you need an army, airforce, a navy and a coast guard.

    If you have invested assets into a well-supplied military, you can project power anywhere on the planet.

    So if the fan is plastered with shit, be near a military installation.

    The army will mow down the marauders, take care of business.

    I’ll drive my ICE to the grocery store to buy my groceries.

    For now, the fan is operating properly. The US military has it covered.

    Anyhow, DeLaval has perfected the volunteer milking system, cows milk themselves these days.

    Everything is fine, nothing to see, move along.

    When will the shtf? Cow shit I know?

  29. Mad Kat on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 5:17 am 

    Deadly, And if there is no money to pay the military? You forget that most of the US military is overseas in 177 countries. Not going to come home to save you. Besides, they have family that they are going to protect if they are in the US.

    Total collapse means no money coming into government in the form of taxes. No money, no support. You can expect the police to be gone also. Along with the medical services, fire services, etc. Total breakdown of every safety net. All that is very possible in the decaying empire.

  30. Davy on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 5:43 am 

    “Total collapse means”

    mad kat, total collapse means your overpopulated island home is on the last of the teats of global support. Your island is unimportant and will be left to itself. If you live as long as you dream of you will see famine until your carrying capacity drops by an order of magnitude 100MIL-10MIL. Laws of nature mad kat are unbiased unlike you.

  31. Mad Kat on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 6:45 am 

    Ps stats:

    $6.2 billion in Philippine food imports in 2016. And most of those imports are for foreigners who want their kind of food, not Filipino cuisine. Stuff from America, China, Japan, Thailand, India, Europe, the Middle East, etc. There are well over one million foreigners working/living/schooling/and retired here. At least 2,000 in my condo tower alone.

    The Ps also exports food stuffs. “Animal/vegetable fats, oils, waxes: $1.2 billion
    Fruits, nuts: $1.1 billion ” (2016)

    Whereas: US food imports: “… food, feeds and beverages category is the smallest, at $130 billion.” (2016)

    “Just 9 percent of (US) exported goods are foods, feeds and beverages ($131 billion)” (2016)

    I spend at least $2,500/year on food imports. Multiply that by a million plus and you can see where the food imports go. But, when the SHTF, most of those million plus will leave the country. No imports needed.

    The Ps can and will live quite well without imports. BTW: If you do the math that $6.2B equals about $1.10 per week per capita. Not a huge loss. A Heineken beer/week. lol

  32. Mad Kat on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 6:47 am 

    Oops! missed a ref:

  33. Mad Kat on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 6:55 am 

    “Your island is unimportant and will be left to itself.” Good! But you assume too much. I wish the US would get it’s bloody military out of the Ps today. Russia and China are already here, and welcome. Both are more than happy to trade with the Ps.

    Sure, there will be some die-off as those with illnesses that require meds may have a problem. But again. you assume/hope that total collapse in the US will mean total collapse everywhere. Not even a close comparison. Ps two cups of oil per person per day vs two gallons plus per person per day in the US. Who is going to suffer most? LMAO

  34. Davy on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 7:43 am 

    Mad Kat, you are so lame. The US imports seasonal and luxury foods. We don’t need those to survive. Your overpopulated island must have food imports or you will have riots. Just wait until industrial imputed for agriculture wind down in availability then you will need more imports and they will not be there. We have been through this drill 100 times. You regurgitate the same shit. You are hopelessly delusional.

  35. MASTERMIND on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 9:29 am 

    US economic growth slows in fourth-quarter on surging imports – 2017 US Economic Growth (2.3%)

    That is one percent higher than our lowest point ever of 1 percent during the Great depression

  36. Davy on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 9:34 am 

    “That is one percent higher than our lowest point ever of 1 percent during the Great depression”

    Weak comparison of different periods and types of economies.

  37. Antius on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 9:39 am 

    What is meant by collapse? A total breakdown of society? Or a more limited reduction in complexity, leading to more regional government? I think the answer depends on exactly what collapse means in this context.

    Pros and cons. A rural area with low population density does have more space for food growth. But would seem to be a sitting target for a ‘governor’ type character to show up with a bunch of goons armed with AK47s and an eye patch. If you are a long way from anywhere, don’t expect anyone to be able to help. At least in the city, you may have a local government and police force that can protect you to a limited extent.

    You are more likely to have a job. And then there is the issue of actually getting things that you can’t make yourself. A city is likely to maintain limited transport for goods and people to other regions, even if it isn’t on the scale of today. It also has sufficient economy of scale to make a wider range of locally produced goods available and a broader differentiation of labour.

    Remember, before the petrochemical age, city land was still relatively expensive and country land, outside of easy walking distance, was cheap as chips. That tells you something about the desirability of living in the middle of nowhere, without the option of leaving and being cut off from most of the amenities of civilisation.

    So I would say the countryside isn’t necessarily a better place to be, even in a time of deep crisis. Much depends upon the ethnic make-up of a city. One would not want to live in a multi-cultural area. Those places would be stalked by armed militia gangs looking for people to rape and rob if the SHTF.

    Swings and roundabouts.

  38. Davy on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 9:47 am 

    “At least in the city, you may have a local government and police force that can protect you to a limited extent.”

    who may be wearing the eye patch

    “One would not want to live in a multi-cultural area.”

    Not a given and more a generalization. Many multicultural areas will do just fine if they are not pressured already. Hispanics and or Asians get along fine with whites. The problems tend to be with areas where poor blacks are concentrated. This is not always the case and not always the case with black populations because many are prosperous.

  39. fmr-paultard on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 10:00 am 

    here is how supertard understands muslims psychology. i think this is a good read and with a little tweak, we can figure out SENTABPs and devise drastic countermeasures if we have to.

    as a tard i do basic research adn this is my current topic of interest. I’m no longer fasciated with cattle mutilation.

  40. Ghung on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 10:00 am 

    ” At least in the city, you may have a local government and police force that can protect you to a limited extent.”

    Seems to assume that smaller communities don’t have that. And in our small community, we know where the authorities live. Our children go to school with their children, even date them. We go to church together and get invited to each other’s weddings,,, all that.

    Can city folks say that? Do they have those ties that bind?

    In our community, local law enforcement gives free firearms training and work with the community to enlist citizens in emergency services. We even have a “Posse” of citizens that help law enforcement, emergency services, search-and-rescue, fire fighting, fund raisers, etc. Not sure they do much of that in cities.

    If you haven’t been there, done that, it’s hard to understand, but in most small communities, we generally have each others’ backs and set differences aside.

  41. Revi on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 1:30 pm 

    The problem people don’t think of is that a lot of rural areas become the boundary between one group and another. For example the area between southern Sweden and Denmark became a war zone for many years in the late middle ages and the people who remained relied on eating bark. A lot of rural areas are close enough to some kind of a border that they may get caught between two warring factions.

  42. aspera on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 1:39 pm 

    I think city-versus-rural is too coarse a divide. I live in a small-city/big-town (~100,000) mostly surrounded by rural agriculture.

    We don’t know the children of all the authorities. But then we have many levels of authorities, and some we know well.

    We don’t have a Posse, but we do have CERT training and CERT groups. We have ARES/RACES groups at the county EOC.

    We don’t grow all our food within 1000 feet, but we have a Food Policy Council, local food distribution hub, many farmer’s markets (some year round), volunteer groups that help out the young farmers just starting up.

    We have a local folk school expanding onto a farmstead that is a county park. A re-skilling fair, local currency and tool+time sharing system.

    Someone viewing us from a rural homestead would call us a city. Someone from a big city would call us a quaint village. We call ourselves busy with living, with an eye on the future.

  43. MASTERMIND on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 2:44 pm 


    The Great Depression 1929-1940 US Economic Growth GDP (1%)

    The Great Recession 2006-2017 US Economic Growth GDP (1.5%)

    The Great Recession 2006-2017 US Economic Growth GDP Per Capita (0.4%)

    OECD Economic Growth GDP Per Capita 1970-2015 (0.5%)

    Global Economic Growth GDP Per Capita (1.3%)

    World Governments Gross Debt to GDP (330%)

    Global economic growth has peaked, says World Bank

    Non Partisan CBO Office Forecast Less Than 2% US Economic Growth GDP Through 2027

    *Note: 20% GDP Includes (FIRE) finance, insurance and real estate

    And Davy a different period but look who is back the Nazi’s! Just like during the original depression. History repeats! I am sure you were unaware because you are a dumb hick farmer from a shithole state full of paranoid gun nutters!

  44. Davy on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 4:28 pm 

    mm, history rhymes it never repeats. Your empty links mean nothing to me. You are as bad as the nedernazi. When you reference your links show intelligence by gleaning the pertinent information that supports you point and show it as the supporting data for the link. If you are going to use fancy links try not to look like a high schooler. Anyone can post a link. Intelligent people digest them.

  45. MASTERMIND on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 4:34 pm 


    History never repeats?

    Except for every civilization that has ever lived and collapsed. Empty links? If you want to just stick your head in the sand and close your mind? Well I guess we are done! You are willfully ignorant! That means dumb on purpose!

    What does the world bank know anyways. its just stupid link! DUH DUH DUH!

  46. MASTERMIND on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 4:39 pm 


    What link was empty? What does that even mean? Your double think is amazing! You are losing it pal! I back up every argument I make with trustworthy evidence…You are just blathering blowhard who writes 20 paragraphs and sites ZERO evidence. Its like you are arguing with yourself! And the more you talk the more convinced you become! I guess you have to talk a lot when you don’t have any reason to back up your claims! You are worse than Madkat I mean at least he tries to back his arguments up with sources. He just doesn’t know how to vet his sources and has no standards about what sources he cites.

  47. MASTERMIND on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 4:42 pm 


    Global Economic Growth GDP Per Capita (1.3%)

    The Great Recession 2006-2017 US Economic Growth GDP Per Capita (0.4%)

    Sorry it doesn’t get any more official than World Bank data..I am sure you will say those are just some dumb links…Anything to deny! I bet you are a christian no doubt. They are great at denying their own mortality!

  48. Davy on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 5:11 pm 

    mm, history never repeats. If you understand the concept of time then you know what I am talking about.

    Empty links are like the guy who uses big words but does not know what they mean. show you know what you are talking about. Maybe cut in half your postings. You are looking manic.

    You are important to the forum as a defender of the reality of peak oil. Look professional and you will get your point across more effectively.

  49. MASTERMIND on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 5:29 pm 


    Using World Bank Data is an empty link? What does that even mean? You are as dumb as a fucking brick!

  50. Davy on Fri, 26th Jan 2018 5:32 pm 

    mm, what’s in the link stupid? Are you capable of reading your links and highlighting the important points. Show you are not as dumb as a box of rocks. The “fucks” you throw around just show how juvenile you are.

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