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Coping With Global (& Local) Chaos: What You Can Control And What You Can’t

Have you been glued to the news lately, nervously watching what’s going on in the Middle East? Are you concerned that World War III is about to kick off at any moment? Is the state of the economy frequently on your mind? Maybe it’s Ebola that keeps you up at night or the risk of a cyberattack or an EMP or that the political party not of your choosing will take over the government.

I’ve seen a lot of people expressing worry and fear. They’re afraid we’re about to get involved in a war. They’re worried about terror attacks and conflicts on American soil. They’re terrified that their sons and daughters will be sent off to risk their lives and limbs in another Afghanistan.

Maybe the media is manipulating you to be in a constant state of fear. When we’re scared, we don’t think clearly or act effectively.  I see a lot of fear and I don’t like it. It’s not a useful emotion. It’s not practical. Raging against the machine will not help you to survive anything from a car accident to a mass shooting to a nuclear attack. And I’m all about practicality. So let’s talk this through. You need to shake this off and get control of your thoughts.

Whatever your main concern is, I have bad news and good news.

First, the bad news. There’s not a darn thing you personally can do to prevent the things above from occurring. We are little fish in a big sea full of wealthy predators who are the ones that can actually cause change on those levels.

Now the good news. What we can change are our immediate environments. If you are expending a great deal of energy and emotion, focus it on the things that you can change. These (combined with luck) are the things that will have the biggest effect on whether you live or die.

Selco’s theory of circles

One of the things Selco spoke about last year in the Women’s Urban Survival Course in Croatia was circles. No, it wasn’t a geometry lesson. It was a way of looking at the world that he has learned the hard way.

Imagine different parts of the world as giant circles. You’ve got North America, Europe, the Middle East, etc., etc.

Within those giant circles are smaller circles. To name a few, here in the US, you’ve got different states, you’ve got different movements like pro-gun and anti-gun, you’ve got different political belief systems, you’ve got different religions.

Then you’ve got smaller circles still. You have individual towns, churches, schools, and community organizations.

Then there are the circles that really count the most: your close friends, your family members, your immediate neighborhoods.

The summary of Selco’s lesson was this: When you think about where you personally can make the most changes that will have the greatest effect on your survival, where does your power lie?

That’s right. Within the smallest circles. Those are the things we can actually do something about so completely freaking out over the news is not productive at all.

(By the way, ladies, we still have a couple of spaces open in this year’s Urban Survival Course in Croatia. Go here for more informationI’ll be there and would love to meet you.)

Out of all the lessons we were taught in that week, I think the lesson about focusing our energy on the things we can control just might be the most important one of all.

You should still pay attention to what is going on in the world.

I’m not telling you that you shouldn’t be interested in or follow current events.

On the contrary.

It’s incredibly important to stay informed. But you can’t wallow in it and rail at it to the exclusion of taking common-sense steps.

We need to know what the potential threats are so that we can be prepared for them. We must be aware of what’s going on in the world instead of blithely keeping up with the Kardashians or some other nonsense.

I get my news from a wide variety of websites and generally find the truth lies somewhere in the middle if there’s any truth at all.

So watch the news. Read the articles. But understand two things.

#1) Your power ends at the knowledge of these events.

When the wheels of the government are already in motion, there isn’t a whole lot we as individuals can do to stop them. We are screaming into the void when we rant on social media or website comments sections about being pro-war or anti-war or vent our fury about the mismanagement of the national budget.

Sure, it’s important to be heard and to let the figures pulling the strings know our thoughts about what’s going on.

But if we could really change things, do you think our food supply would be chemically tainted and that our national healthcare would be an unaffordable disgrace to which only the wealthy or the extremely poor have access? Do you think our government would be funding $22,000,000 efforts to bring Serbian cheese up to US standards or spending half a million to study the mating calls of Panamanian frogs?

We can be outraged all we want – and trust me – I am outraged. But I personally only have the power to point out these things. I cannot fix them no matter how much I want to do so. I’m not wealthy. I’m not a powerful politician. My ability to respond is limited to sharing information.

I don’t love it, but that’s reality. And you’ve got to live in reality.

#2) We’re probably being lied to anyway.

Let’s look at a couple of events. The death of Soleimeni and the Las Vegas massacre. Do you really, honestly, deep down in your soul think we got the whole story on either of these events?

Was Soleimeni beloved or hated? It really depends on which news outlet you watch. I saw a lot of people who looked heartbroken when they turned up for his funeral on one news outlet but on others, there were people cheering in the streets. What’s the truth? We’re probably never going to know. The “reality” we’re given depends on the agenda of the news network that shows the footage.

And allegedly, nobody knows what caused Stephen Paddock to open fire on a country music concert in Las Vegas a couple of years back. Heck, many people aren’t even convinced that Paddock was the shooter. I don’t believe for one single second that no motive was ever found for such a horrific crime on such a massive scale, but we won’t get the answers anytime soon, if ever.

We simply cannot rely on the news to accurately inform us. The mainstream media is the modern-day Ministry of Propaganda. You can get a general idea of what’s going on, but don’t expect to learn the true motives behind these events from Fox or CNN or any of the other networks. Everyone’s got a bias. Everyone’s got an agenda.

When Selco talked about the Balkan war, he explained how people were bombarded with propaganda to make them hate and fear their neighbors. Why? Because a war was good for a handful of powerful people. And the little guys lie us got dragged along for a brutal ride on a tidal wave of manufactured rage.

So watch and read, but know that you’re only getting a biased fraction of the real story.

Your power lies in smaller circles.

So far, this article probably seems like a bummer. You are probably wondering why on earth a person who covers current events is writing such an article.

I’m writing it because I see so many people utterly panicking over things beyond their control. We, the ordinary, everyday people, cannot prevent whoever is president, whether it’s Obama or Trump or Bush, from droning the daylights out of a country with nuclear capabilities.  We can make our opinions known because sometimes a public outcry works. But we can neither prevent nor insist upon these events.

There’s good news, though.

The thing is, you do have power. You have the power to cause a change in your smaller circles. You can help your community to become better prepared because on smaller levels, in smaller circles, our voices do count for a whole lot more.

And if you aren’t interested in even going that big, you can dial it down to the smallest of circles. Your family, your friends, and your immediate neighbors. People always think that their prepping community has to be a group of self-proclaimed preppers with supplies stacked up to the rooftops.

But that isn’t the case.

There are all sorts of ways to build small circles.

You can build communities in all sorts of ways. From your mail carrier to your neighbor who has laying hens to your other neighbor with the enviable 6-foot tall tomato plants, all of these folks could be valuable friends to have. You can meet with a group of ladies and knit or help a neighbor erect a shed in his backyard with an old-fashioned “barn-raising.”

You build your community by being a decent human being, by helping when you can, and by looking out for one another.

Obviously not all of us have neighbors we’d trust when battening down the hatches and in those situations, we could be better off to be with family members.

But however we do it, by building our inner circles, those small intimate circles, we become stronger. We create communities that will work together to help out another member if he breaks his leg and can’t feed his livestock. Then that member shares the harvest. We build a community that has our backs because they know we will have theirs.

I belonged to the coolest community ever when I lived in California. It was an informal group of homesteaders who got together to teach one another and have potluck dinners and share skills. We became so close-knit that when wildfires drew near, we’d open up pastures for our friends’ livestock if they needed to evacuate and we’d give the humans our spare bedrooms.

Were they all preppers? No, definitely not. Some of them weren’t at all on board with stashing beans and rice and bullets and bandaids. But would I want to hunker down with them if the end of the world was happening? Darned right I would. These were people who gave generously of their time to teach others homesteading skills and answer questions and even pop over to help out at butchering time.

Remember that your small circle doesn’t have to be solely made up of preppers, per se. Sure it would be nice, but in most situations, especially if you’re hunkering down, your community is made up of your closest neighbors. So build relationships with them. You don’t have to tell them you have enough pasta to feed a village in Italy for a year in your basement to build this relationship. But never underestimate the power of a neighbor who has your back.

Be nice to people. Help when you can. Tip decently at your local cafe. Treat others with respect. Seek out those with the same values who are also helpful and respectful. Those are the folks you want around you.

Is this foolproof? Or course not. There are selfish people in the world. There are cowardly people in the world. There are the folks who talk a good talk and are totally on board…until they’re not because a better opportunity came along.

As many of you know, I am traveling full-time right now but I still build some community everywhere I go. I hit up the same bakery or juice bar for breakfast every day and strike up a conversation. I speak to the neighbors. I smile and I make friends. I socialize. I pick up things if someone drops them. I smile and make an effort to communicate even when my grasp of the local language is poor. Basically, I am a decent person and I make real human connections. Because of this, I’ve found that locals give me all kinds of tips, from where to buy the best produce to who produces the best rakija or which doctor I might want to visit for a medical issue.

If I can do that in countries where I don’t even speak the language, you can do this in the town where you live.

Try to focus on what you can control, not on what you can’t control.

In these days when it seems like war is only a heartbeat away, or an EMP could strike at any moment, or a cyber attack could change the world as we know it, or any other epic disaster could occur, sometimes you have to take a step back.

Sometimes, current events are incredibly overwhelming.

When you find yourself getting overwhelmed, take a look at your circles. Are you getting overwhelmed by the big circles you can do nothing about?

If so then it’s time to focus on the small circles. The things you can do are:

If you’re letting the news cycles drive you into a panic, then it’s time to take a step back. Turn off the television or computer or wherever you get your news. Focus on what you can do – and there’s a lot you can do.

Is World War III about to happen?

We’ve been on this cusp multiple times over the past ten or twenty years. At some point, we’ll probably go over the edge. Will it be this time? I’ve written about the possibility of world war at least a dozen times over the past 7 years because tensions were incredibly high each time.

So far, we’ve been fortunate and all-out world war has not erupted. But for how long will our luck hold out? There’s absolutely no way to know.

All we can know for sure is that we can build strong communities. Perhaps we’re creating local civil defense teams. Maybe we’re getting ready to hunker down with our families. We can network and make friends where we are right now.

For your own sanity and peace of mind, focus on controlling your small circles. Stop expending so much energy and emotion on the things you cannot control. Prepping should give you peace of mind, not a constant anxiety attack. Don’t let the barrage of terrifying headlines send you spiraling into fear. We don’t make good decisions when we’re fearful. Awareness and fear are two entirely different things.

Workable survival plans aren’t big. They aren’t grandiose, national-level movements

They’re small. They are community-oriented at the largest and family-oriented at the smallest. Definitely pay attention to the world around you because you need to be aware of important signs and signals.

But focus your energy on your small circles. Change and enhance the things that are within your power.

The Organic Prepper blog

49 Comments on "Coping With Global (& Local) Chaos: What You Can Control And What You Can’t"

  1. Sissyfuss on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 9:06 am 

    So the article is saying we’re all impotent as far as making any noticeable changes to our predicament. Knew that.

  2. makati1 on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 4:49 pm 

    Yes Sissyfuss, it is common knowledge among the intelligent and educated, but not so common among the uneducated, brainwashed Amerikans who believe that their ‘vote’ counts and that they have a say in their government/lives. All we can do is prepare as well as possible to ride out the coming storm. Best to not live in a city and to be as independent as possible. Not easy in Police State Amerika. Probably not possible. Too many lies, laws, fees, security cameras, and drugged up zombies.

  3. JuanP on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 5:03 pm 

    Mak, China has a police state too and more security cameras than the rest of the west combined so what is your point.

  4. Davy on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 5:36 pm 

    Your obviously one of the brainwashed Amerikans makato is talkin about JuanP. Making stupid comments like that.

  5. Davy on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 5:38 pm 

    “Best to not live in a city and to be as independent as possible.”

    So true makatoo. That’s what I been doin.

  6. The Dude on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 5:50 pm 

    Juan, its ok to be a fag but not ok to be a cheater. Be honest and tell your wife

  7. JuanP on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 5:52 pm 

    I was just telling my boy friend yesterday that I would very willingly give my arms, legs, tongue, eyes, ears, nuts, and dick to experience life like normal people do for just one hour to know what it feels like. I have been a seriously depressed realist since I have a memory. My first memory of my life is of leaning against a tree alone in my kindergarten’s playground looking at all the other kids playing, thinking how stupid their behavior was, and wondering why I wasn’t like them. I basically don’t interact with normal people anymore. They have nothing to offer me and I don’t want to give them anything.

  8. The Dude on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 5:54 pm 

    Juan, you sound like you have Asperger syndrome

  9. makati1 on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 5:57 pm 

    “While China has by far the most security cameras, the U.S. is the leader in cameras per capita.” (And the number is growing in the US) “The United States is joined by China and Germany as countries with the largest number of video surveillance cameras in the world, according to data collected by”

    “You are caught ”in the act” on CCTV camera every day. According to reports, a Londoner is likely caught on security camera over 300 times a day, which is the highest in UK; and an American citizen can be caught on camera more than 75 times per day! Oct 19, 2018

    “The U.S. has approximately 15.3 cameras for every 100 individuals, followed by China with approximately 14.4 and the U.K. with 7.5. Other top 10 countries include Germany (6.3), Netherlands (5.8), Australia (4), Japan (2.7), France (2.5) and South Korea (2).”

    Here in the Philippines, you see security cameras in public places like government buildings, banks and mall entrances. Rarely anywhere else. Out of the cities, zero.

  10. JuanP on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 6:02 pm 

    I’m schizophrenic Dude. I wish I had Aspergers. Those people are REAL smart like.

    Go REAL Green

  11. Davy on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 6:05 pm 

    Thanks fer setting the record strate makato. It’s real important that we all tell the truth.

  12. makati1 on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 6:11 pm 

    Police State Amerika:

    “Funding Your Own Enslavement, the Curse of Liberty Ignored”

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    And on and on. I see negative changes every time I go back to the US for a visit. If you live there, things just gradually get worse and you may not notice. I do.

  13. makati1 on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 6:12 pm 

    What record is that Juan? i haven’t had a record collection in 30 years.

  14. makati1 on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 6:13 pm 

    Sorry! I don’t know how that got in there. No way to change after posting.

    Repost: Police State Amerika:

    “Funding Your Own Enslavement, the Curse of Liberty Ignored”

    “Journalism Is Dying” In The U.S.: It’s Now Government-Controlled Propaganda”

    “America, the tyranny of the stupid”

    “American Dream is Sunk”

    “Economic Upheaval and the Rise of the US Police State”

    And on and on. I see negative changes every time I go back to the US for a visit. If you live there, things just gradually get worse and you may not notice. I do.

  15. JuanP on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 6:18 pm 

    How is the weather there Mak

  16. Darrell Cloud on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 6:53 pm 

    My street is my village. My county is my country. Network with the locals.

  17. Davy on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 8:28 pm 

    Yall’ve likely noticed I been more fair and balanced in my copyin and pastin lately. I decided from now on i’m gonna make corrections to all my own lyin to. It’s been real hard fer me but I’m lurning myself how to grow up and be more manly like.

  18. makati1 on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 9:20 pm 

    Enjoying a balmy Sunday here in the Philippines. It is 28C/83F and the sun is shining. I am listening to Karaoke singing from the nearby community center. Also, the neighbors chickens are in the yard eating bugs. An eight inch lizard is on the porch screen entertaining our cat. A typical Sunday here. I hope you are enjoying your day as much as I am mine. ^_^

  19. Davy on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 10:53 pm 

    Thanks fer the nice wurds makatoo. I hope your enjoying yer day to. ( _ )

  20. Davy on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 11:04 pm 

    The space above my mouth. ( _ )

    Is empty.

    I can’t help myself.

  21. The Board on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 11:26 pm 

    Davy, you sound like you have asssbergers syndrome.

  22. supremacist muzzie jerk hardware may i help you yes uh buttplug ah what is it a spark plug you talking about just a minute yes sir may i help you buttplug BUTTPLUG BUTTPLUGGA BUTTPLUG sorry sir we don't have that buttplug THANK YOU on Sat, 11th Jan 2020 11:43 pm 

    now muzzie lovers has a video from georgetown univeristy discussing muzzie akbar ahmed new idea “journey into america” after “journey into europe”. as if muzzies hadn’t been probing gates of vienna for thousands of years
    muzzie akbar ahmed also made up a myth of “andalusia” the golden age of muzzies.
    but supertard big muzzie beard said such golden age period was full of liberal subjugation of non muzzies.

    the discussion is full of high english

  23. supremacist muzzie jerk hardware may i help you yes uh buttplug ah what is it a spark plug you talking about just a minute yes sir may i help you buttplug BUTTPLUG BUTTPLUGGA BUTTPLUG sorry sir we don't have that buttplug THANK YOU on Sun, 12th Jan 2020 12:32 am 

    muzzie iran released video of killing whitey supertard trump
    muzzie omar rages because MN no longer accept muzzies. how long before muzzie ilhan omar and tlaib go “inner struggle” in the hall of congress?
    muzzie in illinois slashed car tires because “dont’ like christians”. got loved 1000x given bar of hershey and told to be good.

  24. JuanP is stupid and insane on Sun, 12th Jan 2020 5:41 am 

    Nightly stupid…ye ha

    This is from the lunatic JuanP
    supremacist muzzie jerk hardware may i help you yes uh buttplug ah what is it a spark plug you talking about just a minute yes sir may i help you buttplug BUTTPLUG BUTTPLUGGA BUTTPLUG sorry sir we don’t have that buttplug THANK YOU said muzzie iran released video of killing whitey super…

    supremacist muzzie jerk hardware may i help you yes uh buttplug ah what is it a spark plug you talking about just a minute yes sir may i help you buttplug BUTTPLUG BUTTPLUGGA BUTTPLUG sorry sir we don’t have that buttplug THANK YOU said now muzzie lovers has a video from georgetown univ…

    The Board said Davy, you sound like you have asssbergers syndrome…

    supremacist muzzie jerk hardware may i help you yes uh buttplug ah what is it a spark plug you talking about just a minute yes sir may i help you buttplug BUTTPLUG BUTTPLUGGA BUTTPLUG sorry sir we don’t have that buttplug THANK YOU said /watch?v=NLSsfhFbxNA MOB watch video of andalusia…

    Davy said The space above my mouth. ( _ ) Is empty. I can’t…

    Davy said Thanks fer the nice wurds makatoo. I hope your enj…

    supremacist muzzie jerk hardware may i help you yes uh buttplug ah what is it a spark plug you talking about just a minute yes sir may i help you buttplug BUTTPLUG BUTTPLUGGA BUTTPLUG sorry sir we don’t have that buttplug THANK YOU said MOB muzzie in nyc had a feud with the bloods. muzz…

    supremacist muzzie jerk hardware may i help you yes uh buttplug ah what is it a spark plug you talking about just a minute yes sir may i help you buttplug BUTTPLUG BUTTPLUGGA BUTTPLUG sorry sir we don’t have that buttplug THANK YOU said now whitey supertard trump expelled muzzies whitey…

    Davy said Your so lucky makatoo. I bet yer still growing stu…

  25. St. Louis Community College at Forest Park on Sun, 12th Jan 2020 8:07 am 

    “Somebody” has a buttplug fixation.

    The only person I know who like to talk about buttplugs is “Junkyard Willie”.

    Following is a recording made of Admissions Director, Junkyard Willie speaking to an applicant at St. Louis Community College at Forest Park or more commonly known to Davy as Forest Park Community College.

  26. The Board on Sun, 12th Jan 2020 8:25 am 

    Dont feed the juanPee troll

    this is from stupid:
    St. Louis Community College at Forest Park said “Somebody” has a buttplug fixation. Th…

    The Board said Cloggie. Please, do not feed the troll.

  27. JuanP on Sun, 12th Jan 2020 8:27 am 

    JuanP is a fan of Go REAL Green

  28. REAL Green on Sun, 12th Jan 2020 8:28 am 

    REAL Green appreciates your trolling juanPee. You are boosting visits to the REAL Green blog. LMFAO

  29. JuanP on Sun, 12th Jan 2020 8:53 am 

    “Have you been glued to the news lately, nervously watching what’s going on in the Middle East?”
    No, not really. I couldn’t care less about the Middle East. I have been taking care of my 1/3 of an acre veggie plot, turning a 12 by 22 garden shed, I got for free from a neighbor that moved out, into a tiny house, and designing and building a PV powered irrigation system. The farm will now be officially off the grid and fossil fuel free since the water pump was our last oil powered piece of equipment.

  30. JuanP on Sun, 12th Jan 2020 8:55 am 

    Trump 2020! Tulsi 2020! Free Meng Wanzhou!

  31. JuanP on Sun, 12th Jan 2020 8:58 am 

    I got the inspiration for my gardening plot from “Go REAL Green”

  32. JuanP on Sun, 12th Jan 2020 8:59 am 

    “Trump 2020! Tulsi 2020! Free Meng Wanzhou!”

    Keep in mind amigos I am not an American citizen but pretend I am.

  33. JuanP on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 8:27 am 

    Delusional Davy pretending to be me “Keep in mind amigos I am not an American citizen but pretend I am.”
    You are making stuff up, as usual, Exceptionalist! ROFLMFAO! I am very proud to not be an American. Americans are terrorists, terrorist sponsors, and terrorist financiers. I could be American if I wanted to, but I have no economic need so why would I? Nobody likes Americans, not even Americans!

  34. The Board Fact Checkers on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 8:32 am 

    Delusional JuanP pretending to be me is better said stupid. You have ruined this forum with your dishonesty. You deserve to be permanently banned so things can get back to normal. Take your mental illness elsewhere and while you are at it get the fuck out of the US. We are tired of you stealing from honest Americans you psychopathic thief.

  35. JuanP on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 8:35 am 

    “You Killed Our Geniuses” – Regime Crackdown Intensifies As Iranians Flood Streets In Third Day Of Protest”

    I love this regime because they are against America. Poor Iranians but who cares they are deserving of what they are getting.

  36. Davy on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 10:35 am 

    Most of the world is against America these days JuanPee. That doesn’t mean we get to kill everybody.


  37. JuanP on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 10:38 am 

    Most of the world is against America these days Davy. That doesn’t mean we get to kill everybody.


  38. Board Fact Checkers on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 10:40 am 

    Lunatic, who is everyone and what America? That is the problem with low IQ extremist like you.


  39. Davy on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 11:04 am 

    Stop playing stupid juanPee. You no exactly what I’m talkin about.


  40. supremacist muzzies jerk so soft so cudly on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 11:40 am 

    good news guys, pics of roasted muzzie on theYNC

    “if you want to live, you gotta kill [muzzies]) – Seal in “The War Fighters”

  41. JuanP on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 11:56 am 

    Stop playing stupid Davy You no exactly what I’m talkin about.


  42. Board Fact Checkers on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 11:57 am 

    What are you talking about juanPee, Troll?

  43. Stupid juanPee on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 11:58 am 

    This is the lunatic, juanPee:

    supremacist muzzies jerk so soft so cudly said good news guys, pics of roasted muzzie on theYNC &…

  44. Board Fact Checker on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 1:07 pm 

    What are you talking about JuanP/Davy/REAL Green, Troll?

  45. Stupid JuanP/Davy/REAL Green on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 1:09 pm 

    This is the lunatic, JuanP/Davy/REAL Green:

    supremacist muzzies jerk so soft so cudly said good news guys, pics of roasted muzzie on theYNC &…

  46. supremacist muzzies jerk so soft so cudly on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 1:18 pm 

    are we gonna stop talking about muzzie died like a dog baghdadi now?
    this is becauase muzzies doens’t care about defeat because the jihad is relentless
    muzzie died like a dog. muzzies hate dog and don’t pick up whiteys with assistant dogs
    no outrage?
    whitey supertard in college in vermont said negative reporting of muzzies are “amazing”.
    this indicates whitey supertard thinking muzzies so soft, so cudly, jihad so sweet, detached sitting head on lifeless body so beautiful. no need to roast muzzies.

  47. JuanP is an idiot on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 4:03 pm 

    Stupid stuff form juanPee the lunatic

    supremacist muzzies jerk so soft so cudly said are we gonna stop talking about muzzie died like a…

    Stupid JuanP/Davy/REAL Green said This is the lunatic, JuanP/Davy/REAL Green: suprem…

    Board Fact Checker said What are you talking about JuanP/Davy/REAL Green,…

  48. REAL Green on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 4:10 pm 

    Me n you n JuanP are all the same stupid lunatic Davy.


  49. JuanP on Mon, 13th Jan 2020 4:23 pm 

    If you care about the planet GO REAL Green

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