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THE Somalia Thread (merged)

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Dying for Water in Somalia's Drought

Unread postby thorn » Fri 14 Apr 2006, 09:50:16

link Yikes! 8O 8O 8O
In Somalia, a well is as precious as a town bank, controlled by warlords and guarded with weapons. During the region's relentless three-year drought, water has become a resource worth fighting and dying over.

The drought has affected an estimated 11 million people across East Africa and killed large numbers of livestock, leaving carcasses of cows, goats and even hearty camels rotting in the sun. The governments of Kenya and Ethiopia have mediated dozens of conflicts over water in their countries, even sending in police and the army to quell disputes around wells.

The effects of the drought are most pronounced in Somalia, which has lacked an effective government and central planning, including irrigation projects, since the government of Mohamed Siad Barre collapsed in 1991. Since then, a hodgepodge of warlords and their armies have taken control of informal taxation systems, crops, markets and access to water.

Amid the anarchy and water scarcity, most of the country's almost 9 million people scratch out a living. The U.N. World Food Program hires heavily armed men to help protect villagers as they pick up water, cooking oil and sorghum. Still, gunmen sometimes force women to give up their water or food as they walk back to their villages.

"Even when local people are good and plan out water catchment systems, warlords just take it over. That's why we have so many people drinking horrible water with worms and dirt and getting very ill," said Abdul Rashid, a Somali nurse in Rabdore who works with the International Medical Corps, a nonprofit relief group. "It's like the start of the water wars right here in Somalia."
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Re: Dying for Water in Somalia's Drought

Unread postby rogerhb » Fri 14 Apr 2006, 09:58:46

They must be socialists, because capitalists, by definition, never suffer from drought or famine.
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Re: Dying for Water in Somalia's Drought

Unread postby Leanan » Fri 14 Apr 2006, 11:00:32

What a tragedy. And it's only going to get worse, at least according to the climatologists:
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Re: Dying for Water in Somalia's Drought

Unread postby MyOtherID » Fri 14 Apr 2006, 11:26:15

I'll tell you what a tragedy in Africa is. It's seeing the magnificent flora and fauna steadily disappear, to be replaced by a crawling cancer of crowds, kids, kraals and cattle.

If you'd grown up in Africa, like I did, you'd understand.

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Re: Dying for Water in Somalia's Drought

Unread postby TorrKing » Fri 14 Apr 2006, 11:38:38

MyOtherID wrote:I'll tell you what a tragedy in Africa is. It's seeing the magnificent flora and fauna steadily disappear, to be replaced by a crawling cancer of crowds, kids, kraals and cattle.

If you'd grown up in Africa, like I did, you'd understand.

Or said in a different way, when you grew up you were also were replacing replacing wildlife. :x

But you are probably too valuable to the world to be included among those you mention, right? :roll:

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Re: Dying for Water in Somalia's Drought

Unread postby MyOtherID » Fri 14 Apr 2006, 11:41:39

No. I actually helped conserve wildlife and even worked as a Game Warden ("Ranger" in US parlance). Also, I have one child, and that's all I'll ever have, unlike the 10+ children common in African families.

Meh, don't get me started, you dumb European idealist.
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Re: Dying for Water in Somalia's Drought

Unread postby kerosene » Fri 14 Apr 2006, 12:15:45

MyOtherID wrote:Meh, don't get me started, you dumb European idealist.

Now that is a strong statement. I think you forgot a smiley.
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Re: Dying for Water in Somalia's Drought

Unread postby coyote » Fri 14 Apr 2006, 13:44:11

"...the start of the water wars..."

Lord, here comes the flood
We'll say goodbye to flesh and blood
If again the seas are silent in any still alive
It'll be those who gave their island to survive...
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Re: Dying for Water in Somalia's Drought

Unread postby Chaparral » Fri 14 Apr 2006, 13:46:55

thorn wrote:"Even when local people are good and plan out water catchment systems, warlords just take it over. " said Abdul Rashid, a Somali nurse

Nuff said.
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Ethiopia Invades Somalia?

Unread postby Grifter » Thu 20 Jul 2006, 17:11:11

Blimey, this is a bit of a shock. Anyone know about this building up?

Ethiopian troops on somali soil

Is this significant in the greater scheme of things?

Simple questions because I really don't know, perhaps I should have put it in Open Discussion.

Edit: somalia is sunni muslim btw
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Re: Etheopia Invades Somalia?

Unread postby NTBKtrader » Thu 20 Jul 2006, 17:45:49

oh ya this is a big deal.. Somalia is where all the milk and honey is at.

On a more serious note, maybe it's a bit of African nationalism since Arabic islamists have continued to take over more and more of the traditionally African country. Sudan also has quite a bit of Islamist insurgency. Ethiopia I would think is in poor shape for war but you do what you gotta do.
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Re: Etheopia Invades Somalia?

Unread postby NTBKtrader » Thu 20 Jul 2006, 17:57:55

The Islamist death grip on Africa is much worse than I thought:
link and jpg
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Re: Etheopia Invades Somalia?

Unread postby Grifter » Thu 20 Jul 2006, 18:20:10

What strikes me is that I don’t see the benefit to Etheopia and I’m no more bothered about Islam than I am about any other religion to be honest, I know most people are but just bear with me. You said yourself that Etheopia was in bad shape for war. Somalia has a large coastline with routes to Yemen.

Yemen is Middle East I think. There’s also the fact that Iraq was run by sunni for a long time before we invaded. That might be a factor or might not. I think etheopia is being influenced to do this and I wonder by who? That’s all.
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Re: Etheopia Invades Somalia?

Unread postby americandream » Thu 20 Jul 2006, 18:28:17

And who sits in the middle of this expanding empire...Saudi Arabia. An empire of god driven serfs overseen by Saudi Arabia...tragic!
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Re: Etheopia Invades Somalia?

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Thu 20 Jul 2006, 19:22:38

Theres quite a bit of history you need to consider. Ethiopia and Somalia have a disputed boundary over about 2/3rd of the length of their mutual borders. This resulted in a war previously. Ethiopia has been relatively stable (at least in comparison to Somalia) for the last number of years, I suspect they are more worried now about the resurgence in war lord activity in Somalia and possible invasion. It's likely just a matter of protecting what is theres.
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Re: Ethiopia Invades Somalia?

Unread postby presidentsherrill » Thu 20 Jul 2006, 21:33:58

I have seen photos of ethiopians (HOW THE HELL ARE THOSE STARVED BONES FIGHTING ANYONE????)
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Re: Ethiopia Invades Somalia?

Unread postby NTBKtrader » Fri 21 Jul 2006, 12:46:42

I was right:
Somali militant urges holy war on Ethiopia
MOGADISHU, Somalia - An Islamic militia leader whose forces control the capital called for a holy war Friday against Ethiopian troops protecting Somalia's weak U.N.-backed government.
Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, speaking on Radio Shabelle, said Ethiopia's decision to send troops to protect the transitional government in Baidoa, 150 miles northwest of Mogadishu, must be met with war.
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Re: Ethiopia Invades Somalia?

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Fri 21 Jul 2006, 14:39:37

according to the Ethiopian Prime Minister:

"We have not violated the arms embargo and we have not sent troops to Somalia. However we have beefed up our defenses along our border to prevent any threat to our security that might emanate from the resurgence of Jihadists in Mogadishu," he said.
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Re: Ethiopia Invades Somalia?

Unread postby Grifter » Fri 21 Jul 2006, 16:07:13

NTBKtrader wrote:I was right:
Somali militant urges holy war on Ethiopia
MOGADISHU, Somalia - An Islamic militia leader whose forces control the capital called for a holy war Friday against Ethiopian troops protecting Somalia's weak U.N.-backed government.
Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, speaking on Radio Shabelle, said Ethiopia's decision to send troops to protect the transitional government in Baidoa, 150 miles northwest of Mogadishu, must be met with war. link

That doesn't mean you were right, although you might be, that story doesn't make you right.
War was aparently declared BECAUSE of the ethiopean move into Baidoa. So really that means it COULD be defence. all fairness, this article means you (only) might be right.
bbc view
The history of Somalia and Ethiopia is marred by distrust, animosity and war. Suspicion of neighbouring expansionism and political extremism is deeply rooted in both states.

I suppose you can read 'political' as 'religious' in this case.
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Re: Ethiopia Invades Somalia?

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Fri 21 Jul 2006, 20:11:31

I think when it comes to this part of Africa religion is often used as an excuse for what is really tribal or clan war. Somalia is rife with various tribes/clans following various's a real mess. The movie Blackhawk down is not a fictional account...I have friends who have been to Mogadishu a few years ago and indeed the "technicals" (jeeps with 50 calibre machine guns mounted in the back) still roam around...teenagers with AK's. Tribal conflicts in Central Africa...whether it be West Coast or East Coast have been going on for centuries.....only difference now is they have automatic weapons and the attention of the Western press.
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