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THE Patriot Act Thread (merged)

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The Patriot Act: Rise of the Empire (Sith)

Unread postby dagod1 » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 00:49:31

The patriot act passed which I thought was good. Now I feel that the evil empire has taken the next step towards total control. I went to the library today and a warning sign was posted. It reads as follows:

Notice: Section 215 of the USA Patriot ACT... Gives the FBI the right to obtain a court order demanding..any records we have of your transactions at this location. We will be required to give them the requested information, and will be forbidden from telling you or anyone else about the request.

Yes you are reading this exactly as I did? Are you in shock, I was. This is how it starts. I feel like my freedom is slipping.

This must be directly related to peak oil. When the oil runs out and the people fight back, the empire must have control of the common man with fear and the power to take what they want from them. The rise of the empire begins. :?
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Unread postby Ayoob » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 00:53:08

Those Expletive deleted.
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Don't mess with librarians

Unread postby johnmarkos » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 01:02:09

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Unread postby dagod1 » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 01:03:31

If you think that is bad check out these executive orders. All by order of the current and past presidents. The empire says it will be used for good, but read between the lines a little and then remember this when they are at your door. ... s/EOs.html

Scary stuff. The rise of the empire has started and they will have control at home for sure.
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Unread postby savethehumans » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 02:00:39

Knew all about this already, mostly through my membership at:

But you're right about the Empire.

Ironic, that STAR WARS movie about the rise of the Empire is set to come out next summer, huh? Only, OUR Empire isn't fictional.... 8O
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Unread postby kpeavey » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 02:38:07

The fact of the matter is there is nothing you have which the government cannot take away from you. This is up to and including your life. Right now, 2 things are not taxed: air, and sex.

If the government knows what you have and what you are doing, they can stop you from doing it. The strategy then, is to conceal your activities. Avoid the mailman by getting a post office box. Enclose your property with fence if possible, brush and vines with punji sticks can also be effective. Conceal your stores. Food, hoarded supplies, seeds, tools, can all be stored underground, inside a wall, inside tires or rusty cars, inside a busted TV, all sorts of places. Buy an old bus and bury it. Don't like the bus, build a concrete shed, bury it. You will know where things are, the govt will not.

A quart sized canning jar= 4"wx4"dx7"h. A 2'x2' shelf will fit 36 of them.
Taking into account the shelf thickness of 3/4", an 8' ceiling will allow 12 shelves. a 2' deep wall, 8' high, 10' long will hold 2160 quarts, and is possible to conceal in plain sight as the back end of a room. This will support a person for 5 years.

Get off the grid. Independent solar power, cell phone, no bills, no mail. Pay cash for everything, then find a way to conceal it. Purchase a little bit of everything at a time rather than a lot of one thing. Shop in several stores this way, you can acquire a large amount of supplies without catching attention.

Get out of the cities. That's where the people are, thats where the government will be using its manpower for control.

For dependable food supply, many types of seed will store well over 5 years if stored properly. Seed is cheap. If you want to go one step further, broadcast seed around the region you live. Start vegetable growth in the wild. Plant fruit and nut trees. Raise rabbits, chickens, turkeys, ducks, quail, pigs, and let them go, boost the local wildlife population. They can live off the vegetables you've started.

Most importantly, keep your mouth shut. Get tou know your neighbors, but don't let them know more about you than they need to. Fit into the community without standing out. If people are starving, you'd better be rationing and working out. Buy some baggy clothes. Make a lot of coughing sounds. If your neighbors are asking government officials for assistance, you better be begging for just as much.

The EOs are for control and no other reason. Do the governments bidding, or the stormtroopers will take eveything you own. This is how the government gets the manpower it will need to maintain such control.

I you read the links above you have learned that some states consider anything more than a weeks worth of food to be hoarding, subject to confiscation or destruction. In a time of dire food need, does destroying food because someone has too much make any sense? Of course it does not. This is a control tool and nothing more.

I have to stop ranting before i have a stroke.
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Unread postby lowem » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 03:24:52

In the recent "Ghost in the Shell" anime series, they talk a lot about the relations between Japan, the "refugee" problem they had (I wonder where they came from), and the American Empire. Dudes, your American Empire is already being talked about in an anime TV series.

"GITS" is a pretty popular series showing in Japan right now, and through fansubs, it's available to the rest of the English-speaking world - all you need is your trusty *ahem* torrent *cough* client.

Well, anyway, I wonder ...

Did the Romans have friends outside of Rome and chatted with them, before the Fall?

Is the Empire Striking Back?

Will the Jedi Return?
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Unread postby lowem » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 03:28:41

You're starting to sound like John Conner's mother, kpeavey :lol:

What about the six-barrel Gatling gun buried in the ground, the AK-47 rifles, M-16's, and ammo in a coffin box, and the Terminator Model 101 sent back from the future?
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Re: Rise of the Empire (Sith)

Unread postby Specop_007 » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 05:26:13

dagod1 wrote:Section 215 of the USA Patriot ACT... Gives the FBI the right to obtain a court order demanding..any records we have of your transactions at this location. We will be required to give them the requested information, and will be forbidden from telling you or anyone else about the request.

I believe they could do this before the Patriot Act. Has anyone bothered to REALLY look into what the Fed's could get with a court order before the Patriot act vs after?
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Somebody already write those story in 2000

Unread postby BorneoRagnarok » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 07:13:14

Uhhhh.... just go to and read the fiction story about civil war and evil empire.

Fictions stranger than truth.
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Re: Rise of the Empire (Sith)

Unread postby sventvkg » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 07:37:50

dagod1 wrote:The patriot act passed which I thought was good. Now I feel that the evil empire has taken the next step towards total control.

I went to the library today and a warning sign was posted. It reads as follows:


Section 215 of the USA Patriot ACT... Gives the FBI the right to obtain a court order demanding..any records we have of your transactions at this location. We will be required to give them the requested information, and will be forbidden from telling you or anyone else about the request.

Yes you are reading this exactly as I did?

Are you in shock, I was.

This is how it starts.

I feel like my freedom is slipping.

This must be directly related to peak oil.
When the oil runs out and the people fight back, the empire must have control of the common man with fear and the power to take what they want from them.

The rise of the empire begins.


You thought the patriot act was a good? Obviously, like most of the congress, you never read it..No offense but you were ignorant of what it really does, and that is strip the Bill of Rights down...You want, that, be my guest but I sure as hell don't. I have the Patriot act and the Patriot Act II here on PDF and would be glad to email it to whomever wants to really read it so you will know how badly they want this country to become NAZI Germany. WAKE UP PEOPLE!! Giving your liberties away for the sake of "security" is stupid and bad for freedom..."Those who would trade away freedom for security shall recieve neither" Paraphrased, but Ben Franklin......I suggest you all start reading the Constitution and all the Amendments as well so you can get a vibe of the country that our founders invisioned because we DO NOT LIVE IN IT....This sickens me.
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Unread postby dagod1 » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 08:36:15

After reading your comments I will follow most of the advice. I don't want to tell you for fear of being caugt by the empire.

What do you guys think will be the next couple of steps for the empire?

I think Iran will be next and maybe increases in gas price?

Do you think they will tak the guns away before the collapse. I hope not?
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Unread postby spear » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 09:29:20

I smelled that coming 15 years ago when I left that country.It amazes me that the US public is so slow to seeing what has happened to a once so beautiful country.Heres a one word answer to that .HYPNOTIZED.Now run your butts off and save your asses.Guns arent going to save is a time for brains.At least here in Greece its going to be another 5 years minimum til that law gets passed.I presume it will be in the new EU constitution which will be in 2009?? so the Europeans have some time to get organized.Good luck to all.
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Unread postby kpeavey » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 09:46:34

If you ask me, I'd say that Titor guy is nuts. He does have one good point:
"The constitution is not the problem, it is the ignorance of the people that live under it."

The purpose pf the Bill of Rights is to preserve individual freedom and prevent tyranny. I use the first amendment to say: It is the 2nd amendment which guarantees all the others.

An informed, well armed population is extremely difficult to control. The US operates under a system of capitalism. This is not really an ISM, but what people do naturally when the government is not able to control them. If the government takes away our weapons, we will simply fashion new ones from available material.

The US has been moving towards socialism ever since FDR's New Deal. The first thing that must be controlled is communications. This is the purview of the FCC. The government has made it clear, with the Emergency Broadcast System, that in event of national emergency, it will assume control of all radio and television broadcasts under the guise of "Official news and information". Newspeak for "Propaganda Ministry."
This controls the ability of the people to kow what is going on.

Next, you must limit the ability of people to assemble peacefully, travel, engage in commerce. This is done through the Department of Transportation, Department of Commerce, and through lifting the requirement for the Writ of Habeas Corpus, all would be under the umbrella authortity of FEMA.

The objective is to transform people into sheep. If they do not comply, simply confiscate their possessions. They still don't comply, involuntary relocation and work assignment. Non-compliance after that, the person becomes Orwell's unperson.

Once you have the population turned into sheep, you have control. You have a single force acting in unison to carry out public policy for the greater good as determined by a select few in power. Typically, the "greater good" is to preserve the union at the expense of the Patrick Henry's out there.
I have little use for authority. This has caused some difficulties for me in the past regarding employment especially. I'm digressing...

To preserve the country by stripping the freedoms of the people for the greater benefit of the general welfare is a contradiction. Once the powers that be strip our freedoms, it is no longer the same country, so what are they trying to do? They are trying to do what is best. By definition, what is best for them, is what is best. It may not be the best for you, but it is best for the government. This is what makes government an inherently evil entity. It looks after itself without regard to the people being governed. A government may start out being beneficial to most people, eventually, it will look after its own interests. This is what the US government has evolved into. This is why no government can become a permanent government and will eventually fail. This is the nature of man.
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Unread postby sventvkg » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 11:24:24

kpeavey wrote:If you ask me, I'd say that Titor guy is nuts. He does have one good point:
"The constitution is not the problem, it is the ignorance of the people that live under it."

The purpose pf the Bill of Rights is to preserve individual freedom and prevent tyranny. I use the first amendment to say: It is the 2nd amendment which guarantees all the others.

An informed, well armed population is extremely difficult to control. The US operates under a system of capitalism. This is not really an ISM, but what people do naturally when the government is not able to control them. If the government takes away our weapons, we will simply fashion new ones from available material.

The US has been moving towards socialism ever since FDR's New Deal. The first thing that must be controlled is communications. This is the purview of the FCC. The government has made it clear, with the Emergency Broadcast System, that in event of national emergency, it will assume control of all radio and television broadcasts under the guise of "Official news and information". Newspeak for "Propaganda Ministry."
This controls the ability of the people to kow what is going on.

Next, you must limit the ability of people to assemble peacefully, travel, engage in commerce. This is done through the Department of Transportation, Department of Commerce, and through lifting the requirement for the Writ of Habeas Corpus, all would be under the umbrella authortity of FEMA.

The objective is to transform people into sheep. If they do not comply, simply confiscate their possessions. They still don't comply, involuntary relocation and work assignment. Non-compliance after that, the person becomes Orwell's unperson.

Once you have the population turned into sheep, you have control. You have a single force acting in unison to carry out public policy for the greater good as determined by a select few in power. Typically, the "greater good" is to preserve the union at the expense of the Patrick Henry's out there.
I have little use for authority. This has caused some difficulties for me in the past regarding employment especially. I'm digressing...

To preserve the country by stripping the freedoms of the people for the greater benefit of the general welfare is a contradiction. Once the powers that be strip our freedoms, it is no longer the same country, so what are they trying to do? They are trying to do what is best. By definition, what is best for them, is what is best. It may not be the best for you, but it is best for the government. This is what makes government an inherently evil entity. It looks after itself without regard to the people being governed. A government may start out being beneficial to most people, eventually, it will look after its own interests. This is what the US government has evolved into. This is why no government can become a permanent government and will eventually fail. This is the nature of man.

I believe we are closer to Marxism and it could morph in to facism quite easily, rather then heading towards socialism...I agree with what you say and especially about the fact that this Government will fall...There are simply too many people that will not fall in line with their stripping the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the founding principals and protections God Given to us. Those of us informed will resist. You are right direct, physical combat will do nothing. It will be using our brains that transforms the tyranny that is to come back to the principals in which our country was founded. This is certain in my mind.
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Unread postby dagod1 » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 20:23:53

I do think that since the USA is such a well armed population it will be difficult for the empire to take complete control. But what they will do is this

When oil get short. Those that fight will be the first to die under the thumb of the empire. As long as they don't take aay guns. lets look at this time line.

2005 to 2010 gas price rise slightly until shortages begin.

2011 to 2015 recession after recession hits the us hard. Job loss and debts are unpaid. Also credit cards are shut down. People sell what they can to pay debts.

2015 to 2019 three years of depression. gas is $6.00 per gallon without tax.

2020 food shortages begin but people think it is not a really big deal.
Gas is $8.00 per gallon without tax.

2021 food is cut off to smaller towns of 10,000 or less, people who owe money will be forced to pay off debts by working on a farm. Those who own guns will give them up for food or starve.

2023 to 2025. Large cities will be the only groups getting the food. Small towns will grow their own or move to big areas.

2026. Starvation has been widespread for a while and food shipments finally stop completely. The empire decided to stop the shipments and get this over with. The die off begins. If the power is really running out then it will be easy to stop all radio, newspaper, tv. Nobody will know what is going on.

It will get rough. But once the world population is destroyed then the big corps will begin production again.

2030 survivors have many wifes and can come out of the hole they live in.
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Unread postby bentstrider » Tue 07 Dec 2004, 23:09:58

Anyone hear about that 500,000,000 people on earth deal?
Something about this current war on terror being led up to a nuclear exchange with neutron weapons.
Depletion of a good amount of the populous under the guise of a just war.
Good way to keep attention away.
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Emergency Alert: National ID/Patriot Act 2 Legislation On Ve

Unread postby sventvkg » Wed 08 Dec 2004, 06:52:32

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THE Patriot Act Thread (merged)

Unread postby sventvkg » Wed 08 Dec 2004, 06:53:35

BAd bad bad.....
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Unread postby Jack » Wed 08 Dec 2004, 08:00:15

Umm? Why is it bad? Exactly what provisions are bad? What, precisely, should be changed?
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