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The Decline and Fall of the American Empire Pt. 2

General discussions of the systemic, societal and civilisational effects of depletion.

Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby JPL » Fri 15 May 2009, 06:12:52

Oh I found it on another forum - they didn't know who made it either. I think whoever made it should get out more...

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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby patience » Fri 15 May 2009, 08:30:35

Marc Faber thinks the US will go broke:

""People said fundamentals are bad and markets are going up for no reason. But money printing is a reason," he said, explaining why quantitative easing will continue.

"The worse the statistics will be, the more money will be printed. Believe me, globally all the central banks will print money like there's no tomorrow.""


"The central banks will continue to print money at full speed, but long-term this strategy will lead to a fall in purchasing power and living standards, especially in developed countries, Faber said."

I agree with his outlook, seeing no other politically palatable avenue for govts. Yes, we have deflationary collapse first, with TPTB fighting it tooth and claw, and losing at the moment. But, ultimately, they will print us into oblivion since that is all they know how to do. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, etc..
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby dohboi » Sat 16 May 2009, 23:42:28

Nice point, patience.

Market fundamentalists--that is most of the folks who have been in control of the economy for the last thirty years, have seen their world view shatter in front of them over the last year or so. They are blindly striking back with the only thing they know, mostly out of habit and desperation.

It reminds me of a passage from Anna Karenina (which I can't find right now, sorry) where her husband discovers that she doesn't love him and is having an affair. Tolstoy then paints a great analogy, saying that it was as if he had been walking on a narrow bridge high above a densely wooded valley. From his distant perspective he had looked down or ignored all that went on below, feeling insulated and above it. Now suddenly he was down in that jungle and he hadn't the first idea how to make his way in this suddenly very present, very strange, and very frightening place.

This is the position or masters of the universe now find themselves in. Almost makes you feel sorry for 'em, if you didn't realized that they were all such utter bastards.
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 17 May 2009, 02:45:42

dohboi wrote:Market fundamentalists--that is most of the folks who have been in control of the economy for the last thirty years, have seen their world view shatter in front of them over the last year or so. They are blindly striking back with the only thing they know, mostly out of habit and desperation.

Don't you underestimate power of market forces.
Unfolding economic collapse and coming die-off are all related to ultimate market solution handed down by Mother Nature to humanity at large.
Now she is busy with filing Chapter 7 against entire humanity.

Piper was left unpaid but now Grim Reaper is coming to liquidate all mess, whatever that might mean.

Whatever will be left out of current mess, it will be a product of final market solution. :-D
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby Grautr » Sun 17 May 2009, 05:32:42

Gerben wrote:
alokin wrote:America is far away. which countries is it likely to take with in its free fall?
The UK is in similar trouble. Then there is Ireland in between. Some south European countries are also not doing very well. Some Mid and East European countries borrowed too much in foreign currencies. In short: Europe as a whole could be next.

Agreed, If the US goes bankrupt Britain would also do so within days I think. Many European countries would be in financial ruin within weeks of such an event.
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby vision-master » Sun 17 May 2009, 09:56:51

Grautr wrote:
Gerben wrote:
alokin wrote:America is far away. which countries is it likely to take with in its free fall?
The UK is in similar trouble. Then there is Ireland in between. Some south European countries are also not doing very well. Some Mid and East European countries borrowed too much in foreign currencies. In short: Europe as a whole could be next.
Agreed, f the US goes bankrupt Britain would also do so within days I think. Many European countries would be in financial ruin within weeks of such an event.

Grautr, Maastricht :)

Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby Pretorian » Sun 17 May 2009, 10:12:45

OutOfGas wrote:We are in DS. Stock up on food. Keep some small silver for barter. Be prepared to take care of your family without Gov. support. 1920's Germany ?

What was wrong with 1920s Germany? Cannibalism? Poor folks used margerine instead of butter on them buns? Worse?
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby Ferretlover » Sun 17 May 2009, 12:51:03

No, America-Is-broke-but-the-country-is-so-big-it is-taking-the-body-awhile-to-find-out-the-brain-is-dead.
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 17 May 2009, 13:58:26

Ferretlover wrote:No, America-Is-broke-but-the-country-is-so-big-it is-taking-the-body-awhile-to-find-out-the-brain-is-dead.

What about keeping it in permanent vegetative state?
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby shortonoil » Sun 17 May 2009, 14:21:19


The Exuberance Glut Or The Dollar-Euro Short Squeeze Race


As I’ve been trying to explain for sometime, the reason for the up coming upheaval will be because the the monetary system that we presently use is not compatible with a PO world. PO guarantees that there will be a long period of declining economic activity. A debt based fiat (credit) system will work with the same leverage going down, that it worked with going up.

Our now collapsing credit system (read monetary system) is a ramification of our declining economy, and that is the result of oil’s declining energy contribution to the general economy. No amount of kick starting by central banks is going to make one dam bit of difference, except to perhaps make the last leg down that much more difficult. Energy can’t be printed!

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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby vision-master » Sun 17 May 2009, 14:35:41

Mushroom cloud (large)
KINGSTON, NY -- The biggest financial bubble in history is being inflated in plain sight, said Gerald Celente, Director of The Trends Research Institute. "This is the Mother of All Bubbles, and when it explodes," Celente warns, "it will signal the end to the boom/bust cycle that has characterized economic activity throughout the developed world."

Either unwilling or unable to call the bubble by its proper name, the media, Washington and Wall Street describe the stupendous government expenditures on rescue packages, stimulus plans, buyouts and takeovers as emergency measures needed to salvage the severely damaged economy.

"All of this terminology is econo-jargon," said Celente. "It's like calling torture 'enhanced interrogation techniques.' Washington is inflating the biggest bubble ever: the 'Bailout Bubble.' "This is much bigger than the Dot-com and Real Estate bubbles which hit speculators, investors and financiers the hardest. However destructive the effects of these busts on employment, savings and productivity, the Free Market Capitalist framework was left intact. But when the 'Bailout Bubble' explodes, the system goes with it." 8O
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby shortonoil » Sun 17 May 2009, 15:18:11

One look at the chart above tells you that there is a better chance of bailing out Lake Michigan with a teaspoon, than what the FED is going to have trying to bailout the financial system.

There isn’t enough printing presses, keyboards, or helicopters on the planet to fix this problem!
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby JPL » Mon 18 May 2009, 20:03:29

shortonoil wrote:There isn’t enough printing presses, keyboards, or helicopters on the planet to fix this problem!

Yes but no-one needs to print money any more - we all have computers. They can handle the extra digits just fine.

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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby Voice_du_More » Tue 19 May 2009, 11:29:02

That is about as clear as I have ever heard it shortonoil. Great post! At the same time I know there are millions of young stock jocks out there who think if we just roll the dice a million more times we will eventually get snake eyes a trillion times in a row and their Illuminist overseers know that it is that type of blind greed which builds hundred million dollar net worths so expect Wall Street to keep pumping out the same old trash.

The second oil induced recession is coming quickly as we undulate our way down the other-side of hubbert's curve. Endgame falsely couched in patriotic spirit has to be getting started soon. We already have seen the emmergence of consumer fascism, nothing good can be soon to arise out of that.
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby Ferretlover » Tue 19 May 2009, 11:34:15

EnergyUnlimited wrote:
Ferretlover wrote:No, America-Is-broke-but-the-country-is-so-big-it is-taking-the-body-awhile-to-find-out-the-brain-is-dead.

What about keeping it in permanent vegetative state?

*giggle* Much of the country is already in a vegetative state, which is why so many don't have a clue! (IMHO, of course).
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby shortonoil » Sun 24 May 2009, 18:48:23

Ferretlover said:

giggle* Much of the country is already in a vegetative state, which is why so many don't have a clue! (IMHO, of course).

So true Ferret, so true. The end of consumerism may raise the intellectual level of the species by several orders of magnitude. Mass media, which is so completely adverse to reporting anything that may be detrimental toward its advertisers, has produced a truly brain dead society. Even basic curiosity has been stamped out of most of the population.

Once the false sense of security that has been installed into the public fails, people will again start to realize that their survival depends on their own interest in the world at large. Awareness will grow, and like any animal, humans will again learn that their very being depends on their being in tune with, and having an understanding of their surroundings.

Until then we will be forced to deal with a pack of parroting morons!
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Re: is-america-about-to-go-broke

Unread postby bikerguy » Wed 27 May 2009, 01:04:16

yeah sure confidence is high, they had to get he stock market up on something, sure didn't have anything else regaurding good news. CNBC even said the market has never ralled on reports like that before. The stock market is running scared. There also saying BS like a turnaround in the fourth quarter, heah sure. :lol:
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RED ALERT: The Total Takeover Of America Enters Final Phase

Unread postby vision-master » Tue 30 Jun 2009, 08:47:14

Smells like Peak Oil to me?


The passage of the “Climate Bill” by the House and its likely approval by the Senate represents the entrée for the complete and total subjugation of any freedoms we had left and the beginning of nightmare regulation and suffocating control over every aspect of our personal lives by millions of green stasi tasked with enforcing impossible to attain goals of 80% carbon dioxide reduction - all based on the manufactured threat of global warming.

This bill will also sink the economy and create a new great depression, effectively obliterating America’s first world status. It represents a transfer of power and wealth from both the U.S. government and the American taxpayer over to the system of world government and global regulation now being erected by means of the climate change hoax.


Re: RED ALERT: The Total Takeover Of America Enters Final Phase

Unread postby PrestonSturges » Tue 30 Jun 2009, 08:49:21

Game over man! Shoot yourself in the head before they take your guns.
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Re: RED ALERT: The Total Takeover Of America Enters Final Phase

Unread postby vision-master » Tue 30 Jun 2009, 08:51:44

PrestonSturges wrote:Game over man! Shoot yourself in the head before they take your guns.



Amongst the myriad of assaults on the Second Amendment rights of American citizens undertaken by the Obama administration during the course of its first year in office, the one that stands out as the most alarming is the attempt to ban people who appear on the terrorist watch list from buying guns.

But isn’t stopping terrorists from buying guns surely a sensible measure to take? The problem is that the terrorist watch list, sometimes called the no fly list, is not a list of likely terrorists, it is a sprawling database of of innocent people that contains the names of over one million Americans. This is a rise of 32% since 2007 alone.


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