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Short but excellent video of Dr. Klare from May 2006

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Short but excellent video of Dr. Klare from May 2006

Unread postby Petrodollar » Tue 23 May 2006, 12:05:31

I would encourage all peak oil readers to watch this short but powerful video of Dr. Michael Klare's recent message about the escalating militarization of energy policy due to our addiction to oil, and the likely geopolitical outcome of the Peak Oil phenomenon. (Global resource warfare and the loss of personal freedom - not to mention economic and spirtual bankruptcy... :-( )

Oil: Author Michael Klare discusses relationship between peak oil and national security (05/09/2006)

In conjunction with this video, I think Heinberg summerized the ultimate outcome of the "Last man standing strategy" about 2 year ago...

There is no need to belabor the point: the people of this world whose opinions count the most — the people with the power to command armies, economics, and governments — have already made up their minds. The cards are dealt and the bets are on the table. For them, the coming decades will constitute a fatal game of Last One Standing, a brutal contest for the world’s remaining resources.

To the interested observer, this may seem patently insane. Even the nation that ‘wins’ the game will be utterly devastated. In the end, oil, natural gas, and even coal will run out, and not even the wealthy will be able to maintain their current way of life. And in the meantime, hundreds of millions — perhaps billions — will have violently perished. Why would anyone choose this path?

— Richard Heinberg, Powerdown: Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World, 2004

I agree with Klare and Heinberg, and I would go so far as to say we need a new political party in the US with a foundation based on the challenges of Peak Oil. We need political candidates at the local, state and national level who advocate peaceful policies towards Peak Oil.

FWIW, I gave a speech last month at a PO conference in NY where Dr. Klare was speaking, and I noted the desperate need for a Peak Oil Peace Party , or perhaps Peak Oil Progressive Party (as opposed to the Peak Oil War Party wing of the GOP - with the neocons leading the disasterous charge - while the despondant Democrats timidly stand by in the back ground...)

I hope others find this video worthwhile...I HIGHLY recommend it.
Last edited by Petrodollar on Tue 23 May 2006, 17:24:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Short but excellent video of Dr. Klare from May 2006

Unread postby Shiraz » Tue 23 May 2006, 13:17:08

I hope others find this video worthwhile...I HIGHLY recommend it.

I normally wouldn't step in to 'second' a recommendation, but on this case I can make an exception.

Klare outlines the case that war will become increasingly frequent as we transgress the peak.

His point of view is radical, but his argument is strong and clear, and he presents it fairly well.

If you have friends who are in the "anyone who thinks peak will be anything more than a slow painful transition are nuts" group, this might be of particular interest to them. It definitely provides food for thought. I do not believe it is possible to dismiss the concerns presented by Klare on face value. The historical context he provides is invaluable for the novice.
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Re: Short but excellent video of Dr. Klare from May 2006

Unread postby miraculix » Tue 23 May 2006, 14:02:05


the army corps of engineers came to the same conclusion

resource wars are at our doorstep
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