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SeaGypsy update

A forum for discussion of regional topics including oil depletion but also government, society, and the future.

SeaGypsy update

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Tue 30 Apr 2024, 09:08:24

Hey diehards!

So yeah, I'm not dead yet.

Post Certificate Of Vaccination IDenitfication AI *19* (refusenik extraordinaire)

Hermitage on my little yacht in the deep south of Australia the last couple of years.
Complete abstinence interspersed with alcohol & weed binges, a few gold tops & decisions.

Massive deep dive, into the nature & purpose of various conspiracies, contrived, technological & natural.

Learning to work with AI, or have it work for me rather than being an enemy.

Second saturn return coinciding with solar maximum, & I'm feeling all of it.

Ditched social media, adult & perverse content, focused more than ever.

Refocused activism inward.

Just left the boat, in my van, driving north slowly, with two passports, (US & Aus).

Divorced a few years, that's a saga.

Going to my teenage home, hipster mecca, Byron Bay, from the southernmost to easternmost points of the mainland of Australia. Hawaii 5.0 theme song playing in the back of my head persistently. Na, na nana nana na, na na, nana nana na (bookem Danno, murder One!)
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Re: SeaGypsy update

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 30 Apr 2024, 13:46:11

YO SeaGypsy

There aren't many of the old diehards left on this site, but I think its Great to get your update.

Sounds like you've been going through some changes and have settled on a good plan for moving ahead.

I hope you'll continue to update us on your adventures in Byron Bay (and perhaps tell us more about your doings over the last couple of years if its not too painful).

As for me, I remain dedicated to travel and trying to see as much of the world as I can before global climate change destroys everything. I've just back from a trip to central Asia, including some time on the Pamir Highway in southernmost Tadjikistan.........just a few miles from the Afghanistan border. Some pretty nice country there if you can avoid getting kidnapped and held for ransom.

I've just back from a trip to central Asia, including some time on the Pamir Highway in southernmost Tadjikistan

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Re: SeaGypsy update

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 05 May 2024, 12:09:41


Glad to hear you back.

Ya Covid was a wake up, for some.

Points to just how delusional he tribe really is.
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