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"safe spaces"

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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby Oneaboveall » Thu 19 Nov 2015, 21:47:45

Sixstrings wrote:Here's a "safe space" sign:


That's the problem I have. It seems to degenerate into shouting down anyone who disagrees with you, especially if that person is a member of a "privileged" class.

Case in point:

Be sure to shout down that evil white male.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby Cog » Thu 19 Nov 2015, 22:05:33

I hereby designate this thread as my safe space.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby Ibon » Thu 19 Nov 2015, 22:20:20

Safe Spaces.......Way to earnest, too serious, not enough humor.

Socrates said that a life left un examined is not a life worth living.

If he were alive today he may have equally said , "There is nothing more tragic than an over examined life"
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 19 Nov 2015, 23:03:46

"Safe space" protesters at a college sit-in are demanding that local media "pledge to support" their cause, or else they won't let them cover their sit-in.

They say the media has to agree with them, to be in their "safe space."

The student protesters say that the media cannot be "neutral," that neutrality and objectivity is "complacent" in what they're fighting against:

The Smith College Student Center, where an estimated 300 to 500 students sat from 1 p.m. to midnight -- some for the entire time, some for just an hour or two -- in solidarity with black students and students of color at Missouri University.

Reporters barred from Smith College sit-in held in solidarity with University of Missouri students unless they support movement

In an effort to create a safe space free from potential insensitivity from the news media, activists at Smith College barred reporters from covering a sit-in Wednesday that drew 300 to 500 students.


Alyssa Mata-Flores, a 21-year-old Smith College senior and one of the sit-in's organizers, explained that the rule was born from "the way that media has historically painted radical black movements as violent and aggressive."

"We are asking that any journalists or press that cover our story participate and articulate their solidarity with black students and students of color," she told MassLive in the Student Center Wednesday. "By taking a neutral stance, journalists and media are being complacent in our fight."
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 19 Nov 2015, 23:15:40

Student criticized BLM, then BLM activists gave her workplace name and phone number out and encouraged people to call her job. Her manager fired her, and students are demanding her expulsion from school, but the dean says she has a first amendment right to free speech and can't be expelled:

Georgia College Student Criticizes Black Lives Matter, Becomes Victim Of Witch Hunt

Emily Faz (Facebook picture)

One young student at Georgia Southern University (GSU) is learning the consequences for publicly criticizing the racially-charged protests at the University of Missouri after being fired from her job and having a number of her fellow classmates demand her expulsion.

Emily Faz, a senior at the public university, shared a November 14 Washington Times article on Monday that reported on how some Mizzou protesters and Black Lives Matter activists were upset that the Paris attacks were stealing the media spotlight.

Faz wrote above the link, “I swear if I see this B.S. at Southern I will make you regret even knowing what a movement or a hashtag is, and you’ll walk away with your tail tucked.”

She continued on to say, “The whole black lives matter movement is misguided and out of hand. Maybe no one likes or takes y’all seriously because no one can see past your egotistical bullshit. Some people might just look past it, but fair warning I am not one. All lives matter, that has always been the case, and you part of the problem if you think other wise [sic].”

According to the WJCL 22, that post soon went viral at the GSU campus and infuriated some African-American students who took the post as a threat. Responses to Faz’s opinion on Twitter were fierce.

The GSU NAACP staged a “Black Out, Walk Out” on Tuesday in response to Faz’s post and issued demands to the school. Those demands included hiring more black professors and expanding the African Studies program. “I think it’s important to know the difference between freedom of speech and a threat, and it seems like when it comes from a white student at this school, that sometimes the line is being blurred because of who it comes from,” KeyAnna Tate, a participant in the walk out, told the Statesboro Herald.

Some of these student activists called for Faz to be expelled and the school president, Jean Bartels, issued a statement on the matter and acknowledged the numerous calls for disciplinary action to be taken against the offending co-ed. Bartels appeared to conclude Faz’s post was protected by the First Amendment and could not result in punishment. However, the young student appears to have lost her job at the local Wild Wing Cafe franchise over the controversy, according to Everything Georgia. Some activists had urged supporters to call the restaurant about Faz prior to her dismissal.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 00:25:41

God 6 you are so flipping juvenile you can't even remember being one yet. Getting all in a tiz about teenagers being emotional & socially inept, frik man you just don't stop. Nothing you have said makes any sense, your OP & your last post about Faz show you have no grasp on the topic of social safety.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby AgentR11 » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 00:28:47

I don't see this as a problem. Its obviously, kinda a work in progress from where we were with segregation and slavery before it, as well as the various disliking for gender and preference outliers now, to a culture where not only can the fem gay guy, fully expressed, feel comfortable at a football game, but also [visualize strongly here with me] the large, but moderately overweight redneck in jeans and beat up shirt attire, well worn and pooped on boots, can of snuff in the back pocket, and cheap beer can in hand, can sit and feel perfectly comfortable and welcome in amongst a fru-fru, outdoor poetry reading at a far left university.

We, as a culture, aren't anywhere near close to making that "safe space"/"trigger" thing go full circle and inclusive; but if we had time before the end, I think it would progress towards a very worth while end state.

Of course that would mean flaming gay dudes in pink hats would likely vote Republican because they hate high taxes (flaming outfits being expensive); and mediocre wage office workers in nondescript suit & tie in Houston might vote Democrat because they want a national health service. [trading the black helicopter, tinfoil hat folks for the flaming dudes in pink hats, sounds like a great deal to me!]

As it is though... not happening. We don't have that much time left as a culture. Thus, "safe space"/"trigger" is nothing more than just another way to form cliques around interests. Harmless, but utterly vapid.

Fortunately, it has zero impact on my existence.

As to privilege.

Yep. Got it. Love it. Gonna ride it for every last penny of profit and advantage I can squeeze out of it. I feel not the slightest degree of guilt in doing so.
The world is not a zero sum game. You do not forcefully transfer 'privilege' from one to another, you build more, new privilege for more worthy individuals, who can then teach their children well and hand off what they have to them if they so wish. If you really feel guilty about your privilege, its a free country, sell all your stuff, give the proceeds to Catholic Charities, and then go join the street bums or sign on with some monastic order or whatever. If you complain about privilege while keeping your own, you make me ill.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby Cog » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 00:32:10

This is not youthful excess and shenanigans. These people destroy lives. Just ask Darren Wilson.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 00:32:24

My first thought was how silly the safe place movement was. But upon reflection I realized I was wrong. Our editors should set aside a "safe space" for plant on our site. He's been subject of much nasty hate speech. We should have an area where only he can post and no one else. I even have a name for it: IDHTLTHSA. Short for I Don't Have To Listen To His Sh*t Anymore.

Just teasing you buddy to lighten the mood. You're should always be welcomed here no matter how batsh*t crasy you get at times.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby AgentR11 » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 00:50:35

As to BLM... I'm kinda on their side; the principle applies more generally of course, but the perception is not far from reality; and when our police force has become so militarized; that little bit extra on top of violence towards unfavored groups really shows through, and grates harshly on any sense of rational ethics. Its really kinda embarrassing and poorly reflects on the United States as a country supposedly bound by the rule of law.

OTOH, I'm not sure I can conceive of a way it could be reversed. You can throw stuff and money at it, to look like you're interested in the problem; but I don't think any of the tools we have would stick and bring the "peace" back to the concept of Peace Officer. I like action to produce a result. I'm just not seeing a viable candidate action.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby Cog » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 01:07:42

Since blacks commit violent crimes far in excess of their demographic percentage of the population, does it surprise you that they have more negative interactions with police?

Perhaps Darren Wilson should have apologized to Michael Brown while Michael was punching the officer and trying to wrestle his gun away from him.

The BLM are race baiters pure and simple. You want to know who kills black people more than any other racial group? Other black people.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby AgentR11 » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 01:19:13

you will note I said: the principle applies more generally of course,
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 01:46:46

Cog wrote:The BLM are race baiters pure and simple.

I agree with that. From digging into the news on it, it seems to me that they are actually LOOKING for conflict. And that's sad, it's just creating problems where there were none, and actually creating bigotry. :|

Which they say they are against.

The best thing people can do is just ignore them. But at some point, BLM may push it so far that people are losing rights -- like that young woman that was fired from her job, after BLM activists called her workplace. And she didn't even say anything racist, she just criticized the politics of BLM and she linked a washington times article on twitter.

So it's not a huge thing, but really that wasn't right and if this "safe space" stuff is really about bullying and it just becomes accepted in society, then that's just a bit crazy-making no?

This is the entire political correctness debate we are having now in this election, and a lot of people don't like the PC and it's influencing the presidential race.

edit: I mean, if you look at the protests, they actually violate all the rules of "safe space." They're actually very aggressive, and rude, and mean.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 02:01:20

So there wasn't a problem & BLM are making up stories about the whole thing? You are kidding. No you are not. You are a racist pig faking something else.
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Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 02:14:30

More "safe space" caring and love:

SeaGypsy wrote:You are a racist pig faking something else.

Calm down, please.

I've got a lot of posts on here talking about police going too far. I can't count the number of times I've talked about tasers, and those should be banned.

Look -- racism is wrong, but that girl that got fired didn't even say anything racist and it had nothing to do with her job. She linked an article on twitter. Where is her "safe space?"

SG -- things aren't always black and white, and zero sum. You can admit something is wrong in an ideology you ascribe too, without that meaning the whole thing is wrong.

edit: and another thing..

at first I didn't really quite realize the BLM thing was connected with safe space, if I'd known that I wouldn't have posted about it. I thought it was a socialism thing.

The whole safe space thing is just a big mess.

The best safe space would be people don't talk at all. Just sit with people different from you, in silence. And enjoy the sunset, or a cooperative activity, and don't talk about triggers and grievances.
Last edited by Sixstrings on Fri 20 Nov 2015, 02:32:29, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread postby Cog » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 02:20:16

SeaGypsy wrote:So there wasn't a problem & BLM are making up stories about the whole thing? You are kidding. No you are not. You are a racist pig faking something else.

You need to chill out man.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 02:29:32

Whatever. I have seen the footage-s of piles of horrid race based thuggery against African Americans by police, for years & years. Apparently there are plenty of law abiding African Americans who find this offensive- as should any sensible person. The associated vandalism & retributive actions by members of the black community does not do the movement any service, nor do overall black crime statistics, but surely we do not have to degenerate to Ayoob level to discuss the matter. I am not picking the fight, you & 6 are with your sweeping generalized racist idioms.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 02:36:02

BTW Cog, I would bet if the only blacks you ever knew anything about were the guys you served in the military with, your opinion would differ. At least you have this experience, I know you can't really hold this view you are blowing off steam about as a grand truth about black people. 6 on the other hand is one of the most confused, least consolidate people I have ever stumbled across.
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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 03:14:08

ROCKMAN wrote:Our editors should set aside a "safe space" for plant on our site. He's been subject of much nasty hate speech.

Don't worry about it Rockman.

I forgive you. 8)

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Re: "safe spaces"

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 05:51:43

Donald Trump Calls University of Missouri Leaders ‘Babies’ for Resigning

“I think they sent the absolutely wrong signal when they resigned so sheepishly,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with Yahoo News. “It just showed such grotesque weakness and that just sent a signal to go out and do whatever you want to do, and now you’re going to see this problem all over.”

Months of tension at the university came to a head last week when Timothy M. Wolfe, the university’s president, resigned and the chancellor, R. Bowen Loftin, stepped down to a less prominent position.

Several incidents ignited the recent furor. Last month the Legion of Black Collegians, a student group, was rehearsing for a homecoming event and was interrupted by a white man who walked onstage shouting racial slurs. Swastikas have also been found scrawled on campus buildings and students said racism was widespread, leading the football team to threaten a strike.

Several Republican presidential candidates have said that despite such offensive actions, free speech on campuses must be protected. Mr. Trump went further in the Yahoo interview, raising doubts about whether racism was even a problem on the campus.

“I would have handled things differently,” Mr. Trump said. “First of all, I would have made sure there was no discrimination or any of that — and I don’t think there was.”
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