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Gulf Catastrophe Pt. 3(Merged)

The Gulf Oil Spill and My FB Friends

Unread postby buddylee » Wed 19 May 2010, 09:27:29

Every day about 5-10 of my Facebook friends (different ones every day) will post about how angry they are about the spill and how those who are responsible should be hanged and lots of other colorful things (I live in FL, so that's probably why).

I've been holding my tongue for weeks.

I want to tell them it's all of our faults because we're the ones who demand cheap gas, and cheap food, and cheap goods to buy. Blame BP all you want, but in the end it's our fault. If I posted this on FB I'd be unfriended by dozens of "friends" instantaneously, or at least yelled at.

Just wanted to get this off my chest.
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Re: The Gulf Oil Spill and My FB Friends

Unread postby eXpat » Wed 19 May 2010, 11:34:47

Little wonder, you go against the predominant "feel good" attitude, which is the norm if you want to be a social animal nowadays, and besides you are telling the truth, and nothing hurts like the truth. You can tell people "ars***ole" in their faces and they may think is a matter of opinon, tell them to lower their living standards, and you are the worst thing since Attila the Hun graced this planet.
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
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Re: The Gulf Oil Spill and My FB Friends

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Thu 20 May 2010, 11:20:45

It is hard to imagine that the Navy is not already on site. IF so, that means that Obama is keeping secrets from the American people. This is not a war where you hide strategies from your enemies. The Obama administration is treating the American people like the enemy. This must not stand.

This is a war. As I've said from the beginning.

80 000 BBLS per Day. This is death to the GOM volumes.
And scientists saying the Top Kill could blow out the 'pipe'

That's 162 000 for years.

And anyone coming at me for my Worst Case Scenario
needs to show why I should believe anything else.

What are we saving our resources for. Is there another E.L.E.
that could be worse?

Reminds me of Morgan Freeman's E.L.E. and if he did an
Obama would say everything but do nothing.

Asteroid slams into Earth. End of Movie.

I'm sure I'm missing something. But the only thing I'm
seeing is Secrecy and Opaqueness.
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Re: The Gulf Oil Spill and My FB Friends

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Thu 20 May 2010, 11:24:01

Or Why is everyone so sure that Everything's OK?

That BP/Obama who have done nothing but Lie/Obfuscate
this entire 052010 Event have things under control?

Because if they don't they're going to need every resource
they're refusing to use now, to take care of the spreading
Collapse after.
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Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby KevO » Wed 26 May 2010, 12:47:23

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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby jbrovont » Wed 26 May 2010, 14:42:00

Well in a dispersant you essentially have different types of surfactants including emulsifiers and detergents. The surfactants lower the surface tension of the oil and the interfacial tension between the water and oil. The effect is that it allows the oil to "mix in" with the water - the slick breaks up and turns into a cloud of goo that, due to its lower interfacial tension and higher specific gravity can be spread out by water currents and even (to a certain degree) sink and settle out.

Unfortunately, the same chemical process that allows the surfactants to break up the oil slick, also allow those same chemicals to lyse human (and other animal) cells. Cell walls in animals are made up of lipids, which are "oils." If you get a lysing surfactant on your skin, or breath it in, the chemical immediately begins breaking the chemical bonds that hold your cell walls together at the point of exposure, so it's little wonder that people breathing in the fumes are getting fluid in their lungs. In high levels of exposure the effect would probably be akin to cytokine storm with a subsequent "liquification" of your mucous membranes.

If you were left in a tub of "dispersant," after a while, you'd probably end up looking something like the floating goo in this video: (plus bones of course)

Floating Goo
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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby Sixstrings » Wed 26 May 2010, 15:36:56

The dispersant and oil mix cause chemical pneumonia. These fishermen shouldn't even be working on cleanup without wearing hazmat suits.. it's really awful, first BP takes their livelihood and now BP is killing them with toxic exposure.
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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby Dreamtwister » Wed 26 May 2010, 15:44:22

Sixstrings wrote:These fishermen shouldn't even be working on cleanup without wearing hazmat suits.. it's really awful, first BP takes their livelihood and now BP is killing them with toxic exposure.

And the economy is so bad, the fishermen are actually thanking BP for giving them work.

I wonder if China will start leasing their mobile execution buses...

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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby ian807 » Wed 26 May 2010, 17:12:36


The stuff is certain to get into the food chain in a big way. Avoid gulf seafood for a decade or so unless you like it with a hydrocarbon spice.

Hurricanes are the big unknown. Will wind and waterspouts spread a mist of oil on land, killing plants and creating an oil soaked dead zone just waiting for a match?

How about coating Houston or New Orleans with oil? Careful with that cigarette.

Will hurricanes with waterspouts suck oil into the atmosphere, enough to be ignited by a lightning strike? And what happens when that connects with the oil body in the water?

I think these scenarios are unlikely. I just don't know if they're impossible. Anyone have an idea?
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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby timmac » Wed 26 May 2010, 17:21:47

Sounds almost like when in Chernobyl when the nuke plant blew they were employing men from the streets to go up on the roof and throw dirt on reactor and bury it, the last I heard all of those men died from radiation exposure.

I know its hard when they are offering money to go out and clean up the mess when you need the $$ but they must put their safety/health 1st, I would pack up and leave, but thats me..

No amount of money is worth losing your lungs or getting brain lesions..

I smell years of health lawsuits over this...
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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby jbrovont » Wed 26 May 2010, 18:36:17

Does the liability cap apply to health care from exposing the population, or is that even addressed in the law? BP may well walk on this.

timmac wrote:Sounds almost like when in Chernobyl when the nuke plant blew they were employing men from the streets to go up on the roof and throw dirt on reactor and bury it, the last I heard all of those men died from radiation exposure.

I know its hard when they are offering money to go out and clean up the mess when you need the $$ but they must put their safety/health 1st, I would pack up and leave, but thats me..

No amount of money is worth losing your lungs or getting brain lesions..

I smell years of health lawsuits over this...
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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 26 May 2010, 20:33:08

The chemical dispersants the Obama administration is allowing BP to use are both toxic and carcinogens.

The 700,000 gallons dumped in the Gulf of Mexico so far make this the largest toxic chemical dump site on earth.
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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Wed 26 May 2010, 20:49:54

Millions will die. Not from the oil, but from the
Death. The Death of the GOM.

Start thinking genocide of NonHuman Persons
and we can go from there.

The Military is out to stop Panic/Chaos,
it might as well start now.

Imagine 30 million of the South's Wealthiest
Citizens reduced to Third World Status by
Summer's End.

Think about what happens then.

Sponsored link

Bp Info about the Gulf of Mexico Spill Learn More about How BP is Helping.

BP's sponsoring links. I found this one at a Mental Unwell BP

Then I did tin Foil BP:

Search Results

BP Spill Triggers Gusher of Idiocy From Ed Schultz |
May 11, 2010 ... We need to fix it, we need to hold BP and other oil companies .... He ran out of tin foil? Tue, 05/11/2010 - 15:22 ET by Beukeboom ... - Cached
BP Oil spill, I just put my tin foil hat on - Democratic Underground
May 4, 2010 ... My tin foil hat says to look for GS short positions in any/all man-made disasters that might just have a "golden" lining should they occur. ... ... az...all... - Cached
Tinfoil Hat? Monkeyfister has screen shots and analysis of violent ...‎ - May 24, 2010
Why Did BP Violate the 1st Rule of Off-Shore Fire Fighting: DON'T ...‎ - Apr 21, 2010

More results from »
Activists force Tate Modern to close over BP | Liberal Conspiracy
May 18, 2010 ... It is cheaper for BP to pay for spills (there is still limited liability) than be properly careful according to many. So it ain't tin-foil ... - Cached
Tinfoil Hat News
May 23, 2010 ... Tinfoil Hat News ..... So instead of removing the oil, BP decided to make the oil even more toxic, and drive it deep into the ocean where it ... - Cached

Page after Page with no BP sonsored links.

Rename BP the Queen's Ass Petroleum so everyone
can understan where we are.

We defeated the British at New Orleans.
Remember everyone.
Andrew Jackson. One of my favorite POTUS's
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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Wed 26 May 2010, 20:53:06

Imagine what happens in Snake Handling Land
when this gusher goes thru July:

Tin Foil Hat News wrote:My brother, who is an atheist, and I were watching TBN a while back and happened upon these images from Kirk Cameron’s blockbuster film, Left Behind. There were no shortages of side-splitting laughs.

The false ideas put forward in most movies and books pertaining to end-times Biblical prophecy appear to most as sheer unadulterated religious stupidity but to the majority of protestant Christians particularly, in America, they are both real and imminent.

Illuminist propaganda concerning the return of Jesus Christ occupies a central part in a vast structure of deception that will govern Christian minds when some Great Tribulation actually does occur.

C.I. Scofield’s Dispensationalism provides the theological framework for the Christian Zionist movement. Christian Zionism is an important subset of the Christian Dominionist movement, all of which is also being co-opted by Illuminists. These Christians are the ultimate useful idiots… I stagger to communicate what is coming to Christendom in the future.

The expectation of a false rapture event will be brought to a feverish boil through massive disinformation campaigns as general distress increases over the next decade.
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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Wed 26 May 2010, 20:57:35

Thousands lose their lives every year to Sea

Thanx to us, that number's going to go way down.

Your Welcome,

Jesus walked on water and soon you'll be able to as well.

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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby Sixstrings » Wed 26 May 2010, 21:03:15

mcgowanjm wrote:Imagine what happens in Snake Handling Land
when this gusher goes thru July:

It's a lost cause. The religious right would rather vote for "family values" than vote in their own working-class interest. The only reason the dems are in charge now is because they've gone even more corporatist than Clinton's "new democrats," so we just have two Republican parties -- not a bit of difference between them.

Think about places like West Virginia, where decade after decade Big Coal pollutes the land and mistreats miners and their families. And yet, the voters in that state keep voting for the coal-bought pols year after year.
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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Wed 26 May 2010, 21:32:50

I don't think we can try to kill the Planet any faster:

End of Alaotra grebe is further evidence of Sixth Great Extinction

Species are vanishing quicker than at any point in the last 65 million years

By Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor
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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Wed 26 May 2010, 21:42:42

Sixstrings wrote:
mcgowanjm wrote:Imagine what happens in Snake Handling Land
when this gusher goes thru July:

It's a lost cause. The religious right would rather vote for "family values" than vote in their own working-class interest. The only reason the dems are in charge now is because they've gone even more corporatist than Clinton's "new democrats," so we just have two Republican parties -- not a bit of difference between them.

Think about places like West Virginia, where decade after decade Big Coal pollutes the land and mistreats miners and their families. And yet, the voters in that state keep voting for the coal-bought pols year after year.

We're way past voting. Just like everything else.

Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event of 65 million years ago, which may have been caused by a giant meteorite striking the earth, and which saw the disappearance of the dinosaurs.

(That meteor created the Gulf of Mexico BTW. :twisted: )

But the rate at which species are now disappearing makes many biologists consider we are living in a sixth major extinction comparable in scale to the others – except that this one has been caused by humans. In essence, we are driving plants and animals over the abyss faster than new species can evolve.

We're accelerating into a Bifurcation. A New Steady State
is Forthcoming.
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Re: Could Millions of Americans Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Wed 26 May 2010, 21:51:37

Ilargi and other prophets has it.

Somewhat ironically, it may be the disaster called Deepwater Horizon, a name that will for future generations not just be mentioned in the same breath as Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, but many miles and way before them, that will tell the age old story of how an economical crisis driven too far inevitably must become a political one, once "our" politicians run out of excuses and, more importantly, other people’s money.

Every minute that Obama is absent now.

He might not make it thru the Summer. Really.
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