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Discussions of conventional and alternative energy production technologies.

Unread postby Omnitir » Mon 09 May 2005, 06:22:27

There’s some impulsive posting (on my part) for you! I actually read an article in New Scientist a few months ago about methane on Mars and the search for life, but completely forgot about that information in my eagerness to debunk the idea of oil on Mars. :oops:

In the Mars express theory for eventual manned missions to Mars, I believe the theory for obtaining energy is the same as that of eventual moon missions: water extraction. Certainly solar power would play a big part, bit I think extracting water (for drinking, breathing, growing food, and making rocket fuel) is an essential part of surviving for extended periods in space.

Here’s some interesting news regarding the quest for space development. In the spirit of the recent X-prize, NASA is sponsoring competitions to encourage technological growth in the direction of an eventual space elevator (among other space technologies).
New space prizes target space elevators.

First step:
Winning teams will receive $50,000 in 2005 for either building the strongest strand of material or for using light to power a wireless robot up a cable.

They will also offer $40,000 for second prize and $10,000 for third prize.

And next year, further encouragement for development:
In 2006, the challenge will include the building the source of power, as well.

NASA is set to announce more centennial challenges in the coming weeks.

Quote from NASA program manager Brant Sponberg:
The innovations from these competitions will help support advances in aerospace materials and structures… [snip] …and even futuristic concepts like space elevators and solar power satellites.

Anyone still think space elevators are pure sci-fi???
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Tar Sands
Tar Sands
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