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THE James H Kunstler Thread pt 4

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Re: Kunstler breaks taboos - mentions nazis in recent article!

Unread postby Revi » Tue 30 Mar 2010, 11:43:07

I liked what he has to say this week. It was a pretty good analysis of the situation, in my opinion. Here is a paragraph from this week's CFN:

In the background, of course, is an economy just barely holding together with political baling wire and duct tape. It has very poor prospects for continuing in the way it was designed to run, on cheap oil and revolving debt. The upshot is an economy now destined for permanent contraction, and nobody has a plan for managing that contraction -- which will include awful failures in food production, in disintegrating water systems, electric grids, roadway systems, schools... really anything that requires ongoing public investment. It includes a financial system that cannot come up with capital deployable for productive purpose, or currencies that can be relied on to hold value, or markets that function without interference.

I think that pretty well sums it up.
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Re: Kunstler breaks taboos - mentions nazis in recent article!

Unread postby shortonsense » Tue 30 Mar 2010, 11:57:07

Ayoob wrote:I can't believe it, but it looks like Kunstler has turned some brand- new and frightening ground in his column. This week he compares the US government (and white Southerners) with the Nazis! Yes, the very same Nazis that incinerated millions of Jews, he makes a direct comparison and draws a line connecting the Nazis with the American people! I had never thought of it before... it must be a brave thing to make accusations like that.

Brave? No...when someone specializes in nothing but shock value, it is a given that the rhetoric must be ramped up slowly, and continuously, which means that sooner or later, of course Hitler must be referenced for some purpose. Stalin could be substituted of course, depending on the demographic you present to, but the Holocaust still has some kick to it, and anyone with a naturally tendency towards antisemitism will bite on it every time. Certainly he can't talk much about peak oil collapse this far into it without any credibility, for fear of his Y2K predictions coming back to bite him again, Pearl Harbor was settled quite some time ago, 9/11 has been pretty thoroughly milked except among the cross eyed hard core whats left?

Exposing the truth on Brittany Spears singing talent just doesn't cut it except for the occasional preteen... :lol:
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Re: Kunstler breaks taboos - mentions nazis in recent article!

Unread postby EndOfGrowth » Tue 30 Mar 2010, 12:43:30

"You never know, there might be a CORN PONE HITLER out there waiting to make his (or her) entrance!"

Sounds like he's waking up to encroaching NWO fascism which he has been denying it's existence for years because he's "allergic to conspiracy theories"

Kunstler is Jewish btw.
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Re: Kunstler breaks taboos - mentions nazis in recent article!

Unread postby efarmer » Tue 30 Mar 2010, 14:18:34

Kunstler is Jewish??? I though it was originally O'Kunstler and he dropped the O so he
could chameleon into the New York literary community.

Older and single, like to rant and paint landscapes, hangs his ideas out so he can
take public abuse, this guy is Irish or else I have been stroking my shamrock.
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Re: Kunstler breaks taboos - mentions nazis in recent article!

Unread postby Ayoob » Tue 30 Mar 2010, 14:21:44

EndOfGrowth wrote:"You never know, there might be a CORN PONE HITLER out there waiting to make his (or her) entrance!"

Sounds like he's waking up to encroaching NWO fascism which he has been denying it's existence for years because he's "allergic to conspiracy theories"

Kunstler is Jewish btw.

I know he's Jewish, I think that's where the Nazi fetish comes from.

He must think he missed out on the original Holocaust and wants front row seats to #2. It's some kind of persecution complex. He would love to be a victim somehow but can't quite find an angle for how he personally can claim victimhood. It's tough to be a victim when you're a well-known author, flying around the country to packed audiences, making lots of money.
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Re: Kunstler breaks taboos - mentions nazis in recent article!

Unread postby efarmer » Tue 30 Mar 2010, 14:31:44

I guess I won't send him a rosary for Christmas again nor share my deep seated fears
of potato fungus creating a diaspora for our people again. Thanks for saving me from
embarrassing myself with my ignorance Ayoob.
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Re: Kunstler breaks taboos - mentions nazis in recent article!

Unread postby Ayoob » Tue 30 Mar 2010, 14:34:26

efarmer wrote:I guess I won't send him a rosary for Christmas again nor share my deep seated fears
of potato fungus creating a diaspora for our people again. Thanks for saving me from
embarrassing myself with my ignorance Ayoob.

Just here to help bud...

Just here to help.
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Re: Kunstler breaks taboos - mentions nazis in recent article!

Unread postby pedalling_faster » Tue 30 Mar 2010, 15:28:17

EndOfGrowth wrote:"You never know, there might be a CORN PONE HITLER out there waiting to make his (or her) entrance!"

Sounds like he's waking up to encroaching NWO fascism which he has been denying it's existence for years because he's "allergic to conspiracy theories"

Kunstler is Jewish btw.

for an Israeli supporting guy like Kunstler to play the Hitler card is not a sign of smarts.

Hitler was financed by Wall Street, as documented in ... biography/
by Tarpley & Chaitkin. Chaitkin is a Jewish historian.

as documented in the Transfer Agreement, written by Jewish historian Edwin Black ... 0786708417

it was Zionist Jews that negotiated the escape of Jews from Europe. They were stymied by the opposition of many European Jews. The deal the Zionist Jews negotiated with Hitler was ... he got to keep the Jewish people who were opposed to the idea of Israel.

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Re: Kunstler breaks taboos - mentions nazis in recent article!

Unread postby mos6507 » Tue 30 Mar 2010, 15:52:43

Ayoob wrote:I know he's Jewish, I think that's where the Nazi fetish comes from.

Then what's this guy's excuse?


And the teabaggers:


THE James H Kunstler Thread pt 4

Unread postby highlander » Wed 31 Mar 2010, 11:02:59

Wow, I thought that guy was long dead and gone. Made some entertaining late night info-mercials during the campaigns long past.
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Re: THE James H Kunstler Thread pt 2 (merged)

Unread postby anador » Tue 06 Apr 2010, 02:04:12

There are some issues on which he just shouldn't share his opinion on.... It devalues the important things he really does know about.

That is actually one of the best parts of his podcast, no real doomer porn, and no incessant politicisation, besides the occasional corn-pone nazi jab. What he sticks to is urban critique, that is what he really does best anyway.

He is really the only one talking about urbanism and contraction to a large audience anyway... except for the transition towners and maybe Jaime Correa, who I had last semester in a fantastic studio.

The other New Urbanists, including Duany try to keep their voices low for the good of their firms on the whole contraction argument. Except of course, Krier... who doesn't have a firm to protect per-se.

Overall I just think its a shame that alot of urban lecturers get overlooked for not speaking about anything else....

Then Kunstler gets bashed and dismissed because he lets his opinion on other things out in the open
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Re: THE James H Kunstler Thread pt 2 (merged)

Unread postby Daniel_Plainview » Tue 27 Apr 2010, 09:12:38

Kunstler: This Sucker is going Down

By James Howard Kunstler
on April 25, 2010 1:53 PM

George W. Bush was onto something in the fall of 2008 when he remarked apropos of the Lehman collapse: "...this sucker could go down."

It's my serene conviction, by the way, that this sucker actually is going down, right now, even as I clatter away at the keys -- perhaps in slow motion, so that not many other bystanders have noticed yet, and the few who have noticed are mostly too crosseyed with nausea to speak. * * *

... "Going down" will mean a society with no money and an infrastructure for daily life that requires gobs of money to run, and a populace too dazed, confused, and inflamed to do anything useful in the way of organizing new infrastructures for daily life for their new circumstances. In retrospect, the Great Depression of the 1930s will look like "The Philadelphia Story" compared to what we wake up to ten years from now. * * *

... This sucker is going down because the train of bankruptcies underway has a remorseless self-reinforcing power to provoke more and more bankruptcies at every stop along the line as every promise to pay is welshed on. The mortgages will not be paid and securities will not pay their investors and the banks will choke on the bad paper promises in their vaults and the pension funds will not pay their beneficiaries and the states and counties and municipalities will go broke and not pay their employees and creditors, and the federal government will not be able to "print" new money in sufficient quantities fast enough to compensate for all the money not being paid up-and-down the line... and one morning we will wake up and discover that all those promises to pay were sham promises based on no productive activity whatsoever... and that will be a sad day. Perhaps the Dow Jones Industrial Average will hit 35,000 on that day. Nothing can stop this chain of bankruptcy. It's already baked in the cake. * * *

... When this sucker goes down, our primary task will be reorganizing American life on a much more local and de-complexified basis. ... trillions in credit default swaps are ticking away like dirty bombs. Greece is going down, with Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and the UK standing by to go next. Nobody can pay their bills. Before long, the old folks won't get their checks. Then the poor folks. Lately, I wonder if there will even be an election six months from now.

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Re: THE James H Kunstler Thread pt 2 (merged)

Unread postby Ludi » Tue 27 Apr 2010, 10:20:46

... When this sucker goes down, our primary task will be reorganizing American life on a much more local and de-complexified basis

Might want to start NOW, actually. Why wait?

Re: THE James H Kunstler Thread pt 2 (merged)

Unread postby Serial_Worrier » Tue 27 Apr 2010, 20:51:17

The guy's a nutburger but at least he supports Israel.
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Re: THE James H Kunstler Thread pt 2 (merged)

Unread postby mos6507 » Tue 27 Apr 2010, 22:21:47

Ludi wrote:
... When this sucker goes down, our primary task will be reorganizing American life on a much more local and de-complexified basis

Might want to start NOW, actually. Why wait?

Because we'd have to talk to our neighbors instead of hang out here all day.

Re: THE James H Kunstler Thread pt 2 (merged)

Unread postby Sixstrings » Tue 27 Apr 2010, 22:44:50

mos6507 wrote:Because we'd have to talk to our neighbors instead of hang out here all day.

Good fences make good neighbors.
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Re: Kunstler breaks taboos - mentions nazis in recent articl

Unread postby bshirt » Sun 02 May 2010, 08:00:36

mcgowanjm wrote:
TheDude wrote:
eastbay wrote:
Ayoob wrote:If you follow his column back to right around the 9/11 attacks, he was a proponent of complete Arab genocide.

Let's not forget he was a very vocal supporter of the Iraq War (even writing this in his books) and still supports the US military occupation of Iraq.

That's all I remember him saying, that he was a supporter of preemptive war, nothing about wanting to incinerate Arabs en masse. This latest piece is just about the potential of Americans to "go crazy" under the onslaught of economic ruin, ala other nations in history and specifically Germany, whose experience is a matter of record - feel free to insist this could never happen in the USA if you want to wallow in naivety.

Guy's a nut-job so one can generally assume a position opposite whatever he says and be on the proper side.

Again, if you think his conclusions about the ramifications of an energy shortfall are in error that's one thing, but he's not a borderline mental case like David Icke.

TheDude is correct. For some reason( :twisted: 8O :roll: )
Kunstler has blinders on with 9/11/ME/Israel/War issues.

Like light bending around a dwarf star.

But as long as he sticks to Happy Motoring/Stranded Investments/
Failed Sprawl/Infrastructure/PoliticalDoomoftheOnePartyState he's correct

Yeah, I agree!

It's bizarre that a sharp guy like him also somehow still believes in our political nightmare and openly and endlessly cheerleads the Democratic party as the great hope of the nation.

As if adding more welfare programs would really fix anything. :cry:
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Re: THE James H Kunstler Thread pt 2 (merged)

Unread postby pedalling_faster » Sun 02 May 2010, 08:53:01

Serial_Worrier wrote:The guy's a nutburger but at least he supports Israel.

you might like these websites. they're very pro-Semitic.

of course, most Israeli Jews are Khazarian, not Semitic. ~ Health Warning about LASIK Eye Surgery
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Re: THE James H Kunstler Thread pt 2 (merged)

Unread postby pablonite » Sun 02 May 2010, 10:23:05

Kunstler wrote:In the background, of course, is an economy just barely holding together with political baling wire and duct tape. It has very poor prospects for continuing in the way it was designed to run, on cheap oil and revolving debt. The upshot is an economy now destined for permanent contraction, and nobody has a plan for managing that contraction -- which will include awful failures in food production, in disintegrating water systems, electric grids, roadway systems, schools... really anything that requires ongoing public investment. It includes a financial system that cannot come up with capital deployable for productive purpose, or currencies that can be relied on to hold value, or markets that function without interference.

This is why I stopped reading the blog about a year ago, he sounds like a broken record. Tell me when he at least acknowledges that the president does not run the country.

The economy is not being held together with bailing wire, it it an extremely complicated, integrated and efficient technological marvel designed to fleece the masses of their wealth in a very short period of time. It is global in scope.

Time being of the essence, it doesn't help when someone like Kunstler after so many years is failing to see the most basic flaws in his perception of how the world really works and has no ability to change and adapt to new information. Probably a CIA asset and disinformation artist or suffering from cognitive dissonance. A third possibility is he just doesn't want to risk alienating himself from his large and ever growing peaker fan base. Kunstler is a man playing well within the sidelines defined by TPTB and he is certainly no risk to them.

I watched Invisible Empire the other night and I don't know how any American can watch even the first hour and not deny American politics has turned into a complete farce. Kunstler's rantings are suspicious at best, outright disinformation and distraction at worst. Then again, I have a lot of questions about Alex Jones too :lol:

In any case, the man seems to have blinders on.
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Re: THE James H Kunstler Thread pt 2 (merged)

Unread postby mcgowanjm » Sun 02 May 2010, 10:37:18

l__And there's a name for your logic above.

'Trap' comes to mind. Because after attempting to negate Kunstler, who does have blind spots as do we all,

you offer nothing in it's stead. Your $$$ Quote:

A third possibility is he just doesn't want to risk alienating himself from his large and ever growing peaker fan base.

We've monetized everything. No more debt can be created and nearly all infrastructure will have to be abandoned or retrofitted with much lower Energy Amounts/EROEI. One more downturn
and the Bottom 90% have zero equity(their homes being all as Kunstler repeatedly avers;}

The NOGC Oilpocalypse is the Dragon King. Oil shortage evident 2011. US
an extremely complicated, integrated and efficient technological marvel designed to fleece the masses of their wealth in a very short period of time. It is global in scope.

hits the timewall traveling at 85 mph before then.
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