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THE Titan Thread (merged)

Discussions of conventional and alternative energy production technologies.

Re: Methane Lakes on Titan

Unread postby zeke » Tue 19 May 2009, 11:12:50

coyote wrote:I think someday we will. A very far someday.

uh-huh and in a place far, far away, and by then the use of hydrocarbons as fuels will be known only by the archaeologists of that day.

and the men will have rippling muscles and the women will all wear tight skirts, and all the green men and women of other worlds will speak English, including all current slang expressions.

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Re: Methane Lakes on Titan

Unread postby coyote » Tue 19 May 2009, 11:54:00

zeke wrote:and the men will have rippling muscles and the women will all wear tight skirts, and all the green men and women of other worlds will speak English, including all current slang expressions.

:lol: You been reading Edgar Rice Burroughs?
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Re: Methane Lakes on Titan

Unread postby zeke » Tue 19 May 2009, 12:10:20

coyote wrote:
zeke wrote:and the men will have rippling muscles and the women will all wear tight skirts, and all the green men and women of other worlds will speak English, including all current slang expressions.

:lol: You been reading Edgar Rice Burroughs?

newp..I was channelling purty much star trek (TOS) and Lost in Space for that one..

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Re: Methane Lakes on Titan

Unread postby vaseline2008 » Tue 19 May 2009, 12:24:04

As if destroying planet Earth wasn't enough...we need to consume the entire universe...
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Re: Methane Lakes on Titan

Unread postby TheDude » Tue 19 May 2009, 12:28:10

vaseline2008 wrote:As if destroying planet Earth wasn't enough...we need to consume the entire universe...

I'm for it. Show that God feller we mean business!


coyote wrote:I think someday we will. A very far someday.

Someday we will what? Tool around Titan? Seem to remember a novel depicting some foxy Sirens there.
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Re: Methane Lakes on Titan

Unread postby Daniel_Plainview » Tue 19 May 2009, 12:34:43

vaseline2008 wrote:As if destroying planet Earth wasn't enough...we need to consume the entire universe...


Oh there's no doubt: whatever corners of the universe humans can get their hands on, they will eventually plunder, rape and destroy.
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Re: Methane Lakes on Titan

Unread postby coyote » Tue 19 May 2009, 12:40:49

TheDude wrote:Someday we will what? Tool around Titan? Seem to remember a novel depicting some foxy Sirens there.

Yeah... call me crazy, but I don't really doubt that we'll make it to the outer planets someday. All that desperation, and all that methane just sitting out there...

Course, first we'll be busy trying to keep our civilization afloat... then, for longer, we'll be just trying to survive. But eventually, if we aren't extincted completely, we'll make it out there.

Now, about those foxy sirens... :twisted:
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Re: THE Titan Thread (merged)

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 19 May 2009, 13:02:42

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Re: THE Titan Thread (merged)

Unread postby TheDude » Tue 19 May 2009, 14:15:54



I really liked Breakfast of Champions. Don't know why people dumped on it so.

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Re: THE Titan Thread (merged)

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 19 May 2009, 15:15:57

Cat's Cradle is my favorite too.

The science behind "ice-nine" is so interesting.

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Re: THE Titan Thread (merged)

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Tue 29 Dec 2009, 01:47:39

According to xkcd (click on diagram to embiggen), Titan is uphill from Earth.
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Re: THE Titan Thread (merged)

Unread postby sicophiliac » Sat 02 Jan 2010, 18:46:38

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got this in my email today: oil/gas mining on Titan!

Unread postby graham » Thu 24 Jun 2010, 10:58:38

Apparently its the next big thing! ... 9355043DD8

"The Dawn of Intergalactic Oil
By Keith Kohl | Thursday, June 24th, 2010

Space: The final frontier.

... For the oil industry?

It appears so, as word leaked yesterday from high-level NASA officials that a multi-billion dollar, 10-year initiative had been launched to begin transporting oil back to Earth from Titan, one of Saturn's moons.

According to scientists, this smoggy moon located on the outer rim of Saturn's rings is said to contain more natural gas and other liquid hydrocarbons than all proven oil and gas reserves on Earth.

And with petro supplies declining at an alarming rate around the globe, the oil industry is now seemingly prepared to embark on the first-ever intergalactic oil exploration mission in history."

Well it made me laugh....
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Re: got this in my email today: oil/gas mining on Titan!

Unread postby Tanada » Thu 24 Jun 2010, 12:45:24

I wonder how many gullible people will confuse NASA with Star Trek and invest in this ponzi scheme?
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Re: got this in my email today: oil/gas mining on Titan!

Unread postby The_Virginian » Thu 24 Jun 2010, 20:03:14

how many gullible people will confuse NASA with Star Trek and invest in this ponzi scheme?

the same # of folks who still believe in CMKX
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Re: got this in my email today: oil/gas mining on Titan!

Unread postby ian807 » Thu 24 Jun 2010, 21:44:32

Gee, you think there's a penny stock offering on this being issued somewhere? :)

I guess we have something new to add to algae, fusion, Bakken oil formation and miscellaneous "overunity" press releases.
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Re: got this in my email today: oil/gas mining on Titan!

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Thu 24 Jun 2010, 22:10:58

ian807 wrote:Gee, you think there's a penny stock offering on this being issued somewhere? :)

I guess we have something new to add to algae, fusion, Bakken oil formation and miscellaneous "overunity" press releases.

Check out this small excerpt from his "free report" - guess what he's promoting:
Oil's Only Option... Come Ashore or Drown

Oil companies are about to make a huge move back onto land, whether they like it or not.

And they're doing at a time when the world is demanding more oil than ever — with less of it available than at any time in history...

Just one week before the BP oil spill, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff released an eerily timed report.

It found, in part:

"By 2012, surplus oil production capacity could entirely disappear, and as early as 2015, the shortfall in output could reach nearly 10 million barrels per day..."

It's rare that the U.S. military takes such a vested interest in energy affairs. But the fact that they have only shows how serious the situation is becoming.

Consider this: A 10 million barrel daily shortfall by 2015 almost equals the amount of oil the U.S. imports from foreign sources every day right now.

That almost assures that we could never continue to consume as much crude as we do. It would simply be impossible to keep up the pace...

Our traditional domestic sources aren't helping much, either...

The top 3 oil producing states in America are all in irreversible decline. Take a look:


Texas, Alaska, and California are running dry — and at the worst time possible...

Energy demand is hitting a new peak every day.

Alternative sources still aren't up to snuff and can't offset the decline in petroleum.

So with President Obama essentially cutting off access to some of the last remaining oil left in the country...

Where are companies expected to find it to keep up with this massive demand?

America's Next Oil Hot Zone...


If you're at all plugged into the oil world, you've probably heard of the North Dakota region's Bakken oil shale discovery...

If not, all you need to know is this: The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated that 4.35 billion barrels of recoverable oil lies in the Bakken region.

That's currently over $326 billion worth of petro...

Even as oil hovers at an uncommonly low $70 -$80 a barrel — a price that's sure to fly up thanks to the BP disaster.

Bakken was recently called "[T]he #1 oil play in the country," by the Oil & Gas Financial Journal.

Why is it #1?

Because while oil fields in Texas, California ,and Alaska continue to dry up, the crude that's coming out of North Dakota's tough shale rock is only increasing...

In fact, thanks to the Bakken formation, North Dakota is pretty much the only region in North America that's on the UPSWING of oil production.

Take a look...


You see, while solar, wind and nuclear power innovations capture the imagination of energy idealists throughout the country...

North Dakota stands as perhaps as America's sole oil hot zone.

And these three companies involved with extracting the Bakken oil from the shale rock could very well be looked upon as domestic oil's new pioneers.

No one's saying it's easy... Oil shale is difficult and dangerous to drill through...

Yet this is the new world the oil industry has been forced to live in. Come ashore to get the oil — or face untold economic liabilities as this ocean-less era unfolds.

"The easy stuff that you have access to . . . is already spoken for. All that's left is the frontiers, which are necessarily more technically challenging..."

Says Chris Skrebowski, a former strategist for — how's this for irony — BP.

Where does he get all this doomeristic stuff?
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Re: got this in my email today: oil/gas mining on Titan!

Unread postby Jenab » Sun 25 Jul 2010, 20:40:37

graham wrote:Apparently its the next big thing! ... 9355043DD8

"The Dawn of Intergalactic Oil
By Keith Kohl | Thursday, June 24th, 2010

Space: The final frontier.

... For the oil industry?

It appears so, as word leaked yesterday from high-level NASA officials that a multi-billion dollar, 10-year initiative had been launched to begin transporting oil back to Earth from Titan, one of Saturn's moons.

According to scientists, this smoggy moon located on the outer rim of Saturn's rings is said to contain more natural gas and other liquid hydrocarbons than all proven oil and gas reserves on Earth.

And with petro supplies declining at an alarming rate around the globe, the oil industry is now seemingly prepared to embark on the first-ever intergalactic oil exploration mission in history."

Well it made me laugh....

As some of you guessed, this is a scam. NASA will do no such thing because there's no way to transfer hydrocarbons from Titan to Earth with an EROEI > 1.

The problem (mostly) is with the energy required for the rocket burn to slow down a cargo ship from Saturn on its arrival at Earth. Even if the cargo ship is playing "catch up" with Earth at arrival by moving around the sun in the same direction that Earth itself is going, even if it retains from its sunward fall the velocity needed to enter Earth orbit, the cargo ship will need to shed about 15 km/sec.

The energy needed to slow down to enter Earth's orbit, instead of shooting away again on a hyperbolic trajectory, is magnified by the fact that rocket fuel has mass, and you need to accelerate the unused part of the fuel until it is burned.

No possible hydrocarbon cargo contains enough energy to pay you back for the energy you'd have to spend in getting it down from Titan into Earth orbit.
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Re: got this in my email today: oil/gas mining on Titan!

Unread postby dolanbaker » Sun 25 Jul 2010, 21:11:00

That's before you even think about the technicalities of extracting, and what to carry it back in - I have visions of a giant cylinder with a few million barrels of oil on it being returned into earth's orbit and then descending to land. I think there's a better chance of a pig developing wings and doing a loop de loop over the moon first!
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Re: got this in my email today: oil/gas mining on Titan!

Unread postby americandream » Sun 25 Jul 2010, 22:25:07

They will have to address the current technology's applications in deep space delivery systems, render it cost effective as well as attend to it's propensity to accumulate junk in our orbital space before we even get into fleet transport of resourcing outwith this world: ... 161759.htm

As usual, cpaitalist groupies run about the place clapping their hands at every stupid idea that comes up.

graham wrote:Apparently its the next big thing! ... 9355043DD8

"The Dawn of Intergalactic Oil
By Keith Kohl | Thursday, June 24th, 2010

Space: The final frontier.

... For the oil industry?

It appears so, as word leaked yesterday from high-level NASA officials that a multi-billion dollar, 10-year initiative had been launched to begin transporting oil back to Earth from Titan, one of Saturn's moons.

According to scientists, this smoggy moon located on the outer rim of Saturn's rings is said to contain more natural gas and other liquid hydrocarbons than all proven oil and gas reserves on Earth.

And with petro supplies declining at an alarming rate around the globe, the oil industry is now seemingly prepared to embark on the first-ever intergalactic oil exploration mission in history."

Well it made me laugh....
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