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WSJ/Did Oil Shock of 2008 Cause Crisis

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WSJ/Did Oil Shock of 2008 Cause Crisis

Unread postby deMolay » Tue 07 Apr 2009, 20:44:40

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Re: WSJ/Did Oil Shock of 2008 Cause Crisis

Unread postby Cyrus » Tue 07 Apr 2009, 22:54:52

I think they are just letting common sense out slow.
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Re: WSJ/Did Oil Shock of 2008 Cause Crisis

Unread postby Sixstrings » Tue 07 Apr 2009, 23:38:54

And if we do manage even an anemic approach to recovery, then we hit the oil shortage wall again and down the economy goes again.
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Re: WSJ/Did Oil Shock of 2008 Cause Crisis

Unread postby Javaman » Wed 08 Apr 2009, 05:39:01

This certainly isn't news to most of the people on this board. Ten years ago I started noticing a gradual increase that led to gasoline prices almost doubling within a couple of years. It would have been wishful thinking to believe that prices couldn't double again. The prices didn't seem to affect me very much, but I saw many people driving around in vehicles and living in houses that seemed rather extravagant, compared to what was typical just a decade or so earlier. Something had to give.
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Re: WSJ/Did Oil Shock of 2008 Cause Crisis

Unread postby Vogelzang » Thu 09 Apr 2009, 19:48:50

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Re: WSJ/Did Oil Shock of 2008 Cause Crisis

Unread postby Jotapay » Thu 09 Apr 2009, 23:33:45

I first thought oil was going to pop the housing bubble in 2003 when it hit $60 a barrel. It took a few more years.
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Re: WSJ/Did Oil Shock of 2008 Cause Crisis

Unread postby deMolay » Thu 09 Apr 2009, 23:56:51

I am not sure how many of you remember the oil shock in the 70's. But I do. It was fucking unreal. There were doomers then too. But they were called the back to the land movement. Stewart Brand and the Whole Earth Catalog were big then. Everybody laughed at us all then. Nobody is laughing now. This is the real deal. You can only print so much money. I have some paper money from Germany from the time of the Hyperinflation. The first note is a German Mark from before the hyperinflation. It is a high quality beautifuly engraved piece of paper it had value in it's day. I have another piece from the halfway mark in the printing press economic era of Germany. Much smaller poor quality worth 50% less in value. Then I have one from near the end. The first German Mark is about 4" by 6" in size. The last one is about 2" by 3" and only printed on one side and denominated about 50,000 times more than the first one. And it is very low quality. It would rip your ass if you used it for asswipe. It would take a wheelbarrow ful of them back in the day to buy a loaf of bread. Germany tried to escape her debt by the printing press. It destroyed them. In the end they were ruined. That is the price the people will pay for Obama's Printing Press Economics. It will end the same way. I am a small rancher. When things get bad do you think I will accept worthless paper for my beef. I will demand real assets. Guns, bullets, real things that I need. And in the end I will turn you away. Because in the end I will save myself. And I will enforce my right with a gun. In the end the state will be powerless and anarchy will rule.
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Re: WSJ/Did Oil Shock of 2008 Cause Crisis

Unread postby gollum » Fri 10 Apr 2009, 00:06:27

Well put, I save very little as cash or "investments" instead I try to keep my house in good repair, stock my very large pantry, store fuel and some spare parts etc for the vehicles, and stockpile firearms (lot's of handguns) and ammo. other than my matched 401k my only other "investment" is a small amount of US pre 1964 silver coins. As more money is printed my debts will be worth less every year as will any dollar dominated investments.
I often see predictions that things are gonna fall apart any day now. I think it will take longer than many here believe but believe you me the time is coming. If things take 10 years to really go to crap I still was right in my prediction that the shit storm was on the way.
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Re: WSJ/Did Oil Shock of 2008 Cause Crisis

Unread postby deMolay » Fri 10 Apr 2009, 00:20:07

I hear you brother. The biggest sucker rally in history is underway. One big difference in this sucker rally. Is the fact that in all other sucker rally's in history it was private wealthy investors making the wagers. If they screwed up they went down. In this sucker rally the President of the United States is using your money. You sweat and your children's sweat and your grandchildren's sweat to place the bet on behalf of the wealthy and the elite. Ask yourself WHY.
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Re: WSJ/Did Oil Shock of 2008 Cause Crisis

Unread postby gollum » Fri 10 Apr 2009, 08:05:18

deMolay wrote:I hear you brother. The biggest sucker rally in history is underway. One big difference in this sucker rally. Is the fact that in all other sucker rally's in history it was private wealthy investors making the wagers. If they screwed up they went down. In this sucker rally the President of the United States is using your money. You sweat and your children's sweat and your grandchildren's sweat to place the bet on behalf of the wealthy and the elite. Ask yourself WHY.

I'm not sure it really matters anymore, I'd be really surprised if the United States even exists when my kids hit middle age, if they go so do their liabilities. As for my sweat, I am starting to work less in order to pay less taxes I'd rather spend time with my little ones than spend my time working for the man.
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