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PeakOil is You


General discussions of the systemic, societal and civilisational effects of depletion.

Unread postby Concerned » Thu 14 Oct 2004, 18:51:45

Yes I have heard of it.

Remember PO is not about the end of oil. It's about the end of cheap superabundent oil :)
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box."
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Unread postby tdrive » Thu 14 Oct 2004, 21:58:48

I did a calculation long time ago, the whole world's turkeys won't help to produce one day of world's oil equivalent. Better use them for Thanksgiving.

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Unread postby EnviroEngr » Fri 15 Oct 2004, 12:40:05

Ivan Fraser and I have discussed Drunvalo, to this end: "He promises much, but delivers little." Ivan is at

The numerous attempts I've made at contacting Drunvalo always mysteriously never got answered. The sniff test detects noticeable amounts of detritus.

A cursory review of both his primary sites does, nevertheless, indicate he may be more genuine now than two years ago. He published a 2 Volume book set a while back called THE ANCIENT SECRET OF THE FLOWER OF LIFE which I have. Among its pages are claims that can't be true in this particular Reality; yet they are presented as having the same kind of truth as observations such as "the sky is blue on a clear, sunny day" and "gravity pulls things down to the Earth". Drunvalo has a nerve-racking predilection for blurring the distinctions between classes of facts and truths in such a way as to render nearly all the material he presents functionally useless. It's a lot of work correcting his 'miscreances' (to coin a fitting term) enough for the concepts and methods to work properly.

Although I am in accordance with his recent moves to make real-world substance out of his erstwhile new-agey offerings, I still recommend more than an ordinary modicum of caution when distilling his rubric for personal use, guidance or direction.
| Whose reality is this anyway!? |
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Unread postby Kingcoal » Fri 15 Oct 2004, 13:24:18

This is the old biodiesel argument and has to viewed in the proper context. Today, using waste, like vegetable oil from a burger joint, I can make cheap biodiesel in my basement. One guy claims 70 cents a gallon. It's cheap right now because our cheap oil based society produced that hydrated vegetable oil using lots of cheap oil (and natural gas.) The same goes for turkeys, coffee, etc. Cheap oil = cheap vegetable oil.

When conventional oil gets expensive, the cost of everything, including believe it or not, turkeys, goes up also. When it gets even remotely close to having to tap the turkey-biodiesel to make more turkeys, it's all over. At that point (actually long before) you are using more than one barrel of turkeydesiel to make a barrel of same.
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Unread postby Guest » Fri 07 Jan 2005, 04:58:29

this doesn't make sence to me at all.

When it gets even remotely close to having to tap the turkey-biodiesel to make more turkeys, it's all over. [I]


if i have turkey biodiesel...and have to use some of it to make more turkeys, why would it "all be over" that is plain stupid.

turkeys eat, shit , and breed. we aren't talking about extracting oil from the ground with more oil here, we are talking about harvesting a natural food source's byproduct (waste) and converting it into fuels.

Unread postby Cash » Fri 07 Jan 2005, 10:18:57

I think the important thing to remember about TDP is that it's basically just a recycling operation. We put our newspapers and tin cans out to be recycled. The TDP folks are doing the same with other parts of the waste stream. More power to them, but it's not a cure-all. It's just a way of getting out some of the energy we have already put into a product, whether it's a plastic jug or a turkey.

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Unread postby Aaron » Fri 07 Jan 2005, 10:39:45

Also important to remember that when considering any energy source including recycling, just how high a peak do we want to drop from?

It's not as if recycling or conservation energy savings go into some "energy bank" for future generations, but simply allows humanity to further increase our global energy profile.
The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt, but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise... economics is a form of brain damage.

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Unread postby pup55 » Fri 07 Jan 2005, 11:31:13

We have been following this for awhile.

The CWT website has recently been updated: a lot of the technical papers have been removed (no doubt to keep people like us from analyzing them), and also, there is a link to the JV with Con Agra. No word on how they are dealing with the odor problems coming from the plant, or even how well the plant is running.

The character R James Woolsey has emerged again recently. This fellow was the former CIA director under Clinton, and frequent talking head on CNN. For awile, he was a paid "military affairs consultant" for CWT. It appears his main function was a lobbying-type role to open doors for government grants, etc.

Woolsey made a presentation the other day at the conference at the US Capitol on the importance of biofuels as they relate to national security.

He is no longer listed as part of the management of CWT, interestingly, but maybe they have already opened all the doors they need. He is quoted in one of their press blurbs.

Gotta keep an eye on him, too.
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