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The penalties of acting alone

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The penalties of acting alone

Unread postby eclipse » Wed 13 Dec 2006, 20:43:29

This just arrived in my Simpol email from the head of Simpol international (which has been promoted on GPM as a good idea).



In case anyone was still wondering if there was a need for Simpol, there was a full-page article by Fiona Harvey in the London Financial Times on 6th December (page 17), entitled:

Lose-lose: the penalties of acting alone stall collective effort on climate change

The article can be found at: ... e2340.html

The following is an extract:

"According to some of the world's leading scientists, climate change poses a bigger threat to future prosperity than wars or terrorism. Yet governments remain reluctant to address this threat because any country acting alone to curb its greenhouse gas emissions, without similar commitments by other governments, risks damaging the competitiveness of its industries.
The result: paralysis. "There is a collective action problem internationally", says Mr. Miliband [UK Environment minister]. "You have to break this logjam".

So, how about writing to your MP, to the NGOs you support and to anyone else you can think of about Simpol and how it can break that logjam? Don't forget to include a link to the article or to send a copy of the article which you should be able to download. I will be writing to David Miliband and to Fiona Harvey. Let me know what YOU are going to do. If you need ideas for the text of your letters and emails, let me know and I'll be happy to help.

all the best

John Bunzl - Trustee
International Simultaneous Policy Organisation
SP: Rediscovering the Sense of Our Collective Humanity
Dr James Hansen recommends breeder reactors that convert nuclear 'waste' into 1000 years of clean energy for America, and can charge all our light vehicles and generate "Blue Crude" for heavy vehicles.
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