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Is there a backup plan?

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Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby yandoo » Mon 06 Mar 2006, 16:13:25

Hi all,

im new to this site and have a question about oil running out, id me most appreciative to hear your comments on this matter.

Ive been reading many sites recently learning out the depletion of oil and have to say im most peturbed!
I understand why nobody (govnment) is making people aware of this looming crisis, but cant help thinking that they MUST have a backup plan, some real plan of action that will get us out of this mess! I mean how irresponsible and ignorant would it be for the governemnt to blindly walking into this mess with no plan to get out? There has to be something that we still dont know about this matter?

any views would be great :-D


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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby gnm » Mon 06 Mar 2006, 16:41:17

Never fear.
The backup plan is currently being implemented. It consists of military occupation of any oil exporting country that does not have better weapons than US. Please do your part and sign up for service now!

-G 8O

Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby o2ny » Mon 06 Mar 2006, 17:40:36

Is there a backup plan?

See internment camp thread. :shock:
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby gego » Mon 06 Mar 2006, 17:57:32

The backup plan is water, food, and comfortable quarters in underground bunkers for selected officials while those passively dependent on government solutions perish from exposure, disease, and starvation or are shot as they attempt to take from others what is not theirs.
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby gnm » Mon 06 Mar 2006, 19:17:35

I'm sure a bunch of pissed off, disenfranchised, and desparate miners might come up with a good way to drill into said bunker and introduce unpleasant substances.... :twisted:


Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby seldom_seen » Mon 06 Mar 2006, 19:54:06

yandoo wrote:they MUST have a backup plan, some real plan of action

I would reccomend quelling from your mind any idea that there is a group of people out there amorphously titled "they" that is looking out for your best interests. "They" certainly have plans, but you're not part of those plans.

It seems that any real action to prepare and/or mitigate the looming shituation is being taken at local levels and by scattered individuals who have their ear to the ground and can hear the buffalo coming.
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby JoeCoal » Mon 06 Mar 2006, 23:08:17

seldom_seen wrote:"They" certainly have plans, but you're not part of those plans.


In addition to studying PO, look into:
    Rigged elections
    Government corruption
    Corporate Takeover of Power
    Immanent Hyperinflation

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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby yandoo » Tue 07 Mar 2006, 17:09:38

Hi, thanks for your comments!

seems like the future is rather bleak after all, but im still not convinced that "they" as i put it are only looking after themselves! I mean, NOT to look out for the people seems a bit too EVIL to me! At the end of the day "they" are still humans like us and feel just as we do....or is my fluffy cloud outlook on life naive?

i think people need to know the truth and im gona start to tell them!

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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby topcat » Tue 07 Mar 2006, 17:21:13

Well, you cannot call 'they' on the phone, or send 'they' a letter.

THEY aren't listed in the phone book!

How convenient.

But I know they exist.

I can hear them breathing down my neck.

I feel their beadie eyes peering over my shoulder.

I can smell the stench of their crusty armpits as they keep taking dollars out of my pocket.
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby Pops » Tue 07 Mar 2006, 17:42:58

yandoo wrote:...NOT to look out for the people seems a bit too EVIL to me! At the end of the day "they" are still humans like us and feel just as we do....

yan I agree, They arent evil - they are just like us.

They are looking out for exactly the same thing we are - their own asses.

Not to say you aren't looking out for the good of humanity at your own expense - maybe you are, but that would make you the exception I think.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby Ancien_Opus » Tue 07 Mar 2006, 18:00:12

Is there a backup plan? Well that would imply that there is some plan in the first place. This seems dubious at best and perhaps the root of the problem. No real plan, just a series of vaguely connected missconceptions. Time to go liberate some more oil wells, because it's all about spreading democracy.
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby bob_loblaw » Tue 07 Mar 2006, 18:08:25

They certainly do have a plan..

one world government.. one world currency.. one world military..electronic currency... global tax

increasing corporate power, increasing environmental destruction..

order out of chaos..

population reduction.. ala.. depleted uranium, aids, bird flu, genetically modified foods, starvation, disease and WAR

We outnumber them millions to one.. yet we allow ourselves to be fooled into the matrix of consumption, fear, and apathy.

Yes, the future is bleak, but we can demand peace through non-violence.. I must believe that, or I might go crazy.
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby JoeCoal » Tue 07 Mar 2006, 20:20:37

yandoo wrote:i think people need to know the truth and im gona start to tell them!

Hell yes, yandoo, and welcome aboard! It's a pretty wild ride...

Don't get too freaked out -- it's a normal part of discovering PO -- just ride it out. Also brace yourself -- most of the people you tell will think you are crazy. Don't try too hard to convince people. If someone has to be dragged to safety, they're probably not worth saving. Like in The Matrix, most people are so helplessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.

The system is broken and very close to total failure -- the "Agent Smith" virus has almost reached critical mass. Can you hear the rain?

You have to be your own Neo, though. You, and whoever you can convince that things are changing, and that our way of life has to change. The most important thing to have is friends...
Last edited by JoeCoal on Wed 08 Mar 2006, 02:10:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby Liamj » Tue 07 Mar 2006, 21:18:47

Faith in a secret backup plan is an example of the cargo cult mentality in western societies. 'They' undoubtedly have many plans, or schemes, but what makes you think those plans will be any better than the thinking that got us into this mess?

Aussies and others may be interested in Howard govts (believe recently released) response to ACIL's 2004 review of the Liquid Fuel Emergency Act of 1987.

The LFE Act is the nearst thing Aus has to a backup plan, is framed around and triggered by an 'interruption to supplies', and provides for deputation, seizing of property, rationing etc. Am sure there are similar laws OS, the IEA requires it.
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby Raxozanne » Wed 08 Mar 2006, 04:01:33

Pops wrote:
yandoo wrote:...NOT to look out for the people seems a bit too EVIL to me! At the end of the day "they" are still humans like us and feel just as we do....

yan I agree, They arent evil - they are just like us.

They are looking out for exactly the same thing we are - their own asses.

Not to say you aren't looking out for the good of humanity at your own expense - maybe you are, but that would make you the exception I think.

bingo Pops.
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby Doly » Wed 08 Mar 2006, 04:45:08

My personal theory isn't that cynical, but it's also bleak. "They" (meaning the heads of governments in Western countries) are trying to help. They also know we are seriously screwed due to short-sightedness in previous years. They are trying as hard as they can to hide the fact that we're screwed, because they know there isn't a solution.
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby evilgenius » Wed 08 Mar 2006, 07:02:57

Yeah, they have a plan but it exists in their context. They don't believe that many of the discussed options (alternative energy, new forms of city structure, etc.) are viable. They aren't viable because they don't just undermine the power structure as they require it. They obliterate it.

Dick Cheney would rather die in a bunker like Hitler than share power with a bunch of liberal pussies.
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Re: Is there a backup plan?

Unread postby yandoo » Wed 08 Mar 2006, 14:16:39

but they could do something about right NOW! & im sure if ALL efforts were totally focused it could be done without the sever loss of life that is heading all our ways....yet they choose not

at the end of the day people with all these things will be pondering the same things as any normal person would on their death bed!...

its all relative....isnt it?
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