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Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 14 Jan 2024, 01:46:21

careinke wrote:
Newfie wrote:A short video analyzing Mike Johnsons Ukraine strategy.

For some reason I get a bad feeling every time I listen to him. I'm skeptical he was ever involved in actual combat, and feel most of his beliefs are based primarily on academics.

I wish I was one of his students, we would have had some great and lively discussions. Of course he would fail me. :lol: :lol: :lol:


The person who made this video doesn't even understand what the actual issue is in Congress....

The problem isn't in authorizing aid for Ukraine.

Mike Johnson and the Rs in Congress have indicated they will vote for more aid for Ukraine, but they have tied this aid to a demand that the Biden administration do something to address the crisis at the southern Border.

In response, Joe Biden has refused to admit that there even is a crisis.

IMHO Mike Johnson is making a very reasonable request.....and it's very much line with the way that Congress has operated ever since the American Republic was founded. Trading votes and reaching compromises is the very essence of democracy....but Biden won't give an inch to help Ukraine.

The real problem here is Joe is impossible to negotiate with someone who is such a confirmed liar that they won't even admit to the most obvious facts, i.e. that there is an immigration crisis going on at the southern border on his watch.

Biden is such a confirmed liar that he won't even admit that there is an immigration crisis going on at the southern border on his watch.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 15 Jan 2024, 02:29:35

EnergyUnlimited wrote:Naval assets are not that important for .... Russia

Good thing, since Ukraine has destroyed or disabled about half of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, without even having a navy of its own.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:Russian objection is to take all land east of Dnieper and most likely Black Sea coast and then ...take rest by installing puppet government in Kiev


Dream on. Russia failed to take Kiev two years ago and the Russian military has lost almost all its modern tanks and best military units since then.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 15 Jan 2024, 02:45:45

Plantagenet wrote:
Dream on. Russia failed to take Kiev two years ago and the Russian military has lost almost all its modern tanks and best military units since then.

Whose dreaming here? You sound like Biden when you post plant, no regard for the truth, just made up propaganda to back your beliefs.

I'll let you in on a little secret though, not even biden believes the shit he speaks, he just says what he's told to say by the vested interests and you lap it up like it's gospel. You think the aid to the ukrainian regime was stopped because of the border problem? Think again, that's just a convenient excuse for the confused and dumbed down public. Both of your political parties are working for the same bosses and soon the USA will be just another Mexico, a failed state full of angry criminals. The trend is clear, blind freddy can see it.

The war, such as it was, is clearly over with the ukrainian population decimated (literally) a huge chunk of their best lands now in Russian hands, and their economy in tatters. Meanwhile Russia grows richer by the day exporting it's vast resources to the BRICS. A group which the US Europe and Britain will never be allowed into. That's the one of the big differences between all the BRICS and the West, they never allowed mass replacement level immigration. They have kept their national racial identities. Keep swallowing the lies plant, keep that TV of yours on in the background :roll:
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby AgentR11 » Mon 15 Jan 2024, 10:44:34

I really don't think Russia has any interest in taking Kiev though; Odessa's a different story, but may be too challenging for them in the end to consider it worth the cost. I think what we see on the battlefield is most of what Russia's objective was from the start, at least what makes the most sense as far as the nature of the population and the resources available on the captured territory. Now, with the exception of Avdeevka near Donetsk, the Russians seem mostly content to bomb UA facilities and grind out an attrition fight while largely fighting in the advantaged defensive role.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 15 Jan 2024, 15:21:38

theluckycountry wrote:I'll let you in on a little secret though, not even biden believes the shit he speaks

Of course Biden doesn't believe what he says---thats been obvious for 50 years. Did your Putin-besotted mind just figure that one out? :lol: :-D 8)

theluckycountry wrote:The war, such as it was, is clearly over ....

So you say.

And yet somehow Ukraine continues to sink Russian Black Sea naval ships, blow up Russian bridges, airports, and air defense faciliites, and shoot down Russian planes. Just yesterday Ukraine shot down two of Russia's "command and control" aircraft, included one A-50....a plane that looks like a crude copy of a US AWACs plane.

Clearly you should be directing your childish potty mouth rants at Ukraine instead of me----Perhaps if you rant even harder you can convince Ukraine the war is over.


Ukraine just shot down a Russian A-50 spy plane! I call that pretty good shooting!!!

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby AgentR11 » Mon 15 Jan 2024, 15:35:06

Its not so much a "crude copy" as its simply the design that the physics involved requires. The Chinese have recently gotten their carrier born version off the ground/deck, and it too, looks pretty much the same.

The other one that managed to return to a friendly airstrip, is a little more unusual looking, funny pods in funny places.... There are photos taken of it on the ground with missile shrapnel damage all over it. Clearly won't fly again, but kinda impressive that it was able to return.

Still though... the lines... they aren't moving. Inches for RU in Avdeevka... Inches, maybe, on the river for UA. I have a bad feeling about the river spot though, like its a cauldron being purposefully kept open, big enough to land UA troops in, small enough that they just get annihilated afterwards.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 16 Jan 2024, 06:18:49

Plantagenet wrote:
theluckycountry wrote:The war, such as it was, is clearly over ....

So you say.

And yet somehow Ukraine continues to sink Russian Black Sea naval ships, blah blah blah

Switzerland to host Ukraine peace summit at Zelenskiy's request
Neither Zelenskiy nor Amherd provided any details on when or where in Switzerland the summit might take place. They said their teams would begin organising it starting on Tuesday. ... 024-01-15/

He's just a comedian, a puppet leader like them all. He takes his orders from the military power brokers and clearly they are ready to capitulate. Your TV will now tell you that UKRAINE will be demanding tough terms and they will rise from the ashes victorious, but it will all lies. Russia holds all the cards, it's the ukrainian's that want peace and it will not be in their favor but at least they can get back on with their lives. They won't get the territories back and they will be prohibited from joining NATO.

This was all predicted long ago Plant (not on TV though) But don't fret, there will be another emotive disaster crammed your your throat in short order, the US establishment can't allow the public any time to think at this stage.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 16 Jan 2024, 06:32:44

lol, this was all well timed, the WEF is meeting in Switzerland for it's yearly whore fest too

Ukraine Urges China To Be Involved In Swiss-Hosted Peace Summit

President Volodymyr Zelensky appears increasingly more serious about pursuing peace negotiations to end the war, and this was on display in comments issued by his top aide headed into the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.

Ukraine’s presidential chief of staff Andriy Yermak on Sunday explained that Kiev now believes it is crucial for China to be at the table for future talks on its peace formula. "China needs to be involved in talks to end the war with Russia," ...China is seen as key to getting Russia to make significant compromise, yet both Xi and Putin know that Russian military success in Ukraine means Kiev has no cards to play. ... ace-summit

Why? Because China is Russia's ally and they don't want to face the Big Bad Wolf all by themselves. And what happened to US involvement? Where is the good ol USA in all of this. I mean they funded the whole ShitShow :lol:

Personally I think it's too early for a peace. Personally I hope the ukrainians don't capitulate just yet as they need to be taught more lessons about how to behave with super-powers. I wish Putin had done a Gaza on them. The Joos know how to do it, they learnt it from the Americans. Carpet bomb the major cities.

:lol: :lol: Pro-Palestinian Rioters Nearly Breach White House Gate In Clash With Police ... =ZeroHedge

They wouldn't try that in Gaza. In Gaza they are all running for their lives. Only in America...
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 16 Jan 2024, 08:02:45

I admit I am a bit surprised by Ukraine war development.

My assessment was Biden would not allow Ukraine war to continue on into the election as that would really hurt his chances. And perhaps that is what is behind Johnson's budget games.

I do not like what I am seeing in American politics, one side or the other. A sorry state of affairs.

Hopefully they will get the aid back on track shortly.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 16 Jan 2024, 15:50:10

Curiously, when Zelensky organized the so-called "peace forum" in Davos he didn't invite Russia.

I quote from the ZEROHEDGE article in the link above:

Zelensky has successfully cobbled together a peace summit proposed within the context of world leaders gathering in Davos, and the Swiss government has agreed to play official host, and yet Russia - the other crucial party capable of ending the war - is not invited...

Switzerland agreed to host the summit at Zelenskiy's request, a Swiss government spokesperson said, adding that further details were being worked out....

"We would like the Global South to be present.... It is important for us to show that the whole world is against Russia's aggression, and the whole world is for a just peace," he said.

This meeting definitely isn't a peace negotiation between Ukraine and Russia as some are falsely claiming----BECAUSE RUSSIA WONT EVEN BE THERE>

Russia isn't invited to Zelensky's peace forum

Instead it seems to be a meeting in which Zelensky will again lay out the Ukrainian demands for ending the war, such as Russia must return all the kidnapped Ukrainian children, and Russia must pay reparations, and Russia must withdraw from Crimea and other occupied territories.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 16 Jan 2024, 16:47:40

You can't negotiate a peace with a nation unless you talk to said nation. These are just preliminary steps in the dance of diplomatic surrender. It's happened before, of course.

On August 6, 1945, the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, leaving death and destruction in its wake. ...Once Emperor Hirohito was briefed on the situation, he was deeply troubled. Japan was holding out hope that the Soviet Union could help them negotiate something less than surrender. Then on August 9, 1945, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan dashing hopes for a mediated peace. After the Soviet declaration of war and after the U.S. dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki, the Japanese Supreme Council met to discuss surrender. ... -surrender

DAVOS, January 16. /TASS/. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has described the situation on the battlefield in Ukraine as extremely difficult for the Ukrainian army and called for not underestimating Russia.

A bit late for that :lol:

"The situation on the battlefield is extremely difficult. The Russians are now pushing on many frontlines. ...Russia is now building up," he said at the World Economic Forum in Davos. "Russia is pushing hard. And this is serious and we should never underestimate Russia."

That's the NATO chief. Game over, but It sounds like Russia is about to Hammer the ukraine, probably taking the whole southern border with the Black sea. And why not? They can always give it back later, tossing the ukraine a bone so to speak. All they wanted in the first place was the ethnic russian lands in the North and East, they won't be giving them up, nor the Crimea I suspect.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby careinke » Tue 16 Jan 2024, 17:35:09

If true, which I suspect is true, taking down the Russian Airborne Warning And Control plane is a significant achievement. They only have around 30 of them.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, and we recovered their war plans. It turned out during a regional conflict, their number one target was the US E-3 AWACS. Basically ALL air to air fighters first mission was to destroy us before anything else.

In a weird way, it kind of made me feel special. 8)

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby ralfy » Tue 16 Jan 2024, 22:17:51

"Ukraine’s Zelenskyy meets with JPMorgan’s Dimon in Davos in another pitch for economic aid" ... investment

Aid comes with strings attached.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 17 Jan 2024, 00:40:18

theluckycountry wrote:It sounds like Russia is about to Hammer the ukraine, probably taking the whole southern border with the Black sea.

Thats an unrealistic fantasy.

How do you imagine Russia will re-invade southern Ukraine when Ukraine has mostly destroyed the Russian air defense system over Crimea, and the railroad tracks connecting Russia to Crimea have been destroyed, the airstrips in Crimea are being shelled, the direct bridge from Russia has been damaged by drones again, and every time Russia tries to sneak a ship loaded with supplies to Crimea the Ukrainians blow it up just as it docks, thereby destroying the ship and its crew, its supplies AND the dock work force and dock infrastructure.


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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 17 Jan 2024, 11:45:42

careinke wrote:If true, which I suspect is true, taking down the Russian Airborne Warning And Control plane is a significant achievement. They only have around 30 of them.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, and we recovered their war plans. It turned out during a regional conflict, their number one target was the US E-3 AWACS. Basically ALL air to air fighters first mission was to destroy us before anything else.

In a weird way, it kind of made me feel special. 8)



I have heard numbers from 10 to 6, total - only half operational.

Do you Ave some better sources?
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 17 Jan 2024, 15:09:16

"Not only has their counteroffensive failed, but the initiative is entirely in the hands of the Russian Armed Forces," Putin said in the televised remarks. "If this continues, Ukraine's statehood could be dealt an irreparable, very serious blow," he added, but he didn't clarify further precisely what he meant by this.

"The so-called 'peace formula' that's being talked about in the West and in Ukraine is a continuation of the decree of the Ukrainian president banning negotiations with Russia," Putin said, according to a translation in Sputnik. "As for the negotiating process, it's an attempt to encourage us to abandon the territorial gains we've achieved over the past 1 1/2 years. But this is impossible. Everyone understands that this is impossible," the Russian leader continued.

He explained that earlier in the conflict, the two sides were close to serious negotiations that could have led to peace, but that ultimately Zelensky allowed himself to be the puppet of Western powers. "A day later, they threw all the agreements into the trash, and now they are saying publicly—including the head of the Ukrainian negotiating group—that 'Yes, we were ready, but we missed the chance, because then-Prime Minister of Britain Mr. [Boris] Johnson came and persuaded us not to implement these agreements,'" Putin said.

He stressed: "Fools, are they not? They're admitting directly that if they had gone for it, everything could have been ended a long time ago, 1 1/2 years ago." ... low-if-war
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 17 Jan 2024, 19:24:50

Prime Minister Macron of France to travel to Kiev to finalize new bilateral treaty between France and Ukraine.


The deal will include more financial support for Ukraine as well as the delivery of supplies of modern weapons from France, including long range Cruise missiles which will enable Ukraine to hit targets deeper inside Russia.

France manufactures a wide range of cruise missiles, including some excellent long range cruise missiles, some of which are now being supplied to Ukraine

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby careinke » Wed 17 Jan 2024, 22:04:51

Newfie wrote:
careinke wrote:If true, which I suspect is true, taking down the Russian Airborne Warning And Control plane is a significant achievement. They only have around 30 of them.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, and we recovered their war plans. It turned out during a regional conflict, their number one target was the US E-3 AWACS. Basically ALL air to air fighters first mission was to destroy us before anything else.

In a weird way, it kind of made me feel special. 8)



I have heard numbers from 10 to 6, total - only half operational.

Do you Ave some better sources?

My apologies, I got that information from a Ukrainian source on YT. I think it was one that plant posted, with the cute Ukrainian girl in pajamas. I just figured Russia had made more planes since I left the service. :oops:

When I was in, their equivalent AWACS was the TU-126 Moss and I have not been following closely since my retirement. The newer version seems much more capable, so the shoot down is even more impressive. Checking other sources, 8-9 seems a better number although every source makes a caveat the real number is highly classified by the Russians.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 18 Jan 2024, 09:21:40

Yes, I find getting good data almost impossible.

My general understanding is that Putin has concentrated on the Arctic, standing up old bases and building a huge icebreaker fleet. Outside of thar they have not done much to modernize their military. They have some show pieces that are not in serial production like the Armada tank.

I have read Russia can not build larger ships because the engine plant for them was in Ukraine, and Russia has no capability to build the larger engines. For example the Moskova sunk last year was a pre-Russia ship, engines from Ukraine. It was an irreplaceable loss.

Where the truth lies is anyone's guess.

But I do think Putin actually believed in his 3nday war attack.

Did you hear Xi sacked 20 high military commanders for corruption. They found rocket fuel tanks filled with water, etc.

Corruption seems to have a home in the military everywhere.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 18 Jan 2024, 14:27:10

careinke wrote: it was one that plant posted, with the cute Ukrainian girl in pajamas.

Was that this cute Ukrainian girl in pajamas? Image

Or perhaps this cute Ukrainian girl with the strange musical instrument?


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