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THE Pakistan Thread (merged)

A forum for discussion of regional topics including oil depletion but also government, society, and the future.

Re: THE Pakistan Thread (merged)

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 23 Nov 2023, 20:33:37

Pakistani foreign ministry confirms plans to join BRICS

Pakistan, which has applied for the BRICS membership, is looking forward to joining the group of developing nations under Russia’s presidency in 2024. "Pakistan would like to be part of this important organisation, and we are in the process of contacting member countries to extend support to Pakistan’s membership in general and the Russian Federation in particular," Ambassador Jamali said.

The bloc currently includes China, the world's second-largest economy, as well as Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa. Six new members --Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina, and the United Arab Emirates-- will be added to the bloc in January 2023. Pakistan is hopeful about joining BRICS with these countries.

Quoting Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, the state-owned news agency also mentioned that BRICS is planning to agree on a list of candidates for partner-state status ahead of the upcoming summit in Kazan in 2024.

Earlier, China had also hinted at a favourable position towards granting membership to Pakistan. India, meanwhile, has stated that it “fully supports the expansion” of the BRICS group. However, New Delhi has not specifically commented on Pakistan’s bid to join the bloc. ... 2023-11-22

I think it's safe to say that by early next year the Lions share of the Energy, minerals and manufacturing on the planet will be under the BRICS banner. The rest of the planet, the third world and the degenerate Western block, will be excluded. Will they go off the $US standard? Do bears shit in the woods?

Am I anti-American for pointing out these simple facts? Do I give a shit what happens over there? No and No. This is information, that is generally suppressed in the Western media. The West does not want it's citizens to know that over half the planet's people are forming an alliance that excludes them. Geopolitically I believe it's the biggest thing to happen since Brenton Woods and I would be concerned if it wasn't for the fact that Australia is naturally placed to enter the BRICS. Whether we do or not is another question. If you look at all the BRICS nations they are all BIG resource producers, whereas the majority of the old West are BIG resource consumers.

I keep going back to that Deagel forecast, why? Because the division between the nations that were cited to collapse and those that aren't match more and more the division of BRICS and old Western nations.


But there were two parts to the forecast, the second part, the most insane really, claimed that populations in the red nations would decline markedly. How could that possibly happen? Well in the pandemic there were two major suppliers of vaccines. The western pharma mRNA living organism technology, and Russia's Sputnik V vaccine which was designed on the old dead virus particle method. There were no side-effects recorded for Sputnik and here is a list of the nations it was exported to.

Algeria* 0.5 -
Argentina* 22 12 per year
Bahrain** - -
Belarus* 0.17 Up to 0.5 per month
Bolivia 5.2 -
Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.4 -
Brazil* 10 8 per month
China* - 260 per year
Egypt* 25 40 per year
Guatemala 16 -
Honduras 0.07 -
Hungary 2 -
Iran** 60 -
Italy* - 10 in 2,021
Kazakhstan* 6 7
Kyrgyzstan 0.02 -
Mexico** 24 -
Mongolia* 0.02 -
Montenegro 0.25 -
Nepal 25 -
North Macedonia 0.2 -
Palestine 100 -
Paraguay 1 -
Peru** 20 -
San Marino 0.01 -
Serbia* 2 4
Slovakia 2 -
South Korea* - 1,850 per year
Tunisia 0.5 -
Turkey** 50 -
Uzbekistan* 1 2
Venezuela** 10 -
Vietnam* ... y-country/

Now compare that with the map above. Conspiracy theory? Oh yes, definitely. Like the conspiracy that claimed European banking houses were behind the assassination of Lincoln because of his stand against their central banking asperations.



“The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes.

As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money powers of the country will endeavor to prolong it’s reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”

And he was right. The corporations have been enthroned, all your wealth has been aggregated in a few hands, and your republic has been destroyed.
après moi le déluge
Intermediate Crude
Intermediate Crude
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Joined: Tue 20 Jul 2021, 18:08:48
Location: Australia


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