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Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 03 Nov 2023, 19:44:32

Plantagenet wrote:
I can't believe you actually support the Russians invading other countries and killing their peoples.

Well it's how your nation got to where it is. Syria isn't as big as the Afghanistan and Iraq Invasions but all your military's efforts have been wasted funding the ukraine, and of course now your allies in Jerusalem.

US Has Advanced Drones Flying Over Gaza
"In support of hostage recovery efforts"

lol. Always a valid excuse. I notice they didn't send any of them to the thieves in the ukraine, they probably would have sold them to the talaban.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 04 Nov 2023, 02:24:58

US, EU start talking to Ukraine about peace talks with Russia — NBC

NEW YORK, November 4. /TASS/. US and European officials have started talking to their Ukrainian counterparts about possible peace talks with Russia and what Kiev might have to give up to reach a deal, NBC television reported, citing US officials.

They started "quietly talking to the Ukrainian government about what possible peace negotiations with Russia might entail" to end the conflict, the report said.

Russia wins this one.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sat 04 Nov 2023, 17:04:53

theluckycountry wrote:Russia wins this one.

Because war have proceeded and many Russian soldiers have died Ukraine will need to make far greater concessions than those which would be sufficient 2 years ago.
That is an outcome of losing war.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 04 Nov 2023, 17:18:21

Game Over:

These discussions... happened during an October meeting of an affiliation of more than 50 governments siding with Ukraine... aren't about a new counteroffensive -- they're about what concessions Ukraine could live with pursuant to a peace agreement.

Russia's territorial gains are close to matching the goals President Vladimir Putin outlined at the start..." He said Russia sought to secure Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (provinces), which he recognized as republics shortly before the invasion. Russian forces now control nearly all of those areas, which are together called the Donbas.

Russia also controls most of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts, giving Russia a land bridge to the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014 after a Western-aided overthrow of a democratically elected president and the installation of an anti-Russia government in Kiev. Crimea and the eastern provinces of Ukraine have heavily ethnic-Russian populations. ... seek-peace

So we see plainly that the western media Lied (as always) when it said that Russia was going to take over the world :lol: How many people were sucked in by the media? How many people donated aid to ukraine? Aid that went into the pockets of western arms manufacturers and resulted in the death of untold ukrainian men. Yes that's right. If your donations had stayed in your pockets you would have saved lives. As always the sheeple marched to the beat of the TV set. How pathetic.


Russia has achieved all the goals it published as the war broke, has left the rest of the ukraine basically intact, and given the West a bloody nose. There will be no NATO expansion now. But more than that the US and it's western allies have greatly accelerated the death of the $US dominance of global trade. By weaponizing the SWIFT system they have facilitated the creation of a new system within the BRICSIS block. How long before that Saudi oil is priced in Yen, or even rubles? And they have cut themselves off from cheap Russian Gas and fertilizer.
In 2020, the most recent year for which fertilizer trade data are available, Russia and its neighbor Belarus were the world's top fertilizer exporters

The Russia-Ukraine war after a year: Impacts on fertilizer production, prices, and trade flows
March 9, 2023 ... rade-flows

Think about that next time you're putting food in your trolley at the mart. Unintended consequences, unintended consequences :cry:
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 04 Nov 2023, 17:26:45

EnergyUnlimited wrote:Because war have proceeded and many Russian soldiers have died Ukraine will need to make far greater concessions than those which would be sufficient 2 years ago.
That is an outcome of losing war.

No doubt. I wonder if the West will try and stick it's nose into the process as "mediators"? I know what I'd say if I was Putin lol.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby jato0072 » Sat 04 Nov 2023, 19:42:43

Don't forget this part:

NBC News Article wrote:Administration officials expect Ukraine to want more time to fight on the battlefield, particularly with new, heavier equipment, “but there’s a growing sense that it’s too late, and it’s time to do a deal,” the former senior administration official said. It is not certain that Ukraine would mount another spring offensive.

One senior administration official pushed back on any notion of the U.S. nudging Ukraine toward talks. The Ukrainians, the official said, “are on the clock in terms of weather, but they are not on the clock in terms of geopolitics.”

I would agree the average American and European person is tired of the Ukraine War, but the GAE is playing the long game. I predict continued war, but at a lower intensity as men and material run low.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 04 Nov 2023, 21:09:08

Perhaps, that's what I would have thought a month ago, before the West dialed back the spending, and before these talking heads came out with the surrender rhetoric. We don't even know what's happening inside the ukraine, there might be a hell of a lot of discontent among the population. I mean if we were living there and facing the obvious I for one would be in full support of peace talks at this time. All they lose is the ethnic russian regions that were breaking off anyway. As far as wars go this one was absolutely pointless. Fuck the ukraine, it's always been a problem for central Europe.

Russia's secret weapons, Hot chicks powered by cupcakes






To the Victors
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 05 Nov 2023, 04:41:04

From the very beginning of this war I was writing that Ukrainians are standing no chance to win, their ideas about somehow defeating Russians are stupid and that they are pawns of West prompted to run shabby endeavors with no prospect of success.
All what they are achieving is their ruined infrastructure, people killed and nothing more.
Few guys there probably got rich though because war is such a good opportunity for that. After all those nice western weapons can be sold for profit to whoever pay most.

Probably Ukrainians are running out of soldiers and NATO is not eager to enter battlefield and start WW III.
An outcome of this war is in line with gradual but relentless decline of Western influence around a world - what we all observe.

Re Russian women from pics.
They are rather for representation than for a real combat. I would go for one with something what looks like bazooka or for the last.
In real life Russian women, young or old are much uglier albeit for some reason they are popular on West and qualify (very much like Ukrainian counterparts) for mail order wives.
I believe that Russian variety is more prestige on the West though.
One way or another these are last white women available which might be worth having and as a result of war there will be increased supply.
War is good for men - in particular for those who don't fight only make money out of it. As long as you survive and don't get crippled there will be many women for you.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 06 Nov 2023, 20:31:30

Ukraine just successfully attacked another Russian ship from the Black Sea Fleet.

Both the Ukrainians and the Russians are acknowledging the ship was hit and damaged, so there shouldn't much argument about this news story.


The Russians lost two ships to Ukrainian missile attacks in Crimea a couple of months ago, but for some reason they sent another ship back to Crimea ---- and the Ukrainians blew up this ship as well.

This time the Ukrainians blew up the Askold---the Russian Navy's most modern ship.

the Ukrainians just blew up the Askold

This is a pretty significant loss for the Black Sea Fleet since the Askold is newest and most modern ship in the entire Russian navy. It was completed just before Russia invaded Ukraine and it has been used to launch cruise missile attacks against Ukraine.

This is clearly another major victory for the Ukrainians over the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Perhaps the Russians thought that because this ship was so modern and was equipped with the very latest in Russian anti-missile technology, it would be able to defend itself from Ukrainian attack.....but clearly they were wrong.

Some may claim that the Askold wasn't heavily damaged and will soon return to service, but the photo of the Askold above shows quite substantial damage that won't be easily repaired, especially since the main dry dock for the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea has also been blown up by the Ukrainains and will be unavailable for ship repairs for the foreseeable future.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 07 Nov 2023, 01:44:09

Putin has made his decision

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has resolved to contend in the forthcoming March presidential elections, signaling an extension of his tenure potentially until 2030. ... 8774&ei=43

Hail to the chief, of the Red White and Blue



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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 07 Nov 2023, 09:05:24

Honestly, who would you rather lead your nation. A Man's man


Or a 'MAP'


In his election campaign, Biden has focused heavily on the LGBTQIA community as well as women to make it more gender-inclusive in terms of representation.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 07 Nov 2023, 19:29:13

theluckycountry wrote:
Hail to the chief, of the Red White and Blue



Thanks for my laugh of the day!

So Luckycoun....please tell me....Since you are such a Putin supporter----does that mean you agree with Stalin'sPutin's claim that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century?

When the Soviet Union collapsed and vanished into the dustbin of history most everyone cheered and rejoiced as the captive nations of eastern Europe finally gained their freedom......but the sight of so many happy people made Putin very sad...

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 07 Nov 2023, 19:59:10

Plant, all your bigoted hatred towards Russia and it's leader has been programmed into you by your media, since birth. You cannot be objective, as others can, since they never had their head filled with the "Evil Red Menace" propaganda. Hence you cannot acknowledge the ukraine's defeat, that its feeble attempt to stop the reclamation of it's former Russian territories has failed. Your position in untenable, delusional even. Putin's generals have executed an almost perfect takeover and are poised to strike anywhere in the greater ukrainian territory if the west doesn't back down in it's efforts to move Nato in there. It's over and everyone knows it but you.

You for your part will simply go on, dancing to the tune of the TV as you have always done, supporting whatever misguided policy is pushed forward in the Mass Media for you to ingest. For a while I wondered why the general public (you) seemed to have no interest in the Israel/Gaza conflict. It's obvious to me now of course and it didn't take a lot of deep thought. Your government is ambivalent on the issue, it hasn't taken sides, so the Media hasn't taken sides. If it had I am sure you'd be waving an israeli or Palestinian flag by now.

You really need to 'un-plug' Plant. Time is running out for you and you'll be steamrollered by the coming events if you don't. You'll wake up with empty retirement accounts and the banks closed to you. Follow the money Plant, follow the money.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby careinke » Tue 07 Nov 2023, 20:33:54

theluckycountry wrote:Plant, all your bigoted hatred towards Russia and it's leader has been programmed into you by your media, since birth. You cannot be objective, as others can, since they never had their head filled with the "Evil Red Menace" propaganda. Hence you cannot acknowledge the ukraine's defeat, that its feeble attempt to stop the reclamation of it's former Russian territories has failed. Your position in untenable, delusional even. Putin's generals have executed an almost perfect takeover and are poised to strike anywhere in the greater ukrainian territory if the west doesn't back down in it's efforts to move Nato in there. It's over and everyone knows it but you.

Follow the money Plant, follow the money.

Hey, not ALL U.S. citizens feel the same way, even though we have had the same propaganda shoved down our throats since childhood.

I offer myself and plenty of others as proof; Libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, Permaculturists, Constitutionalists, lots of retired field grade officers, retired soldiers who have been in combat, etc, have seen through the s#it fed to us by politicians.

Eventually the rest will become educated in true economics.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 07 Nov 2023, 20:55:35

careinke wrote:
Hey, not ALL U.S. citizens feel the same way, even though we have had the same propaganda shoved down our throats since childhood.

I offer myself and plenty of others as proof; Libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, Permaculturists, Constitutionalists,

You are correct, of course, and I certainly don't paint everyone with the brush, just the broad mass of the public, who obviously aren't here. No one is here lol. But you also demonstrate my point, it is easy to unplug, all you have to do basically is spend more time thinking and investigating for yourself and less time passively swallowing what comes out of the TV set or the twitter feed. It's a well know fact that the Majority is nearly always wrong on matters of importance. So if you take the opposite stance you'll generally be right.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby jato0072 » Tue 07 Nov 2023, 23:56:26

"On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 08 Nov 2023, 08:34:01

jato0072 wrote: Russia has the strongest military on the planet

Those that think the US has are looking at the aircraft carrier fleets and the new jet fighters (which are fraught with design problems) But a lot of the US military hardware is updated WWII tech, which will be of limited value in WWIII. It was the same with the British. I was surprised to see Ukraine in #6 spot? Must be an old web page lol.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby ralfy » Wed 08 Nov 2023, 19:48:11

"How Drones Are Leveling the Playing Field for Middle Powers" ... le-powers/
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 09 Nov 2023, 06:55:55

I think those drones have a lot of advantages, you can send them out in packs, you can fly them nap of the earth, you could have one smart one detecting anti-air emplacements along the path and diverting the others around them or shooting off anti-air missiles.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 19

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 09 Nov 2023, 18:02:40

My favorite (and quite realistic) drone development scenario rely on swarms of millions of cheap and mass produced wasp (or mosquito) sized solar powered or biological-silicon hybrid drones equipped with lethally poisonous sting which are programmed to hunt and kill all sorts of political, religious, corporate etc leaders.
Because such technology once invented would quickly become cheap and wide spread, there would be no way to find out which actor is responsible for a particular drone attack and its consequences.
Because these types of influential people are always disliked by some others then they would be invariably killed in a reasonably short time once out of their bunkers.
For example every president or corporate CEO on the world would know that somewhere in air there are hundreds of thousands of such drones flying with only one aim - to kill him.
To prevent them from succeeding he would have only one choice - to voluntarily imprison himself and stay locked up in his quarters up to end of his life.
I bet that such development would ENTIRELY change manners how politics and business is run on the world and such change would be in many (but not all) aspects for a better.
Obsolete system we are in would cease to function for sure in no time at all.
Welcome into a leaderless world.
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