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THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby kublikhan » Fri 13 Oct 2023, 13:24:02

mousepad wrote:Yes. but that is not progress. It's fighting tooth and nail to keep bau as is.
Progress would be to realize that EV ain't the same as gas. That it's nonsense to lug around a 1 ton battery on a 30 miles shopping trip or on a daily commute.

The answer is LESS. Less weight, less range, less size. Small & simple for short range use. And for long range trips, you go ahead and use gas.
I think cars in general are too big and heavy, EV and ICE alike. Particularly in the US. But this does not change the fact that there has been substantial technological improvements in EVs over the years, particularly the batteries. Their costs have come down and their energy density has gone up, allowing lighter batteries for a given range or increased range for a given weight. Car manufacturers can decide what to do with that weight & cost savings: Make lighter and cheaper EVs, or pack on more batteries and make EVs with more range. Often, they go for the latter option. And they are not entirely unjustified in making this decision. Many EV buyers or potential EV buyers complain about 'range anxiety'. Which is ironic, given that most daily driving is under 40 miles and for the most part all of that extra battery range is wasted 99% of the time. Another irony, most EV owners in the US do have a 2nd car that is a gas burner that they can use for long trips. So that is even less reason for the extra range. The EV owner below had a 210 mile EV range for years that worked fine for them. Yet they opted for an even longer range for their next purchase(335 mile) that was largely wasted. So I agree with you here that a small range EV commuter and a long range gas burner would be a good combination for 2 car households.

There have been several studies and surveys in recent years that peg 300 miles as the minimum amount of range for most Americans to feel comfortable when considering an electric vehicle. The fundamental issue is that consumers are comparing the ~400 miles of range on their gas-powered vehicle with their expectations of EVs. I get it. More range is better and provides greater options and more convenience for drivers. But there are tens of millions of US households that could get by just fine today with a 200-250 mile range EV. I know from first hand experience that 200-250 miles of range can suffice, especially if you live in temperate climate.

Does Every Household Actually Need 300 Miles of Range?
It makes sense for households that live in cold-weather regions, who take quite a few long trips per year, or only have one vehicle to prefer an EV with at least 300 miles of range. But what about everyone else?

* On average, EV owners drive 39 miles per day.
* 78% of EV owners also have a gas-powered vehicle in their household, yet they report doing a majority of their driving (87%) in their electric vehicle.

Lower-Range Electric Vehicles: The Perfect Second Car
For three years we survived just fine with a ~210-mile range EV as our primary car for everyday errands, weekend mid-range trips, and those long road trips I mentioned earlier. Now with a 335 mile range EV, long road-trips are easy, but 99% of the year that extra battery capacity goes completely unused. We are in essence carrying around extra unnecessary weight that makes the car more expensive and less efficient energy wise.
Multi-Vehicle Households in the US: A Huge Opportunity For Lower-Range EVs

For size, I would prefer smaller cars for EV and ICE alike. Unfortunately the market is going in the opposite direction. The US is the worst offender in this category. At least in other car markets(China, Europe, Japan, etc) small and mini cars are a bigger slice of the market.

In China, the best-selling electric cars in 2022 were the Wuling Mini BEV, a small model priced at under USD 6 500, and BYD’s Dolphin, another small model, below USD 16 000. Together, these two models accounted for nearly 15% of Chinese BEV passenger car sales, illustrating the appetite for smaller models. To compare, the best-selling small BEVs across France, Germany and the United Kingdom – Fiat’s 500, Peugeot’s e-208 and Renault’s Zoe – were all priced above USD 35 000. Few small BEVs were sold in the United States.

SUVs and large car models dominate both EV and ICE markets
A major concern for global car markets – both EV and ICE – is the overwhelming dominance of SUVs and large models among available options. Carmakers are able to generate higher revenues from such models, given higher profit margins, which can cover some of the investments made in developing electric options. In certain cases, such as in the United States, larger vehicles can also benefit from less stringent fuel economy standards, hence creating an incentive for carmakers to slightly increase the vehicle size of a car for it to qualify as a light truck.

However, large models are more expensive, which poses significant affordability issues across the board, and all the more so in [emerging market and developing economies]. Large models also have implications for sustainability and supply chains, being equipped with larger batteries that require more critical minerals. In 2022, the sales-weighted average battery size of small battery electric cars ranged from 25 kWh in China to 35 kWh across France, Germany and the United Kingdom, and about 60 kWh in the United States. In comparison, the average for battery electric SUVs was around 70-75 kWh in these countries, and within the 75-90 kWh range for large car models.

Transitioning from ICE to electric is a priority for achieving net zero emissions targets, regardless of vehicle size, but mitigating the impacts of higher battery sizes will also be important. In France, Germany and the United Kingdom in 2022, the sales-weighted average weight of a battery electric SUV was 1.5 times higher than the average small battery electric car, requiring greater amounts of steel, aluminium and plastic; the battery in the SUV was twice as large, requiring about 75% more critical minerals. The CO2 emissions associated with materials processing, manufacturing and assembly can be estimated at more than 70% higher as a result.
Trends in electric light-duty vehicles
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby mousepad » Fri 13 Oct 2023, 13:55:59

kublikhan wrote:And they are not entirely unjustified in making this decision. Many EV buyers or potential EV buyers complain about 'range anxiety'.

And that's where a sensible gov comes into play. Instead of indoctrinating the public that a man is really a woman and vice versa and all other nonsensical libtard shit. They should shame big car/truck/suv drivers and indoctrinate the public (starting in schools) that SMALL EV is what the public needs.
And then the gov subsidizes small EV at a high rate while NOT subsidizing resource wasting 300mile teslas at all while taxing the shit out of gas.

Sometimes I wish I was king. I would clean house of all that nonsense.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 13 Oct 2023, 16:04:57

Hitler for all his faults had some really good ideas and implemented them. The Volks Waggon was one, as was his opinions on some minority races. Take the War aspect out of it and 1930's Germany was becoming a real quality nation. As it was before WWI, an amazing place. I for one don't buy the crap that Germany started those wars, well maybe WWII, but they were incited into it by aggressive British policies. Punitive policies that stripped them of land and gave then a debt obligation that was designed to strangle them.

The World's rulers back then didn't want any competition from Germany, especially when it came to looting the middle east of oil. The Berlin Baghdad railway the Germans were constructing was the final straw for the modern Roman Empire. Now we see it all again with gas pipelines through that region. The Syrian war is all about pipelines and oil.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 22 Oct 2023, 15:00:50

theluckycountry wrote:Hitler for all his faults had some really good ideas and implemented them.... on some minority races.

Thats got to be the single most nauseating post I've ever seen at

Thats the most nauseating post I've ever seen at
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sun 22 Oct 2023, 16:28:06

Plantagenet wrote:
Thats got to be the single most nauseating post I've ever seen at

Until the next time you decide to 'woke' out on someone. I would have though you, of all people, would have seen the logic, being that you support the Nazi regime in the ukraine region. I bet you support Hamas as well???
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby ralfy » Sun 22 Oct 2023, 20:46:47

The tech involves high levels of infrastructure and ramping up production of material resources and energy overall because of low energy returns.

Given the point that much of the world is still industrializing and that the ones developing the tech are for-profit and competitive, then the increased production needed is many times more than what the biosphere allows.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 24 Oct 2023, 15:51:48

theluckycountry wrote:.... Nazi .....

Please dont include me in your Hitler or Nazi fantasies when you post.

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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 24 Oct 2023, 20:55:16

Plantagenet wrote:
theluckycountry wrote:.... Nazi .....

Please dont include me in your Hitler or Nazi fantasies when you post.


The Nazified ukrainian government you support is not a fantasy plant, the Nazi element within it is well documented, as I have proven on this forum. Just because the US media chooses to ignore that now in it's support of US arms dealers does not excuse you for your choices. You cannot claim ignorance, no more than those Canadian politicians who lauded that SS turd in their parliament can. Simply renounce your support for the ukrainian regime and I'll drop the subject.

Azov fighters are Ukraine's greatest weapon and may be its greatest threat
The Azov causes particular concern due to the far right, even neo-Nazi, leanings of many of its members. Dmitry claimed not to be a Nazi, but waxed lyrical about Adolf Hitler as a military leader, and believes the Holocaust never happened. ... -neo-nazis

Ukraine's Nazi problem is real, even if Putin's 'denazification' claim isn't ... cna1290946
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 24 Oct 2023, 21:01:26

California DMV Halts Cruise Robotaxi Service Due To 'Public Safety Concerns'
The California Department of Motor Vehicles suspended General Motors' Cruises' autonomous vehicle deployment and driverless testing permits across the state, citing safety concerns and incidents. "When there is an unreasonable risk to public safety, the DMV can immediately suspend or revoke permits," California DMV wrote in a press release.

DMV's suspension was based on several factors, including "manufacturer's vehicles are not safe for the public's operation" and "manufacturer has misrepresented any information related to the safety of the autonomous technology of its vehicles." ... y-concerns

So we're not making progress with autonomous EV's, we are going backward. Keep watching the TV EV fanboys, keep believing in the Great Transition.


Here is what the future really looks like after you lose access to cheap oil.

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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 25 Oct 2023, 20:46:03

theluckycountry wrote:Nazified .... Nazi....neo-Nazi..... Nazi......Adolf Hitler .....neo-nazis..... Nazi .....nazi-......

Forgive me for not joining you in your name-calling and bashing of the Ukrianians, but I don't think you've thought this through.

Lots of people use the word "nazi" as a kind of general insult to the point that it has become divorced from its meaning.

However, the word does have a meaning and when you look at the actual definition of the word "nazi" it seems to fit Putin's Russia much better then Ukraine.

For instance Nazism calls for a dictatorship and not a democracy, and Russia under Putin is a dictatorship. Ukraine, in contrast is a democracy.

Nazism frequently involves a cult of personality around a leader, and Putin promotes himself as a nazi style great leader for Russia.

Nazism frequently involves various varieties of racism, and Putin"s frequent attacks on Ukraine and on Ukrainians fits the bill for Nazi-style style vilification of other countries and other people.

Nazism called for military aggression against other countries to add land to Germany....again there is clear parallel with Putin waging war on Ukraine to add Ukrainain land to Russia, while Ukraine has never attacked another country to take its land.

By my count that constitute four strong lines of evidence that Russia is essentially a modern Nazi state.

IMHO Russia can be considered a modern Nazi state, with Putin the new Hitler.

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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 25 Oct 2023, 21:17:47

It takes longer to charge an EV then it does to fuel up an ICE car.

So................if you want driving EVs to be as simple and easy as driving ICE cars then you have to build a lot more charging stations so people don't have to wait in line to charge their EVs.

How many more?


It is estimated that we will have to build 20 times (TWENTY TIMES) more EV charging station then the current number gas pumps we have now if every car becomes an EV.


Can you imagine 20 TIMES more gas stations in our cities just for EVs?????? What a crazy idea!!!!!

That looks nice......but you need to build 3 million more!

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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 25 Oct 2023, 21:54:35

Plantagenet wrote:
Forgive me for not joining you in your name-calling and bashing of the Ukrianians, but I don't think you've thought this through.

jawohl mein Obergruppenführer, whatever you say. Sieg Heil.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 25 Oct 2023, 22:10:33

Plantagenet wrote:It takes longer to charge an EV then it does to fuel up an ICE car.

So................if you want driving EVs to be as simple and easy as driving ICE cars then you have to build a lot more charging stations so people don't have to wait in line to charge their EVs.

:roll: You dullard, it's not the waiting in line, it's the 20 minutes or more you wait while the charger tops the battery. A million chargers won't solve that. 20 minutes for 200 miles, that's lame but I suppose it's a good opportunity to have your manbun re-platted.

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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 26 Oct 2023, 08:56:20

Mega-Jolt: The Costs and Logistics of Plugging In EVs Are About to Become Supercharged

U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm gave Americans an unintended glimpse of the future during her road trip this summer touting the wonders of electric vehicles. Far from spotlighting the promise of EVs, her public relations misadventure in Georgia involved one of her staff in a gasoline-powered vehicle blocking off a coveted charger in advance of her arrival, leading to frayed tempers and a local EV owner calling the cops. It was an illustration of the challenges drivers could face as governments push the public to embrace plug-in vehicles.

Hyped as technological marvels, EVs are boobytrapped with a host of inconveniences and tradeoffs. By now many people have heard about range anxiety, exploding lithium-ion batteries, and the environmental destruction caused by global mining for battery minerals.

But another wave of challenges is in the offing as the federal government and state officials pump in billions of dollars to build out a massive national infrastructure of charging stations to power the EVs.

The sheer scale of a charging infrastructure means recruiting retailers and businesses to install and maintain chargers that are expected to lose money in the near future, with some likely to be written off as economic losses.

In California, which is slated to ban sales of new gasoline-powered cars in just 12 years, government estimates indicate the state may need to install at least 20 electric chargers for every gas pump now in service to create a reliable, seamless network. ... country=US

I fill up my car in 5 minutes and am gone. I don't have to worry about "overfilling" degrading the life of my fuel tank either, lol. The only real advantage I can see in an EV is the great acceleration and hardly anyone seems to tap into it. Probably because of battery life :roll:
I wonder if amberelle has sold his two teslas yet? Talk about a stranded assets. That's exactly what an EV is once its battery degrades.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 28 Oct 2023, 02:42:59

Ford, GM, Mercedes come clean on EV demand weakness
Peak EV, as I predicted months ago.
Top executives of Ford, General Motors and Mercedes-Benz all addressed concerns over waning demand for electric vehicles this week, as the major automakers navigate losses and price wars amid an EV push that not enough consumers are buying. On Thursday, Ford withdrew its full-year results forecast, citing "uncertainty" over its tentative deal with the United Auto Workers and warned of continued pressure on electric vehicles as customers balk at paying a premium for EVs over other models.

...The next day, GM and Honda issued a joint statement announcing the end of a $5 billion partnership to develop affordable EVs together, just one year after launching the effort.

...GM also made the decision earlier this week to postpone a $4 billion electric truck plant in Michigan.

...Mercedes-Benz financial chief Harald Wilhelm noted during a call with analysts that some traditional players are selling EVs below the pricing level of internal combustion engine vehicles despite their higher production costs, saying, "I can hardly imagine the current status quo is fully sustainable for everybody. ... 25421.html
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby kublikhan » Sat 28 Oct 2023, 11:15:53

theluckycountry wrote:Ford, GM, Mercedes come clean on EV demand weakness
Peak EV, as I predicted months ago.
I think this is like the fifth time you called peak EV? Do you ever get tired of being wrong? It's like everytime there is any bad news on EVs you shout: "I CALLED IT! PEAK EV!" Maybe you should actually look at the sales data before giving yourself a pat on the back:

Electric vehicle (EV) sales volumes set another record in Q3, as total sales of battery-powered vehicles jumped past 300,000 for the first time in the U.S. market. Year-to-date EV sales through September reached just over 873,000, putting the market firmly on track to surpass 1 million for the first time ever. The milestone will likely be achieved in November.

Total EV sales in Q3, according to an estimate from Kelley Blue Book, hit 313,086, a 49.8% increase from the same period one year ago and an increase from the 298,039 sold in Q2. Most automakers posted sizeable gains over 2022, with Volvo, Nissan, Mercedes and Hyundai delivering increases above 200%.

Electric vehicle sales accounted for 7.9% of total industry sales in Q3, a record and up from 6.1% a year ago and 7.2% in Q2. As Cox Automotive has been reporting, higher inventory levels, more product availability, and downward pricing pressure have helped spur continued linear growth of EV sales in the U.S. market. EV sales have now increased for 13 straight quarters.

EV transaction prices in Q3 were down significantly from 2022. In an attempt to increase sales volume, Tesla slashed prices, which are now down roughly 25% year over year. The price cuts have helped, as Tesla’s Q3 sales grew by 19.5% year over year, surpassing the industry’s overall growth rate of 16.3%. The German luxury makes – Audi, BMW, and Mercedes – continue to rapidly increase sales of EV models. In Q3, BMW and Mercedes EV sales more than triple year-ago levels, while Audi posted an EV sales gain of 94%.

In 2020, just three years back, EV sales in the U.S. passed 250,000 for the first time. This year, the market will jump past 1 million. Most analysts expect a flood of new EVs in the coming three years, with the number of available EV products likely to double by 2027. With this changing landscape, EV sales volume growth in the U.S. is expected to continue.
Another Quarter, Another Record: EV Sales in the U.S. Surpass 300,000 in Q3

BEV sales in all twenty analyzed markets increased by 26% in the third quarter of 2023 in comparison with the same period last year. BEV sales growth was higher than total powertrain sales growth in the period in question in all analyzed markets, with only one exception – South Korea. Some of the recorded gaps between BEV sales growth and overall powertrain sales growth were very substantial – for example, 62% vs. 17% in the USA, and 59% vs. 18% in Germany. PwC Autofacts recent study of market trends suggests that this strong BEV sales performance will continue, with projected growth of 35% in all analyzed markets in 2024.

Top findings
* In Europe, the BEV market could grow by 43% in 2024
* German automakers are catching up in BEV sales, growing almost twice as fast as the global market in the first nine months of the year

France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and UK
BEV sales in the top 5 European markets grew by 49% in the third quarter of 2023 compared to the corresponding period in 2022. The strongest increase was recorded in Germany, with growth of 59% in comparison with Q3 2022. The BEV markets in the UK and France also grew strongly, up by 42% and 40% respectively from Q3 2022. BEV sales in Spain grew by 57%, but from a low base. The BEV market share in Spain stands at 6%, compared to 18% in Germany, and 16% in the UK and France.

Global plugin vehicle registrations were up 45% in August 2023 compared to August 2022, rising to 1,238,000 units.
World EV Sales Now Equal 18% Of World Auto Sales
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 28 Oct 2023, 21:06:59

kublikhan wrote:
theluckycountry wrote:Peak EV, as I predicted months ago.

I think this is like the fifth time you called peak EV? Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

Kublaikhan----Its great to see you back posting again.

Welcome back!

But I'm afraid if you are trying to discuss anything involving facts or numbers with theluckycoun you aren't going to have much luck.

I'm afraid he is a bear of very little brain.

he is a bear of very little brain

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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby Tanada » Sat 28 Oct 2023, 22:03:33

Interesting video report on 2023 EV sales rates.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sun 29 Oct 2023, 04:54:27

A well balanced vid Tanada. I just wish they would be more open about the sales numbers of EV verses PHEV. Most articles just bundle the two and it muddies the water. Every time an industry does this I ask myself what are they hiding. In this case it's obvious.

A plugin hybrid is a good idea for many imo, but at the additional cost and complexity of having a car with two engine systems. If you are going to drive on gasoline so be it, but the marketing pushes many people into hybrids who otherwise wouldn't. They perceive it as Green and Cool and being one up on the neighbors. I am one who would probably benefit from a PEHV given my home solar and the fact that I only drive my car once a week. But then I say why bother? The amount of fuel I burn in not that much and I would never get a true 4x4 at anything like the cost of the one I have now. Do they even make PHEV 4x4's? Not a huge truck version, something like the older Toyota RAV I own which is a genuine 4x4 with low range. All the new ones are All Wheel drive, which is great for a town car but not suited to Australian outback dirt roads and tracks.
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Re: THE Electric Vehicle (EV) Thread pt 14

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 29 Oct 2023, 12:50:44

Tanada wrote:Interesting video report on 2023 EV sales rates.

CNBC does a good job in their report and no doubt its true that the lack of public chargers and mileage range anxiety is making people reticent to buy EVs.

But another important factor is the price difference. Even with the subsidies, EVs can cost more than comparable HEVs or PHEVs and this will be a huge influence on many people.

If two things are roughly similar, but one costs less, people will tend to buy the one that costs less.

No thanks.....I can get an ICE car or even a hybrid with better features for much less moolah.

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