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The Death of Cities

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby mousepad » Mon 25 Sep 2023, 16:55:27

theluckycountry wrote:
Yes well men are not stupid.

Men are very stupid. Men tolerate everything that is happening to them. Men allowed women to vote. Men even stand defend less while raghead and negro hordes swarm the border.
European men are undoubtedly one of the most stupid creature ever to crawl on the surface of earth.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 25 Sep 2023, 17:45:01

mousepad wrote:
theluckycountry wrote:
Yes well men are not stupid.

Men are very stupid. Men tolerate everything that is happening to them. Men allowed women to vote. Men even stand defend less while raghead and negro hordes swarm the border.
European men are undoubtedly one of the most stupid creature ever to crawl on the surface of earth.

You are equating cowardliness with stupidity. I don't believe the two traits are all that related. A lot of bad decisions made at the political level were done so by two-faced men, Pig-men who sold out their country for filthy lucre (tainted money) Traitors basically. These sociopaths are the ones that gravitate to power in politics. I think in the old days the wealthy men that rose to power in politics, though greedy, still had their nation's interests at heart. These modern politicians are typically lowlife nobodies that crawl their way up craving the power and money they do not natively possess.

But while the death of the cities can rightly be laid at their feet, as those who make the decisions, I agree that there is not much difference between them and many in general society.

A sociopath is... a condition that involves disregard for others, dishonesty, and aggression.

Once our civilization reached a point of relative safety and prominence in the world many altruistic bodies sprung up and flourished. Rotary clubs, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, Civically minded churches, Alcoholics Anonymous, In other words average people banding together to strengthen their civilization and solve its problems in unpaid service to the community.

All these institutions have been in decline for 50 years and longer I would think. And it wasn't because politicians mandated it, it was because the average person doesn't give a shit about their nation anymore. They say they do! But their actions speak louder than words. It seems the only time they rise up and band together now is to protect their own personal privileges in society, their safety and financial security, their health etc. So yes, your statement has more than an element of truth in it.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Tanada » Tue 26 Sep 2023, 16:10:25

theluckycountry wrote:Personally I view Feminism and women's liberation as a boon for men. It has freed them up from the age old drudgery of having to support a woman and her children, to be bound to her for life. I know a lot of older members here cannot see that and are happy in their marriages but that is because they and their wives are from another generation and still hold the old values.

In the USA it doesn't work like that. Over here any female who gets pregnant can name any man she has a passing acquaintance with as the biological father. In most states this man is not entitled to a paternity DNA test to prove fatherhood, he is simply tapped from that day forward for child support payments until the child has reached 18 years of age. A savvy soulless young woman can have 3, 4, 5 or more children naming a different father for each and end up with a substantial set of support payments. As I understand it only 4 out of 50 states allow a DNA paternity test to get out of child support payments once you are named as the father by the mother. In the American court system when it comes to children women are always presumed to be the better custodial parent and therefore the one deserving payment by the other parent to stay at home and raise that child.

state paternity law links
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Tue 26 Sep 2023, 19:28:31

Tanada wrote:
In the USA it doesn't work like that. Over here any female who gets pregnant can name any man she has a passing acquaintance with as the biological father. In most states this man is not entitled to a paternity DNA test to prove fatherhood, he is simply tapped from that day forward for child support payments until the child has reached 18 years of age.

The only people that get caught up in this nonsense are Americans. Immigrants/Jews get a free pass.

Child support courts are a pure product of the feminism movement of the late 1960-70s. In 1970, No-fault divorce was signed into law by Republican Ronald Reagan. In 1971, Ms. Magazine started as the face of feminism, by Jewess Gloria Steinem. In 1973, Roe V. Wade made casual abortion legal. In 1975, child support was signed into law by Republican Gerald Ford.

This was the systematic dismantling of the American family and the man as head of household.

It was all downhill from that point.

Yet, what does the news scream about? Sports, crime, sports, celebrity, sports, politics, sports, homos, sports, immigrants, and more sports.

It's almost as if the media is trying to distract you from what's really affecting your day-to-day life.

And the worst abuses are in the cities. These child support courts are looting the male population. If you have anything, and are an American man, these courts have turned women into ticking time-bombs.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 26 Sep 2023, 19:42:02

A lot of the control women have would appear to come from the feminist movement, a big win against the evil male. But if I was to design a system to increase consumer sales, "and taxes" I couldn't think of a better one than breaking apart families and allowing women to milk wage earning men in these paternity suits. Women are big spenders, and more often than not spend on frivolous crap. How many women ever buy power tools so they can save money by doing jobs at home? Break up a family and you sell two houses, two fridges, two of everything! And as a general rule every cent that comes into their possession goes straight out the door on consumption. It's really quite amazing how susceptible they are to marketing. Very little logical thought goes into it, if it's appealing, Buy it.

I think vasectomies are a good solution to many issues in life that men face but the consequences of having no children is not something many can embrace. Later in life though, when the children are taken from them though and grow up as strangers that only view Dad as meal meal ticket these men have a good measure of regret. It's a big step to take, terrible thing to contemplate even, given all the programming young men receive, but then the reality of a broken home and 18 years of servitude is only understood once you have to live through it.

If this were 1950 we wouldn't be having this conversation. We wouldn't be having Any of these conversations. But it's a brave new world and those that don't get with the 21st Century program are going to get severely burned. I for one got a minor burn or two in my youth and want no more of the heat. Life is too short, too valuable to give away to bankers, or armies, or women.

The Simpsons, where all the men are either drunks, slobs, stupid, weak, or greedy. And all the girls are smart, but forced to put up with the mistakes of the men. Families all across the world sat in front of the idiot box and laughed their way through this decades long series. And all the while the mothers and the children were looking at their fathers, seeing in them the traits portrayed in the series.

The Simpons was the tip of the iceberg, every series nearly went this way, look at 2 1/2 Men. A weak stupid father figure and a slimy playboy, the toadish male child exempt from ridicule because our society worships children.

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 27 Sep 2023, 05:31:45

What is interesting that despite of these large legal advantages women have on the West, TFR is dropping fast.
Not many children.
Despite of possibilities of woman screwing up few men to milk them out of money (what Tanada have mentioned) TFR of US is in range 1.7
I suspect that large part of this TFR must be credited to Latinos and with White women it is more like 1.3 - 1.4

This have at least IMO much to do with integrity and resolve of MEN - retained by Latinos but lost by White.

If Latino man is fucked around by a woman, would it be Latino woman, White or whichever else he will simply take a machete or a gun and put her to rest for good.
Women know it so they simply don't do it and few who try are quickly out of gene pool. They understand that court system won't help them here and even judges know that Latino men are forming extensive gangs and it is not safe to mess them up because they DON'T BOW TO STATE.

So Latino men are breeding and clumsy White men are giving up or end up screwed and those more resourceful are increasingly looking for non-White women, usually from ASEAN.

Personally I have taken Chinese woman 30+ years ago because majority of Polish women were looking for me plain repugnant due to misbehavior (and Polish women are still incarnations of goodness and femininity if you compare them to their British or American counterparts).
In my early 20-thies I have concluded that Polish and other White women are too big risk to marry or have kids with.
Because I might not have a level of resolve seen in Latino or Muslim men who will simply slain useless woman who crossed them up I have acted intelligently and taken Chinese and won a big way.
I have a good family and financially doing very well while most of my friends from school and university are royally screwed up.
Constant power struggle at home and heart attacks is about the best what they can hope for and for many it is much worse than that.

But lets be clear - once economic difficulties, social turmoils and wars have came as they already begin to, these men will walk out, ditch their countries and societies and take pleasure while observing how progressive systems all go to ruin and abyss. This is how West will end
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Wed 27 Sep 2023, 13:34:49

EnergyUnlimited wrote:What is interesting that despite of these large legal advantages women have on the West, TFR is dropping fast.
Not many children.
Despite of possibilities of woman screwing up few men to milk them out of money (what Tanada have mentioned) TFR of US is in range 1.7
I suspect that large part of this TFR must be credited to Latinos and with White women it is more like 1.3 - 1.4

In America, the fertility rate has been dropping since 1970. Hmmm. I wonder what happened in the 1970s to cause those rates to drop for 50 years?

All women that come to America will see their fertility rates drop as they become more Americanized. And, the solution is more immigrants. Their rates drop. Then you bring in more. And, the cycle continues.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:If Latino man is fucked around by a woman, would it be Latino woman, White or whichever else he will simply take a machete or a gun and put her to rest for good.
Women know it so they simply don't do it and few who try are quickly out of gene pool. They understand that court system won't help them here and even judges know that Latino men are forming extensive gangs and it is not safe to mess them up because they DON'T BOW TO STATE.

They do this now. Like the Irish, Italians, Jews before them, their children will not be doing this. They will become as pacified as every other group in the country.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:So Latino men are breeding and clumsy White men are giving up or end up screwed and those more resourceful are increasingly looking for non-White women, usually from ASEAN.

Like every other country in the Western Hemisphere, everyone is a mix of something in America.

It's one reason why people who think America is a mono-culture (or ever was), have no understanding of this part of the world. It is true that people suffer discrimination here, it's more because you are ugly, old, poor, or powerless than anything else.

The worst thing to be in America is old and sick. You can't be seen in public. No one is going to help you. What little you have will be taken from you. They call it elder abuse over here and it is rampant. It is only a matter of time before it happens to me, and I am doing my best to stall it as long as possible.

To make a point, an Arab is a white man in America, but not in Europe. An Indian or Pakistani is considered white in America, but I doubt in Europe. A Latino can claim white, or indigenous, or mixed in America. I don't know what you call them in Europe.

In fact, a Chinaman can be called white, in America, if they choose. So, white in Europe is not white in America (or the Western Hemisphere).

To make the point clearer, a poll was done that said voters would prefer an Indian woman as President, Nikki Haley, over Donald Trump, or Joe Biden. ... AA1fNJ3P|1

EnergyUnlimited wrote:But lets be clear - once economic difficulties, social turmoils and wars have came as they already begin to, these men will walk out, ditch their countries and societies and take pleasure while observing how progressive systems all go to ruin and abyss. This is how West will end

The more I think about this, these men will get replaced with more immigrants. Looking back, the United States government has been replacing American workers for generations with cheap immigrant labor. As the immigrant children become Americanized, they are replaced yet again.

The immigrants move to the cities as cheap labor. Their children establish themselves and move to the suburbs. They become decadent and lazy. The government brings in new immigrants to replenish the cities. The suburbs become weaker and weaker with each generation of lazy workers. The cities stay strong with fresh waves of cheap, hard-working labor.

At least, this is how I see it.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 28 Sep 2023, 07:58:32

noobtube wrote:The worst thing to be in America is old and sick. You can't be seen in public. No one is going to help you. What little you have will be taken from you. They call it elder abuse over here and it is rampant. It is only a matter of time before it happens to me, and I am doing my best to stall it as long as possible.

As long as you don't fall victim of fraud or robbery no one is going to take your money away against your will.
Essentially the risk for old Americans is related to being milked by medical expenses but at a certain age you will be covered by medicare/medicaid.
If you don't have a family you value, you may well spend all of your money and then die but if you do so then it may well be wise to pass to them anything of value you might have and decline $500,000 treatment which might keep you alive for another 6 months or a year.
At least it is what I would do.
Also at some point it might be wise to leave a city, even if you are used to city life. If the environment there turns increasingly hostile as you say - what the point to bother?
Of course all what I have written above is a trivial nonsense in the sense that it is impossible to sensibly advise someone base on few posts on the net.

To make the point clearer, a poll was done that said voters would prefer an Indian woman as President, Nikki Haley, over Donald Trump, or Joe Biden.

If so, then it will not be long before America is changed beyond recognition.

The more I think about this, these men will get replaced with more immigrants. Looking back, the United States government has been replacing American workers for generations with cheap immigrant labor. As the immigrant children become Americanized, they are replaced yet again.

The immigrants move to the cities as cheap labor. Their children establish themselves and move to the suburbs. They become decadent and lazy. The government brings in new immigrants to replenish the cities. The suburbs become weaker and weaker with each generation of lazy workers. The cities stay strong with fresh waves of cheap, hard-working labor.

At least, this is how I see it.

For migrants to assimilate well state must have something to offer for them.
If it is no longer the case (and as we all see money are running out), they will increasingly form alternative communities ruled according to their customs, very much like Muslims do in Europe and it looks very horrible here (Britain, Sweden, Germany, France etc).
Also cheap labor is only a small fraction of human resources which advanced cities need to function.
Once qualified men gave up and walk out of society in the way many already do, no amount of migrants will keep it on going, regardless how loyal they are.
Once electricians, plumbers, IT & telecommunication men, civil engineers etc gave up and walked away from their jobs cities will turn into slump within few weeks or months.
Empires are dying once sufficient proportion of citizens are giving up on keeping them going.
If government want to address it by importation of more and more migrants then these are turning into hordes of Goths, Huns and Vandals.
Ditching up Americans and replacing them with aliens will only accelerate this outcome.
At some point disillusioned and screwed up Americans will join those Goths and Vandals and ruin empire even faster.

Huge numbers of Romans in final years of empire were joining Goths and Huns to help them destroy civilization which in their eyes had turned decadent, oppressive and useless.
For many Roman citizens Goths were bringing FREEDOM and in the case of America it may well turn similar.
If your civilization is already dead then turning into barbarian looks like a noble act
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 28 Sep 2023, 15:30:26

EnergyUnlimited wrote:Also at some point it might be wise to leave a city, even if you are used to city life. If the environment there turns increasingly hostile as you say - what the point to bother?
Of course all what I have written above is a trivial nonsense in the sense that it is impossible to sensibly advise someone base on few posts on the net.

Only a small fraction can achieve this rural move and as time passes these "slots" available in the US rural areas become increasingly rare. (80% of the population live in urban areas) And the rural areas are typically as bad as the cities! The greed of their pharmaceutical corporations, enabled by a corrupt Federal government, has let to the opioid epidemic that's ravaging the whole nation. Drug addicts have turned the rural regions into sewers as well. The only real solution is to leave the united states all together because it will only get worse, probably exponentially worse. Or to be rich enough to keep it at arms length.

Americas largest drug companies saturated the country with 76 Billion opioid pills from 2006-2012, according to previously undisclosed federal data obtained by the Washington Post. The small city of Norton in rural West Virginia 360 pills for every person per year.

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 28 Sep 2023, 16:15:31

theluckycountry wrote:Americas largest drug companies saturated the country with 76 Billion opioid pills from 2006-2012, according to previously undisclosed federal data obtained by the Washington Post. The small city of Norton in rural West Virginia 360 pills for every person per year.


I am aware of this American prescription opioid bonanza and this is plain criminal.
Opioids like oxycodone or morphine are meant to be used for few days or maximum a week or two in case of severe pain and they are not intended to replace paracetamol.
Long term use is acceptable only for terminal patients and every doctor at least here in Poland knows it.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Thu 28 Sep 2023, 17:43:47

EnergyUnlimited wrote:As long as you don't fall victim of fraud or robbery no one is going to take your money away against your will.
Essentially the risk for old Americans is related to being milked by medical expenses but at a certain age you will be covered by medicare/medicaid.
If you don't have a family you value, you may well spend all of your money and then die but if you do so then it may well be wise to pass to them anything of value you might have and decline $500,000 treatment which might keep you alive for another 6 months or a year.
At least it is what I would do.
Also at some point it might be wise to leave a city, even if you are used to city life. If the environment there turns increasingly hostile as you say - what the point to bother?
Of course all what I have written above is a trivial nonsense in the sense that it is impossible to sensibly advise someone base on few posts on the net.

I've seen enough people get wiped out from medical expenses in old age to put real fear in my heart. And, medicare/medicaid just seems to fuel the corruption/incompetence. How do you know about Medicare/medicaid in Poland?

Your advice is sound.

Most Americans think everything will work out in the end and don't understand that the hospital is where you go bankrupt. It's been like this since I was a young man, and it has only gotten worse, over the decades.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:Once electricians, plumbers, IT & telecommunication men, civil engineers etc gave up and walked away from their jobs cities will turn into slump within few weeks or months.
Empires are dying once sufficient proportion of citizens are giving up on keeping them going.
If government want to address it by importation of more and more migrants then these are turning into hordes of Goths, Huns and Vandals.
Ditching up Americans and replacing them with aliens will only accelerate this outcome.
At some point disillusioned and screwed up Americans will join those Goths and Vandals and ruin empire even faster.

I have reached the conclusion that the United States government is not stupid. They are deliberately sabotaging Americans by bringing in waves of aliens to undercut wages, while being LOYAL supporters. It's like the King has unruly subjects so he brings in LOYAL foreigners to keep the locals in check.

It makes me think of January 6th, 2021, when hordes of rioters tried to overtake the U. S. Congress. The people who actually kept the country running (plumbers, electricians, HVAC, mechanics, engineers, IT, communications) did not participate. The government keeps those people happy with high wages, interesting work, and lots of support. But, for the physical plant of the nation, you only need so many people, let's say 5% of the population. You have critical industry, which is another 5%. What do you do with the rest? Well, you create make-work jobs, or as the government called them during the Lockdown, non-essential.

The Lockdown really showed me how useless most of the male population is in the country. These are the ones who are angry, upset, alienated, and alone. Depression is a daily part of their existence. But, they get no sympathy because they do not contribute... they are not allowed to contribute. This is all government policy. And, they are no REAL threat because they are too isolated and disorganized. They have no real power.

For the rest, who are not as desperate, the government throws endless amounts of sports at these men, with copious amounts of porn, and drugs to keep them distracted.

Key infrastructure (communications, IT, road construction, electrical grid, sewer systems) are controlled by VERY loyal supporters of the U. S. government. They are very well paid and living comfortably. Now, if the dollar were to lose reserve status, or oil supplies got disrupted... then this place will go crazy.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 28 Sep 2023, 20:26:22

noobtube wrote:
I have reached the conclusion that the United States government is not stupid. They are deliberately sabotaging Americans by bringing in waves of aliens to undercut wages

I have reached the conclusion that the US government is simply following the instructions given to it by Banking and corporate interests, which may or may not be US domiciled. There is no other explanation for the cultural, financial and moral suicide of the nation. Americans believe they control their own destiny but looking back over the past century or two even I see quite a different story.

I see the nation as a tool being used to fight wars for other interests, WWII in Europe especially. All this talk about being the world police is true but it has not benefited the nation itself. It has bankrupt it. The culture, if you could call it that, is basically sports; movies and endless TV series, fast food, shopping malls, sickcare, military worship, hiphop and crime. Any other cultural elements were paved over after 1945. America was an experiment in freedom? An experiment in mass exploitation more likely.

Afghanistan War Vet finds new job, how lucky can you get eh! The other tens of thousands are rotting in the gutter, abandoned by their own government.

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 30 Sep 2023, 16:11:41

Sweden Turns To Military For Help Amid Daily Shootings, Bombings In Migrant Gangland Chaos
...publications like FT haven't hesitated to identify what's fueling the crime and turning Sweden's streets into war zones: "Police chiefs have said that Sweden is facing its most serious domestic security situation since the second world war as immigrant drug gangs engage in a bloody conflict,"
..."Police believe the gangs are increasingly using children to commit the crimes, as those under 18 often go unpunished or receive low sentences from the courts."

Of course, the immigrants are not stupid, they will use the soft headed Western legal system to their best advantage. And whose buying all the drugs? Worthless Swedes of course. The people of the nation are actively working for their own destruction. This is Karma! This is payback for ABBA

Fake tans and a nose full of cocaine


Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson is meeting with both the armed forces’ supreme commander and the national police commissioner on Friday to consider "how the armed forces can help police in their work against the criminal gangs."

lol. sure sure, what a joke.

This toerag and her all girl cabinet created the problem


And this Wally is going to fix it?

Image ... land-chaos
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 01 Oct 2023, 05:16:31

noobtube wrote: How do you know about Medicare/medicaid in Poland?

It is common knowledge here in Poland that Americans are being bankrupted by phony medical bills.
But there is a hope - once they survive to certain age where government run medicare covers them they are mostly off-hook.
In our TV we had one time program where a makeshift dental care was organized by charity in tents and large ques of people were lining up to get teeth pulled out. These people were mostly middle aged White Americans who lost jobs and couldn't pay dental care.
Some couldn't even afford to pay for tooth extraction, while in pain. Charity doctors were helping for free.
Another trick to get free or cheap care is to report to hospital ER but such patients are often turned down due to excessive workload.

There is also salvation in Mexico - many Americans are going there to get hospital care or buy necessary drugs for their personal needs at 80-95% discount but US government it trying to make it as difficult as possible and increasingly illegal.

The government keeps those people happy with high wages, interesting work, and lots of support. But, for the physical plant of the nation, you only need so many people, let's say 5% of the population. You have critical industry, which is another 5%. What do you do with the rest? Well, you create make-work jobs, or as the government called them during the Lockdown, non-essential.

Government will also need to import Philippine wives for these privileged people or otherwise their loyalty is going to evaporate in no time at all and they will backbite too or save some money and go abroad (Passport bros).

And, they are no REAL threat because they are too isolated and disorganized. They have no real power.

They ARE a threat - mental disease resulting from hopelessness and easy access to guns don't mix well.
These random shootings of unsuspecting citizens for no reason are just horrific.

Key infrastructure (communications, IT, road construction, electrical grid, sewer systems) are controlled by VERY loyal supporters of the U. S. government. They are very well paid and living comfortably. Now, if the dollar were to lose reserve status, or oil supplies got disrupted... then this place will go crazy.

They also need those Philippine wives or other womanly women to keep them loyal and government must take care of that.
You need more than just money to be happy and loyal. Money is only a part of picture and it cannot substitute everything else. Sure - it helps a lot but more is needed.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 01 Oct 2023, 05:24:30

theluckycountry wrote:Sweden Turns To Military For Help Amid Daily Shootings, Bombings In Migrant Gangland Chaos

In Poland Sweden is commonly referred as a Swedestan.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Sun 01 Oct 2023, 15:41:42

theluckycountry wrote:I have reached the conclusion that the US government is simply following the instructions given to it by Banking and corporate interests, which may or may not be US domiciled. There is no other explanation for the cultural, financial and moral suicide of the nation. Americans believe they control their own destiny but looking back over the past century or two even I see quite a different story.

That is very perceptive of the American mentality. I have heard some of the most outrageous things from people here, who should know better. They behave as if everything is guaranteed and no harm will come to them, no matter what they do.

The police work for me. They hate us for our freedoms. The American way of life is non-negotiable. I should be able to eat anywhere I please. This is the land of freedom and democracy. We had to destroy the village to save it. Innocence is no reason to overturn a conviction.

When you take life for granted, you can't help but become lazy, docile, submissive, yet entitled, pampered, and spoiled.

No one wants to take responsibility. In the United States, people think if they vote for their "leader" in the election, they will do ALL the work, take ALL the risk, and get the job done... while they sit back and enjoy the benefits.

It's why I think this whole arrangement will break down in the next few years. Maybe it's because women have taken over so much of the economy and society. I am not sure. But, things aren't working.

theluckycountry wrote:I see the nation as a tool being used to fight wars for other interests, WWII in Europe especially. All this talk about being the world police is true but it has not benefited the nation itself. It has bankrupt it. The culture, if you could call it that, is basically sports; movies and endless TV series, fast food, shopping malls, sickcare, military worship, hiphop and crime. Any other cultural elements were paved over after 1945. America was an experiment in freedom? An experiment in mass exploitation more likely.

Everything you mentioned is a part of the neo-liberalism agenda. It was a clever trick, developed in the United States, to convince people to blame themselves for the actions of the rich, the corporations, and the government.

No meaningful work? Watch TV/movies/sports, or go to the mall, or gamble, and get fat while doing it.
No health care? Use government insurance, with foreign doctors, limited beds, and awful food.
Need someone to blame to feel better? Let's attack that country over there or blame those poorer than you and lock 'em up and abuse them so you'll know there is someone less than you out there.

It's a great way to get the average person to blame themselves for income inequality, lower wages, unprovoked state violence, offshoring jobs, and handing the nation's infrastructure to foreigners and outside agents.

It is a very clever way to maintain control of the population without direct State violence against the majority of the public.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby mousepad » Sun 01 Oct 2023, 16:46:17

noobtube wrote:No meaningful work?

Typical victim attitude. What about making work for yourself? Starting a business?
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sun 01 Oct 2023, 17:30:28

I think like many subjects posted and discussed on this forum, the basic premise is way behind the reality of the times. To me the cities are already dead. Dead socially, spiritually, and financially for most. Already the maggots are purifying the corpse but until the sheet is pulled up over the head many will continue to not see a problem.

They are not a living entity as they were in my youth, they are garbage cans in reality, with people moving in small herds through them on their way to some form of entertainment or other, much like rats roaming over a refuse tip, carefully avoiding the broken glass and jagged tinplate. In my day we roamed the city, day or night, eating, watching street performances, seeing a movie, going to the pub, all in the same day. We felt safe there, at home there, it was exciting, Vibrant!

On the "America's latest War" thread, I posted about the book "The Fourth Turning". It's a great read and a useful asset in planning your future but the cycles that are exposed in it leave out one important point, one that perhaps the author's never uncovered? That is while our western capitalist civilization has cycled from good times to bad over the centuries, there comes a point where the cycles end, in Empire collapse. And there is another obvious cycle too, where after 2 or 3 strong empires have run their course consecutively we enter a period of darkage, where no empire or city state civilization exists, for hundreds of years.

I admit I don't spend a lot of time exploring these issues, but they are fascinating, and much more mentally stimulating than watching a football match or a reality TV show.
après moi le déluge
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Sun 01 Oct 2023, 18:52:39

EnergyUnlimited wrote:It is common knowledge here in Poland that Americans are being bankrupted by phony medical bills.

People on another continent know about America's incompetence?

Look like United States propaganda isn't what it used to be.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:But there is a hope - once they survive to certain age where government run medicare covers them they are mostly off-hook.
In our TV we had one time program where a makeshift dental care was organized by charity in tents and large ques of people were lining up to get teeth pulled out. These people were mostly middle aged White Americans who lost jobs and couldn't pay dental care.
Some couldn't even afford to pay for tooth extraction, while in pain. Charity doctors were helping for free.
Another trick to get free or cheap care is to report to hospital ER but such patients are often turned down due to excessive workload.

I saw a similar program, here. These are the rural people that love Trump. They are basically ignored by American society-at-large. The term for them is flyover country. Or, Hillary Clinton calls them the deplorables (Democrat) and Romney declared that 47 percent of the population is made up of people who believe they are "victims" and are "dependent on government.".

The clever trick the government uses to stop any internal threat is to pit one part of the population against the other. Both sides think the government sides with them, while one attacks the other. Meanwhile, the bankers, corporations, politicians, government servants and agents stay safe and comfortable amid the chaos.

"You can always hire one half of the poor to kill the other half."

EnergyUnlimited wrote:There is also salvation in Mexico - many Americans are going there to get hospital care or buy necessary drugs for their personal needs at 80-95% discount but US government it trying to make it as difficult as possible and increasingly illegal.

The government and corporations are closing all escape routes from BIG Pharma and the American Medical Association.

They WILL have their captured market of Americans.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:Government will also need to import Philippine wives for these privileged people or otherwise their loyalty is going to evaporate in no time at all and they will backbite too or save some money and go abroad (Passport bros).

When I go to the central business district, it is filled with young women. Many of them are showing off their assets and doing their best to draw attention. Not talking prostitutes (I don't think they are). Just lots of single women of all races (Indian, Chinese, Arab, Mexican, Filipino, white, black, multi-racial...). A few decades ago, you would never see so many unescorted, attractive, young women just walking around (or jogging half-naked).

Where did the men go? They are actually outnumbered amid the skyscrapers, theaters, restaurants, arenas, and shopping.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:They ARE a threat - mental disease resulting from hopelessness and easy access to guns don't mix well.
These random shootings of unsuspecting citizens for no reason are just horrific.

The corporations, the government, and the rich don't care about these mass killers because they NEVER target the police, sheriff, nor the FBI/DEA/ICE/ATF. These nutjobs always go after soft targets (churches, markets, schools, nightclub, theater, etc.).

Jan. 6, when they tried to take over the Capitol, they didn't bring guns or weapons, as far as I know.

Obama militarized the police because of Occupy Wall Street in 2011. The cops have the guns, the communications, the vehicles, and the organization to fight any internal threat they think is imminent against their power.

What is amazing is that the very same people who complain about government power, will be the biggest supporters of government violence (e.g. it's okay for a cop to kill an unarmed pregnant woman).

EnergyUnlimited wrote:They also need those Philippine wives or other womanly women to keep them loyal and government must take care of that.
You need more than just money to be happy and loyal. Money is only a part of picture and it cannot substitute everything else. Sure - it helps a lot but more is needed.

I agree absolutely that you need young, attractive, women to keep the men loyal. And, from what I am seeing, the government has that covered.

The millions of men who have been abandoned can't get the credit, the jobs, the resources to attract these women. They can't afford to use the passports or to attract the desirable immigrant women. So, they resort to the fantasy world of sports, games, guns, and porn.

But, if the government approves of you, the women are plentiful, available, and there to please you.

Didn't think it would get this weird here, but here we are.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Mon 02 Oct 2023, 02:27:37

mousepad wrote:
noobtube wrote:No meaningful work?

Typical victim attitude. What about making work for yourself? Starting a business?

This is the comment of an NPC (non-player character). Talking straight from the approved script.

Blame the victim? Check.
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps? Check.
Business is the answer to everything? Check.

Next thing you'll be talking about trickle-down economics, Back the Blue, Support Our Troops, and work smarter, not harder.

Do you have anything original to post?
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