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The Death of Cities

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 21:13:18

noobtube wrote: you won't talk about financial crime.

You are having a fantasy.

Back here in the real world I'm happy to talk about most anything, including financial matters.

I do draw the line at wasting time on crazy anti-semitic nonsense, however.

noobtube wrote: .... Zionist ..... pro-Israel....Zionist agenda.....Zionists

As I said, I draw the line at wasting time on crazy anti-semitic nonsense

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 21:53:13

Plantagenet wrote:
noobtube wrote: you won't talk about financial crime.

You are having a fantasy.

Back here in the real world I'm happy to talk about most anything, including financial matters.

I do draw the line at wasting time on crazy anti-semitic nonsense, however.

As I said, I draw the line at wasting time on crazy anti-semitic nonsense


Here goes the Holocaust-ers, the "Chosen People", the rules-dont-apply-to-me-types that are quick to bad-mouth Americans, screaming about crime that doesn't affect them. Why? So, these Israeli criminals can loot America for a foreign country.

How many times are you people going to ride that Holocaust crap? It's been more than 70 years now. Everyone of these clowns claims to be a Holocaust-survivor. No one plays the victim better than these Israelis. And, what the hell does that have to do with America?

So sick of hearing about "da Halacaust" from idiots that were born decades after the fact.

These clowns brought feminism, 65 different sexes, immigration, and de-industrialization (see Kissinger). Yes, I wish they would just leave my country alone.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 22:25:46

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 05:21:47

theluckycountry wrote:They can't do that job, anything under $1000 is a misdemeanor in the city now, like pissing on the sidewalk. If they prosecuted every misdemeanor they'd be up to their chins in paperwork while all the serious criminals ran riot. The root of the problem was that the DA's office was defunded, that's what it boils down too. They didn't have the time to process all the thefts so they lowered the bar so to speak to keep them out of the courts.

I read this thread with interest and all what I can tell to all you guys is that I am very glad to live in Poland.
For more than 10 years I was living in the UK and working for pharma there, earned enough of money to come back to my home country and settle with quiet, simple but comfortable and happy life here.
It looks like I have left UK *just* in time.

1. I live in nice quiet place where I can leave door of my home open and go away for few hours even during tourist season without worry that someone will steal something.

2. I have never seen drug addicts in derelict state while visiting a city. Odd drunkard on a pavement or few disorderly youth - yes but that's about it.

3. Homeless live in shelters, during summer they often travel and are a bit of nuisance (panhandling, staying overnight on rail station) but they can use shelter facility whenever they wish.
They are not sleeping in card boxes on a street and there are very few of them.

4. Cops are not murdering people for ignoring them or running away from them. Usual approach is to arrest them in such situation or let them go if nothing serious have happened. Gun can be used only against identified dangerous criminal on a run.
For threatening unarmed person with a gun cop will be suspended next day morning and disciplinary sucked few days or weeks later and lose his pension rights as a result.
Cop has a right to pension at the age of 45 or 50 but if disciplinary sucked he needs to find another job and work up to 65 as everyone else.

5. No pauperized ethnic minorities in city ghettos or elsewhere and refugees from 3rd World are not allowed in. Those clever enough to seep through a border are either deported (if we know from where they came) or quietly helped to go to Germany (if we don't).

6. Not a single terrorist attack resulting in casualties for last 50 years or so.

7. Cheap medical care. Tooth implant cost $ 800, hip replacement $ 6000-8000, cancer treatment (diagnostics, surgery and chemo/radiotherapy combined) - $ 5000-20000.
And if there is no hope they will let you die, not trick you to pay $ 2,000,000 just to live 3 months longer.
Monthly diabetes medication - $ 50-150.
So most of uninsured can pay it out of pocket without ending homeless on a street.

What I don't like is recent war drums beating about Ukraine but population is so hostile to idea of joining in that government would in all probabilities fail if tried. We will see.
Also feminism related cancer is a bit spreading but still contained.

But aside from that, how are police going to stake out a site which is already staked out by cunning thieves anyway? The sewer rats would simply move up the road a few miles and do the same crimes there. There are no solutions now Plant! Just the inexorable collapse into anarchy as was predicted.

Out of chaos freedom is born. :)
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 06:36:22

EnergyUnlimited wrote:I read this thread with interest and all what I can tell to all you guys is that I am very glad to live in Poland.
For more than 10 years I was living in the UK and working for pharma there...

And I'm glad I live in Australia. All nations have their problems but some are going straight down the rat hole and there is no hope for them. The people pretend to see hope, always the next election, then it will get better but it always gets worse. Funny thing is, when you're born in many of these places you have this faux patriotic thing going in your head. You still believe your nation is great even when all the evidence says otherwise. There are not that many patriots in Australia I'm happy to say, we don't fall for all that crap. I don't mean real patriotism, I mean the patriotism the government uses to manipulate and exploit the masses.

These men stood up to the patriotic lies, the blue collar workers. They are all but extinct now.
Most people today wouldn't even know what that banner means, and if they thought they did, it would be some "conspiracy theory" notion the media had planted in their supple minds.



They were sold down the river, long ago.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 12:44:16

EnergyUnlimited wrote:3. Homeless live in shelters, during summer they often travel and are a bit of nuisance (panhandling, staying overnight on rail station) but they can use shelter facility whenever they wish.
They are not sleeping in card boxes on a street and there are very few of them.

4. Cops are not murdering people for ignoring them or running away from them. Usual approach is to arrest them in such situation or let them go if nothing serious have happened. Gun can be used only against identified dangerous criminal on a run.
For threatening unarmed person with a gun cop will be suspended next day morning and disciplinary sucked few days or weeks later and lose his pension rights as a result.
Cop has a right to pension at the age of 45 or 50 but if disciplinary sucked he needs to find another job and work up to 65 as everyone else.

5. No pauperized ethnic minorities in city ghettos or elsewhere and refugees from 3rd World are not allowed in. Those clever enough to seep through a border are either deported (if we know from where they came) or quietly helped to go to Germany (if we don't).

So, it is possible for a national government to accomplish this.

You wouldn't know this listening to United States mass media, the politicians, and FIRE (finance/insurance/real estate) agents.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:7. Cheap medical care. Tooth implant cost $ 800, hip replacement $ 6000-8000, cancer treatment (diagnostics, surgery and chemo/radiotherapy combined) - $ 5000-20000.
And if there is no hope they will let you die, not trick you to pay $ 2,000,000 just to live 3 months longer.
Monthly diabetes medication - $ 50-150.
So most of uninsured can pay it out of pocket without ending homeless on a street.

This is upsetting. I've spent thousands upon thousands on medical care that just made my health worse.

Saw my mother get billed tens of thousands for medical "services" she didn't need.

These are the kinds of costs that can break a lifetime of savings. This is what Americans care about.

The government keeps claiming they can't keep costs down. No one talks about the American Medical Association working to increase costs while limiting care. But, at the same time squeeze the doctors, to pay the administrators and other bureaucrats, while restricting access to medical education and training.

This is a kitchen-table issue that Americans care about.

I actually fear what happens going to these United States hospitals. I live here and have heard so many horror stories and can relate from my mother's own experiences. Stay out of the hospital, was the lesson I learned.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 15:09:33

noobtube wrote:
Saw my mother get billed tens of thousands for medical "services" she didn't need. These are the kinds of costs that can break a lifetime of savings. This is what Americans care about.

And that's the problem right there, people lining up for medial treatments they don't need simply because some pharmaceutical marketing has convinced them otherwise. They collectively over-stress the system and this allows prices to rise so that only those with great means can afford the limited services available.

It's an old story, and until people take an active role their own health care it will only get worse.

How A Bone Disease Grew To Fit The Prescription

December 21, 2009
Osteopenia is different from osteoporosis. In fact, though Benghauser is extremely health conscious, she wasn't familiar with it. "I'd heard of osteoporosis before, but I'd never heard of osteopenia," she says... This is the story of how pills for osteopenia ended up in Benghauser's medicine cabinet, and in the medicine cabinets of millions of women like her all over the United States. But more broadly, it's the story of how the definition of what constitutes a disease evolves, and the role that drug companies can play in that evolution...

A Meeting, A Decision, A Disease

The meeting took place in Rome, in a small hotel at the top of the Spanish Steps. There in 1992, a group of osteoporosis experts gathered under the auspices of the World Health Organization. The meeting had been organized because professional opinion about how to diagnose and measure osteoporosis was all over the map. Doctors and researchers didn't even have a shared view of how osteoporosis should be defined... "Ultimately it was just a matter of, 'Well, it has to be drawn somewhere,' " Tosteson says. "And as I recall, it was very hot in the meeting room, and people were in shirt sleeves and, you know, it was time to kind of move on, if you will. And, I can't quite frankly remember who it was who stood up and drew the picture and said, 'Well, let's just do this.' "

So there in the hotel room someone literally stood up, drew a line through a graph depicting diminishing bone density and decreed: Every woman on one side of this line has a disease. Then a new question arose: How do you categorize the women who are just on the other side of that line?

To address this issue, Tosteson says, the experts — more or less off the cuff — decided to use the term osteopenia. Tosteson says they created the category mostly because they thought it might be useful for public health researchers who like clear categories for their studies. They never imagined, she says, that people would come to think of osteopenia as a disease in itself to be treated. ... escription

We don't have pharmaceutical marketing on TV in Australia, it's probably one of the leading factors in why health care costs are so low. Everyone knows marketing works to sell product but everyone thinks "they" are immune to it. That "They" are smarter than the average person and can see through to the truth. Never a more conceited thought entered the mind of modern man. Marketing has evolved for nearly 100 years, it's like a science in itself, and the drug companies spend an absolute fortune on it.

I regard myself as reasonably intelligent, I think I'm pretty street smart, perhaps? But I have no illusions about the ability of the media to influence my thinking and that is why I don't watch commercial TV. I don't own one in fact. No one can resist that relentless indoctrination.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 15:20:46

noobtube wrote:So, it is possible for a national government to accomplish this.

Of course.

Governments can't control everything and fix every problem, but they can institute smart policies that will tend to make things better rather then making things worse.

You can see this clearly right here in the USA.

For instance, the Biden administration opened the southern border two years ago, and illegal immigrants have been streaming into the USA since then. Then the Biden administration flies the immigrants to any city they want to go to and dumps them on the streets. This is clearly making things worse in cities across the USA. Its gotten to the point that large cities like New York are looking at paying billions of dollars to house and feed all the penniless illegal immigrants that Joe Biden and the Ds have decided to let flood into the USA through the southern border and then have dumped on the streets of our cities. Its a a very dumb policy, but its what our federal government is doing right now.

It's the same thing with every other problem.....goverments are capable of enacting smart policies that will tend to make things better rather than worse, but they also can enact dumb policies that make everything worse.......One of the most frustrating things about all the problems we see in cities, like high crimes rates and terrible schools, is that it is possible for governments to make improvements to these things but the people in large US cities today are locked into re-electing the same people who keep in place the exact same policies that made things bad in the first place.

The government is here to help you......

Never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to f#@% things up---Barack Obama
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 17:14:49

Well don't worry plant, the vice president is on the ball

Kamala Harris says hip-hop is ‘the ultimate American art form’ as she hosts a 50th anniversary party
“the ultimate American art form” that “shapes every aspect of America’s popular culture.” “Hip-hop culture is American culture,” she told the crowd. ... ary-party/

Meanwhile in other news...
New Mexico Governor Suspends Constitutional Gun Rights For Law-Abiding Citizens In Albuquerque ... aw-abiding


Albuquerque city, New Mexico:
Population demographic
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, 37%
Hispanic or Latino, 50%

Guess who won't be following the Governor's order?
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 17:59:43

theluckycountry wrote:
noobtube wrote:
Saw my mother get billed tens of thousands for medical "services" she didn't need. These are the kinds of costs that can break a lifetime of savings. This is what Americans care about.

And that's the problem right there, people lining up for medial treatments they don't need simply because some pharmaceutical marketing has convinced them otherwise. They collectively over-stress the system and this allows prices to rise so that only those with great means can afford the limited services available.

It's an old story, and until people take an active role their own health care it will only get worse.

My mother was in crisis. I knew she had cancer. Got an ambulance to take her to the hospital (big mistake). They kept her overnight and said she needed a pacemaker. Another family member was her medical power of attorney. He didn't know much about her cancer, and I could only offer vague descriptions. The hospital and doctor kept calling us over and over about that pacemaker. Left a lot of messages on the phone. Kept confronting both of us at the hospital. All the while, they never mentioned cancer. This was over several days. Finally, without permission, they assembled an operating team and called my family member saying they were ready to go (not that she needed it). Finally, he gave in to their demands.

Almost a year later, found out the pacemaker solved nothing. But, they got paid $65,000 for it.

I already didn't trust doctors, but that showed me they are no better than a used-car salesman.

theluckycountry wrote:How A Bone Disease Grew To Fit The Prescription

We don't have pharmaceutical marketing on TV in Australia, it's probably one of the leading factors in why health care costs are so low. Everyone knows marketing works to sell product but everyone thinks "they" are immune to it. That "They" are smarter than the average person and can see through to the truth. Never a more conceited thought entered the mind of modern man. Marketing has evolved for nearly 100 years, it's like a science in itself, and the drug companies spend an absolute fortune on it.

Big Pharma is yet another scam. Was prescribed Ciprofloxacin for tooth pain. Must have had 30 pills in it. It was the most miserable experience I ever had taking medicine. Constant headaches, numbness, joint pain, upset stomach, for 3 days until I gave up on it. Later found out Doctors get paid for prescribing this garbage and that cipro has a notorious reputation for harm. I tell anyone who will listen, avoid ciproflaxin like the plague.

theluckycountry wrote:I regard myself as reasonably intelligent, I think I'm pretty street smart, perhaps? But I have no illusions about the ability of the media to influence my thinking and that is why I don't watch commercial TV. I don't own one in fact. No one can resist that relentless indoctrination.

The mass media is just one big propaganda factory. It is United States case law that the media has ZERO obligation to tell the truth, report facts, or verify anything they "report" to the public.

Everything in the United States is one BIG LIE. Doctors, cops, lawyers, the media... none of the "authorities" ever tells the truth.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 18:13:26

Plantagenet wrote:It's the same thing with every other problem.....goverments are capable of enacting smart policies that will tend to make things better rather than worse, but they also can enact dumb policies that make everything worse.......One of the most frustrating things about all the problems we see in cities, like high crimes rates and terrible schools, is that it is possible for governments to make improvements to these things but the people in large US cities today are locked into re-electing the same people who keep in place the exact same policies that made things bad in the first place.


The American people want good outcomes. The problem is that the only people that can get elected and pay these HUGE election costs, have already been bought and paid for by the corporations, the banks, and the institutions.

Supposed "high-crime" sells police "services" with lawyers, judges, bail bondsman, bailiffs, court reporters, jailers, commissary, administrative staff, suppliers, vehicle sales, and on and on. Plus, the media gets people to watch, or read the latest "high-crime" stories which sells advertising and makes people feel better about their miserable lives (debt, bills, pointless job, grinding routine).

Schools are another gravy train for poor outcomes. Teachers, administrators, insurance companies, unions, textbook makers, and let's not forget about sports.

Teachers and cops have the strongest unions in the nation and yet they don't produce safe streets nor high-quality graduates. It's almost as if they are connected, somehow.

It's bad in the cities, the suburbs, the rural areas. It's bad all over.

Eventually, people are going to see politicians will never solve the problems, because their donors don't want it "solved." At that point, America will explode.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 18:33:51

noobtube wrote:
Saw my mother get billed tens of thousands for medical "services" she didn't need... My mother was in crisis. I knew she had cancer. Got an ambulance to take her to the hospital (big mistake). They kept her overnight and said she needed a pacemaker. Everything in the United States is one BIG LIE. Doctors, cops, lawyers, the media

Yes, I went through the same thing with my father 15 odd years ago. He did a home liver cleanse and somehow screwed it up, constipated from memory? Then he went to the doctor, first mistake, and the doc checked his heart and it was erratic. Turns out that was a side-effect from a Ventolin inhaler he'd been misdiagnosed into using a year earlier.

The doctor insisted he go to the hospital and there, beside the bed, I watched the nurse take the inhaler and literally toss it saying "that's no good for you, that makes your heart race" Pacemakers were what they were marketing big time back then. Dad got the pacemaker and an infection in his chest and heart because of it and nearly died. He was never the same after, lost all his strength and just faded away. It was free though, most hospitals here are free, as are ambulances.

I do that same liver cleanse every 6 months or so and it's fine. Olive oil and Epsom salts. In the beginning I was a bit skeptical about drinking a tablespoon or so of it so I did some research. It turns out Epsom salts (Magnesium Sulfate) has very little "medical" usage, the only thing I discovered was that surgeons inject it intravenously to relax muscles before operations. I though to myself, they inject it! Well it can't be harmful to drink then.

Research "apricot kernels and cancer" noobtube
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 18:40:08

noobtube wrote:
The American people want good outcomes. The problem is that the only people that can get elected and pay these HUGE election costs, have already been bought and paid for by the corporations, the banks, and the institutions.

Don't waste your breath, plant considers all that "conspiracy theory" She thinks that once the democrats are out of office all will be well again, America will be fixed. It's what I call Political derangement syndrome, much of the nation suffers from it.

Jay & the Americans - Only in America - Feb. 2, 1965

Revised Lyrics

Only in America ♪ ♬ ♫, can a guy whose worked all his life, go to sleep a millionaire, and wake up in finan-cial strife.

Only in America, can a kid with just a knife, get a break and maybe, get convicted for 25-to-life

Only in America ♪ ♬ ♫, land of opportunity... could a classy girl like you, fall into drugs and porn-og-raphy.

Only in America... can a kid whose stealing cars... end up a murderer, with life be-hind bars.

Only in America, could a dream like this come true, could a guy like me, start with nothing, and end up with mountains of debt ac-crued.

Only in the good ol USA ♪ ♬ ♫, can all this happen to you, can you be car jacked, and see your wife♪ raped♬ too♫
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 19:18:43

theluckycountry wrote: plant .... Political derangement syndrome......

Sorry, but it is you that seems to be suffering from derangement syndrome.....everything you just made up and posted about me.....from my gender to my political views.... is totally wrong. 8) :roll: :P


theluckycountry wrote:
Revised Lyrics

Only in America ♪ ♬ ♫, can a guy whose worked all his life, go to sleep a millionaire, and wake up in finan-cial strife.

Only in America, can a kid with just a knife, get a break and maybe, get convicted for 25-to-life

Only in America ♪ ♬ ♫, land of opportunity... could a classy girl like you, fall into drugs and porn-og-raphy.

Only in America... can a kid whose stealing cars... end up a murderer, with life be-hind bars.

Only in America, could a dream like this come true, could a guy like me, start with nothing, and end up with mountains of debt ac-crued.

Only in the good ol USA ♪ ♬ ♫, can all this happen to you, can you be car jacked, and see your wife♪ raped♬ too♫

Now that was funny.

I hope you will be able to overcome your catty feminine side more often in the future. You are wasting your talents making up and posting stupid lies about other can be very funny when you make jokes about the subjects under discussion.

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 20:09:56

so you're not a woman Plant? Not even a trans woman?
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 09 Sep 2023, 20:57:40

theluckycountry wrote: woman .... trans woman....


Now would you please answer a question for me?

Why are you a fan of Putin and why do you support the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Are you of Russian ethnic background so you support Russia out of ethnic pride?

Or perhaps you are a member of the teeny tiny Communist Party of Australia (Marxist Leninist) and you follow the official CPA party line that Russia has a right to invade and intervene in all former Warsaw Pact nations?

Or is it possible your Australian story isn't true at all?

Just wondering.

I've been to Australia a couple of times and I got to know some Australian scientists quite well but I've never met or even heard of anyone in Australia who even in the slightest supported Russia's right to invade and kill people in neighboring countries. Every Australian I've ever met had pretty conventional "western" political views. Most were extremely wary of China and concerned that China would invade its neighboring countries and even eventually invade Australia , so I would assume the same attitude would apply to China's little brother Russia and to Russia's invasions of neighboring countries. Of course Australia is a very big place with room for every imaginable point of view, but your views do seem quite unusual for an Australian.

Please explain...what exactly is the origin of your supporter Putin and his invasion of Ukraine in a crazy attempt to recreate the ghastly Soviet Empire?

So Australians generally don't support Putin's right to invade and kill people people in neighboring countries???........I thought not.....

Thanks in advance for your answer, luckycoun.

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Sun 10 Sep 2023, 02:20:43

theluckycountry wrote:Yes, I went through the same thing with my father 15 odd years ago. He did a home liver cleanse and somehow screwed it up, constipated from memory? Then he went to the doctor, first mistake, and the doc checked his heart and it was erratic. Turns out that was a side-effect from a Ventolin inhaler he'd been misdiagnosed into using a year earlier.

The doctor insisted he go to the hospital and there, beside the bed, I watched the nurse take the inhaler and literally toss it saying "that's no good for you, that makes your heart race" Pacemakers were what they were marketing big time back then. Dad got the pacemaker and an infection in his chest and heart because of it and nearly died. He was never the same after, lost all his strength and just faded away.

On the other side of the planet, and they do the same thing. If I didn't know better, it would almost look like a conspiracy. Nah! Hospitals would never do that.

theluckycountry wrote:It was free though, most hospitals here are free, as are ambulances.

Sounds almost like a land of unicorns and leprechauns.

theluckycountry wrote:I do that same liver cleanse every 6 months or so and it's fine. Olive oil and Epsom salts. In the beginning I was a bit skeptical about drinking a tablespoon or so of it so I did some research. It turns out Epsom salts (Magnesium Sulfate) has very little "medical" usage, the only thing I discovered was that surgeons inject it intravenously to relax muscles before operations. I though to myself, they inject it! Well it can't be harmful to drink then.

Research "apricot kernels and cancer" noobtube

Will look into it. thanks! I would do anything to stay out of the United States hospital system.

theluckycountry wrote:Revised Lyrics
Only in America ♪ ♬ ♫, can a guy whose worked all his life, go to sleep a millionaire, and wake up in finan-cial strife.

Only in America, can a kid with just a knife, get a break and maybe, get convicted for 25-to-life

Only in America ♪ ♬ ♫, land of opportunity... could a classy girl like you, fall into drugs and porn-og-raphy.

Only in America... can a kid whose stealing cars... end up a murderer, with life be-hind bars.

Only in America, could a dream like this come true, could a guy like me, start with nothing, and end up with mountains of debt ac-crued.

Only in the good ol USA ♪ ♬ ♫, can all this happen to you, can you be car jacked, and see your wife♪ raped♬ too♫

This would probably sell with the right voice.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 10 Sep 2023, 05:08:34

Many interesting posts above.
Cannot comment individually (just no time) but few points are below:

1. Why Democrats are admitting millions of LA refugees?
- They want to build electorate and consolidate power based on support of impoverished masses (aka Argentina, Bolivia etc), though interestingly many Latinos are increasingly voting Republicans, so it may backfire.

2. Who on the West has acceptable future, who does not?
- I agree Australia does, NZ as well. Reasonable migration policies.
- US might possibly manage, with a lot of struggle, abolishing ideas like gender and psychotic migration policies followed by adaptation to new realities where Whites will no longer be a majority it is still possible.
It all depends on Latinos - are they upgrade-able to Fist World or will they pull everything down to Third World?
- Western Europe is intractable clusterfuck - what is in store is decay into gangs run small fiefdoms, replacement of local culture with Islam. Of course we will still have places called France, Germany, Sweden or Netherlands/Holland but they will not even remotedly resemble something we are used to.
- Poland - if we don't join war in Ukraine and leave EU in next 5-10 years (and momentum for that is growing up), we should be fine. Otherwise - clusterfuck like in Germany or France.

3. Medical.
There are complains about high expenses of medical care.
Below I have enclosed price list of one of our larger private medical insurers. They own network of commercial hospitals (there are many other private clinics too - it is just off hand example). You do not need to be insured with them, you may just come and pay and they won't charge you more because you are American or whoever else.
There is a very wide range of procedures available at reasonable prices, 90%+ of commercially operating doctors are white, most with PhD and long practice. The same hold true with nurses.
For example installation of peacemaker can cost something like $ 2000 + cost of peacemaker ($ 2000 - 10000, depending which model you want - products of all reputable manufacturers are available).
You will need Google translator or something alike to read this price list, it is in Polish.
1 USD = 4.3 PLN

1. It is next to impossible to sue a doctor in Poland unless there was a gross fuck-up but these are rare and happening mostly in public hospitals available for general population. Junior doctors are training there (and there must be a time when someone is doing his first unsupervised operation after all...).
Most of claims are dismissed in courts on a ground that you was accepting a risk which was explained to you.
You will sign certain forms that you was explained certain risks and you are accepting them.

2. Any compensation if awarded would be meaningless ($ few thousands usually, maybe $ 20-80 thousands if you are crippled for life).
I remember a case of Swedish woman who was refused any compensation at all after liposuction fuck-up, got sepsis and ended up with brain damage.
But she had diabetes and hidden it during consultation (failed to mark appropriate box on the form). Also medicated herself upon arrival so standard blood test have shown nothing worrying.
She was arguing in courts that form was in English and they should give her form in Swedish because she is from Sweden etc, but it was dismissed.
Last edited by EnergyUnlimited on Sun 10 Sep 2023, 05:16:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sun 10 Sep 2023, 05:10:54

Plantagenet wrote:Now would you please answer a question for me?

Why are you a fan of Putin and why do you support the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Are you of Russian ethnic background so you support Russia out of ethnic pride?

No, I'm of Irish decent, but I know that the US started this war by bring NATO to Russia's borders and by enabling the ukraine Nazis' to conduct a genocidal war against the Russian speaking peoples in the donbass. All this is recorded history but it's not on TV so the average Ukrainan fanboy knows nothing of it. Personally I couldn't care less what happens up there in the northern hemisphere but I'm a realist and tell it how it is.

Trying to fight a rising nuclear power like the new Russia is an insane act, and totally hypocritical in the light of America's endless wars of aggression across the world. If Russia was wiped off the map tomorrow I'd probably feel a little remorse because they are a unique culture and the people decent for the most part. If America though was wiped off the map though I'd probably order pizza. It's culture is homosexuality, men in dresses, Negroid and Latin crime, and Gilligans Island
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Sun 10 Sep 2023, 05:25:09

theluckycountry wrote:Trying to fight a rising nuclear power like the new Russia is an insane act, and totally hypocritical in the light of America's endless wars of aggression across the world.

I agree.
If Russia was wiped off the map tomorrow I'd probably feel a little remorse because they are a unique culture and the people decent for the most part. If America though was wiped off the map though I'd probably order pizza. It's culture is homosexuality, men in dresses, Negroid and Latin crime, and Gilligans Island

In reality they would be both wiped out and any pizza you might be able to order would likely be radioactive. :-D
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