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The Death of Cities

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 07 Sep 2023, 13:31:16

mousepad wrote:
EnergyUnlimited wrote: that Black culture also has something valuable to offer

hahahaha, good one, I have to admit.

You have to hold somehow all ethnic groups together and make them part of society to have peace.
Alternative will looks like that:

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 07 Sep 2023, 14:31:59

noobtube wrote:
Let's be realistic, and not believe the fairy tales in the Washington propaganda of the state-run media.

The top 8 issues for Americans is...
1) The economy - How can I pay my bills?
2) Health care - How can I stay healthy?
3) Gun violence - How can I not get shot (mostly by suicide)?
4) Education - How can my children learn?
5) Climate change - How can I look hip to my friends?
6) Immigration - Why are there so many foreigners here?
7) Race and social justice - Why do cops kill and jail so many poor people?
8) Political polarization - Why doesn't everyone agree with me?

I am foreigner but I will try to guess answers of average Joe up to best of my understanding:

Re 1) I will max out my credit card and get a new one.
Re 2) Who cares? I have insurance from my employer. Doctors know what to do
Re 3) The only way is to get bigger guns and more of them. Automatic ones are the best and loads of ammo.
Re 4) They will get student loan and pay it back over rest of remaining life.
Re 5) I will buy most powerful and sophisticated air conditioning installation in my area.
Re 6) Because I need cheap babysitter and a handy man to do some repairs.
Re 7) To keep them out of my backyard.
Re 8) My friends do and all who don't I hate.

Obviously this attitude is leading to ruin of all but that is how most of general public sees it.

Street crime is a made-up distraction to keep Americans from talking about inflation, jobs, high gas prices, and poor wages.

Personally I see street violence as a consequence of answers (Re 1 - Re 8) to questions you are asking.

As much as the media screams about street crime, you would think nothing else is happening here. But, that keeps everyone distracted from the looting operation taking place by the Israelis. You can't get a loan without their approval. How did they take over my country?

I am trying to be philosophical about function of Jews in human ecosystem.

In healthy societies they have some useful niche activities which need to be done but no one else want to touch them (eg banking in traditional Christian culture 250 years ago and more).
In terminally ill societies their function is to dismantle their fabric, grab all their remaining resources and once everything goes really bad and there is nothing more to milk - then move away to some other place.
They are making money on shorts.

So Jews are liquidators of decadent and useless. They are feeding on corpses of already dead societies.
Once your soul is dead but body still lives then Jew will come and kill that body as well.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 07 Sep 2023, 16:32:27

I started this thread and I feel protective towards it and I'd like to keep these interesting conversations about the Death of Cities going without this thread being diverted off to cloud cuckoo land.

I have two simple requests to make of people who post in this thread.

(1) Please stop posting the crazy anti-semitic stuff......If you've got that particular brain disease in your head, then start your own thread and post that nonsense there.


(2) Please stop posting crazy claims that stealing and violent crimes aren't problems in US cities today......

It really kills the discussion when we get diverted by utter nonsense like that.


Thank you.

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Thu 07 Sep 2023, 17:23:14

EnergyUnlimited wrote:I am foreigner but I will try to guess answers of average Joe up to best of my understanding:

Re 1) I will max out my credit card and get a new one.
Re 2) Who cares? I have insurance from my employer. Doctors know what to do
Re 3) The only way is to get bigger guns and more of them. Automatic ones are the best and loads of ammo.
Re 4) They will get student loan and pay it back over rest of remaining life.
Re 5) I will buy most powerful and sophisticated air conditioning installation in my area.
Re 6) Because I need cheap babysitter and a handy man to do some repairs.
Re 7) To keep them out of my backyard.
Re 8) My friends do and all who don't I hate.

Obviously this attitude is leading to ruin of all but that is how most of general public sees it.

I like your answers better than mine.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:I am trying to be philosophical about function of Jews in human ecosystem.

In healthy societies they have some useful niche activities which need to be done but no one else want to touch them (eg banking in traditional Christian culture 250 years ago and more).
In terminally ill societies their function is to dismantle their fabric, grab all their remaining resources and once everything goes really bad and there is nothing more to milk - then move away to some other place.
They are making money on shorts.

So Jews are liquidators of decadent and useless. They are feeding on corpses of already dead societies.
Once your soul is dead but body still lives then Jew will come and kill that body as well.

But, see, that is why America could be in far worse shape than it may seem on the surface.

Countries and societies all across the planet have been criticized. But, as soon as those Israelis have to answer, here comes the victim-hood and labels and accusations.

Exhibit #1.

Plantagenet wrote:I started this thread and I feel protective towards it and I'd like to keep these interesting conversations about the Death of Cities going without this thread being diverted off to cloud cuckoo land.

I have two simple requests to make of people who post in this thread.

(1) Please stop posting the crazy anti-semitic stuff......If you've got that particular brain disease in your head, then start your own thread and post that nonsense there.


(2) Please stop posting crazy claims that stealing and violent crimes aren't problems in US cities today......
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 07 Sep 2023, 18:56:04

Plantagenet wrote:I started this thread and I feel protective towards it and I'd like to keep these interesting conversations about the Death of Cities going without this thread being diverted off to cloud cuckoo land.

Fair enough too plant, but can do me a favor? When you post pix use the Bing image search and select "medium" so as the photos and gifs don't overwhelm the pages. You can't see half of these anyway as they don't fit.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 07 Sep 2023, 19:17:10

Now this seems trivial but bear with me.

Wyoming Mayor Says ‘Third-World Stuff’ Happening in City Overrun With Homeless People

A city in Wyoming has been overwhelmed with a growing number of homeless people, who have damaged a local hotel that would require millions of dollars to fix and left hundreds of pounds of human feces in the downtown area, according to its mayor.
Casper Mayor Bruce Knell, in an interview with local news media Cowboy State Daily published on Aug. 31, said the city’s homeless population had topped about 200 people, creating “a mess” as they roam the city’s parks and streets... Casper is Wyoming’s second most populous city, with a population of nearly 60,000, second behind the state’s capital, Cheyenne.

Many homeless people loiter in the city's downtown area, the mayor added, leaving behind about 500 pounds of human feces that city staffers cleaned up. The loiterers have occupied parks and bike paths, while others choose to sleep in their cars ... =ZeroHedge

So a small town basically, yet the detritus is moving in, from where? The piece doesn't say but I'd have to assume larger cities. This sounds like the "Golden Hoard", or the "Zombie Apocalypse" that many prepper/ survivalist types have been talking about for years. It's a disturbing trend for sure and things aren't even 'that bad' yet. Can you imagine a veritable flood of hungry and desperate city dwellers moving out into rural areas, this is the beginning of it.

A lot of these homeless are traveling in cars and I don't think they are the total deadbeats we imagine them as. I have watched videos about middle-class people who were made redundant from well paying jobs and after 40 years of faithful service and normal life suddenly find themselves on the street, literally. This is the breakdown of the social contract, this is Great Depression II underway as I have read. But unlike it's predecessor in the 1930's it's not being announced, it's a stealth depression. The markets are artificially buoyed yet the wealth is gone for many, the life savings too.

These people have no extended unemployment payments to fall back on as in previous decades (before Clinton) and the government retirement social security pension is a joke and will be inflated away more and more as prices for food and accommodation escalate. The death of the cities is the death of the rural in many ways
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 04:02:13

noobtube wrote:Countries and societies all across the planet have been criticized. But, as soon as those Israelis have to answer, here comes the victim-hood and labels and accusations.

There are few reasons of that and combination of factors apply.

1. Between woke people Jews are seen as significant victim warrantying large degree of protection.
It is not easy to get more protection in woke culture, albeit if you are both black, homosexual, drug addict and HIV positive you might try.

2. Those who are ruling you should be revered and not criticized.

3. There are religious reasons.
There is a branch of American Protestants formed in XVIII-XIX century which came with new interpretation of Bible. There are millions of them and they are a significant fraction of all American Protestants.
Believes of these people are based on the premise that GOD DOES NOT CHANGE HIS MIND as doing so would be an admission of mistake and God does not make mistakes.
So Jews are still God chosen people and all others are a bit lower ranking. They still are creations of God but somewhat imperfect.
As a consequence of that Jews need to be obeyed and promoted and rising your hand on Jew is actually a rising your hand on God himself and will cause wrath of God.
I believe that Donald Trump is an example of American holding these types of believes, though in top American elites they are very common. ... sh-people/
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 05:18:33

theluckycountry wrote:So a small town basically, yet the detritus is moving in, from where? The piece doesn't say but I'd have to assume larger cities. This sounds like the "Golden Hoard", or the "Zombie Apocalypse" that many prepper/ survivalist types have been talking about for years. It's a disturbing trend for sure and things aren't even 'that bad' yet. Can you imagine a veritable flood of hungry and desperate city dwellers moving out into rural areas, this is the beginning of it.

A lot of these homeless are traveling in cars and I don't think they are the total deadbeats we imagine them as. I have watched videos about middle-class people who were made redundant from well paying jobs and after 40 years of faithful service and normal life suddenly find themselves on the street, literally. This is the breakdown of the social contract, this is Great Depression II underway as I have read. But unlike it's predecessor in the 1930's it's not being announced, it's a stealth depression. The markets are artificially buoyed yet the wealth is gone for many, the life savings too.

Second part of your reasoning is correct - most of them are not zombies erupting from failed cities but people from working class whose jobs were destroyed by bankruptcies of major local employers, outsourcing to China, India and Bangladesh etc.
You only wait what will happen once AI is firmly established on job market.
Upon arrival of Chat GPT-6 doctors, lawyers, engineers and all sort of paper shufflers will end up very much like Appalachian miners or car makers from Detroit did.
They will also end up thrown away from homes following loss of jobs to AI and few subsequent mortgage slips.
Their homes are going to be left empty to rot because no one will have money to buy them.
Sheriff will force them out at gunpoint to leave and they will sleep on a pavement while their home is declared to be bank property and left empty to rot. No one will buy it anyway.
Blue collars are already there, but don't be mistaken - white collars will follow.

These people have no extended unemployment payments to fall back on as in previous decades (before Clinton) and the government retirement social security pension is a joke and will be inflated away more and more as prices for food and accommodation escalate. The death of the cities is the death of the rural in many ways

Long term unemployment payments are demoralizing to everyone and are to be avoided at all cost, particularly in Western economies which are crumbling and cannot afford them anyway.

Real issue is that 90% of people are far too stupid to make intelligent financial decisions and education system together with consumer mass culture is nurturing this stupidity further and makes problems intractable.
There is a solution though - at least a partial one.
These were banks who have lent money to stupid people incapable of doing a simple math and basic reasoning.
So one can argue that loans were given without due risk assessment and banks are responsible for a mess because they were acting recklessly.
OTOH we all know that these banks are already bankrupt because any bank who got bailout in 2008-2010 in reality is a bankrupt bank who got money stolen by government from general population and now exist as a zombie entity.

So lets kill these zombies.
Liquidate bankrupt banks, remove their shares from stock market to prevent someone whose name is not to be spelled from buying all of them for $1 and later making claim on collateral, eg millions of indebted homes, companies, farms and estates.
Value of these shares is fake anyway and they should not exist in current circulation - their very existence is a product of government fraudulent bailout acts.
So lets cancel them. Cut of cancer out of economy.
At this point loads of debts will just disappear because a counter party will no longer exist.
That will give a second chance to troubled population and businesses to put things right.
Lets hope that they will make wise decisions this time... or else!
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 07:33:22

I keep going back to that Deagel forecast of America's population collapsing to 100 million. If you collapsed the banking sector and SS you'd be there in a matter of months.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 08:09:40

theluckycountry wrote:I keep going back to that Deagel forecast of America's population collapsing to 100 million. If you collapsed the banking sector and SS you'd be there in a matter of months.

Mother Nature will still collapse them at some point to the same outcome.
Long term continuation is not tenable though few better run banks will probably survive so there won't be a "no credit at all" situation.
Perhaps collapsing military and expenses of maintaining it would allow to keep twice as many as you say and population reduction would commence mostly through fertility collapse and die off of weak and sick rather than through "zombie apocalypse"?
After all there is not much to steal around a world any more and whatever is left have strong protectors who would likely go to nuclear war to keep it out of American hands.
So military is no longer bringing expected revenue and does not justify so large government investment.
It needs slimming down.
Of course arms manufacturers could carry their business on as long as someone abroad would like to pay for their goodies.

The bill for running war in Ukraine is officially in range of $ 70 billions and this is only a small fraction of American military/war expenses. ... six-charts
In reality due to creative accounting this bills are more likely to be few times as large for Ukraine alone and are amounting to $ few trillions per year...
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 09:45:42

EnergyUnlimited wrote:

There is no duty to stand in in front of car of aggravated person, particularly in a country where ~1/4 of population has mental problems.
Such behavior address nothing and brings further risks of conflict.

Yes there is, Serve and Protect. It is precisely because she was having mental issues she should not have been driving. She was a danger to herself and all others.


...and this is not a reason for summary street execution.

It was not a summary street execution in any means. The cop shot at the woman through a car window as she was driving into him. It was a necessary means of stopping her from injuring others.


That is obvious nonsense.
You don't know alternative futures so you cannot be <<sure>> about anything in this respect.
Your position on this is not tenable.

Calling my logic "nonsense" is a rhetorical tactic used when you run out of good arguments. Thanks for the acknowledgement.


For first two - these are obviously not reasons for summary street execution and as per third point - officer have positioned himself in a dumb way or alternatively was attempting to stir a conflict.
OTOH murdered lady have taken active steps to evade him rather than hit him - by turning right while driving off.
He was standing on the left front corner of vehicle
You may watch video if in doubt and also read reported comments.
Cop was not at risk of meaningful injury and statements to the contrary are fabrications intended to excuse him.

If charged a jury of his peers will assess the entire situation and make judgement upon the evidence submitted.

See this is where YOU are doing the equivalent of a "summary execution" by judging the man on the spot without full knowledge of the circumstances and proclaiming him guilty. In short you object to your own behavior.


But a cop who is still alive could do it even better. All what was needed is to report an incident and base on camera recordings arrest a suspect at home rather than proceeding with street execution.

I already addressed this, no point reiterating the points already rebutted.


But base on what have happened few days ago with that lady or 2 years ago with G. Floyd or what happens every few days but is not so widely reported they are obviously NOT getting it.

So it seems that your cities (including police stations) will need to carry on burning, tens of thousands of businesses need ransacking, all until few cretins in your government and Supreme Court learn that current approach is obsolete and yes, it will lead to ruin of all if not addressed swiftly enough.
But let it be - defunct societies have to learn many things in a hard way.

Again, job of police is to arrest a suspect and certainly not to make aggravated street show cases leading to shootouts and street executions.

Not worthy of comment, a simple rant.


Well, what I can say...
Great job!
Yes, armed robber should be jailed and if he killed someone - then executed.
No doubt about it - at least IMO.
I would neither fret about police shooting armed robber caught in the act and resisting arrest. In such case violence of police would be adequate to situation

But here we had a pregnant lady suspected of stealing a bottle of booze, not an armed robber.

She was armed with her car.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 10:00:14

As a person who has worked and lived in a major US city I personally feel the cities are deteriorating. When you look closely one can see that the inhabitants are trying to improve the situation, but their efforts are not supported. And often government tries but fails due to unintended consequences.

It seems fashionable to slam US cities but that does not help. That is just slathering on guilt, which helps no one. The question to always ask is "What do I do tomrrow?" And to do that you need to understand both the past but also how to motivate people to do better. I will skip the very long list of improvements I would make, I have done it before.

The problem is people are people, we are greedy and short sighted, each and every one to his own degree. This has set us in a very bad situation which I fear will only get worse as resource shortages and climatic change intensify. Humanity has not yet grasped the depth of the problem. Going forward I suspect there is little we can do to stop the carnage and despair. But we can work to improve the situation for our immediate loved ones. And we can attempt to not be part of the problem, it does not help to whip beleaguered people be they drug addicts, mentally disabled or those we charge with keeping them inline. None of them have enviable lives. It seems trite to say but maybe the best we can do is extend some sympathy and empathy and a helping hand when we can.

As for the above situation clearly the lady was a person in trouble, indications are she needed treatment for herself and her unborn child. You don't find that treatment in a liquor store. No-one called Social Services to deal with her, although that would have been reasonable, society does not support that service and (when it was tried) the social workers refused to go and put themselves in harms way. So it falls to the cop. Of all the things I know I am certain that it is extraordinarly uncommon for someone to wake up in the morning and say to himself "Today would be a good day to kill someone." He is put in a situation and he may or may not have handled it well. How many of us have made mistakes at work? How many of us face years of jail time if we make a mistake? But he was in that situation because of societies failures, these are our failures collectively.

No easy answers here, lots of hard questions. And a long, long hard road to travel.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 11:38:41

Newfie wrote:As for the above situation clearly the lady was a person in trouble, indications are she needed treatment for herself and her unborn child. You don't find that treatment in a liquor store.

But she and her unborn child have found good treatment in form of lead tablet from police officer.
Calling my logic "nonsense" is a rhetorical tactic used when you run out of good arguments. Thanks for the acknowledgement.

I understand that your logic is that you actually do know alternative futures and there are no good arguments to demonstrate otherwise.
See this is where YOU are doing the equivalent of a "summary execution" by judging the man on the spot without full knowledge of the circumstances and proclaiming him guilty. In short you object to your own behavior.

Very much like he assessed said lady to be "unsafe" as you suggest.
And he made her and her child safe.
But don't you worry. Once BLM have started making cops safe they will surely think twice before doing something stupid.
Coming soon in a theater near you!

How many of us have made mistakes at work? How many of us face years of jail time if we make a mistake?

I understand that if one day government agent have shot you dead, it would be... well... mistake.
He would need to fill a form and come back to his work.

But he was in that situation because of societies failures, these are our failures collectively.

In said situation it was an individual failure - of cop involved.

Otherwise any loon who went on school shootout would have a valid defense:
"it is society failure, not my! I am a victim!!!"
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 12:08:53

Newfie wrote:She was armed with her car.

This is such an enraging comment, I had to do a search on it.

This is what I found...

State Police: Woman Fatally Shot By Dearborn Cop Was 'Armed' With Her Car

Cops used that excuse 'armed with her car' to murder women in Ohio, Colorado, Michigan

Meanwhile, you had a mass shooting in each of those states (Ethan Crumbley killing his classmates, Columbine/Dark Knight, Connor Stephen Betts killed 9/injured 27 in Dayton).

Yet, magically the cops never seem bold enough to stop REAL, ACTUAL, ARMED threats. El Paso (23) & Uvalde (21), Texas, Buffalo, New York (10), Las Vegas, Nevada (60). 114 dead in 4 incidents from gun violence. Not 1 cop injured. Where were the cops then? Staying safe like the punks they are. Cops are dirty, filthy cowards.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 13:00:53

EnergyUnlimited wrote:2. Those who are ruling you should be revered and not criticized.

Makes sense.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:3. There are religious reasons.
There is a branch of American Protestants formed in XVIII-XIX century which came with new interpretation of Bible. There are millions of them and they are a significant fraction of all American Protestants.
Believes of these people are based on the premise that GOD DOES NOT CHANGE HIS MIND as doing so would be an admission of mistake and God does not make mistakes.
So Jews are still God chosen people and all others are a bit lower ranking. They still are creations of God but somewhat imperfect.
As a consequence of that Jews need to be obeyed and promoted and rising your hand on Jew is actually a rising your hand on God himself and will cause wrath of God.
I believe that Donald Trump is an example of American holding these types of believes, though in top American elites they are very common. ... sh-people/

I heard of this years ago, but thought it was some fringe Jesus-freak nonsense. But, after seeing the Bank bailouts of 2009 and the seeming takeover of the financial system by the Israelis under Obama and Biden, it just can't be denied. And, you're telling me Trump is on-board too?

It would explain a great many things to me about my own country.

You have a lot of insight into American political and social realities.

theluckycountry wrote:I keep going back to that Deagel forecast of America's population collapsing to 100 million. If you collapsed the banking sector and SS you'd be there in a matter of months.

America can support its population, IF consumption decreases and people give up their cars. There is plenty of land. It's just that everyone wants to live in just a few places. New York City alone has 20 million people. Los Angeles has 20 million, Chicago almost 10 million, and Atlanta/Miami another 12 million. Those 5 cities contain 20% of the population for the whole country. There is lots of land where no one wants to live. All the single, young women race to the cities.

If the population collapses, the cities will be last to go, I think.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:After all there is not much to steal around a world any more and whatever is left have strong protectors who would likely go to nuclear war to keep it out of American hands.
So military is no longer bringing expected revenue and does not justify so large government investment.
It needs slimming down.

The United States military realized this after the Vietnam War. They knew then it was only a matter of time before nothing worked and money could not solve the problem.

And, here we are with a bloated military that can't win a war, at a price the government can no longer afford.

EnergyUnlimited wrote:The bill for running war in Ukraine is officially in range of $ 70 billions and this is only a small fraction of American military/war expenses. ... six-charts
In reality due to creative accounting this bills are more likely to be few times as large for Ukraine alone and are amounting to $ few trillions per year...

You paint a bleak picture for the future. I guess all you can do is get ready.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 13:25:36

noobtube wrote:Cops used that excuse 'armed with her car' to murder women in Ohio, Colorado, Michigan

Looks like feminism works at least.
Now women won equal rights to be shot by cop.

Meanwhile, you had a mass shooting in each of those states (Ethan Crumbley killing his classmates, Columbine/Dark Knight, Connor Stephen Betts killed 9/injured 27 in Dayton).

Yet, magically the cops never seem bold enough to stop REAL, ACTUAL, ARMED threats. El Paso (23) & Uvalde (21), Texas, Buffalo, New York (10), Las Vegas, Nevada (60). 114 dead in 4 incidents from gun violence. Not 1 cop injured. Where were the cops then? Staying safe like the punks they are. Cops are dirty, filthy cowards.

You must be fair for these cops too.
They cannot help much during school shootouts and other similar situations because they are simply not there when business goes on.
It is impossible to guess where new loon with gun is going to crop out and send a cop there to stop it so they usually arrive only once it is all over.

Most of them are doing reasonable job too but if only lets say 5-10% of them are trigger happy psychopaths then entire police begins to look like packs of bandits.

But of course cop has more respect for an armed man than unarmed woman.
Facing few armed men on impoverished estate he will be very kind and polite.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 15:40:02

I think this is what they call poetic justice.

'Defund The Police' Democrat Politician Left With Broken Leg, Bloodied Face, After Violent Carjacking In Minnesota

The second vice chairwoman for Minnesota's Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, who previously vowed to "dismantle" the Minneapolis Police Department amid widespread Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests, is now calling for tougher crime laws after she was violently carjacked this week.

"Four very young men, all carrying guns, beat me violently down to the ground in front of our kids," she wrote. "The young men held our neighbors up at gunpoint when they ran over and tried to help me. All in broad daylight." Ms. Shivanthi Sathanandan claimed the carjacking incident took place in the driveway of her Minneapolis home in front of her children, who are aged 4 and 7.

Welcome to the real world Mrs. Sathanandan ... inneapolis

Many news sources carry this story but this fox link has an interesting spin. It's preceded by a video of young black girls cleaning up trash in the city? How does that fit into the story? Spin no doubt, trying to push the narrative that while there are a few "bad eggs" most of the young blacks are out there engaged in worthwhile civic activities. It's why I rarely go to the legacy media for "News"
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 16:20:23

theluckycountry wrote:I think this is what they call poetic justice.

'Defund The Police' Democrat Politician Left With Broken Leg, Bloodied Face, After Violent Carjacking In Minnesota

The second vice chairwoman for Minnesota's Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, who previously vowed to "dismantle" the Minneapolis Police Department amid widespread Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests, is now calling for tougher crime laws after she was violently carjacked this week.

"Four very young men, all carrying guns, beat me violently down to the ground in front of our kids," she wrote. "The young men held our neighbors up at gunpoint when they ran over and tried to help me. All in broad daylight." Ms. Shivanthi Sathanandan claimed the carjacking incident took place in the driveway of her Minneapolis home in front of her children, who are aged 4 and 7.

Welcome to the real world Mrs. Sathanandan ... inneapolis

Many news sources carry this story but this fox link has an interesting spin. It's preceded by a video of young black girls cleaning up trash in the city? How does that fit into the story? Spin no doubt, trying to push the narrative that while there are a few "bad eggs" most of the young blacks are out there engaged in worthwhile civic activities. It's why I rarely go to the legacy media for "News"

Very interesting story, Lucky. Poetic Justice indeed.

On a similar note I just read that San Francisco is getting ca. 70 car-breakin robberies EACH DAY.

Many of these occur in the same tourists spots, day after day, like out at Cliff House by the beach. Thugs just wait for tourists to arrive and walk off and then they smash the windows and steal the stuff. It would be easy for the police to stake out these sites and catch the thugs.....but the police aren't going to do their job if they are going to be arrested and jailed if something goes wrong. So day after day after 70 more cars gets broken into in San Francisco, usually in the same spots, but also in other spots if the thugs happen to see a target elsewhere.

And thats the problem with defunding the police and not prosecuting people when they commit petty crimes like shoplifting. All it does is enoucrage more and more people to commit more and more crimes.

Of course liberals think that poor people shoplift and commit crimes because they are poor and need food. But actually the thieves are usually stealing things like alcohol or drugs or things that they can sell off to buy more alcohol and drugs.

And the thugs eventually want more money and/or more drugs so they move up to bigger then you get gangs of criminals combing to commit more the 4 armed thugs who beat up this poor woman and stole her car from her own driveway. Some gangs of thugs now track nice cars as people drive back home. The thugs know that people come out of their houses in the morning and get in their cars to go to it's the perfect time to carjack them. They just wait till people come out to start up their cars ad then they assault them and steal their car keys and the car.


The solution is simple.....more police and more prosecutions of criminals.

Good to hear this poor woman has finally figured out this simple truth.

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 17:40:43

EnergyUnlimited wrote:You must be fair for these cops too.
They cannot help much during school shootouts and other similar situations because they are simply not there when business goes on.
It is impossible to guess where new loon with gun is going to crop out and send a cop there to stop it so they usually arrive only once it is all over.

Most of them are doing reasonable job too but if only lets say 5-10% of them are trigger happy psychopaths then entire police begins to look like packs of bandits.

But of course cop has more respect for an armed man than unarmed woman.
Facing few armed men on impoverished estate he will be very kind and polite.

To me, your analysis is sound.

It just irritates me that cops have turned America into a prison state. You should look up Civil Asset Forfeiture. Police/Sheriffs are already operating as highway bandits in parts of the United States.

theluckycountry wrote:Many news sources carry this story but this fox link has an interesting spin. It's preceded by a video of young black girls cleaning up trash in the city? How does that fit into the story? Spin no doubt, trying to push the narrative that while there are a few "bad eggs" most of the young blacks are out there engaged in worthwhile civic activities. It's why I rarely go to the legacy media for "News"

Plantagenet wrote:The solution is simple.....more police and more prosecutions of criminals.

Good to hear this poor woman has finally figured out this simple truth.


Now, I get it. If you keep talking about street crime, you won't talk about financial crime. Both of you are part of the Zionist, pro-Israeli, pro-cop, Fox News, America-hating agenda.

Zionists love their police forces to protect their looting while keeping the local populations in check.

This thread has been very revealing.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 08 Sep 2023, 18:44:54

Plantagenet wrote:... like out at Cliff House by the beach. Thugs just wait for tourists to arrive and walk off and then they smash the windows and steal the stuff. It would be easy for the police to stake out these sites and catch the thugs... but the police aren't going to do their job if they are going to be arrested and jailed if something goes wrong.

They can't do that job, anything under $1000 is a misdemeanor in the city now, like pissing on the sidewalk. If they prosecuted every misdemeanor they'd be up to their chins in paperwork while all the serious criminals ran riot. The root of the problem was that the DA's office was defunded, that's what it boils down too. They didn't have the time to process all the thefts so they lowered the bar so to speak to keep them out of the courts.

But aside from that, how are police going to stake out a site which is already staked out by cunning thieves anyway? The sewer rats would simply move up the road a few miles and do the same crimes there. There are no solutions now Plant! Just the inexorable collapse into anarchy as was predicted.
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