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Donald J. Trump Pt. 5

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Re: Donald J. Trump Pt. 5

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 16 Aug 2023, 15:55:31

Well I never thought much of him anyway, just a greedy old fat man trying to improve his lot by going into politics. It's true that after he was elected lots of bank money came in to stabilize his debt woes but the state of the last is probably going to be a lot worse than the state of the former.

NEW YORK, August 16. 2023 /TASS/. Former US President Donald Trump and other suspects in the Georgia election meddling case should voluntarily turn themselves in at the Fulton County jail, where they will be formally arrested... searched, fingerprinted and have their mugshots taken.

indicted former US President Donald Trump and a number of his lawyers, assistants, staffers of his campaign headquarters and local Republican party members in the case of attempting to seek a review of the results of the 2020 presidential election. De-facto, they are suspected of setting up an organized group that tried to overturn the results of the polls.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Rule #1 Don't fight the system, don't even 'pretend' to fight it.
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Re: Donald J. Trump Pt. 5

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 16 Aug 2023, 19:42:15

I am not Trump's biggest critic, of his Presidency. But he really lost it with the election, I think he drank his own Kool aide. Power, or fame, went to his head.

I am extremely dissatisfied with both likely Presidential candidates. And 3rd parties get exactly zero air time in the US.

Not feeling real good about here about now.
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Re: Donald J. Trump Pt. 5

Unread postby AgentR11 » Wed 16 Aug 2023, 23:45:18

Third parties can't win in our system, they just doom whomever they happen to be closest too policy wise. If we had a popular vote election with a run off, things would be very different.

I do wonder how all the criminal charge stuff is going to play out. Does Trump really show up at the Fulton County Jail and turn himself in? Hard to imagine that happening, or what the ramifications of it might be.

Can he still be elected if he's in jail????!!!!!!

If Trump is out, then who runs as the Republican nominee? All the others are like 10% or lower in the poles. How do you pick a candidate that 90% of the party doesn't support?


Not even touching the D side, though I think its clear Biden will be the anointed one.

RJF jr vs DeSantis would have been a true, honest, proposition of competing policies. Just won't happen.
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Re: Donald J. Trump Pt. 5

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 17 Aug 2023, 07:41:48

The 2020 US election had the highest voter turnout in over a century, around 62%.

What were the other 38% doing? Obviously they were ignoring the whole $hit$how. Can't blame them, I don't vote and that's in a nation where voting is compulsory.
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Re: Donald J. Trump Pt. 5

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 17 Aug 2023, 07:46:58

There are viable alternatice R candidates but first Trump has to go.

And I do believe he can serve from jail, nothing baring that.

There is something in the 14th amendment about breaching security or some such but for a State crime, nothing. AFAIK.
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Re: Donald J. Trump Pt. 5

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 19 Aug 2023, 20:21:05

I wonder if the SS detachment would by law have to accompany him to prison? Has a President ever been imprisoned before? Interesting situation... Perhaps they will have a little section in one partitioned off all for himself. I think it's a good chance he'll be convicted and serve time, it happened here with a federal politician who was anti-swamp.

Pauline Hanson was hugely popular and her party, the One Australia Party was the first new party in decades. It stood against all the mad immigration policies and those that gave inordinate monies to minority and indigenous groups. She claimed that all Australian's should be treated equally and none given special attention just because they weren't White Anglo's. The entire media and every other political party turned against her and she was imprisoned on some trumped up charges over election monies.

It was some of the clearest evidence you could imagine of the fact that Australian politics is controlled not by the people, nor even Australian interests, but by some shadow group. This group, call it the OECD or whatever you like, has policies that are adopted by nearly all Western nations. Mass replacement level immigration; draconian firearm laws, tax laws, central bank and commercial bank structures. All too much of a coincidence... And when anyone rises to challenge these policies they are literally Crucified.
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Re: Donald J. Trump Pt. 5

Unread postby ralfy » Mon 12 Feb 2024, 19:53:26

Carlson with Viktor Orban, on Trump's Foreign Policy ... 0302885053
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Re: Donald J. Trump Pt. 5

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 03 Jun 2024, 22:24:18

Trump promises to end the war in Gaza

Well why not, he's going to save crypto and all the rest but this one sounds like an easy promise to keep, look at his track record with N-Korea. Of course nothing changed up there but at least the insane nuclear Armageddon stories stopped and the military probably had to redirect some funds elsewhere. Gaza though has to end sometime and if he could coordinate it he'd be a big hero. He's a bit like Elon Muck, just older and less poised.

Perhaps the deal will include packing the gazarites off to greener pastures? Surely they must be over that place by now, it's nothing but a sliver of desert. The only reason they stayed there and bred up no doubt was their manic religious hatred of the Jews. Now many of them will be thinking twice. ... tar-khabib
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Re: Donald J. Trump Pt. 5

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 05 Jun 2024, 09:40:57

He's a bit like Elon Muck, just older and less poised.

An ugly but likely true thought.

President Musk? Except he is not a natural born American, so far.
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