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THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Doly » Thu 27 Jan 2022, 15:25:10

In at least some states no one is looking at the data base for data integrity.

Gives you a clue about how much the government really cares about votes. If they genuinely believed that somehow the number of votes was an important measure of anything, they'd take better care of the data. They tend to be rather careful about tax records.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 27 Jan 2022, 15:46:19

Yup!! 8O :x
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Wed 09 Feb 2022, 21:51:14

Watching the left side news tonight and they are again going on and on about Trump to avoid talking about Biden.
Then they got into Joe Manchin and his connections to the West Virginia coal industry.
Well DUH!! yah think? They went on about how he, while Governor, kept a "unprofitable" coal fired electric plant on line by forcing the states PUC to raise it's rates.
That didn't sound right to me so I did a brief search and found the average electric rate in WV is 12.5 cents per KWH which is less then the National average and half what I pay in Vermont. So he ripped of West Virginia rate payers by forcing them to pay less then the National average.? :roll:
These people are getting desperate. Notice the blue state Governors relaxing mask mandates ahead of CDC changing its position.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 11 Feb 2022, 11:16:23


Fox is just as bad. This am they are all about Hillary making another run. Damn little of anything that could truly be called news.

Both parties have a similar problem, they need to have some enemy to rally around.

None of this is hopeful.

Good luck.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 11 Feb 2022, 12:12:24

Newfie wrote:VT,

Fox is just as bad. This am they are all about Hillary making another run. Damn little of anything that could truly be called news.

Both parties have a similar problem, they need to have some enemy to rally around.

None of this is hopeful.

Good luck.

I watch a lot of Fox business and very little of fox news. I watch MSNBC for some balance and amusement.
Foxb did run a piece about Hillary giving a speech at some Democrat convention and an interview where she said the Democrats need to look at what actually will win elections as apposed to far left wish points. Varney suggested Hillary and other Democrats should not call voters "deplorable s" if they want to win!
But the have not carried on extensively on that one topic and have split the morning covering the truckers protest in Canada, inflation, the southern border, Ukraine mask mandates, and the upcoming State of the Union address, along with the normal market monitoring.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 13 Feb 2022, 13:23:19

Hillary and other top level Ds are in danger of being taken down by special prosecutor Durham's probe into the origins of the D's Russia hoax.

The latest revelation is that the Ds were actually spying on Trump while he was president. Apparently D techies associated with Hillary had hacked into the top secret Executive Office internet connection in the White House.


Hillary had several top techies at top levels of her campaign, and they somehow hacked into the executive office in order to spy on the President.

Its hard to believe these D tech people didn't pass on their hacked info to Hillary and other top level Ds.

It remains to be seen who gets indicted on this, but things are getting very close to Hillary now and her role in originating and spreading the "Trump is a Russian agent" hoax.

And this isn't old news from four years ago......some of the top level Hillary people now have to level jobs in the Biden administration. If these folks get implicated in the spying the Ds did on the White House, then they'll have to go. A prime example is Jake Sullivan...Biden's national security advisor. He was a top level advisor to Hillary....was Jake Sullivan involved in hacking the White House executive office office computers to allow the Ds to spy on President Trump?

Durham's investigation has revealed that the Ds hacked the White House computers and were spying on President Trump's communications from the Executive Office. Did Hillary, Jake Sullivan and other top level Ds authorize this or know about this? Did they get the hacked info?

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sun 13 Feb 2022, 23:26:56

One can only hope!
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 14 Feb 2022, 10:43:22

Fox News obviously follows this, not as close as one might assume. Often it is just regurgitation for agitation, but indeed there are some new and significant developments.

They have a lengthy article on it this am. ... ssia-probe

Perhaps that is what is behind the Ukraine issue? If Durham Is about to indict then they need a really BIG distraction.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 14 Feb 2022, 11:02:53

It would be hilarious if Hillary and her top campaign team were indicted under espionage charges.
It would bring Trumps fudging of real estate values into perspective.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 14 Feb 2022, 21:26:37

Durham will did in his sleep first.
Remember Epstein?
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 14 Feb 2022, 23:43:52

Will die in his sleep first?
More then a remote possibility!
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 15 Feb 2022, 20:06:40

vtsnowedin wrote:Durham Will die in his sleep first?
More then a remote possibility!

If that happens there will be a lot of suspects.

Hillary, the DNC, Obama, lots of Biden high level staffers and even Biden himself seem to have all helped craft and then push along the crazy conspiracy theory against Trump.....not mention a surprising number of high level bureaucrats in the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies who keep the conspiracy theory going within the government even when they all knew it was untrue. The latest revelation----that the NSA cooperated with Hillary and give her campaign access to Trump's computer data from Trump Tower during the 2016 election .....and then still more data from Trump's supposedly official government secure computers in the executive office in the White House after Trump became absolutely criminal.


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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Tue 15 Feb 2022, 20:19:53

It is amazing how the left media are trying to bury this story. I heard from upchuck Todd today that it is much ado about nothing and had all been revealed before. I went to the actual transcript and I wonder if the people at MSNBC can read.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 16 Feb 2022, 12:17:40

Sure they can read, thats why they are burying it.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 16 Feb 2022, 13:20:11

It is an interesting time thinking about recent history.

You had Comey essentially truing to blackmail Trump over the Steele report.
That report was widely circulated as true in the news media.
Then Mueller’s report found it invalid, and several FBI folks were let go.
Meanwhile Durham has been doing plodding investigation and is now being denounced as “Trumps man.”

What has been absolutely proven is that there was smear campaign against Trump. Durham is simply trying to understand the details and then prosecute as

The interesting part is how simple human hatred has been driving is since at least 2014 and perhaps back to 2008. Maybe the roots trace back to Clinton who surly had great Republican hatred. But the point remains that our analytical thinking seems very clouded, our memory short, our voices reactionary.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Wed 16 Feb 2022, 15:29:00

I think things are coming to a head in the Blue state cities. People are fed up with the crime and the schools.
I think the battle cry for November is" You can fix this city. Vote Republican in every race"
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 16 Feb 2022, 19:54:34


I am not seeing that in Philadelphia. In Philly R’s are like dinos, extinct.

Could be wrong.

It could have a big impact on State elections though.

Have you followed the ballot mess in Delaware County, PA? It has been going on for a while. Some whistle blower made audio and video tapes.

They can’t match up voter tallies, to machines, to tapes, to precincts and more.

I can’t post a link, it is The Federalist

Exclusive: Systemic Voting Issues In Pennsylvania County Even More Extensive Than Previously Known

The most recent video, however, reveals a new area of concern related to the reconciliation of the voting totals in the precincts. Captured on film in this video was a conversation between one election worker and the whistleblower. With boxes of voting sheets lining the basement floor of a Delaware County building, the election worker tells Miller, “There were six precincts in one location and all of the machines were, all of the scanners were, programmed to accept any ballot of those six precincts.”

“It was a nightmare,” the Delaware County official explained, adding that “you couldn’t, there’s no way you could reconcile” the results.

Having no experience these seem serious violations.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 16 Feb 2022, 21:48:24

Newfie wrote:Exclusive: Systemic Voting Issues In Pennsylvania County Even More Extensive Than Previously Known

The most recent video, however, reveals a new area of concern related to the reconciliation of the voting totals in the precincts. Captured on film in this video was a conversation between one election worker and the whistleblower. With boxes of voting sheets lining the basement floor of a Delaware County building, the election worker tells Miller, “There were six precincts in one location and all of the machines were, all of the scanners were, programmed to accept any ballot of those six precincts.”

“It was a nightmare,” the Delaware County official explained, adding that “you couldn’t, there’s no way you could reconcile” the results.

Having no experience these seem serious violations.

Considering how the national MSM keeps claiming there were absolutely no issues with the 2020 elections, there sure are a lot of local stories out there about significant local problems during the 2020 elections.


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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Wed 16 Feb 2022, 23:00:29

I have always thought that the inner city precincts where no GOP official had any say and most if not all the ballot clerks were union members posted numbers that were far from the truth.
Given that there have been many elections where even this level of cheating did not give them a win.
I expect this November to be one of those and I am only amused by the Democrats seemly inability to read the poles and see what is coming.
Or perhaps they see it but can't bring themselves to change course enough to correct their trajectory.
Perhaps they hope that Trump will rise up enough to be a factor that swing voters vote against and give them yet another win without a competent leader on top of the ticket.
I'll bet the think tanks are sweating their next move as we speak.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Doly » Thu 17 Feb 2022, 15:44:50

I think the battle cry for November is" You can fix this city. Vote Republican in every race"

I suppose that if you are delusional enough to believe that American cities can be fixed relatively easily, and that they can be fixed by voting, and that Republicans are capable of fixing anything, you might as well believe all three impossible things.
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