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Australia Leads the World in Conservation

How to save energy through both societal and individual actions.

Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 29 Aug 2021, 20:34:33

Theres no evidence to support your claim that lockdowns produce permanent changes in behavior.

Yes, global oil consumption dropped in 2020 during the pandemic lockdowns, but its already going up again in 2021 and will go up more in 2022 and 2023.

Take China, for example.

China had perhaps the most draconian lockdowns on the planet after the virus escaped the lab in Wuhan, and yet this produced no permanent reduction in their fuel consumption or carbon emissions. China remains on track to consume more and more fossil fuels and emit more and more CO2.

I fully expect Australia, the US, and every other country to also see no permanent effect from the lockdowns.

And I just checked and my view is supported by the EIA oil near term projections, which predict oil consumption will be going up by 5 million bbls/day in 2021 and another 4 million bbls/day in 2022, with the 2022 rate going over 100 million bbls or oil per day and EXCEEDING the 2019 pre-pandemic global oil consumption rate.

Say good-bye to the fantasy that the pandemic will produce permanent reductions in fossil fuel just ain't happening.

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Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 29 Aug 2021, 21:48:27

Planty knows the virus escaped the lab in Wuhan, just like he knows that EV's cause cancer. :roll:
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 30 Aug 2021, 01:41:12

Outcast_Searcher wrote:Planty knows the virus escaped the lab in Wuhan

I know the first person infected with covid.....patient zero....was a tech at the Wuhan lab. I know this person was infected weeks before before the cluster of cases associated with the Wuhan wet market. And I know thats normally how the science of epidemiology is identify patient zero and use that data point to figure out where the infection originated.

In contrast, Outie doesn't know anything about the origin of the virus or where the virus came from. Its all a big mystery to him/her.

Outcast_Searcher wrote:he knows that EV's cause cancer.

Now you're lying. And you know you're've done this attack several times before, and each time I refute it, and then you repeat your same lie.

I wonder why all the lying?

Is it because you are too stupid to understand the data I post so you don't know you're lying?

Is it because you can't remember things from day to day and week to week so you repeat the same mistakes over and over again?

Or perhaps you are trying to be nasty?

Personally, I think thats it. I think you're just trying to be nasty.

IF so, then you are failing at being nasty because your post is too stupid to be nasty. Nasty requires a bit of intelligence and just a smidgeon of wit and there must be a glimmer of truth in the nastiness for it to work. The total dishonesty and absence of wit along with the lack of any factual basis totally deflates any nastiness you are attempting, exposing you as just a simple-minded liar.

Nonetheless I'm happy to review the facts again and refute your lie again.. Ahem.....Here we go again.....several years ago I posted, with links to the source reports and data, scientific and engineering studies showing that electric motors produce magnetic fields, and the National Institute of Health has shown that in some cases magnetic fields can produce cancers like Leukemia. Thats why there are restrictions on the time people can be around magnetic fields.....they are a known cancer risk.

Now here's something I bet you don't know....EVs have electric motors and those motors produce magnetic fields.

There is no doubt about this being true....if you don't believe this then hire yourself an engineer who has a magnetometer and make your own measurements in the passenger compartment of an operating EV.

In general the magnetic fields in existing passenger cars sized EVs are somewhat lower then the "danger" level set by the NIH, but the larger EVs coming down the pike now with much larger electric motors, including planned EV tractor-trucks for moving freight, will produce commensurately higher magnetic fields. I'll be curious to see how strong the magnetic field in those new, larger, EVs when they actually go into production.

Electric motors in EVs generate magnetic fields.....and BIGGER electric motors generate BIGGER magnetic fields. Its called S C I E N C E !

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Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby theluckycountry » Tue 05 Oct 2021, 18:18:10

What he is assuming is that everything goes back to "Normal" soon, that people get their jobs back, that they step on planes and start touring the world again. Well considering the populous southern states are still in major lockdowns and borders are close it's an analysis based on???

Wishful thinking?

And I just checked and my view is supported by the EIA oil near term projections

Oh that's the evidence, Projections from a corrupt government agency, right, got it :roll:
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Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby AdamB » Tue 05 Oct 2021, 18:58:12

theluckycountry wrote:
And I just checked and my view is supported by the EIA oil near term projections

Oh that's the evidence, Projections from a corrupt government agency, right, got it :roll:

Interesting....the only peak oil estimate made back in the day not refuted by reality was the EIA, and they are corrupt? Why, because they have discredited whatever your favorite fairy tale estimate was, back when?

How does a government agency even become corrupt, anyway? Maybe in Australia they take bribes for giving whatever numbers some corrupt politician wants, but just because the folks who built your country were criminals doesn't mean the other British colonies formed that way.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

Plant Wed 11 Apr 2007 "I think Deffeyes might have nailed it, and we are just past the overall peak in oil production. (Thanksgiving 2005)"
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Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 09 Oct 2021, 12:06:31

At the end of the day Australia is sitting in a very good position I believe. We have a small population, only 25 Million, and we have huge tracts of farmland and enormous mineral and energy reserves. Real reserves too, not that tight oil and fracked rubbish. Our food is in demand globally and commands a premium over say US food because we never allowed genetically modified frankenfoods to be planted. Even our dairy products are exported, the Chinese demand is huge.

So in one sense conservation of resources and energy down here is not necessary, not on a local level. Energy is abundant and that reality is experienced by all. Even the major cities are quite livable compared to US ones. Here you can walk out the door of a major CBD hotel after dark with no fear getting mugged or stabbed. A lot of that has to do with the general levels of wealth and also because we didn't destroy our civilization with unrestricted immigration like so many others.

We certainly allowed a million or so into the country, but from many diverse cultures, and they were spread across the nation, not concentrated into ghetto cities. We brought them in because we are humanitarians and because the baby-boomers are retiring and they didn't produce enough children to pay the taxes needed to let them retire in the style they had become accustomed. The thinking is, "Better to drag people out of 3rd world poverty and give them a start than let a nation stagnate and its people lose comforts.

Australia is a very White nation, 85% White, and there is a good level of white pride in our achievements here, Just as there is Black pride in South Africa, and Asian pride in Japan. As a wealthy White man I don't see any problem with this national attitude, there has to be at least one or two bastions of White Pride going forward and it may as be wealthy places like Canada, Australia, Norway. It sends a message to the rest of the world of what can achieved when you have national cohesion.
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Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sat 09 Oct 2021, 13:08:41

theluckycountry wrote:What he is assuming is that everything goes back to "Normal" soon, that people get their jobs back, that they step on planes and start touring the world again. Well considering the populous southern states are still in major lockdowns and borders are close it's an analysis based on???

Wishful thinking?

And I just checked and my view is supported by the EIA oil near term projections

Oh that's the evidence, Projections from a corrupt government agency, right, got it :roll:

If a fact free conspiracy theorist claims government agencies are corrupt, does he have ANY evidence for that?

Or only arm waving empty claims and whining?
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 09 Nov 2023, 14:56:44

Outcast_Searcher wrote:If a fact free conspiracy theorist claims government agencies are corrupt, does he have ANY evidence for that?

So who are you voting for in the next election? To save you from the consequences of government mismanagement, Trump or Biden? The EIA is a government agency, hence it is controlled by political bootlickers who will only ever publish information that is politically palatable. If you haven't figured this out by now you fully deserve your fate.

après moi le déluge
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Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby careinke » Thu 09 Nov 2023, 20:13:31

theluckycountry wrote:
Outcast_Searcher wrote:If a fact free conspiracy theorist claims government agencies are corrupt, does he have ANY evidence for that?

So who are you voting for in the next election? To save you from the consequences of government mismanagement, Trump or Biden? The EIA is a government agency, hence it is controlled by political bootlickers who will only ever publish information that is politically palatable. If you haven't figured this out by now you fully deserve your fate.


I have no idea who the choices will end up being on Nov 2024 ballot, but based on what's out there now, here is are my preferences:

1. Vivek Ramaswamy
2. Ron Desantis
3. Tim Scott
4. Donald Trump
5. Robert F Kennedy Jr.
6. No one

BTW the boiling frog mean does apply to humans, just not frogs. Frogs are cold blooded and control their temp by moving. :)

2024 is going to be a very interesting year. Maybe we should let the AI decide what would be best for us Humans?

Cliff (Start a rEVOLution, grow a garden)
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Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 10 Nov 2023, 09:12:56

careinke wrote:
2024 is going to be a very interesting year. Maybe we should let the AI decide what would be best for us Humans?

Didn't they push one of those systems by asking a series of radical questions and in the end it suggested the extermination of humans? I mean really, any intelligence outside of the human race would see us as the greatest threat to the planet, and with us gone it would be a happy and vibrant earth again. There is no debating this either, we have been a blight on the Earth.

It's only because we humans control things that we collectively turn a blind eye to the solution. There is not a climate activist on the planet that doesn't enjoy the fruits of our destructive ways. Even that little Swedish retard lives in relative luxury, and then has the gall to demand we destroy the very means of that luxury.

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Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby mousepad » Fri 10 Nov 2023, 10:24:45

theluckycountry wrote: the planet, with us gone it would be a happy

Nothing happy about the planet without us. Take a stroll in the woods. It's a battlefield. Eat or be eaten. Weak or sick? Nobody cares. You're left on the side of the road waiting to be eaten. Cold winter without food, scraping together last remaining dead grass from under the snow? Nothing happy about that.
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Re: Australia Leads the World in Conservation

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 10 Nov 2023, 20:33:15

mousepad wrote:
theluckycountry wrote: the planet, with us gone it would be a happy

Nothing happy about the planet without us. Take a stroll in the woods. It's a battlefield. Eat or be eaten.

Yes that's the natural order of things. But consider the alternative, as we now have it.

Wild mammals have declined by 85% since the rise of humans

Wildlife populations - mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish - have seen a devastating 69% drop on average since 1970 ... since-1970

Now if I was a wild animal I would consider my chances in your "Battlefield" vastly superior to my chances living near humans or the pollution they have flooded the planet with. But what the hell, just have a six-pack of Bud and forget about it. Who needs things like turtles anyway mousepad. It's not like we can eat them is it.



Half of dead baby turtles found by Australian scientists have stomachs full of plastic

Let them suffer hey, because there has to be a plastics market for all that ethane coming out of the shale gas :roll:
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