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THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 04 Oct 2021, 09:10:28

"My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars," Biden's Twitter account tweeted last week, claiming that the agenda "adds zero dollars to the national debt." White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki repeated the claim in a news conference the following Monday, saying, "This reconciliation package would cost zero dollars." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., also insisted that the cost is "zero."

Yet multiple analysts have rebutted the claim. The Washington Post's fact-checker, Glenn Kessler, noted that lawmakers "play all sorts of budget games to achieve that mythical zero within the 10-year budget framework." He called Biden's claim "misleading," giving the president "Two Pinocchios" and noting that the number of Pinocchios "could grow higher."
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Mon 04 Oct 2021, 17:28:16

Newfie wrote:

"My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars," Biden's Twitter account tweeted last week, claiming that the agenda "adds zero dollars to the national debt." White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki repeated the claim in a news conference the following Monday, saying, "This reconciliation package would cost zero dollars." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., also insisted that the cost is "zero."

Yet multiple analysts have rebutted the claim. The Washington Post's fact-checker, Glenn Kessler, noted that lawmakers "play all sorts of budget games to achieve that mythical zero within the 10-year budget framework." He called Biden's claim "misleading," giving the president "Two Pinocchios" and noting that the number of Pinocchios "could grow higher."

There are several reasons I refuse to blindly follow either left or right American politics blindly.

Things like facts, logic, and real world results over time are among them.

And despite both sides, devoid of credible facts, claim they're "right", here we are, with both sides having PLENTY of failed policies (re results, given the cost) to their credit.

So there's that.

But I know, I'm a "bad guy" because I don't belong to either of the popular two groups.

Given the overall results of BOTH parties, when I'm ashamed, I'll be sure and get back to you. :wink:
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 04 Oct 2021, 19:36:10

Well Outcast it might be nice to be a fence sitter as you can avoid choosing the wrong side. But come election time you might have to come down off the fence and vote for the lessor of the two weasels.
On the "zero cost" proposal it is preposterous on it's face. Suppose they raise corporate taxes enough to cover the cost? Just where will that money come from? It will have to come from profits so a big chunk of that money will be diverted from where it goes now. And not all of it flows into the one percent's hands. So dividends to retirement funds and 401K accounts will be reduced which in fact is a tax (or cost) to the little guys and some will come from capital expenditures and R&D moneys which will reduce future innovation and production. That loss will effect not only the stockholders and those 401Ks but you and I the consumer in the form of high prices and scarcity of product.
The one percenters can avoid much of any tax increase by just not selling any of their stocks which will generate capital gains taxes. You and I will not have that option, so in the end we and the other 99 percent will pay every penny of those trillions one way or another.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Tue 05 Oct 2021, 14:30:00

vtsnowedin wrote:Well Outcast it might be nice to be a fence sitter as you can avoid choosing the wrong side. But come election time you might have to come down off the fence and vote for the lessor of the two weasels.
On the "zero cost" proposal it is preposterous on it's face. Suppose they raise corporate taxes enough to cover the cost? Just where will that money come from? It will have to come from profits so a big chunk of that money will be diverted from where it goes now. And not all of it flows into the one percent's hands. So dividends to retirement funds and 401K accounts will be reduced which in fact is a tax (or cost) to the little guys and some will come from capital expenditures and R&D moneys which will reduce future innovation and production. That loss will effect not only the stockholders and those 401Ks but you and I the consumer in the form of high prices and scarcity of product.
The one percenters can avoid much of any tax increase by just not selling any of their stocks which will generate capital gains taxes. You and I will not have that option, so in the end we and the other 99 percent will pay every penny of those trillions one way or another.

Um, I guess, tell yourself what you need to hear. There are plenty of stats from credible sources and economic textbooks, BTW. Meanwhile, in the real world, government services cost money, and the vast majority of people want more than they have.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Tue 05 Oct 2021, 20:38:44

Outcast_Searcher wrote:Um, I guess, tell yourself what you need to hear. There are plenty of stats from credible sources and economic textbooks, BTW. Meanwhile, in the real world, government services cost money, and the vast majority of people want more than they have.

You have failed to communicate a point of view there. Statistics? Lots of them but which ones do you wish to consider? Yes government services cost money but I believe I said that better above.And yes people want more then they have but what has that to do with the practicalities of actually providing more "At zero cost" ? Wanting something more does nothing to actually deliver that something into peoples hands.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 08 Oct 2021, 20:30:00

Kind of off subject but needed a place to post this.

Consider it Canadian Democrat comment…Funny

Mediocrity of the Week

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau could actually be the mediocrity of the year or decade, but we’ll start with just the week. As brought to my attention by Cousin Phil, Trudeau tweeted out:

People across the country are lighting candles to honour Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people who are missing or have been murdered. We must continue to work together, raise awareness, and advocate to end this ongoing national tragedy. #SistersInSpirit
I had to check more than once to make sure it wasn’t a parody account. In fact, it actually does belong to the sock model and Bollywood wannabe that occupies the head of government job in Canuckistan.

As a gay guy who resents being lumped into a group to serve some progressive losers’ lust for power, I can’t even stomach “LGBT.” In particular, I’m dubious about the “Ts” hitching their wagon to the “Gs,” although the “Ls” sure are handy if you need to gap a spark plug or borrow an oversized flannel for the big camping trip. Nonetheless, I forced myself to look up 2SLGBTQIA+, which the Subcommittee on Queer People at McGill University says refers to “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Two-Spirit, Intersex, and Asexual peoples.”

What to make of this? The red-pilled rapper Zuby summed up the absurdity best in replying to Trudeau:

Headbutting the keyboard is now a sexuality.

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 09 Oct 2021, 05:06:12

Why post it without commenting about your impression of it? Canada does have a problem as the US does of girls and poor women being kidnapped and murdered and the alphabet community does as well so a politician will try not to leave any voting block out. Just why the original poster thought it was absurd to express commitment to that problem escapes me and most of his rant was against the labeling of the community or communities if you will.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Mon 11 Oct 2021, 15:44:41

vtsnowedin wrote: Just why the original poster thought it was absurd to express commitment to that problem escapes me and most of his rant was against the labeling of the community or communities if you will.

Part of that when he was talking about not liking being labeled part of LGBT reminds me a great skit I saw (I think on "The Chapelle Show") a couple years or so ago.

He used the analogy of the LGBTQ movement being a car, and talked about the different components all wanting to ride in the car, but not really liking or being overly tolerant of each other. Various actors played the various roles with costumes, mannerisms, etc. to suggest their roles.

I thought it was a good commentary, not pro or con, just pointing out that there are a LOT of differing viewpoints on this, including from the participants.

One wonders how many more generations it will take to have most folks accept everyone on principle as long as they aren't hurting anyone, destroying and stealing property, etc. As it is, we seem to lurch from "oh we now need to accept THIS group" to "NOW we need to accept THAT group" in an arc that to me, sure as hell takes a LONG time, when the general principle should be so obvious.

And yes, I realize tribalism exists, and many folks won't accept some people no matter what. I don't think that changes the central idea.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 11 Oct 2021, 18:11:52

VT wrote:

of girls and poor women being kidnapped and murdered and the alphabet community does as well

Maybe I have been under a rick but I have not heard of this problem.

Sure it happens, occasionally. But I have not heard if it as a prevalent trend.

And even if it does exist how does that relate to that post?

To my ear the post was more about injustice collecting and folks feeling lost for an identity.

He very strongly sums that up in this quote.

What to make of this? The red-pilled rapper Zuby summed up the absurdity best in replying to Trudeau:

Headbutting the keyboard is now a sexuality.

What that has to do with the plight of poor girls is not obvious.

I posted it here on the Democrat thread because it points to their problem, they have no unified position, no platform. They are an amalgam of the wounded, who shared a common hatred for Trump. Without Trump to stick blame on, like lint to velcro, they disassociate.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Tue 12 Oct 2021, 19:02:12

It related to this in the post above.

People across the country are lighting candles to honour Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people who are missing or have been murdered. We must continue to work together, raise awareness, and advocate to end this ongoing national tragedy. #SistersInSpirit

You are not aware of the problem because the media mostly ignores it.
Recently we have a young white woman killed by her (hard to say) boyfriend in a USA National park. It has had wall to wall news coverage. If it was an American Indian living on a reservation or a black woman or recent immigrant it would have not gotten thirty seconds of news coverage.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Tue 12 Oct 2021, 19:38:24

I doubt if Trump or any of his policies are at issue in the Canadian election.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 12 Oct 2021, 22:18:55

I get what you are saying about the biased media coverage in that case.

But I do not get what it has to do with my post.

It seems a large Percentage of the population wants to self identify as some protected minority and receive special treatment. I am 70 and under the law I am a protected person as an oldster. But I don’t go around leaning on that.

Tuis may seem a strange analogy but bear with me.

Road rage and cell phone laws are stupid and harmful. First they are redundant to perfectly good existing laws for Reckless Driving. We don’t need more laws. As far as I am concerned idiots driving around with dogs on their laps is as bad or worse than either of the above and we don’t have specific laws for that, well maybe some places do. Who knows.

Despite this proliferation of redundant laws they have very little enforcement. I see people talking on their cell phone all the time, I see people texting. Thanks see people putting on makeup I saw one lady reading a f’ing newspaper. WHILE DRIVING AT 75MPH. All these special laws are just politicians grabbing comps for “doing something” which is at best nothing.

Ditto for all these special classes, it is baloney. Make one law, “treat everyone the same”, or to be more blunt “don’t be an asshole.” That would cover about 70% of whats in our law books right now.

I am disgusted by the example you cited and I totally get your point. But I also get that authors point, which is basically “don’t be an ass hole”. But if we make assholeishness a capital offense we would loose about 70% of our population pretty quick.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Wed 13 Oct 2021, 02:18:00

I get you on not needing more laws and quite agree.
On the other hand having you dog on your lap dose not require you to look into his eyes while you scratch his ears, while reading or composing a text message makes you take your eyes off the road as would reading a news paper or legal brief.
So no reckless driving ticket for the lap dog but three points on your license for texting.
I am surprised that they have not found an app that shuts down a phone that is moving at highway speeds with only one occupant in the car.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 13 Oct 2021, 08:09:02

Well I guess we all have our “pet” peeves. LOL. :-D

I crack me up!
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Wed 13 Oct 2021, 20:54:02

Back to the Democrats and the 3.5 trillion bill. It seems that today they are trying to just limit the time programs are funded for to reduce the total bill 's cost. Of course that is the worst sort of subterfuge as they all (both parties) know that once a giveaway program is started there is zero chance of ending it at any time in the future.
I hope Manchin and Cinema see through this and hold to their position.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Revi » Sat 16 Oct 2021, 07:21:33

There's no way to end the endless dole. It's money created from nothing for projects and giveaways from now on. it's okay. Beats the alternative. Still it seems to be sucked into a giant hole. Inflation or deflation? Hard to tell. Chinese housing prices are going down in the wake of Evergrande. Will it happen here? Can the government save us? Tune in at 6. Welcome to the peak oil I told ya so show!
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 16 Oct 2021, 18:24:45

Revi wrote:There's no way to end the endless dole. It's money created from nothing for projects and giveaways from now on. it's okay.

Actually its not created from nothing.

The money used for deficit spending by the Feds is borrowed.

That means it has to be repaid.....with interest.

In 2020 the Congress spent well over half a billion dollars just to pay the interest on the national debt.

AND no doubt the interest payment will hit 1 trillion per year pretty soon, with all the crazy spending Trump and now Biden are doing.

Clearly there are better things we could do with 0.5-1 trillion per year then waste it on interest payments.

Revi wrote: Inflation or deflation? Hard to tell.


Actually, we're seeing the worse inflation we've had in decades. And I predict it will get worse next year as Biden explodes the federal deficit even more.

And inflation definitely hurts people....esepcially the poor and retired people on fixed incomes who are seeing prices go up faster then their incomes.

Nice to see you posting again, REVI. Hope things are going great where you are!!!

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Revi » Sat 16 Oct 2021, 21:12:05

Plantagenet wrote:
Revi wrote:There's no way to end the endless dole. It's money created from nothing for projects and giveaways from now on. it's okay.

Actually its not created from nothing.

The money used for deficit spending by the Feds is borrowed.

That means it has to be repaid.....with interest.

In 2020 the Congress spent well over half a billion dollars just to pay the interest on the national debt.

AND no doubt the interest payment will hit 1 trillion per year pretty soon, with all the crazy spending Trump and now Biden are doing.

Clearly there are better things we could do with 0.5-1 trillion per year then waste it on interest payments.

Revi wrote: Inflation or deflation? Hard to tell.


Actually, we're seeing the worse inflation we've had in decades. And I predict it will get worse next year as Biden explodes the federal deficit even more.

And inflation definitely hurts people....esepcially the poor and retired people on fixed incomes who are seeing prices go up faster then their incomes.

Nice to see you posting again, REVI. Hope things are going great where you are!!!

Good to be back. I was away from the internet for the most part for a while. I know there's inflation, but how is a dangerously out of control fiat money scheme going to keep the economy alive without it lately? If the price of gas goes up maybe it will be a form of rationing. There's a run on all real things lately, and that's driving the price up. I have been away from TV for a while and it's amazing how they are hyping the holiday spending season! Is there going to be enough schlock for everyone to have a happy holiday?
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Sat 16 Oct 2021, 22:08:23

We were talking about this (yet again) today. To me nothing makes sense anymore.

The week before covid was announced China started refusing to land ore ships they had previously contracted for.

From what I know, have heard from Wuhan, covid is almost unknown there.

A couple of months ago China shut down the 2 largest ports in the World because ONE stevedore tested positive.

In the meantime millions of Chinese are having their lives cut short from industrial pollution.

And now China says some providences are reducing production to cut back on green house gasses.

Meanwhile Other Chinese providences are reducing production because they can’t get enough coal.

Meanwhile in the USA we have massive stimulus give aways because of covid.

Folks are laid off due covid.

But business can’t hire employees.

Unemployment continues to increase.

But 4 millions quit their jobs last month.

And the logistics channels can’t keep ip because orders are up 5% year over year.

Housing and yachts and RV’s are all in short supply. Prices are high.

So that explains why we need a $3.5 trillion spending package.

Oooow me head!!
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby careinke » Tue 19 Oct 2021, 00:18:10

Plantagenet wrote:
Revi wrote:There's no way to end the endless dole. It's money created from nothing for projects and giveaways from now on. it's okay.

Actually its not created from nothing.

The money used for deficit spending by the Feds is borrowed.

That means it has to be repaid.....with interest.

In 2020 the Congress spent well over half a billion dollars just to pay the interest on the national debt.

AND no doubt the interest payment will hit 1 trillion per year pretty soon, with all the crazy spending Trump and now Biden are doing.

Clearly there are better things we could do with 0.5-1 trillion per year then waste it on interest payments.

Revi wrote: Inflation or deflation? Hard to tell.



I could not tell if you were referring to the Federal Government, or the Federal Reserve, big difference. One is an inept government, and the other is a blood sucking leach. :P Let me see if I can clarify a little.

Banks i.e. The Federal Reserve get to print money out of thin air to loan to the US government by buying US Bonds that pay interest back to the Federal Reserve. Banks used to be restricted to loaning 90% of their money, but that restriction no longer exists.

So, the money has no backing and is printed from nothing whenever the "need" arises. The Federal reserve gets an infinite ROI, and the Government gets more and more debt.

The politicians get to use the money to shape policy, and punish those they do not like. In addition, they get to tax people, (under the guise of paying for the programs), for even more power. Some examples are using the IRS to scrutinize the finances of opponents, and pretending they are protecting the proles by taxing the rich. Of course the rich just pass those costs onto their customers (hence Inflation).

Were you around in the 70's when we had Stagflation? My guess is that's where we are headed.

Ideally, our currency should be deflationary. As our knowledge advances, tools improve, AI, and automation should be making things cheaper, improving the value of your dollar. Unfortunately, except for tech, this does not seem to be happening.

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