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THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 09 Jun 2021, 20:50:55

Biden has already screwed things up so much here in the US that he can't even get other Ds to vote for his programs.

It looks like Joe's programs can't even attract 50 votes in the Senate, i.e. they are dead in the water.

But thats OK......Biden still has foreign policy to screw up!


Joe says he is going to have a summit with Putin so he can "tell Putin what he wants him to know."

I wonder what Biden wants Putin to know? That Biden is really old and senile? That Biden is a wimp? That Biden is weak and ineffectual and has already so alienated his own party that he can't get anything through Congress, even though his party controls both houses of Congress?

I'm sure Putin already knows Biden is a total wimp. After all, Biden already caved to Putin on the Russia to Germany oil pipeline.

Good old Joe...he blocks oil pipelines from Canada to the US because they'll hurt the climate but he support oils pipelines from Russia to Germany even though they'll hurt the climate.

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby aadbrd » Thu 10 Jun 2021, 20:13:16

Republicans won't take vaccines so Biden will send them overseas, just as he should. Use it or lose it. ... ines-world
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 11 Jun 2021, 09:25:26

Russia had the highest vaccine hesitancy rate with 53% unwilling or uncertain, followed by Australia (37%), South Korea (33%), Japan (33%) and France (31%).

The countries with the lowest rates of vaccine hesitancy are the United Kingdom (14%), India (12%) and China (8%), according to the poll, which surveyed between 1,864 and 4,566 respondents within non-U.S. countries.

5.5%. That’s by how many percentage points the rate of vaccine skepticism has fallen on average in the 15 countries polled over the past seven weeks, according to Morning Consult, as rates of vaccine hesitancy trend downward worldwide. The countries with the biggest drops in skepticism are Germany (hesitancy rate went down by 10 percentage points), China (10%), France (9%) and Spain (8%). ... bc9eb325e8
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 11 Jun 2021, 17:19:29

The Ds have just come up with another brilliant solution to a problem they created themselves.

Joe Biden uses the term "birthing people" instead of mothers or moms in his new budget proposal.

Why would Joe do such a stupid thing?

Its because Biden and the Ds now maintain that anyone who "identifies" as a woman IS a woman.

But that creates a do Ds talk about moms as a group, without hurting the feelings of all those transgender women out there who can't be moms. .... imagine the Ds want to talk to Moms, for instance, or write a law that helps moms but the Ds can't use the word "women" as a synonym for moms anymore because that would exclude transgender women (who are really men). What to do?

But the Ds have come up with a solution.....they've invented a new term...."birthing people."


Joe Biden uses the term "birthing people" instead of moms in his new budget. And his new OMB director is insisting thats the term the Biden administration is going to use from here on out.

So now the new politically correct term for moms is "birthing people. Or perhaps we should say "people of birth? Anything but mom, according to the Ds.

Thanks to Joe biden and thanks to the Ds for that example of idiocy.

Joe Biden wants us to stop talking about moms and use the new PC term "birthing people" instead. Thats is really really stupid, even for Joe Biden and the Ds

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby evilgenius » Sun 13 Jun 2021, 13:18:11

vtsnowedin wrote:
Newfie wrote:VT,

Yes to all that. OTOH keeping oil in the ground is the inly way to fight climate change. And that is why I like his actions.

Keeping our oil in the ground while the Russians and Iranians pump theirs out with little to no environmental precautions will actually do more harm then good for the climate issue.
I am for the switch to electric vehicles but it needs to be done at the rate that they can be built and renewable power generation and distribution infrastructure can actually be built to charge them.
Shutting down drilling on US lands now is getting the cart before the horse and that will prove to be a big mistake.

Don't you think it's possible that shutting down drilling right now could be a strategic decision, in the next Cold/Hot war?

It makes sense to do it now. We know that the depletion rate is severe enough that it wouldn't allow shale to project into the end game. America could use what shale has in the ground right now, when the end game rolls around. A politically imposed delay could do it. You only need a good enough reason.

Otherwise, I totally object to it because the industry can see the electric car revolution staring them in the face. There is nothing like an informed market to distribute resources. This is like saying they believe that the market will react exactly backwards from what we intuit. They are putting on the pressure, telling the industry what they want from them.

You do have, I think, to sometimes think about these things in terms of pressure. Biden might not get his way. But, then, there is the problem that the GOP is now beholden to the rabble, what they once considered the rabble.

It would now be so much more likely for a windfall profits tax to pass that it would probably be the next arrow unleashed from the bow. They could take some of the profitability out of the equation to keep going.

I don't know anything about the industry's ability to match such a move by using scale and cost cutting measures. Depletion rates are another thing that could effect things, especially if the ability to drill new wells was constrained.

But the industry has all kinds of ways to do things. They can drill in many directions from the same pad. They might just innovate around any economic style regulations.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 13 Jun 2021, 15:00:14

evilgenius wrote: the industry has all kinds of ways to do things. They can drill in many directions from the same pad. They might just innovate around any economic style regulations.

The Biden administration isn't doing "economic style regulations."

They aren't issuing federal leases for oil exploration. In fact, they are breaking prior leases and taking back federal lands that have already been leased. They are revoking permits for oil pipelines that have already been permitted. They aren't issuing new permits for oil drilling.

Essentially the Biden administration is shutting down the US oil biz, bit by bit.

This might be bad for the US economy, but its good for the earth.

Trump wanted to make America great again, even if it hurt the earth. Biden wants to make the earth cool again, even if it hurts America.

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby evilgenius » Sun 13 Jun 2021, 17:10:37

I talk about the endgame because I wonder whether we can figure it out ahead of time. I hope we can. Going electric may help. I know natural gas really powers that, but you gotta believe.

The other side of the whole argument is that we can't. That could mean a big war. Those sorts of wars could escalate into the kind of thing that would be at least as destructive as anyone's fears. The chance is probably less, if we talk about it.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sun 13 Jun 2021, 18:58:48

evilgenius wrote:s getting the cart before the horse and that will prove to be a big mistake.

Don't you think it's possible that shutting down drilling right now could be a strategic decision, in the next Cold/Hot war?

It makes sense to do it now. We know that the depletion rate is severe enough that it wouldn't allow shale to project into the end game. America could use what shale has in the ground right now, when the end game rolls around. A politically imposed delay could do it. You only need a good enough reason.

from the same pad. They might just innovate around any economic style regulations.[/quote]
I have often thought that leaving the Alaska oil (and other USA resources) in the ground until the middle East and Russia run dry would be a good plan. I now doubt we can do that given the realities of the oil business and government stupidity.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 19 Jul 2021, 01:11:41

The Ds in Texas decided to shut down the state government, so their wealthy masters chartered a private jet for them and the state legislators flew to DC.

And because it was a private jet, none of the Ds wore face masks.

And now they're coming down with by one.


How curious that the grandstanding by the Texas Ds has turned into a SUPERSPREADER event.

The Texas Ds thought the CDC rules on wearing masks during plane flights didn't apply to them.....and now they're all coming down with Covid!

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 19 Jul 2021, 08:07:36

R’s dont like proposed legislation so they fillibuster.
D’s dont like proposed legislation so they flee.
Private jet means no masks, both sides have done that trick.

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Wed 21 Jul 2021, 15:55:31

My question is are these Texas Democrats also Vaccine deniers? I thought all Democrats were smart enough to get vaccinated. 8)
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 21 Jul 2021, 20:54:37

I had the same thought.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Wed 21 Jul 2021, 23:05:11

vtsnowedin wrote:My question is are these Texas Democrats also Vaccine deniers? I thought all Democrats were smart enough to get vaccinated. 8)

First, NO large group is going to be "all for" idea X, where the idea is controversial (even when it's as clearly net beneficial as mRNA Covid-19 vaccinations for anyone without certain major health issues).

Second, even the MOST blue and well vaccinated states only have about 70% vaccination rates for Covid-19.

Third, there are PLENTY of well educated folks (across the political spectrum) that think they know more than doctors because they heard or read X about autism from vaccines, etc. and thus are anti-vaxxers. This is an anti-science agenda that gets more vociferous outcry and therefore publicity on the right (which seems well deserved, given that when I checked yesterday, the worst 20 states re new Covid-19 infection rates were almost all red, with a couple trending to purple).

If the "vaccine hesitancy" agenda weren't so widespread, we'd be doing a HELL of a lot better than 60% of those over 18 in the US vaccinated, given what's going on with Delta, and PLENTY of effective Covid mRNA vaccine available in the US, if the hold-outs wanted to get smart. ... cases.html

It's the same thing with science denial in general. Though the right wing is generally loudest re braying about science being "wrong", for some issues, there's plenty of anti-science noise from the left. All the uproar of genetically modified foods comes to mind as an example, despite the lack of evidence that GMO's have been proven "dangerous".

Emotion might be a super tool for politics, but it's a very poor way to evaluate science.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 22 Jul 2021, 06:57:19


All true but you missed the point.

I for one and sick of arrogant snide left wing attacks claiming Republicans as Neanderthals who deserve to die because their Nazi beliefs keep them from getting the vaccine.

And yes, I have heard that, and worse.

So I completely get the irony of a bunch of Dem lawmakers not wearing masks and getting covid.

AND there are those on the right e.g. obnoxious deniers), that annoy me as much for their hypocrisy.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sun 25 Jul 2021, 14:45:34

A question I would like to see asked at a White House press briefing.
How many of the people crossing the closed Southern Border are being vaccinated before they are sent on planes and buses to mix with the US population?
If the answer is anything other then 100% the follow up question is WHY??
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 25 Jul 2021, 19:18:21

Good question.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 26 Jul 2021, 00:27:39

I am not expecting this senile administration to get this or anything else right. You would thing even a newbe intern could see that vaccinating all those processed would look good for them come the next election but apparently even that one positive step is beyond their ken.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 28 Jul 2021, 08:32:29

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s latest leap into the Senate’s up-and-down efforts to clinch a bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure deal comes with even more at stake than his coveted plans for boosting road, rail and other public works projects.

The outcome of the infrastructure bargaining, which for weeks has encountered one snag after another, will impact what could be the crown jewel of his legacy. That would be his hopes for a subsequent $3.5 trillion federal infusion for families’ education and health care costs, a Medicare expansion and efforts to curb climate change. ... 06493d2d15

OK, some real off the cuff approximate math here.

$3.5 TRILLION is about $10,000/person; man/woman/child/retired.
Add another $1 TRILLION for infrastructure for an additional $2,500/person.

Or more like $30,000/worker.

And we have already had something like $3TRILLION in stimulus spending, I have frankly lost track. Or very roughly $50,000/worker additional debt in the past 2 years, should these new bills pass.

$50,000 MORE debt in 2 years.

The new ADDITIONAL debt is just about double our annual budget. This is like a guy making $100,000/year, unable to pay down existing debt, taking an additional $200,000 loan. What are the payback terms?????

At what point does that sink in?


From Reuters
Top line is Individual Income, line 2 Social Security income.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 30 Jul 2021, 21:23:28

Not sure Newfi but I expect not until the new tax rates come in and many middle class taxpayers find they are now considered rich and extra taxable.
A lot of people seem to think it will not apply to them, but such massive spending will create such bills that the tax burden will, as usual, get spread over all of the middle class.
The math is the problem and all the liberal democrats flunked sixth grade math.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 08 Aug 2021, 13:25:20

Obama just threw a giant birthday party for himself and hundreds of wealthy democrats at his posh 20 million dollar Martha's Vineyard estate


There are many curious things about this.

First, how ironic that Obama the former liberal "community organizer" now lives on a 20 million dollar estate on martha's Vineyard.

And, how ironic that the hundreds of leading Ds, who spend their time telling regular Americans that they should social distance and wear masks, in their own lives attend huge parties for hundreds of people where no one is masked (other then the hired help) and there is no social distancing.

And how ironic that John Kerry, Biden's climate change Czar, flew into the party by private jet, after claiming the wouldn't fly on private jets anymore.

And how ironic that the community of Martha's Vineyard organized ad protested against the party, out of fears it would turn into a "super spreader" event.

And how curious that the media reported on this giant birthday party, and then they reported that it was downsized and essentially cancelled, and then it turns out that was all a lie and Obama held his giant super-spreader party for himself anyway, but the media is censoring all reports about it, and even social media posts taken at the party showing how huge the party was were quickly taken down.

Its enough to make a person cynical.

So it turns out that Obama is a liar. So Kerry is a liar too. So the media are liars as well. So all the liberal billionaire Ds are liars. So everything they say about wearing masks to avoid Covid doesn't apply to them. Does that mean you should become cynical about everything?

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