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THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sun 13 Jun 2021, 12:29:22

At present I see the hypocrisy of Republicans vs the hypocrisy of the Democrats as pretty much a Even Steven balance with no side having much to be proud of.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby jedrider » Sun 13 Jun 2021, 12:49:18

vtsnowedin wrote:At present I see the hypocrisy of Republicans vs the hypocrisy of the Democrats as pretty much a Even Steven balance with no side having much to be proud of.

How so? The Democrats have always considered themselves 'middle-of-the-roaders' which, of course, gets them nowhere. I'm not seeing equivalency in hypocrisy here.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 13 Jun 2021, 13:04:29

jedrider wrote: The Democrats have always considered themselves 'middle-of-the-roaders' which, of course, gets them nowhere....

Both parties consider themselves "middle-of-the-roaders"......everyone naturally sees themselves as virtuous and wonderful.

You have to look at what each party is actually saying and doing.....not just what they consider themselves to be.

The spotlight right now should be on the Ds, since they are the party in power.

And there is a lot of extremist nonsense and nuttiness in the D party right now.

Look at the D party media like CNN.

Joy Reid on CNN just said that children in American schools are taught about race from a "Confederate" perspective.

That is absolute nonsense. The schools in the United States are not teaching from a Confederate perspective. Its idiotic for Joy Reid and other Ds to say or think that.

But thats the kind of nuttiness and detachment from reality that is driving a lot of the D base and is behind the nutty D policies we are seeing.

And nonsense is never "Middle-of-the-road.....even woke nonsense is just nonsense.

And too much of what the Ds and their friends in the MSM are saying is just nonsense.

The Ds and their allies in the media are pushing a lot of nonsense these days....and Joy Reid in her little tin foil hat on CNN is one of the worst

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby jedrider » Sun 13 Jun 2021, 20:03:27

The spotlight right now should be on the Ds, since they are the party in power.

And there is a lot of extremist nonsense and nuttiness in the D party right now.

Look at the D party media like CNN.

I'm surprised how much of the MSM has become pro Democrat.

That says a lot about Republicans, however.

The Democrats may be in power, but are clearly stalemated, so shining a light on the forces of stalemate is quite valid and is the obvious focus of the MSM so far.

Senate + Supreme Court == Congress + President

I wish we could talk about Republicans on this thread, but I might as well just talk to myself :-)
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby jedrider » Mon 14 Jun 2021, 13:59:22

I think the news of the day between Republicans and Democrats is how the Republicans have been so effective in asymmetrical political warfare. As a Democrat, I have to admire their strategy. The liberal MSM is always shocked, but I just have admiration. The gentleman's game is done for, but no one told the Democrats that. Where are the books on this?
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 14 Jun 2021, 16:03:02

jedrider wrote:
The Democrats may be in power, but are clearly stalemated, so shining a light on the forces of stalemate is quite valid and is the obvious focus of the MSM so far.

Senate + Supreme Court == Congress + President

Sorry --- but in the real world the Ds are in control of the Senate. The Ds hold 50 seats and with Kamala they win all tie votes.

Don't blame the Rs if the Ds can't get their act together.

Its not the Rs fault that the Ds have conflicts and disagreements over what to do with their control of government.

jedrider wrote:I wish we could talk about Republicans on this thread, but I might as well just talk to myself :-)

I'm happy to talk about the Republicans, but lets try to stick to the facts as they are in the real world.

In the real world the Ds control the Senate and the House and the Presidency.

Your claims that the Rs control the Senate is 100% wrong.

The Ds problem is the Ds.

If you look at things objectively you'll find that not all Ds agree with everything in Biden's far left agenda, and as a result some D Senators are blocking it, and thats why its stalemated.

Its not the Rs fault when the D donkey party is having trouble with some of its D donkeys.

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby jedrider » Mon 14 Jun 2021, 17:13:01

Its not the Rs fault that the Ds have conflicts and disagreements over what to do with their control of government.

Yep, they've failed in having a monolithic strategy, precisely why I admire the Republicans for this. Republicans and conservatives are playing to win. Democrats are just playing with ideas, it seems.

So, there's not much to say here, except onward to the midterms because the balance is still at the tipping point and must go one way or the other then. Remember that Democrats pulled the last election out of a hat and that hat must be continually fought for and our culture is also being fought over every day.

The Democrats need to engage with ideas, however misleading, to beat back Republicanism.

We got the Climate idea already nailed (never mind nothing really significant is really ever done about it, but a pipeline did get canceled or abandoned in the face of opposition).
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 15 Jun 2021, 01:03:59

jedrider wrote: Remember that Democrats pulled the last election out of a hat and that hat must be continually fought for and our culture is also being fought over every day.

The MSM is doing everything it can to hide Joe's senility and spin the Biden administration as extremely successful and that gives the Ds a tremendous advantage. For instance, the MSM didn't report on the way that Biden has turned himself into a laughing stock on this trip to Europe. At the main conference Boris had to gently steer Biden back on track when the group was discussing Syria, and Biden over and over again referred to Libya instead of Syria. The other national leaders wound up laughing at Biden because he couldn't stay on track with what they were talking about.

Same thing when Biden was out on the streets of St. Ives. He wandered into a restaurant and couldn't find his way back out until his wife scurried in and pulled him back outside. The video of senile Joe Biden getting lost and the Brits laughing at him as his wife grabs him and pulls out of the restaurant at has been getting lots of air play in the UK.

Same thing when Biden gave a little press conference. Some one in the British media asked Biden a question and he replied by saying his aides wouldn't let him answer that question. The reporters were rolling their eyes and laughing at Biden to the point that his little aides had to to come running in shout down the reporters to pull Biden out of there. This kind of thing is very embarrassing for the US and for Biden.

Brits laughing at Joe Biden when he gets lost in a restaurant

jedrider wrote:
The Democrats .... got the Climate idea already nailed (never mind nothing really significant is really ever done about it, but a pipeline did get canceled or abandoned in the face of opposition).

Yes, but that was a US pipeline. However a month earlier Joe said it was OK for the Russian to build a pipeline from Russia to Germany, in spite of the fact that Russia is under sanctions for invading Crimea. Basically Joe wimped out on that one. So a Russian pipeline is OK but a US one isn't? Is that Joe's position on climate change?

Its not a very clear message if the way Joe Biden wants to fight climate change is to put US workers out of their jobs, while saying its OK for Russian and German workers to do the same kind of jobs that he is blocking US workers from doing.

Joe Biden is more lost every day. The Brits and other Europeans got a good laugh out of senile Joe Biden getting lost in a restaurant until Jill could find him and drag him away and not being able to follow a discussion and refusing to answer questions because his aides won't let him.

Joe Biden's cognitive decline is getting really really bad. He can just barely read a teleprompter now and If there's no teleprompter to help him he is pretty lost. How much longer can the US MSM cover all this up?

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby aadbrd » Tue 15 Jun 2021, 10:32:32

Joe Biden's mental state has nothing to do with "THE Republican (general) Thread pt. 5" (that is unless you want to simply use this thread as a proxy for Fox News or OANN).

This does, however. ... 25838.html

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 15 Jun 2021, 16:11:02

Joe Biden's brain stops working ....... again


Once again Joe Biden has shown that he can't follow simple questions.

This time he was at a press conference before his "summit" with Putin and a CNN reporter asked him, in a very courteous way, If Joe still considered Putin to be a "killer."

And Joe Biden couldn't answer.

His little brain froze up.

He fell silent.

He looked around for help.

Where was Jill? Where were his staffers? Where was a teleprompter to tell him what to say?

Poor Joe.

It must be terrible for him. I'm sure there is some dim understanding in his overall dim little brain, that he can't think very well anymore.

And its terrible for rest of of us as well.

This senile, half-sentient old fool is about to have a summit with Putin.

What is Biden going to do if Putin asks him a question? Just go silent again?

I hope they didn't schedule the summit with Putin during Joe's nappie time!

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby JuanP » Tue 15 Jun 2021, 16:18:19

Biden will not be left alone with Putin for even a second. There is no chance in hell that his handlers would allow Biden and Putin to have a one on one conversation. Biden will be accompanied by US officials at all times. They will also hold separate press briefings after the meeting to avoid any public humiliation, as requested by the US government.

Biden's mental condition does not allow him to have an intelligent conversation with someone as sharp as Putin. People can say what they want about Putin, but he is nobody's fool.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby jedrider » Tue 15 Jun 2021, 16:24:13

Kamala for President!

Let's just switch titles with the Democrat Thread :-D
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby aadbrd » Tue 15 Jun 2021, 21:34:08

jedrider wrote:Let's just switch titles with the Democrat Thread

Might as well, since Plantagenet seems to run this place now.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 16 Jun 2021, 00:31:30

aadbrd wrote:
jedrider wrote:Let's just switch titles with the Democrat Thread

Might as well, since Plantagenet seems to run this place now.


Don't try to blame me for jedrider's suggestion.

And your partial quote doesn't include the most germane part of jedrider's post where jedr said "Kamala for President!"

No doubt that is coming.

It was pretty much inevitable when the Ds put senile old Joe at the top of their ticket.

Back before the election Joe said he won't run for a second term, but I'm not sure Kamala will have to wait that long to get her chance to be president.

We'll just have to see how the Ds do it......will Joe gracefully stand aside and let Kamala take over, or as Joe's cognitive abilities decline even further will Joe's staffers keep pretending Joe is OK and keep moving him around and propping him up and chasing him down when he gets lost and interrupting press conferences when Joe can't remember what the questions are and they can't be on the podium with him telling him what words to say like the guy in Weekend at Bernie"s..

Weekend at the same as Weekdays at Bidens......he just get worse and worse and more and more lost.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 16 Jun 2021, 09:38:00

Democrat or Republican, these are the only possible choices.

Two organizations seeking domination, one over the other.

European history is full of wars of ascension, fights to be the dominant party.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 18 Jun 2021, 16:11:29

Former White House physician issues letter calling on Biden to get tested for cognitive decline


'The American people deserve to have absolute confidence in their president,'

'They deserve to know that he or she can perform the duties demanded of the office, and they deserve to have full transparency on the mental state of their highest elected leader.

'I would argue that the American people don't have that confidence in President Biden.'

It goes on to list examples of moments of the president's apparent confusion -

' [Biden] doesn't know what's going on, where he's at. He's very confused all the time,' he said in an interview with The Hill.

Other countries are having a great time laughing at videos of Joe Biden wandering around lost or getting confused and being unable to remember things, unable to understand things, and unable to even speak coherent sentences.. All these thing suggest Biden has dementia. ----

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby jedrider » Sat 19 Jun 2021, 09:30:12

Reading Obama's A Promised Land. He talks a lot about Republican intransigence. It is easy to torpedo bipartisanship. Since Newt Gingrich, they have played to win like this. Democrats playing to govern is not quite an equal match. It is asymmetrical politics. It would be the same as Communist strategy in the Soviet Union or Mao's China. They played to win and control absolutely.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 19 Jun 2021, 12:00:49

jedrider wrote:Reading Obama's A Promised Land. He talks a lot about Republican intransigence. It is easy to torpedo bipartisanship. Since Newt Gingrich, they have played to win like this. Democrats playing to govern is not quite an equal match. It is asymmetrical politics. It would be the same as Communist strategy in the Soviet Union or Mao's China. They played to win and control absolutely.

I remember Obama promising to "stop the seas from rising." Gee....what nice sounding promises Obama made us all.

Instead he foisted the phony Paris Climate Accords on the world, and as a result of Obama's lies we see today that CO2 is going into the atmosphere faster then ever, the seas are rising faster then ever, and all the other disasters of climate change that obama did nothing about and coming sooner then anyone dreamed.

I want the Copenhagen climate change treaty back that Obama derailed.....not his stupid Paris agreement that does nothing to stop climate change and has made things much much worse.

I promise you many wonderful things....promise promise promise. Just ignore reality and listen to my promises. I promise you many wonderful things

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 25 Jun 2021, 16:35:07

Rs charge Ds with conniving with China to cover up the origin of the Covid Virus in the Wuhan lab.


It is curious that the Wuhan virus has killed millions of people around the world, and the Biden administration and the Ds in Congress remain curiously uninterested in where the virus came from.

Biden and the Ds have been very reluctant to even consider the possibility that the Wuhan virus originated in the Wuhan lab. Biden even made Fauci his principal advisor on the Wuhan virus, in spite of the fact that Fauci clearly lied in the past about the funding he was giving to US researchers and the Wuhan lab to collect and study bat viruses.

The Lancet and the World Health Organization have recently removed a scientist who was caught lying about his role in the Chinese lab from playing any future role in the investigations of this question, but the Ds are unwilling to to do that with Fauci. They are covering up for Fauci, who clearly has been lying under oath to Congress on this subject.

Fauci's lies to Congress sure look like a cover-up to me.

Hey Joe! Where did the Covid virus come from? You know....the one that's killed millions of people? Do you know? Or are you too sleepy to care? Or maybe you are OK with Fauci covering up his role in this?

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby dissident » Tue 29 Jun 2021, 12:25:10

The real question is why did the NIH fund the gain of function research in Wuhan. Last time I checked Wuhan wasn't in North Carolina.
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