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THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby jedrider » Sun 21 Mar 2021, 14:41:49

JuanP wrote:"Make Way for Kamala Harris, the Deep State's Dream President" ... president/

I deeply dislike KH, as I suspect a majority of Americans do; her record as a prosecutor is extremely disagreeable. She seems to lack any redeeming qualities as a person. I really would love to have a minority woman as US President; I've often stated here that Tulsi Gabbard was my favorite presidential candidate in the 2020 election.

I seriously fear that having someone as KH as US President would be counterproductive to the advancement of minority and women's rights, though. She's not as bad a sociopathic, narcissistic, murdering bitch as Hillary Clinton is, but the potential for evil is obviously there, and, if empowered, it could bloom. She seems to completely lack empathy.

I'm curious, too. First job accomplished: Win over Donald Trump. Now, what's next?
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 22 Mar 2021, 23:09:28

jedrider wrote: First job accomplished: Win over Donald Trump. Now, what's next?

We already know what the Ds did next..

The Ds opened the borders and let all the illegal immigrants in. The Ds penned up children in cages and stacked them on mats on the concrete floor (see todays photos of the inhumane conditions the Biden administration is keeping these kids in).

And now the Ds want to fly the illegal alien kids to the Canadian border and put them up in posh hotels with room service and make the taxpayer pay for everything....the tab will be 100 million for the first batch of kids in hotels....with many more to come.

So the question now is....what additional crazy things will the Ds do?

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 23 Mar 2021, 07:14:59

Just to add a different perspective, here is an opinion piece summarizing the Israeli political history and present. We (me) lament the 2 party system, hut the multi-party way seems to he having its own difficulties. What is common is that the same old, same old political hacks remain in the spotlight.

Would term limits help? ... ons-circus
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Ibon » Tue 23 Mar 2021, 10:15:31

Newfie wrote:Just to add a different perspective, here is an opinion piece summarizing the Israeli political history and present. We (me) lament the 2 party system, hut the multi-party way seems to he having its own difficulties. What is common is that the same old, same old political hacks remain in the spotlight.

Would term limits help? ... ons-circus

A couple of nights ago a group of us were discussing politics and there was some divergence of opinion regarding policy but in reference to politicians themselves there was universal agreement. Self serving and ego driven and willing to compromise any principals if this will lead to increase or maintain power. Machiavellian .

Most folks with real intelligence steer clear of politics so this acts like a filter. Folks intelligent and with principals steer clear of politics as they recognize the game.

This results in folks with both character and intelligence, what would really be good for the country, are filtered out from the beginning. Filtered out mostly because such folks choose to not go into politics.

And so this leads me to a follow up observation. Following politics beyond the basics of doing your civic duty is a waste of time. When you consider the filter process mentioned above on top of the fleeting time you have on this planet why would anyone waste their time engaging with politics and politicians.

The recent election saw many citizens in the US going tribal and being almost religious in their political beliefs. This reveals a deficit in the culture.

Maybe we hit the bottom? Hope so.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Ibon » Tue 23 Mar 2021, 10:21:37

An additional thought. Recalling what I read about some indigenous cultures the chief held his position somewhat tenuously based on how the tribe accepted him as leader. This selected for a leader who SERVED his people and his position as chief was dependent on that. That is not politics by the way just leadership.

Once you get above the tribal level of a couple of hundred people this direct link between service in leadership is weakened. That is where politics begins.

Politics is n unavoidable attribute of civilization or any agglomeration of more than a couple of hundred humans.

Even when revolutions allow the common people to win back a bit of accountability it has no staying power. The Machiavellian personalities of politicians will always undermine the commons for self gain.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 23 Mar 2021, 22:45:52

Senate Ds call out Biden on racism and vow to block all Biden cabinet appointees


Senator Duckworth (D) and Senator Hirono (D) are vowing to block Biden nominees from being confirmed by the Senate because Biden's appointees don't include enough Asians. They have enough of this racist discrimination against Asians by Biden.

When you add Duckworth and Hirono to the 50 Rs in the Senate, there are enough votes to block EVERY Biden nominee.

Of course, all Biden has to do to fix this problem is tell his current nominees that their nominations are now withdrawn and then replace them with Asian nominees. But if he picks black nominees to withdraw, won't black D Senators decide to block all Biden nominations? And I can't see the Biden Hispanic nominees being willing to stand down so Asians can take their place either.

This is where identity politics inevitably take us------the skin color of the nominee is now the the most important thing to be considered by Biden and the Ds.

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby JuanP » Wed 24 Mar 2021, 22:27:19

"Killer talk: Democrats & liberal media whip up anti Russia, anti GOP hysteria to hide their misedeeds, but this ploy will fail" ... sia-biden/

"The Biden White House is quickly painting itself into a corner on the global and domestic fronts, labeling anyone outside of the Democratic franchise in the harshest terms. Is American hubris so bad it has forgotten diplomacy?
In the paranoid mindset of the Biden administration, sequestered as it is behind a barbed-wire enclosure it erected following the “insurrection” of January 6, enemies are everywhere. From the purported white supremacists and ‘domestic terrorists’ that fill the rosters of the Republican Party, to the “killer” inside of the Kremlin who apparently has nothing better to do these days than meddle in US elections, the list is a long one."

I expected the Biden administration to be a complete disaster for Americans, the USA, and the American Empire, but so far they have been actually WORSE than I expected them to be. I am amazed at the incredible delusion and ineptitude they've displayed so far; it is almost as if they were trying to be the worst possible US government in history on purpose. I find it completely incomprehensible. Is it corruption? Is it stupidity? Is it ignorance? Is it arrogance? Is it all of the above? I feel as dazed and confused about this as I did about life in my pothead days!
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby dissident » Fri 26 Mar 2021, 14:23:25

Biden is the festering pustule of hubris in the US elites. They are now fully dependent on their propaganda koolaid. They think their will will triumph over reality. Their "successes" in the near term are going to be:

1) Restart of the war in the Donbass. But the Kiev regime and its paramilitary outfits are going to be trounced like they were in 2014. No amount of US advisers can help them.

2) Restart of the war in Syria. The US has established an effective food blockade against Syria. This includes terrorizing 3rd party suppliers of food and fertilizers. Water is dual use danger for Americans.

3) Attempt to sanction Germany directly to kill the NS 2 pipeline. This is a key policy goal since Washington thinks it can force Russia to feed Banderastan by forcing Russian gas shipments through it. Russia is deploying massive LNG export capacity. Washington is going to be surprised.

4) A new wave of Putin "murdered his opponents" hysteria. The UK media is circulating some "hit list" of expat losers who are going to targeted by Putin. This includes Khodorkovsky whom Putin could have offed at any time over the last 20 years but only now is going to become a martyr. Must have expended his utility so that extra last squeeze of propaganda juice is going to be made by his NATO handlers.

5) Point 4 above will be used as the basis of a new round of sanctions that supposedly will bring Russia to its knees. Nothing says genius like doubling down on the same impotent move. If they keep on repeating the same process, eventually they will get the result they want. But aside from Sanctions, we have saber rattling. So the Donbass war will be used as an additional pretext to launch some sort of military action on Russia. NATO yaps are routinely barking about Kaliningrad. Crimea may be another target.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 28 Mar 2021, 21:49:09

dissident wrote:Biden is the festering pustule of hubris in the US elites. They are now fully dependent on their propaganda koolaid. They think their will will triumph over reality. Their "successes" in the near term are going to be:

1) Restart of the war in the Donbass. But the Kiev regime and its paramilitary outfits are going to be trounced like they were in 2014. No amount of US advisers can help them.

2) Restart of the war in Syria. The US has established an effective food blockade against Syria. This includes terrorizing 3rd party suppliers of food and fertilizers. Water is dual use danger for Americans.

3) Attempt to sanction Germany directly to kill the NS 2 pipeline. This is a key policy goal since Washington thinks it can force Russia to feed Banderastan by forcing Russian gas shipments through it. Russia is deploying massive LNG export capacity. Washington is going to be surprised.

4) A new wave of Putin "murdered his opponents" hysteria. The UK media is circulating some "hit list" of expat losers who are going to targeted by Putin. This includes Khodorkovsky whom Putin could have offed at any time over the last 20 years but only now is going to become a martyr. Must have expended his utility so that extra last squeeze of propaganda juice is going to be made by his NATO handlers.

5) Point 4 above will be used as the basis of a new round of sanctions that supposedly will bring Russia to its knees. Nothing says genius like doubling down on the same impotent move. If they keep on repeating the same process, eventually they will get the result they want. But aside from Sanctions, we have saber rattling. So the Donbass war will be used as an additional pretext to launch some sort of military action on Russia. NATO yaps are routinely barking about Kaliningrad. Crimea may be another target.

and 6) Biden is going to abandon the peace deal Trump put together in Afghanistan and instead keep US forces in Afghanistan so they can continue fighting in the war there.

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 11 Apr 2021, 02:01:03

The hypocrisy of the Ds stinketh unto high heaven!

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) is presiding over the biggest covid surge in the US right now.......and she won't order Michigan back into lockdown. Gov. WHitmer has "requested" that People in Michigan not travel and that they not travel and stay home ..... but she won't actually do her job and ORDER Michigan into quarantine.

And then.....and then........Gov. WHitmer's closest aide gets caught traveling to Florida


So, once again, there is one rule for the little people....and those rules don't apply to the Ds themselves.

Like Gov. Newsome going to a huge dinner party when he banned dinner parties....or Nancy Pelosi getting her hair done all hairdressers are supposed to be we've got Whitmer's personal aide traveling when Whitmer is telling everyone in her state not to travel OF COURSE Whitmer knows her aide isn't she's a $%^%$ hypocrite!!!

Gov. Whitmer is a flaming hypocrite!!!!!!


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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby jedrider » Sat 29 May 2021, 22:47:12

'Inside Job?': Republican strategist explains how GOP's vote against the Jan. 6 commission really looks

Well, a plan for Democrats from a Republican.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby aadbrd » Sun 30 May 2021, 12:10:55

Ibon wrote:Once you get above the tribal level of a couple of hundred people this direct link between service in leadership is weakened. That is where politics begins.

It's not about quantity, it's about quality. A couple hundred people of the Trumpite or Qanon persuasion does not a utopia make (the sort of arrangement one might be most likely to see in, let's say, a backwoods survivalist group in Idaho that wants to break off from the US). A couple hundred intellectuals ala the founding fathers who are schooled in the art of intelligent debate, however, can steer a ship of a lot more people than an indigenous tribe. The death of expertise in this country, the strong anti-intellectual and paranoid streaks, that's what's doing us in. Your leaders should be our best and brightest, not just the most appealing narcissistic populists with the most effective bullying put-downs.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 30 May 2021, 17:37:59


Lots to agree with there.

You have suggestions for a path forward?
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby aadbrd » Sun 30 May 2021, 19:58:15

Sure, but they won't be implemented because they would require those unfit to vote (or serve) to abdicate their rights and let the grown-ups take the wheel. Instead, off the cliff we go.

Conclusion, democracy doesn't work because people are simply too dumb on average to know how to govern or who best to represent them and govern. Democracy is far too optimistic about human nature and competence, which made sense during the great enlightenment but certainly not today in our ideocracy stupor.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 30 May 2021, 20:17:16

aadbrd wrote:democracy doesn't work because people are simply too dumb on average to know how to govern…..

Actually, thats why monarchy and dictatorship doesn’t work.

The “great leader” that leftists like you yearn for inevitably turns out to be a dope who makes mistakes just like everyone else. And while democracies have mechanisms to replace incompetent leaders and to reverse wrong-headed government policies, leftist dictatorships don’t.

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 31 May 2021, 08:14:22

MAYBE.....there is NO organizational structure that “works”. Hunans are just messy animals organizationally.

Or MAYBE they all work within limits, and the churn is our natural tendency for variation, trying to find works best at this instant.

What I am fairly sure if is we have extremely limited capacity to figure out and adjust for what will work as our situation evolves.

I don't see any one government that is adequately adjusting. We KNOW climate change and resource depletion are occurring. Yet we do damn little. The Chinese had the one child policy which was pretty insightful. Does that mean we want a Chinese type political system? Tough questions.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 31 May 2021, 19:55:07

Newfie wrote: The Chinese had the one child policy which was pretty insightful. Does that mean we want a Chinese type political system? Tough questions.

The Chinese have now decided their "one child" policy has been a disaster and they have just switched to the "three child policy."

China policy switch to new "three-child policy"

This is another example of how having a leftist dictator make all the decisions for an entire country leads to chaos.

The COVID pandemic is another example of the poor decision making that characterizes that the world has caught up to reality, we have to face the fact that the CCCP not only had a policy of trying to create deadly Covid viruses in a lab in Wuhan but then presided over a system so poorly designed that the deadly covid virus leaked from the lab, and then tried to cover up the virus leak and the origin of the virus, resulting in a global pandemic that has killed millions or people around the world and still is continuing to kill millions more.


And look at all the money the Chinese CCP has wasted on trying to bribe Hunter Biden and his dad Joe. The stupid dopes in China.....Joe and Hunter would've done just what the Chinese wanted even without being bribed!

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 01 Jun 2021, 15:05:49

$106 billion over 5 years to help eliminate racial wealth differences. ... 021-06-01/
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 01 Jun 2021, 15:17:14

I oppose the federal government discriminating against some people in order to favor other people, purely on the basis of their skin color.

It was wrong when the federal government took actions that favored whites over blacks and its wrong when the federal government takes actions that favors blacks and Hispanics over whites.

AND there is a very good chance that the kind of racial discrimination that Biden and the Ds are supporting is unconstitutional.

If discrimination against blacks and other POC purely on the basis of skin color is unconstitutional, surely discrimination against ANYONE purely on the basis of skin color is unconstitutional.

A better way to overcome racial disparities in the US, IMHO, would be to fully fund education so every talented person could afford to go to college and graduate and get a good job.

The Ds used to support a color-blind society. Now the Ds support racial discrimination. I think Biden is a racist and his plan to discriminate on the basis of skin color is racist.

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 01 Jun 2021, 16:05:36


I would not object to spending the $106 billion on education and mental health.

I have seen a lot of these set asides in action, the results are seldom help the target population. Basically they typically hurt a lot if folks through enforced inefficiency.
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