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THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 13 May 2021, 16:50:49

jedrider wrote:So, Newfie, no comment on Liz Cheney?

Liz Cheney Helped Create Donald Trump’s GOP

That says volumes of your purpose (and Plant's, too) to stoke doubt on Democrats whilst never having any introspection on Republicans

My saying nothing “speaks volumes” in your head.

My saying nothing means I have nothing to say. I haven’t followed Chaney to other than to see the occasional unavoidable headline.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby JuanP » Thu 13 May 2021, 18:26:30

I never liked Liz Cheney at all, and I hope she leaves public life forever. Her father was one of the most repulsive people I've heard of in my whole life, and that apple fell right under the tree. I was glad to hear she was removed from whatever position this talk is all about. Good riddance! I hope she leaves Washington soon and never goes back.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby dissident » Fri 14 May 2021, 08:48:46

Looks like there is some pressure to clean the R. Party of the neocon lunatics. Too bad the D. Party is infested with them. Funny how the same rabid political element infiltrated both parties. This indicates that their ideology is not left or right, but something else, that would be total control.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 14 May 2021, 09:03:11

That is pretty much the way I see it. There are factions on both sides who want single party control, a fight to the death.

Hopefully moderates can pull their respective parties back.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 15 May 2021, 09:37:14

I see ousting Liz Cheney as a big mistake for the party and for the country. Her sin was speaking the truth and the voice vote to push her out defines the Republicans in the house as a radical group of lie believers and idiots with out an ounce of honor or integrity between them.
I think those house members are misreading the polls, thinking they have to support Trump to win next year, and I think rank and file Republican voters are much less in Trumps camp. Many of them held their noses last year and voted for Trump as the only way to vote against Pelosi and Schumer. That does not mean they are for Trump going forward and the sooner the party gets away from Trump the better off the party and the country will be.
At the moment they don't seem to have a good enough grasp on reality to see the error in this weeks action and change course.
I hope that changes over the summer.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Newfie » Sat 15 May 2021, 12:56:24

One can only hope. I ro see more support for Trump among the rank and file than I suspected. But as you say my sense is that it is mostly due to the Pelozi and squad factions, which seem reviled. They have sacred the R’s quite a bit.

I am thinking of a couple of guys here. Trump supporters. But in their actions they are very moderate. When you talk about issues they are very moderate. But bring up the pol operatives and then their hair stands up.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 15 May 2021, 13:09:15

vtsnowedin wrote:I see ousting Liz Cheney as a big mistake for the party and for the country. Her sin was speaking the truth.....

That was Liz Cheney's big mistake right there.

Politics isn't about speaking the truth.

Politics is all about lying.

And Liz Cheney, through her career, was just as accomplished a liar as the rest of the Ds and the Rs.

So there is something more going on there that has made Liz Cheney stop being political and stop lying like the politicians do.....

IMHO this is just the latest step in the feud between the "establishment" Rs and the Trumpies.

This goes back to Trump attacking JED Bush in the 2016 primaries, and Trump attacking W over the Iraq War and Trump attacking McCain for being a POW.

This is long standing feud, and Liz Cheney is on the "Bush" side of the feud and she thought she could finally take down Trump after the Capitol riot.

So Cheney denounced Trump and Cheny voted for impeachment and Cheney kept on attacking Trump.

But it didn't work.

The Trump side of the R party is out to take over the R party from the establishment Rs, and Liz Cheney is on the losing side of that political battle.

But Liz Cheney isn't done yet. The Bush/Establishment Rs aren't giving up.

Rumor has it Liz Cheney will run for president in the R primaries in 2024. That will give her plenty more chances to attack Trump in the R primaries then.

Fun fun fun! Get your popcorn ready!

I did so win the election in 2020 Liz got blood comin out yo ......eyes over that don't you!

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby JuanP » Sat 15 May 2021, 14:10:08

I wish we could get rid of trump! He does make me laugh a lot, but I would love it if both the Republicans and the Democrats had better leaders. The quality of today's American political leaders leaves a lot to be desired. Like I've said many times, my preferred presidential candidate in the 2020 was Tulsi Gabbard, and look what happened to her. I am afraid that the American political system is corrupt to the marrow and it's too late to try to fix it. I expect things to continue getting worse in the world, in general, and the USA, in particular, for the rest of my life.

I hope Ibom is correct and I am wrong about what the younger generations can achieve, but I don't see it, and the gods know how hard I try. I would love to believe that the Millennials or Gen Z crowd will fix anything, but I believe they won't be provided with an opportunity to try. It is already decades too late.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sat 15 May 2021, 15:37:01

Newfie wrote:One can only hope. I ro see more support for Trump among the rank and file than I suspected. But as you say my sense is that it is mostly due to the Pelozi and squad factions, which seem reviled. They have sacred the R’s quite a bit.

I am thinking of a couple of guys here. Trump supporters. But in their actions they are very moderate. When you talk about issues they are very moderate. But bring up the pol operatives and then their hair stands up.

Regardless, there are lots of swing voters, who value truth and credibility, who matter.

Unless the Dems. are stupid enough to run, say, HRC or Sanders as their candidate in 2024 (or equivalent -- WHAT a nightmare), as one who values facts and science but is a moderate, I would vote against Trump, NO MATTER what.

Not that I matter. But I suspect that there are tens of millions of voters who are more or less in my camp, re recognizing that Trump can NOT be trusted, and that giving away untold $billions (or even $trillions) to buy liberal votes NO MATTER WHAT is terrible policy.

As usual, I'll concede I could be wrong, but I don't think so on this particular subject. At least, not yet.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Newfie » Sat 15 May 2021, 16:06:34


It is inconceivable to me that the R’s would run Trump yet again.

Then again it was inconceivable to me that they ran him in the first place or that he won. I can layoff his winning to his despicable opponent, I can not fathom how he one the nomination.

So, I guess anything is possible.

Maybe something good is also possible?
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 15 May 2021, 19:16:40

Considering how much stupidity has come down from both sides, in say the last ten years, I can't predict a period of less stupidity and actual reason.
Both sides seem bent on a course that insures their parties destruction at the same time causing the country to undergo major harm.
I will say this: Even though I am not with her on all issues if Liz Cheney announces a run for president in 2024 I will send her campaign a donation within legal limits ASAP.
She and perhaps Romney are the only Republicans (maybe a couple of others)who have shown the integrity and honesty that we really need going forward.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 15 May 2021, 20:54:17

Outcast_Searcher wrote:Unless the Dems. are stupid enough to run, say, HRC or Sanders as their candidate in 2024 (or equivalent -- WHAT a nightmare).

That nightmare is past.

The nightmare we have to look forward to is the Ds running Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate in 2024.

Thats clearly their plan........

Joe Biden will be shuffled off to some posh old folks home in a few years, and then we'll have CAMELA.......the first Asian Indian Black Hispanic White President ever!!! Hoo-RAY!!!

Someday soon Joe will pass the baton of leadership to his great partner Kamala.....and then we'll all REALLY be screwed!

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby jedrider » Sun 16 May 2021, 14:07:12

Liz versus Kamala? Who are the prospective candidates for R's presidential aspirations in 2024?

Maybe, that will depend upon whether Trumpers and Tea Partiers gain more traction in 2022.

It's kind of ridiculous how our government yanks itself back and forth between R's and D's, without any common consensus.

The Democrats have just one focus now: It's the ECONOMY stupid, and they know that.

Are the R's still going to be tooting Pro-Life/Pro-Gun/Anti-Gay? That's going to get old.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sun 16 May 2021, 18:25:18

I think Liz vs. Kamela is a win for Liz.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sun 16 May 2021, 18:50:11

Here is a thought that really just hit me this hour.
Suppose instead of a few small state primaries having undue influence on the outcome there were nationwide primaries say a month apart where every voter got to rate the contenders top to bottom.
You could start with the top ten contenders moving on, then cut it to six a month later and so on to a final choice by round five.
This would give every voter( not just the voters in frostbite falls farmland) five chances to have their opinion heard as the campaigns progress.
Living where I do my primary vote has never had any influence on the outcome. This would make all voters regardless of location of residence equal.
The present election officials (my wife included) would have conniption fits making this change but would get over it in time.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby jedrider » Sun 16 May 2021, 19:49:59

vtsnowedin wrote:I think Liz vs. Kamela is a win for Liz.

It would be a level playing field. You Republicans wouldn't be disadvantaged by Joe's charisma!
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 16 May 2021, 20:41:50

jedrider wrote:It's kind of ridiculous how our government yanks itself back and forth between R's and D's, without any common consensus..

Thats because the smart thing to do is do switch parties when things get screwed up, and the Rs screw thing sup when they are in power and the Ds screw things up when they are in power. Just look at Biden---he's only been in office 3 months and already he's screwed things up in record time.

jedrider wrote:The Democrats have just one focus now: It's the ECONOMY stupid, and they know that..

The problem there is that the Ds in DC are so stupid and senile they have already screwed up the economy.

Just in the last week we had inflation surging and then a disastrous jobs report, both caused by the Ds stupid bills that pump out huge money for covid relief when the covid crisis is now ending, and which pay people more to stay on unemployment then they could get if they go back to work, just when we needs millions of people to go back to work.

The stupid Biden economic program is making the economy worse....not better.

And then there are Biden's lies about schools.....Biden promised to open the school within 100 days after taking office, but here we and the lying Ds haven't opened the schools. In fact the CDC under Biden actually rewrote their guidance calling for schools to open because of political pressure from Biden and the Ds and teachers unions.

Its a disgrace that the CDC is caving in to political pressure from the Ds, but that the kind of sleaze balls Biden and the Ds are.

Well....we can't get the economy going without getting the schools open so all the moms can go back to work, but the Ds have #$%%$ed that one up, and we can't get people to go back to work if they get paid more to be unemployed....another stupid Biden idea.....and it turns out that printing endless amounts of money and pumping it out from DC causes inflation. WOW! The Ds have done the trifecta ....there's been one massive F-UP on average for every month good old senile JOE has been in power.

Its almost like somebody made a list of what we should do after the COVID epidemic ends to get the economy going again and the Ds did the opposite.

Thats we get for electing people who are not only stupid but senile to boot!

Only Biden and the Ds could be stupid and senile enough to keep the schools closed and then wonder why moms don't go back to work and a a D bonus push through bills to pay millions of people more to stay on unemployment then they would get if they went back to work....and then be puzzled as to why millions of people aren't taking jobs and going back to work....

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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby aadbrd » Sun 16 May 2021, 21:08:42

jedrider wrote:Who are the prospective candidates for R's presidential aspirations in 2024?

I see the party dubbing Ron DeSantis the heir apparent if they can't get Trump back.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 17 May 2021, 18:59:54

aadbrd wrote:
jedrider wrote:Who are the prospective candidates for R's presidential aspirations in 2024?

I see the party dubbing Ron DeSantis the heir apparent if they can't get Trump back.

I see a Liz Cheney vs. DeSantis race in New Hampshire and Iowa.
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Re: THE Republican (general) Thread pt 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 18 May 2021, 00:03:52

Liz Cheney attacks Biden for being weak on defense


Liz Cheney is triangulating........attacking both Trump AND Biden puts her right in the middle, which is the best place to be in politics

Heres wishing a happy mothers day to Liz Cheney!

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