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Happy Talk

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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby careinke » Thu 06 Aug 2020, 00:16:21

I was talking with my sister and brother in-law today. She is a Third grade government school teacher. She is NOT liking distance learning she prefers in person teaching. This summer she is tutoring a sixth grader who's dad is a lead pilot for SpaceX. Anyway, the Dad after he moved out here realized the Internet in rural settings sucks. So he signed the local elementary school up for the Starlink Beta program. Should be cool. Starlink is designed for rural areas and does not work well in cities due to population density issues.

This could really help remote rural areas to finally get the bandwidth needed for telecommuting in rural areas, eventually it will cover most of the world.

Amazon has a similar project. It's sort of like the TVA project to electrify rural areas in the thirties, only better, it's privately funded.

So, I'm very Happy to see progress being made.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 06 Aug 2020, 08:33:40

The USA lags many countries in internet availability. It would be a good green project to make it more available, promote work at home.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Ibon » Thu 06 Aug 2020, 10:32:22

careinke wrote:I was talking with my sister and brother in-law today. She is a Third grade government school teacher. She is NOT liking distance learning she prefers in person teaching. This summer she is tutoring a sixth grader who's dad is a lead pilot for SpaceX. Anyway, the Dad after he moved out here realized the Internet in rural settings sucks. So he signed the local elementary school up for the Starlink Beta program. Should be cool. Starlink is designed for rural areas and does not work well in cities due to population density issues.

This could really help remote rural areas to finally get the bandwidth needed for telecommuting in rural areas, eventually it will cover most of the world.

Amazon has a similar project. It's sort of like the TVA project to electrify rural areas in the thirties, only better, it's privately funded.

So, I'm very Happy to see progress being made.

Yeah that Starlink is cool but there has been a far better solution for rural areas if it wasn't for the regulatory laws that favor large providers like Verizon and cable companies.

Here in Panama we are in an extremely remote location. We pay $55 dollars a month for 3 mega speed. You know who the provider is? A very small mom and pop company the head of who is a switched on electrical / computer engineer who started up his business 10 years ago, set up a series of micro wave towers throughout the valley and transmits internet signal via microwave up into the mountains for folks in remote areas to have internet. This is not a Verizon or Cable & Wireless or AT&T.

Imagine if the US would deregulate the licensing, open up the ability in small rural areas throughout the country for small individual companies to buy bulk signal to then transmit via microwave and build up customer base.

This is not permitted because the licensing is all tied up with the big providers and it would be illegal to do this.

Imagine how many good paying jobs, how much entrepreneurial spirit this would empower individuals, how much of a rapid build out this would enable taking this last link to rural areas out of the control of the Verizons and AT&T's and let small companies loose in setting up a similar operation of what we are using here in Panama?
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby The_Toecutter » Thu 06 Aug 2020, 13:02:41

Ibon wrote: This is not permitted because the licensing is all tied up with the big providers and it would be illegal to do this.

Imagine how many good paying jobs, how much entrepreneurial spirit this would empower individuals, how much of a rapid build out this would enable taking this last link to rural areas out of the control of the Verizons and AT&T's and let small companies loose in setting up a similar operation of what we are using here in Panama?

If such an industry existed with a low barrier of entry where I am at, I might not be using my electrical engineering degree and 10 years related experience in the field to wash dishes at a restaurant for minimum wage.

The U.S. government and the corporations who have bought it have deliberately rigged things to herd such talent into the military-industrial complex, and the compensation for the work to be performed via said talent is being ratcheted downwards while the risks to the individual performing the work are being increased. A lot of talent is going unused in the U.S. as a consequence, because the crony capitalist model doesn't see such talent as useful unless it is in service to the immediate and short term profit margins of its benefactors. It is deemed a threat to the parasites at the top of the socio-economic heirarchy when such talent is not being used to this end, for which it is indeed such a threat. I know a few engineers, coders, and designers, that are or have been homeless, and/or are stuck working some menial job, unable to make some piece of their visions manifest in the world even if it is merely just to demonstrate potential usefulness, novelty, or even viability, because they lack the financial resources to do so when the focus is constantly on survival needs, and/or they don't want to serve organizations that serve to destroy humanity in the name of profit and/or nor do they want to do high level, high stress, high value work for peanuts either, but would otherwise take any other opportunity they could find were it genuinely available.

asg once recommended I look for a token effort such as installing solar hot water heaters or the like. Had I come across such an opportunity and been hired for it, I gladly would have taken it. So far, no dice.

Meanwhile, the planet is heating up and a great tragedy is befalling the human race as we speak. But with the current system in which we are forced to live, all that matters to those with the power to make the big decisions within society is that the richest among us get richer and expand the facets of our lives that they get to micromanage in some way in the pursuit of more profit...

Thus, we have your example. The FCC has essentially been captured by companies such as ATT and Verizon. They LIKE being able to charge people $100+/month for basic internet with their "legal monopolies", while making yet more money off of their partnerships with the U.S. government to conduct unconstitutional spying upon the public through electronic communications and they do not want any alternatives to this crony model to be available. These rules are unlikely to be changed, even if 99% of the American people decided they wanted them changed.

Yet another example of just how broken things are. There's not much of a point in having a civilization if one group of people is allowed to constantly prey upon everyone else without consequence.

But with everyone out in the streets, some change is coming soon. To what degree, and of what kind, remains to be seen. I try to be optimistic. I think I'm going to vote for Adam Kokesh for President in 2020.
The unnecessary felling of a tree, perhaps the old growth of centuries, seems to me a crime little short of murder. ~Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby The_Toecutter » Thu 06 Aug 2020, 14:07:24

bochen777 wrote:
Just put it all on the plastic so you can put on the plastic

I'm sure you've had some frightfully expensive orgasms in your time.

Having barely clawed my way out of debt and having made great sacrifices to do so, I don't find a few hundred milliseconds of bliss to be worth tens of thousands of dollars worth of debt that can follow me around and limit my future opportunities.

Everyone's got different priorities though.

bochen777 wrote:Nothing wrong with hooking up with young women of legal age no matter how much older the guy is... in fact the older a guy is the younger his partner should be in terms of absolute age number disparity... the fact you look younger than your real age is a benefit not a negative

When I was in my mid to late 20s, women just barely of legal age and into their early 20s were hard to get in spite of me being nearly 10 years older than them, because I had to convince them that I was of legal age. Back then, I was still a minor in appearance. Now it's kind of borderline and I don't have to convince them that I'm not 16, but they never believe I'm almost 40.

It my seem to be advantageous at first glance(and in many ways, it is), but it makes things awkward at the same time.

Biologically women peak at 24... its all downhill from there, slowly at first then faster and faster... the age 30 wall is a very real thing

If they care for their health properly, the 30 wall becomes the 40 wall. I've seen women in their early 40s that you could not tell were more than 24. And they do not look that way by habitually eating fast food and sitting on the couch watching soap operas.

Start taking cold showers, lift, heavy weights, not the cardio shit...

ALL of those things are already a habit. I curl 40 lb weights with each arm and am stronger than many 200+ lb men.

I have a fast basal metabolism though and it would require a great effort to bulk up, and I see no need in doing so. It's already a lot of effort to continue to prepare and eat enough food to avoid losing weight.

get on ketosis, cut sugar, cut carbs esp the unprocessed simple carbs, and go heavy on good fats and protein to build lean muscle mass and stay in ketosis mode.

I'm not on any keto diet, but my diet is very low in refined sugar. I avoid processed foods out of habit. MOST of my calories are from fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, cooked legumes, and wild caught fish. I do have pastas and breads in my diet, but I go for non-Roundup sprayed whole wheat varieties that haven't had their micronutrients bleached out of them.

Intermittent fasting is a must, 72 hour water fasts are good, the occasional 48 hour dry fast is great for losing fat since it converts fat to water but you are underweight so I dont recommend it for you.

Yeah, won't work for me. I easily burn an extra 1,000+ calories a day transporting myself with a custom velomobile I built.

I need to eat, a lot, calories on the order of a 300+ lb lardass consumes.

If I don't, I bet I'd be down to 115 lbs within the span of a month.

Today, I've consumed the following for breakfast and snacks:

-3 eggs, cooked sunny side up in olive oil with sliced tomato, sliced jalepeno, chopped garlic, chopped green onion, rosemary, thyme, oregano, majorum, parsely, black pepper, chili powder, sea salt, cilantro, lemon juice
-2 slices of whole wheat toast
-1 bowl of 6oz hempseed granola with 1/2 pint blueberries, 1/4 lb strawberries, and sliced banana with almond milk
-1 whole pineapple, carved and sliced
-3 whole large carrots, peeled
-2 bananas
-2 apples
-1 grapefruit
-8 oz bowl of mixed nuts with sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, banana chips, raisins, mixed, mostly nuts and seeds and not much sugar

That's just so far, and about 1/3 of what I will eat today.

I'm waiting for my lunch and dinner to cook as I type this. In the oven I have a pot of brussel sprouts roasting in olive oil, including a 1 lb bag of brussels sprouts, chopped garlic, chopped shallot, rosemary, Italian seasoning, black pepper, and sea salt. That's not my whole meal. I will be including with that a pot of beans and a pot of rice, which includes an entire cup of jasmine rice(dry, it expands when cooked) and 2 15oz cans of black beans cooked with green onion, cilantro, lemon juice, black pepper, jalepeno, chili powder, and garlic. The beans and rice will fill a large popcorn bowl when mixed, and I will eat the entire thing before heading back into work this evening AS WELL AS all the brussel sprouts.

When I get home from work late at night, I'll likely grab a banana, a grapefruit, an apple, and make a salad of leafy greens as a quick snack.

Wake up at 4 or 5 each morning, go to bed early,

I make it a point to get 8 hours of sleep every night that I can, and usually avoid staying up too late. Last night was an exception for a series of reasons.

Also look into semen retention and NoFap...

I'm no stranger to that practice. I've often been criticized and/or commended by my peers for thinking with my head and not my "other" head. I don't consume porn, as it just doesn't do things for me, knowing that any fantasy is merely imaginary. If I were religious, I could be a priest and not be bothered too greatly by such needs going unfulfilled.

Sure having money is great, having more money even better, but that should never be the excuse not to start right now, to approach and try your luck and express interest and getting to know the types of women tahat you desire ... ss-theory/

I am a man with standards, although not overly high ones.

A woman is something I want/need for sure, but I have every reason and right to be picky about which one. There ARE women out there that aren't hoes and gold diggers and thots as they are called. Lots of them in fact. But finding the right one can be like trying to find the proverbial needle in the haystack. I've not had a lot of luck with women, but I'm not a philanderer either which has also limited my opportunities.

The one who likes me and sees I don't have all of this consumerist crap? THAT is the one I try to find and keep. I do still have looks going in my favor.

And truth be told, I'm not even remotely interested in a quick lay, but an actual long term commitment. And whichever one happens to come my way, she's going to be pleased very nicely. :-D
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 09 Aug 2020, 19:25:08

We are living aboard on the hard in a Beaufort, NC yard. That means the boat is on stands. This morning at breakfast my wife says “Must be windy, I feel the boat shaking.” I felt it too but no wind.

Later found out they had a fair sized earthquake in North Central NC this morning.

Anyone else feel it?
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 22 Aug 2020, 21:25:27

Alaska has been very pleasant this summer with very few tourists. The border with Canada is closed and the ferry service to the lower 48 has been limited so mostly there is nobody in Alaska but us Alaskans. The result is the roads are mostly empty and tourists are few.

I'm off to Prince William Sound on monday to do some salmon fishing and fill up my freezer before the winter comes roaring in. The Silver Salmon run has started and they are flooding in and sometimes there are so many you can catch them by surf casting off the beach. I'm taking my kayak, and I'll probably do a day of surf fishing from the beach, a day of kayak fishing, and then go out on a fishing charter for day.

Silver Salmon are very beautiful fish....and they're running right now!

Wish me luck!

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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Sat 22 Aug 2020, 21:34:56

Oh the hardship! :-D

Good luck.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Ibon » Sat 22 Aug 2020, 22:55:12

Enjoy the wilderness.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Ibon » Thu 03 Sep 2020, 19:36:20

We just hosted the park officials of La Amistad National Park and the MInistry of the Environment of Panama. The event was celebrating the 32nd Anniversary of the establishment of the national park. The attached FB link is the Livestream video of the event. For those curious starting on minute 46 I am being interviewed. It is in spanish. While I am talking there is some good footage of the wildlife of our reserve taken from our camera traps. ... 999469385/
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 03 Sep 2020, 21:33:37


12-13 minutes of uninterrupted airtime. Impressive.

The images are wonderful. You've good right to he proud of your achievements.

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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby careinke » Fri 04 Sep 2020, 01:29:59

Ibon wrote:We just hosted the park officials of La Amistad National Park and the MInistry of the Environment of Panama. The event was celebrating the 32nd Anniversary of the establishment of the national park. The attached FB link is the Livestream video of the event. For those curious starting on minute 46 I am being interviewed. It is in spanish. While I am talking there is some good footage of the wildlife of our reserve taken from our camera traps. ... 999469385/

There you are, I was worried when you were gone for a few days, especially since you didn't answer my response to a question you asked. Now I know why. Pretty cool!
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Ibon » Fri 04 Sep 2020, 08:28:36

careinke wrote: I was worried when you were gone for a few days, especially since you didn't answer my response to a question you asked. Now I know why. Pretty cool!

I asked you on the Republican thread where you think tribalism is going. I remember having read your long and thoughtful response quickly before I got swept up with this national park event. So I went back this morning looking for your response and I cannot find it. What happened to it? I had thoughts regarding that but now I cannot locate your post.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Tanada » Fri 04 Sep 2020, 09:20:32

Ibon wrote:
careinke wrote: I was worried when you were gone for a few days, especially since you didn't answer my response to a question you asked. Now I know why. Pretty cool!

I asked you on the Republican thread where you think tribalism is going. I remember having read your long and thoughtful response quickly before I got swept up with this national park event. So I went back this morning looking for your response and I cannot find it. What happened to it? I had thoughts regarding that but now I cannot locate your post.

I think this is what you were looking for?
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Ibon » Fri 04 Sep 2020, 16:13:17

Yes. Thank you Tanada!
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 04 Sep 2020, 16:54:27

Tonight we are getting together with some friends to precelebrate my birthday, which is at the end of November. But in my head the odometer always rolls over at Labor Day. Back to school, the start of a new cycle, another hear older. Its when I FEEL like Im a year older.

Gonna get pizza to go, my request.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 09 Sep 2020, 16:14:50

Got up to a our cabin in PA yesterday. Was up on the roof this AM and managed to fall off. The good news is I also managed to land on my feet, shaken but not stirred! :-D

I seem to be skirting disaster recently. Don’t know what to make of that.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby careinke » Wed 09 Sep 2020, 16:26:36

I quit the Census today and feel a LOT less stress. On to homeschooling the grand-kids, and growing lots of food.
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 18 Sep 2020, 15:45:07

I needed an additional fuel tank for various reasons. It had to fit in a specific spot and be of a very odd shape. So it had to be a custom job. $2,600 so not chump change.

I made a mock up and then drew out the plans for construction on a CAD program. The fabricator constructed from my drawings and delivered it today and it slid right into the odd space just as if it was made for it.

When ever I do something like this I am always worried I will screw something up, lots of anxiety. And sometimes I do screw it up.

But when it works!!!! AAAHHH!!!
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Re: Happy Talk

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 11 Oct 2020, 18:21:17

Picture my neighbor took out across the bay where our cabin is.

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