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Kanye West for President

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Kanye West for President

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 23 Jul 2020, 00:07:26

Many voters in the US are dissatisfied with the presidential candidates this year----Both Donald Trump --- an overweening egomaniac, according to Kamala Harris --- and Joe Biden ---- a senile racist according to Kamala Harris-----have SERIOUS flaws.

Many voters have hoped someone else would run as a 3rd party candidate. I know, personally, I was hoping Mark Cuban would run as a 3rd party candidate.

Well....its happening. Kanye West the protean erratic genius madman black musician is running for president.

I tend to vote for third party candidates....I know I won't vote for Trumpses and I know I won't vote for Bidenses.

So how about Kanye? Hmmmm.......President Kanye. Its got a nice Obama-like sound to it.

Kanye West is running for President!!!!
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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby asg70 » Thu 23 Jul 2020, 10:03:00

Make Sarah Palin his running mate and it would be perfect clown world ticket for Plant. Sorry, nope.


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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 23 Jul 2020, 13:03:16

asg70 wrote:Make Sarah Palin his running mate

Too late for another one of your Sarah Palin fantasies (although that won't diminish your Sarah Palin obsession, I'm sure).

Kanya already has a VP selected...I think she's his dental hygienist in Wyoming, where he has a huge estate.

Kanye just said his wife and her mom are "white supremacists."

Ohmigosh.....and who can't relate to having a mother-in-law who is horrible.

Then his wife said Kanye is bipolar.

Its a heck of a way to run a presidential campaign, but its strangely appropriate for the 2020 election.

Now its Kanye vs. the White Supremacists......the perfect issue to run for President on in 2020.

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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby asg70 » Thu 23 Jul 2020, 13:09:27


Someone delete this thread.

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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 23 Jul 2020, 13:21:00

asg70 wrote:Someone delete this thread.

As usual asg/mos/ennui wants to censor things he doesn't understand.

I have another suggestion.

Why don't you just skip over this thread if you don't like it?

If there is any trolling going on here it is you who always mindlessly attacks things you doesn't understand.

As the immortal Shakespeare once said, and I paraphrase, "There are more things in heaven and earth, mos/ennui/ash, then are dreamed of in your philosphy."

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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 23 Jul 2020, 16:48:49

My point in starting a Kanye West thread is not to support his run for president, but to acknowledge it is happening and to discuss it.

My own point of view is that Biden and Trump are both flawed candidates so it would be great to have a viable 3rd party candidate.

But things being as they are, instead of Mark Cuban or Ralph Nader or someone like that, in 2020 we have Kanye West running for President.....and he's just as flawed as Biden or Trump.

Nonetheless, Kanye might draw votes from a significant number of disaffected young voters and music fans...both black and white.......who don't care for either Biden or Trump.

Some early polling shows Kanye drawing about 2 percent in the polls......and thats more then Ralph Nader ever got, even after running for President 5 times and costing Al Gore the election

Kanye's 2 percent is not enough to win anything but judging from what happened when Ralph Nader got much less then 2 percent of the votes but still supposedly cost Al Gore the election, its enough to screw things up in some of the close battleground states.


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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 24 Jul 2020, 22:01:16

Kanye West promises 1 million dollars for every baby


Biden and the Ds are promising they will raise people's taxes when they take power and heaven only know what Trump will do if he wins re-election. Meanwhile, Kanye has said that every new baby should get 1 million dollars.

Wow. That takes promising to a whole new level.

When it comes to promising and pandering, Kanye is in the lead.

1 million dollars for every new baby! Time to get the loving started!!!!
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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Fri 24 Jul 2020, 22:36:45

Plantagenet wrote:Kanye West promises 1 million dollars for every baby


Biden and the Ds are promising they will raise people's taxes when they take power and heaven only know what Trump will do if he wins re-election. Meanwhile, Kanye has said that every new baby should get 1 million dollars.

Wow. That takes promising to a whole new level.

When it comes to promising and pandering, Kanye is in the lead.

1 million dollars for every new baby! Time to get the loving started!!!!

Wow. When a POTUS candidate is promising economic things that make Bernie Sanders sound almost sane by comparison, you KNOW they are completely clueless.

Just think what THAT freak show would do the the US birth rate! (At least for a while). LOL


Gee, if only money grew on trees AND lots more population solved the world's problems, that idea might ALMOST make some sense, at least in far left loony liberal redistribute all the wealth possible, despite any merit land. As it is, that idea makes pretty much no sense at ALL.
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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 24 Jul 2020, 23:18:08

Outcast_Searcher wrote:Gee, if only money grew on trees AND lots more population solved the world's problems, that idea might ALMOST make some sense, at least in far left loony liberal redistribute all the wealth possible, despite any merit land. As it is, that idea makes pretty much no sense at ALL.

True that.

But are the people who say they would vote for Kanye smart enough to know that his ideas make no sense at all?

And does it even matter if what Kanye says makes no sense at all.

After all, the other two candidates are Trump and Biden, and much of what they say also makes no sense at all .....


Its hard to say if Kanye is serious about running for president or if this is some kind of self-promotion scheme or if he is having a bipolar episode as his wife says.

But assuming Kanye is actually going to run for president, I don't see how he can be kept out of the presidential debates. It would be systemic racism for the presidential debates to only include two elderly white men while excluding the only black man running for president.

And if Kanye can get into the TV debates all bets are off.

Debate me!

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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby JuanP » Sat 25 Jul 2020, 07:12:30

Plantagenet wrote:Kanye West promises 1 million dollars for every baby ...

... But assuming Kanye is actually going to run for president, I don't see how he can be kept out of the presidential debates. It would be systemic racism for the presidential debates to only include two elderly white men while excluding the only black man running for president.

Well, if I voted, he would have lost my vote right there. That is THE most stupid, ignorant, and backward thing I have ever heard a political candidate promise.

I agree that with the BLM and Woke things going on, it would not be possible to keep him out of the presidential debates. That would not be PC, regardless of how low he was polling. I don't think the media would want him out, either. He would definitely make the debates more diversified and probably more interesting and fun to watch, too. That would increase viewership and revenue.

I think I want him in the debates, too. I think that for the first time in my life I would be tempted to watch a US presidential debate. Having Trump, Biden, and West debating each other could be fun to watch, though I doubt I could watch the whole thing; at some point the sadness of it all would probably hit me.
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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 25 Jul 2020, 19:01:36

JuanP wrote:I agree that with the BLM and Woke things going on, it would not be possible to keep him out of the presidential debates.

Exactly right. Allowing the old white people who control who gets into the debates to deny a young black man running for President his right to be in the debate between two old white guys just because he is black would be seen as just more white supremacy (or at least some people would say its white supremacy).

JuanP wrote: That would not be PC, regardless of how low he was polling. I don't think the media would want him out, either. He would definitely make the debates more diversified and probably more interesting and fun to watch, too. That would increase viewership and revenue.

I think I want him in the debates, too. I think that for the first time in my life I would be tempted to watch a US presidential debate. Having Trump, Biden, and West debating each other could be fun to watch, though I doubt I could watch the whole thing; at some point the sadness of it all would probably hit me.

You are right that a presidential debate between Biden, Trump and Kanye would be wretched and sad. But it would also be quite funny, I'm sure.

I'd watch it just for the laughs.

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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 27 Jul 2020, 18:14:27

Elon Musk says he has done his best to convince Kanye not to run as third party candidate for President in 2020, but instead to wait for 2024.


Thats a pretty quick flip flop by Musk.

A couple of weeks ago he was saying he would vote for Kanye and now he is telling Kanye not to run in 2020 but instead wait for 2024.

Hard to say what Kanye will do.

We'll just have to wait and see if Kanye continues his 2020 run, or if he takes Elon Musk's advice and waits for 2024.

Kanye vs. Trump.....I'd pay money to see that debate.

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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 29 Jul 2020, 16:58:10

Kanye's presidential campaign has been doing the legal work and filing petitions to get on the ballot in multiple states.


The Kanye West campaign just filed their petitions to get on the ballot in New Jersey and now a D lawyer is challenging the filing and trying to deny Kanye an opportunity to appear on the ballot.

Its one of the most egregious examples of systematic racism I've ever seen.....just because Kanye is a black man, the Ds are out to keep him off the ballot and deny him the right to run for President. I don't see the Ds out fighting the other third parties in court....but in contrast the Ds are going after Kanye just because he is black.

Clearly the Ds are afraid of seeing a rich independent young black man running for President and are trying to keep him off the ballot.


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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 05 Aug 2020, 12:26:09

Kanye West just got on the ballot in Wisconsin.

And Rs are apparently helping Kanye in his efforts to get on the ballot in states across the country!


Thats one good thing about the Rs---they seem more open to third party presidential runs then the Ds do. The Ds aren't helping at all!

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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 09 Aug 2020, 13:27:08

Plantagenet wrote:Kanye West just got on the ballot in Wisconsin.

And Rs are apparently helping Kanye in his efforts to get on the ballot in states across the country!


Thats one good thing about the Rs---they seem more open to third party presidential runs then the Ds do. The Ds aren't helping at all!


Um, seriously, with Kanye acting EVEN STUPIDER than Sanders re economic cluelessness, and the dems 100% behind hoping Biden can still appear to function well enough to beat Trump, why would the dems help?

And with Warren, Yang, etc, it's not like the dems are short of "giving everything away magically means prosperity for all" voices of hype and vote buying.

And strategically it makes sense IF the GOP actually wants Trump again. (Shudder). Kanye might pull some votes from Biden, especially among Sanders fans who refuse to toe the dem party line. I don't see Kanye pulling ANY votes away from Trumpers, unless they're more demented than, say, Biden.
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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Subjectivist » Sun 09 Aug 2020, 14:14:14

Nothing scares the Biden camp more than a serious run from a candidate that will erode their minority voting block.

Unless they actually are running to lose and we just don't know it?
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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 09 Aug 2020, 14:45:41

Outcast_Searcher wrote:Um, seriously, with Kanye acting EVEN STUPIDER than Sanders re economic cluelessness....

Is that even possible?

And I want to bring Biden into this discussion of peak economic stupidity as well, since Biden has now shifted left and adopted the entire Sanders economic program in the name of D party unity.

Outcast_Searcher wrote:
why would the dems help? ....strategically it makes sense IF the GOP actually wants Trump again. (Shudder). Kanye might pull some votes from Biden, especially among Sanders fans who refuse to toe the dem party line. I don't see Kanye pulling ANY votes away from Trumpers, unless they're more demented than, say, Biden.

I agree with you....its very hard to say who is most demented/stupid/senile person when your choices are Trump, Biden and Kanye. Its almost like the US is cursed the way we've been give three impossibly bad choices running for president this year.

I just hate to see the Ds using dirty tricks to stop 3rd party candidates from even getting on the ballot. Its one thing to present your ideas and compete fairly in the political arena, but its dirty pool, IMHO, to try to use legal skullduggery to stop your opponents from even getting on the ballot. And its just the Ds---the Rs seem OK with Kanye getting on the ballot.

Polling shows Kanye is pulling his 1-2% of the electorate almost equally from Trump and Biden.....Kanye voters aren't normal voters...I mean, who would actually WANT to vote for Kanye?? I know the assumption by many Ds is that Kanye will pull black voters because Kanye is black, but thats a racist way to look at black voters....its the same as Biden saying all black people are the same.

When you beak it down the polling shows his supporters include both black and white people who like his Christian anti-abortion message and people disaffected with the political system----and some of these people are usually Trump supporters.

Kanye's Christian faith and anti-abortion stance is the reason some of his supporters plan to vote for him

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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Newfie » Mon 10 Aug 2020, 08:03:54

Isn’t this how Jessie Ventura got elected Governor?

And he wasn’t so bad at it either.

Who knows, maybe West would rise to the occasion if he won.

The two other clowns running have prove track records of failure.

What’s to loose?
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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Wed 12 Aug 2020, 03:37:20

Newfie wrote:Isn’t this how Jessie Ventura got elected Governor?

And he wasn’t so bad at it either.

Who knows, maybe West would rise to the occasion if he won.

The two other clowns running have prove track records of failure.

What’s to loose?

If by "this", you mean Jesse Ventura got elected governor as a third party candidate, that's correct.

Re religion, however, he committed complete political suicide by calling religious people mentally weak and religion a crutch they needed. I happened to be watching that speech, and I just couldn't believe it.

I'm politically quite clueless, but I remember thinking "Could he have worded that ANY WORSE? Even clueless me would have said something like "Organized religion isn't something I participate in, but I respect people for following their faith" -- OR SOMETHING like that, if a politician wants to keep their job. Sheesh.
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Re: Kanye West for President

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Wed 12 Aug 2020, 03:40:51

Plantagenet wrote:.
Kanye's Christian faith and anti-abortion stance is the reason some of his supporters plan to vote for him.

That sounds like a point. Abortion is a SERIOUS single issue voter magnet for a significant set of far right wingers, so that would be a draw for him.

I was so appalled by Kanye's lack of economic awareness I hadn't even looked at things like his religious stance.
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