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Blame Canada

General discussions of the systemic, societal and civilisational effects of depletion.

Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 10 Oct 2019, 16:38:56

Outcast_Searcher wrote:What fun would the world be without misrepresenting things?

Do you really feel that way? --- IMHO theres lots of fun to be had ridiculing hypocritical politicians like Trudeau based their own actual histories and statements.

Still everybody is different, and of course you are free to go down the dark road of misrepresentation if you so choose.

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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 10 Oct 2019, 16:52:07

Canada has an "election integrity" law meant to counteract inaccurate information that might affect political campaigns. But for some reason the law can't stop the unsavory rumors circulating in Canada about Justin Trudeau.


The US has long seen attacks and unsubstantiated rumors inserted into campaigns at the last minute, when they can't be counteracted. We call these "October surprises." The most recent one came in 2016 when the Ds and Christopher Steele leaked the unsubstantiated Steele dossier to the media, and the fake news about Trump cavorting with prostitutes who reportedly peed on Obama's bed in Moscow came out in late October, just before the 2016 election. Trump deflected that report by saying is was fake news and he would never do such a thing because he was "germophobic"

I think Justin Trudeau should do the same kind of damage control. He needs to denounce these reports as false. Unfortunately Trudeau severely damaged his own credibility by lying about the "blackface" scandal just a few weeks ago. It makes it harder for people to trust his word when he was caught out lying about wearing blackface not once, and not twice, but three times. And its possibly still more blackface photos of Trudeau will come out before the next election as well.

Justin Trudeau should go on TV and explain that he never engaged in any inappropriate touching of any of those underage girls when he was a teacher
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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 10 Oct 2019, 18:05:29

Plantagenet wrote:Justin Trudeau should go on TV and explain that he never engaged in any inappropriate touching of any of those underage girls when he was a teacher

Who cares, which slut he have touched and which one he didn't?
Lets reelect him.
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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 24 Oct 2019, 10:36:25

I see Canada took your advice, EU, and reelected Trudeau as PM.

Perhaps you are right——- he is entertaining to watch. And he does seem to have gotten his weird obsession with dressing up in blackface under control...... and the sexual scandals and financial scandals and political scandals swirling around him aren’t certified, for the most part.

Congrats to Justine Trudeau!

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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 22 Nov 2019, 18:00:23

Trudeau comes out in support of the government handing out free heroin


Its the natural extension of the liberal social welfare state where the government takes over and does everything for people. Why not also have the government supply people with heroin? Its clearly the liberal thing to do.

Guess which one supports the government handing out free heroin to people?

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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby dissident » Sat 23 Nov 2019, 02:01:08

Canada is a dope dealer's paradise. This posturing BS is just an admission of this fact.

Socialism or real left politics have nothing to do with this fake PC rot. As it stands, provincial law in Ontario gives more rights to LGBTQXYZ fringe groups than the rest of the population. If someone mangles my name deliberately I can't invoke a law to "defend" myself. But trannies and assorted real nutjobs such as sex-pervert furries have a law that "protects" them from being called a mr or mrs. This ludicrous "tolerance" by oppressive laws will be pushed to the national level.

Dress like a drag queen if you want to be called mrs., you freaking moron. Nobody is obliged to read your messed up mind.
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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby derhundistlos » Sat 23 Nov 2019, 11:30:31

Trudeau comes out in support of the government handing out free heroin

As opposed to what? The thoroughly failed policies of 50+ years of the War on Drugs? Heroin addicts are addicted for life. Most desire a life of normalcy, but their addiction forces them into crime, enriches criminal organizations, and self-destructive behavior. Crime and associated healthcare expenses are a tremendous drain on society. Instead, treat their addiction with a daily maintenance dose that prevents them from becoming sick, and by doing so permit a process of transition toward becoming a productive member of society.

While at first blush this concept may appear counterproductive, this is an innovative approach that's worthy of further investigation via a controlled pilot study.
Alone among God’s primates, Man kills for sport and lust and greed. If he's permitted to breed in great numbers, he'll make a desert of his home & yours. For he hath becometh death, the great Destroyer of worlds. ~The Budha~

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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 23 Nov 2019, 15:37:57

Trudeau comes out in support of the government handing out free heroin

As opposed to what? The thoroughly failed policies of 50+ years of the War on Drugs? Heroin addicts are addicted for life.

How exactly does the Canadian government handing out free heroin discourage more people from becoming heroin addicts and being addicted for life?

There is one basic rule of government....if you want more of something, subsidize it.
If you want less of it.

Trudeau is signing onto a HUGE GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY for heroin government heroin. No doubt heroin addicts will also get free needles and free housing and free food and free medical care, all at government expense. That huge subsidy for heroin addicts will naturally tend to create more heroin addicts.

Most desire a life of normalcy....

Thats a silly idea. Think about it, if someone wants "a life of normalcy" the last thing they'd do is start shooting themselves up with heroin. Being a heroin addict is hardly a "life a normalcy..." Its a life enslaved to craving a drug. Many heroin addicts become thieves and worse to support their habit.

IMHO the government should be doing everything they can do to discourage people from becoming heroin addicts....not subsidizing it with free heroin. Subsidizing heroin addiction has got to be about the dumbest government program I've ever heard of.

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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Sat 23 Nov 2019, 16:06:24

Jesus you guys are reactionary and seemingly illiterate. Read something for a change and try to comprehend it before jumping on the normal conspiracy train.
What was discussed, and not agreed to in the meeting between the Vancouver mayor and Trudeau was potential support from the Federal government for a controlled supply of diamorphine to the supervised injection sites that Vancouver initiated in the early 2000's. Those sites were built in an attempt to avoid all the junkies in East Van leaving dirty needles laying about and overdosing because of poor control on dose or quality of the drug. They took the view these guys/girls are going to inject themselves no matter what we do, lets try to get them to do it in a controlled environment so there is less chance of them harming themselves or others. Introducing a Health Canada inspected amount of medical diamorphine to these clinics would allow another layer of control that is all. It isn't creating more junkies, it's just addressing the fact that trying to get these folks off the habit is a long process in the meantime it is a good idea to make it safer for everyone.
This isn't a free for all anyone can have as much heroin as the want option. What kind of moron would interpret that from the press articles?
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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sat 23 Nov 2019, 16:30:23

Plantagenet wrote:
Outcast_Searcher wrote:What fun would the world be without misrepresenting things?

Do you really feel that way? --- IMHO theres lots of fun to be had ridiculing hypocritical politicians like Trudeau based their own actual histories and statements.

Still everybody is different, and of course you are free to go down the dark road of misrepresentation if you so choose.


Coming from you, who wildly misrepresents various topics you get excited about, such as cancer from EV's, or right wing politics, etc. it's highly amusing that you would say "dark road of misrepresentation".

But thanks for playing. 8)
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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 23 Nov 2019, 19:43:13

Outcast_Searcher, who wildly misrepresents various topics you get excited about, such as cancer from EV's


I don’t get why the personal attack here, including a misrepresentations of fact by you. Yes, in another thread I’ve linked to studies listed on the website of the National Institute of Health that suggest there is a cancer risk associated with high strength electro-magnetic fields, and I’ve linked to studies showing that high level EM fields are generated in EVs, and I’ve speculated that there might be a potential problem there.

There is no misrepresentation of fact there in that other thread. The National Institute of Health is a real and very prestigious federally funded medical research organization conducting real research on real medical issues. Why pretend otherwise?

I suggest that In future posts in this thread we stick to discussing the interesting issues in this thread instead of wasting time Discussing poorly-understood posts made years ago in other threads.


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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 11 Sep 2021, 19:44:52

Liberal fascists in Canada just staged a book burning.

Then they claimed that by burning books that they believe have non-PC ideas in them they are making Canada a "more inclusive" country.


Its sad to see the liberal fascists in Canada following in the footsteps of the national socialist facists in Germany in staging book burnings. The national socialist fascists burned books in the 1930s to drive out "un-German" ideas, and the liberal fascists in Canada are burning books today to drive out politically incorrect ideas.

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Re: Blame Canada

Unread postby dissident » Sat 11 Sep 2021, 20:58:40

Disgusting. Nobody voted PC ideology as the authority in society in Canada and anywhere else. As in every other case of mass human rights abuse in history it is a collection of self-righteous zealots posing as do-gooders who are the true source of evil.

For now there is a metastable state of normalcy in Canada and elsewhere. But it can flip over into concentration camp mode at any time. Social engineering always takes sacrifices, but not from the freaks foisting it on society.
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