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Q "The Plan To Save The World"

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End of the line

Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 23 Jul 2019, 03:19:12


I think the time has arrived, the old ponzi pyramid scheme is untenable, very likely, the old masters of big money central bank systems wanted to break the privileged west by creating this last giant bubble, then control slaves by installing a tight high tech camera/secret police/martial law grid.
There comes the 400 FEMA family camps in mind, creating the influx of cheap labor, health care programs paid by federal tax money.

Now the dark doings of these 8000 deepstate families are presented to the public, together with blaming the Fed/ECB for the next depression, the last one I suppose, there is no energy and resources to make it another go.
Like the sea ice light to dark, the satanists dark to light, we are at the end of the line.
There has been a revolution last year, this year or the next, patriots and true parents will be in control draining the swamp, strategically dismanteling the old power structure, TPTB.
Thank God, Allah or the Spirit.....finally. :-D ... 60a449.jpg

Still that minor issue of abrupt CC and its negative impact :cry:
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Mass charges lining up, ready for battle

Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 23 Jul 2019, 13:50:39

Pedophilia, child trafficking, Satan worship, bloodletting of children. In plain view.
‘But I say to you, the rest who are in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not known the deep things of Satan, as they call them—I place no other burden on you." Revelation 2:24

Kevin Shipp tweety.

8O ... ssion=true

He describes himself as “the only CIA officer in history to publicly expose government illegal activity and cover up, [and] stand up against the state secrets privilege at great personal risk.” In 2012, he wrote an exposé on the CIA’s abuse of government secrecy called “From the Company of Shadows.” (A preview can be read on Scribd.)
Kevin Shipp held several positions in the CIA and had top security clearance. Since leaving the CIA, he has become a whistleblower about the corruption he saw there and in other intelligence agencies.
According to a 2011 New York Times story, Shipp sued the CIA over the dangerous conditions of the housing the agency gave him and his family. After he moved to a new job at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, he felt the agency was surveilling his family and harassing him in other ways.
And he believes the Deep State is attempting a secret coup to take down President Trump. He believes that coup is treason. He made that claim and others in a recent interview with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog.

Indictments coming
Shipp thinks indictments will be coming down, maybe as soon as this year – a civil war that has been brewing for over 60 years. One side is composed of the “dark left,” the shadow government – the FBI, CIA and the NSA – the DNC and members of Congress. He believes a Marxist movement controls the DNC. Progressive goals are Marxist goals.
He says this is the first time since JFK that a president has confronted the shadow government. Trump is too kind to call it the swamp. He would call it the sewer. Armed citizens are a key component to thwart them, he says.
The progressives have three goals. First, to change the Constitution into “a living document,” and change the First and Second Amendments. Second, to target Christians because they believe Christianity underlies the Constitution. Third, to destroy the founding principles of America.
He says John Brennan, former director of the CIA, is saying crazy things about Trump because he knows he’s going to be indicted. The Deep State is panicking. They know this is treason. Shipp says this goes all the way up to Obama, and as long as Trump is in office, there is a chance Obama will be prosecuted.

The people are going to take down the media when they realize how complicit the media has been in this. He says MSNBC and CNN were seditious. However, it’s difficult to bring charges against the press because of press protections. Instead, they’ll take a huge advertising and financial hit. It could also mean the end of the Democratic Party. They are now the home of every sick and twisted group.
Shipp says it’s really a global conspiracy, involving intelligence agencies from foreign countries. He calls Hillary Clinton the globalist princess. Shipp discusses how left-wing billionaire George Soros is a globalist with Marxist views. He thinks if we get a globalist as a president after Trump, there could be an armed insurrection if they try to change the Constitution.
Soros is pushing for globalism. He’s “kind of a puppet of the Rothschilds,” the globalist powerful family who are heavily involved in the federal banking system. Shipp observes that the Federal Reserve is made up of foreign banks, it’s not federal and it has no reserves.
The Clinton crime syndicate
He says the Clinton Foundation is one of the biggest criminal charity frauds in the history of the world. Shipp calls it the Clinton crime syndicate. He said Robert Mueller and James Comey were investigating it and they dropped the investigation. He recommends people check out the work of Charles Ortel for more information on the corruption of the Clinton Foundation.

Shipp discusses how the Obama administration targeted Trump’s associate Paul Manafort once they discovered he had not registered as a foreign agent for his overseas business dealings. Of course, Clinton crony John Podesta failed to do the same thing, but he was not prosecuted.
The Deep State is going to continue pressing Putin toward a third World War. They will keep blaming him and make him look like he’s an international aggressor. By pushing wars, that helps the shadow government stay in power. It’s the military industrial complex.
Since the economy is doing well, which is hurting the Democratic presidential candidates, the Deep State will go after it to make it look bad. There is a missing $21 trillion in debt which Shipp says was moved under James Clapper at National Intelligence to National Security and classified as secret. Now we will never know what they spent that money on.
Attorney General Barr will be in charge of bringing indictments. Shipp says he will charge them incrementally, a couple here, then a couple there, etc. Hitting them all at once would cause government instability and would affect the stock market.

The CIA and FBI use classifications to cover up criminal activity. Trump said he is going to be declassifying more than just the FISA warrant information.
The dark left and dark violence
The danger is the dark left and dark left violence. As the indictments increase, violence is going to increase. There will be beatings, shootings and more shootings at police. Americans need to arm and protect themselves against this.
However, the Deep State is not going to get anywhere with voter fraud because there are so many millions of Trump supporters. Look at all the people who show up at Trump’s rallies.
Democrats are running from the Democratic Party, Shipp says. Millions are turning to Trump. The voter turnout for Trump in 2020 is going to be even more shocking than 2016.

Shipp said voter fraud occurred in Florida where the supervisor of elections bussed in fake votes. It also took place in Texas, Georgia and Arizona. RINOs helped the Democrats take over Congress during the midterm elections. There’s no difference between them and the Democrats; they’re basically one party.
He says if Trump can get the money back from China they’ve taken through unfair trade, he can start paying down U.S. debt. In a couple of years, we’re not even going to be able to afford the interest on the national debt. He thinks Trump is so under siege now that he probably won’t try to accomplish it until his second term. Russia and China are working to see that the U.S. dollar is no longer the world reserve currency. If that happens, we’re done.
Mathematically, we’re headed for a financial collapse. The question is when. He thinks it will happen after Trump is out of office.
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Re: The time .... has arrived.

Unread postby copious.abundance » Tue 23 Jul 2019, 18:43:23

Do we really need political conspiracy theories in this thread? :roll:
Stuff for doomers to contemplate:
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Re: The time .... has arrived.

Unread postby asg70 » Tue 23 Jul 2019, 19:02:34

copious.abundance wrote:Do we really need political conspiracy theories in this thread? :roll:

We don't need any thread.

-Billions are on the verge of starvation as the lockdown continues. (yoshua, 5/20/20)

-Short welched on a bet and should be shunned.
-Frequent-flyers should not cry crocodile-tears over climate-change.
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From theory to realism

Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 23 Jul 2019, 19:27:52

Yes copious, asg70,

Let us move on from sheer theory to actual facts and even realism.
I agree this should be on the topic of economics and finance and I am not a pro on these matters.
I am just the driver with a message :-D

Who controls central banks like the Fed, very few private families, around 200 managers do the work, 20 big CEO's.
Bought this Ebook on some other than amazon.....forgotten and not on my downloads...mmmmm....will get back lateron.

Imagine what will happen if consumers drop their fear of those PTB, see them for what they are :twisted:
That lack of consumer confidence must reflect in a severe downturn.
As die back heats up, consumers start dying, economy will do the same.

No, let us escape in the fantasy that things always grow and wish :roll: even abundance has limits
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Theories OTSF time .... has arrived.

Unread postby GHung » Tue 23 Jul 2019, 19:30:30

copious.abundance wrote:Do we really need political conspiracy theories in this thread? :roll:

Depends on whether or not they are true, eh? Do we not need them because they are not true, or because we don't want them to be true? Just askin'.
Blessed are the Meek, for they shall inherit nothing but their Souls. - Anonymous Ghung Person
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Do we want to know? Our failure not to stop them until now

Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 24 Jul 2019, 06:23:08

Nobody, including me wants them to be true Ghung, you would have to be insane. :roll:

A fair lot of conspiracies have already been proven to be true, wether this is accepted as such is a different thing.

Elite/famous Hollywood child/sex/murder/torture ring has been proven to be true, so is pizzagate.
From there all the other conspiracies can be proven true or false by sincere investigation, it were the glue, blackmail in darkness that bound these NWO elite together, royalty/big business/politics/banks/media....the whole lot.
Now they, them satanists face real opposition that is turning the secret police on them.
FBI swamp has been drained, other will follow.

Like Joe B. whispering "I feel so horny standing next to a 13 yr old girl" former vice president, presidential candidate dropout, amnesia, seeking an easy way out, instigated the civil war in UA, MH17 false flag attack, stole millions by fraude with his son junior. Using the same Soros/Surkov data for Russian collusion conspiracy hoax as the MH17 mass murder blamed on naughty Russians. Plenty proof if we look carefully, investigate.
He will die in jail or get excecuted, likely to commit suicide. No excuse no mercy, even dement and 80 plus years old. ... &FORM=VIRE ... ORM=VDQVAP
Do you know Joe Biden? ... ORM=VDRVRV ... ORM=VDQVAP

Watch the youtubes and hear/see for yourself, then make up your mind.
It is not for a lack of evidence or knowledge on these matters.
It is that they are naked now, not protected by our institutions anymore.
We finally see who they are, satanic terrorists, involved with treason, genocide and eating children alive.

No sane person wants this to be true. :cry:

No mercy, no prisoners :evil: for the worst, those actively practising child torture and sacrifice

Back to gold and dollar matters, the above will have implications on the markets/central banks.
Gold as a standard is back as an option on the table.
Food and water will be the next thing sought after in a few years, after the arctic sea ice is history.
It looks like it is all connected.
Or is that just another conspiracy theory?
You decide.

amazing Polly:

Big Tech is predatory. Right now - through SMARTphones and Apps they are softening you (and your kids) up for a lifetime of exploitation.
It is essential that you #DitchYourSmartphone.

NWO population control as they are aware of abrupt CC and its negative impacts this and the next generation.
It is the old self domestification reflected with high tech on a global scale.
It is the predator mindset with the fear of food denied, the fear of being found out.
Our internal dialogue is based upon that, a position of self pity and importance.
We are battling our own thoughts, an internal war in a personal world, each one of us.

Like Eve with the apple, amazing Polly is getting close, very close.

In the first half I speak to Jessica Yaniv - the trans woman who is forcing female sole proprietor aestheticians to provide intimate waxing to male private parts by threatening to take them to the Human Rights Tribunal if they refuse. (and getting away with it so far).. In the second half I go over RGB and her recent dinner party companion Padma Lakshmi.
I give a few shout outs to great videos I've recently found and...
I rant about subversion and the swamp. :)

Wax my balls :roll:

A giant swamp is what it is.
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Re: The time .... has arrived.

Unread postby asg70 » Wed 24 Jul 2019, 09:25:50

GHung wrote:
copious.abundance wrote:Do we really need political conspiracy theories in this thread? :roll:

Depends on whether or not they are true, eh? Do we not need them because they are not true, or because we don't want them to be true? Just askin'.

We don't need them because they are not true and they broadcast to the world that doomers are iconoclastic nutcases with no critical thinking skills.

-Billions are on the verge of starvation as the lockdown continues. (yoshua, 5/20/20)

-Short welched on a bet and should be shunned.
-Frequent-flyers should not cry crocodile-tears over climate-change.
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Re: The time .... has arrived.

Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 24 Jul 2019, 15:08:23

FBI Comey spying, covert black operation on that white house, his boss D.Trump.
This demodog conspiracy will backfire, tomorrow.
BCP on the issue.

Get out the popcorn, we'll have a blast. 8)
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Re: The time .... has arrived.

Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 24 Jul 2019, 17:15:08

There you go, one nasty conspiracy theory debunked!!!!! The Russian Trump interference hoax

What a blast! Look at those faces!!!!!

Hannity on the issue, take the MSM down
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Re: The time .... has arrived.

Unread postby copious.abundance » Wed 24 Jul 2019, 19:27:37

Can a moderator please delete all these off-topic replies? Thank you.

The Russia investigation, the veracity of the Fed, population control and Hollywood sex schemes hardly have anything to do with whether or not a recession is on the horizon.

It's really sad that some people cannot participate in a discussion without hijacking a thread to all sorts of completely irrelevant discussions.
Stuff for doomers to contemplate:
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Re: The time .... has arrived.

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 25 Jul 2019, 20:35:02

I've never been a conspiracy theorist, but its pretty clear now there was a conspiracy among Hillary, Obama, and by various dupes in the DNC and the Obama DOJ and in the intelligence services to ensnare Trump in a phony intelligence investigation by accusing him of conspiring with the Russians.

Mueller may be weak and tired and starting down the road into senility, but at least his investigation cleared Trump. So who actually did collude with Russia? Ironically, it turns out to be the Ds who paid Fusion GPS a million dollars for dirt on Trump and they hired Christopher Steele to get Russian disinformation that they used to smear Trump, making the Ds the ones who colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.

Never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to f#@% things up---Barack Obama
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Re: The time .... has arrived.

Unread postby asg70 » Thu 25 Jul 2019, 22:54:31

Plantagenet wrote:...its pretty clear now there was a conspiracy among Hillary, Obama, and by various dupes in the DNC and the Obama DOJ...

^ The original thread-jacker right here doing what he does best.


-Billions are on the verge of starvation as the lockdown continues. (yoshua, 5/20/20)

-Short welched on a bet and should be shunned.
-Frequent-flyers should not cry crocodile-tears over climate-change.
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OMG, a conspiracy pandemic

Unread postby Whitefang » Fri 26 Jul 2019, 00:24:23

8O asg70,

Now that everybody except the MSM and elite democrats/deepstaters/traitors have been labeled conspiracy theorists…….. ... rack-obama

Monica Crowley was also a big fan of the Trump-fueled conspiracy theory that Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

Now that minor issue would make Barack O. and Michelle O. illegal ex president and first lady for 2 terms right?
How about them helping deepstate setting up ISIS dark puppy state in the middle east?
What was ex first lady doing river rafting/champagne guzzling next to the Notre Dame when the roof burned down?

Your only excuse is that you had no clue, you were not informed, you were just unaware.
If you were just somebody only following CNN that could be true, the propaganda is excellent.
But over the last 2 decades or so you have been given plenty linkies to make up a more intelligent view on terror and treason.
I suppose your take on pizza is just pizza? Even if they cost up to a hundred grand?
Billy boy C. did not fly Lolita to orgy Island?
Mad science cannot be true?
you have some catching up to do asg70.

Maybe you get paid writing disinformation, that would make you complicit working for terrorists, the elite of those are satanists.
If so I would suggest you look into your dark lords doings and decide if you really want to be with them.
Epstein Temple, just a gym with a piano or Temple of Doom for children? ... th-penalty ... d-killers/

repost quoty:

Attorney General William P. Barr has directed the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to adopt a proposed Addendum to the Federal Execution Protocol—clearing the way for the federal government to resume capital punishment after a nearly two decade lapse, and bringing justice to victims of the most horrific crimes. The Attorney General has further directed the Acting Director of the BOP, Hugh Hurwitz, to schedule the executions of five death-row inmates convicted of murdering, and in some cases torturing and raping, the most vulnerable in our society—children and the elderly.
“Congress has expressly authorized the death penalty through legislation adopted by the people’s representatives in both houses of Congress and signed by the President,” Attorney General Barr said. “Under Administrations of both parties, the Department of Justice has sought the death penalty against the worst criminals, including these five murderers, each of whom was convicted by a jury of his peers after a full and fair proceeding. The Justice Department upholds the rule of law—and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system.”

The DOJ announcement comes just days after former vice president Joe Biden announced his new criminal justice policy, which includes ending the federal death penalty. Biden’s policy was a reversal of decades of a “tough-on-crime” approach, which is now out of favor in the Democratic Party and is blamed for racism in the criminal justice system.
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Conspiracy realism

Unread postby Whitefang » Fri 26 Jul 2019, 09:47:38

In an interview with Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity, his first since former special counsel Robert Mueller testified before the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, President Donald Trump decried the Mueller “fake witch hunt.”
Hannity asked Trump about the importance of determining the origins of the special counsel probe, to which Trump argued this should not be allowed to happen to another president and likened it to “treason.”

“This should never happen to another president of the United States again,” Trump said on Thursday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Hannity.” “This is an absolute catastrophe for our country. This was a fake witch hunt, and it should never be allowed to happen to another president again. This was treason. This was high crimes. This was everything as bad a definition as you want to come up with. This should never be allowed to happen to our country again.” ... try-again/

MSM dethroned, press involvement, loss of credibility, enemy of the people, the terrorists.

Coup attempt prevented, now patriots are draining the swamp, 100.000 plus fired and /or charged.
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Barfing deepstate

Unread postby Whitefang » Fri 26 Jul 2019, 14:24:28 ... -delivered

Demodogs last whining and dining on a lost cause, a last effort to babble their way out.
And wow, did the poor old basterd deliver…... :roll:

"Let's get sophisticated on this," she said. "We will proceed when we have what we need to proceed--not one day sooner."
She added that rank-and-file Democrats advocating for impeachment only gives her "leverage."
"I have no complaint with what they're doing," she said. "So I am willing to take whatever heat there is to say the decision will be made in a timely fashion. This isn't endless. But when we have the best possible case. And that isn't endless either."
The escalation comes after Mueller delivered his highly anticipated testimony for hours on Wednesday before both the Judiciary and House Intelligence Committees. After the back-to-back hearings, even some on the left felt they were given little new material to fuel a case for impeachment. But Nadler, on Friday, said Mueller's testimony was an "inflection point."
Nadler claimed Mueller's report showed the Trump campaign welcomed Russian interference in the 2016 election and Trump "repeatedly lied to cover it up" -- and his testimony "removed all doubt" about those points.

Sure honey, pigs do fly because it is in his report, he removed all doubt about it, just do not ask a question because it is all clear ok? We have the proof, it has been verified by special counsel of 20 specialists, worked on for 3 years, millions spend so just accept it ok?
DoJ, FBI, senate and congress, everybody of statue has worked on Russian collusion so just leave us alone and do not vote for Trump as he is a criminal but we cannot impeach him yet but we will someday.

Stalling your death penalty are we?
Hit with sniper seals did not work out well, did it? JFK strategy/method.
High time to pick them up and break them deepstaters forever.
Inshallah, if God so chooses, God willing.
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Q "The Plan To Save The World"

Unread postby Whitefang » Sat 21 Dec 2019, 10:31:59

Q plan to save the world, enjoy the show :-D
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Re: Q

Unread postby evilgenius » Sat 21 Dec 2019, 13:18:54

The crisis in America is over this sort of idiocy, how it is polluting thought. In a world that has become too complex for many to understand, these sort of easy answers fulfill a mission. They keep the people from waking up and realizing that in order to succeed it takes work. There is no deep state, other than the one which is quite happy with you if you just keep voting against your own interests. In order to get the America we want, the one this video suggests, what we really need is to free ourselves from the brainwashing that straightjackets us into voting for those who openly favor corporate dominance over individual opportunity. As long as issues like abortion or gun rights are such open sores for those people, however, we aren't going to get anywhere.
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Q is good for you

Unread postby Whitefang » Thu 26 Dec 2019, 06:10:55

Thanks for your response evil G, let us find out what is happening.

Polly here has done dozens of fact backed up video's on Q related issue's:
She does research and links back to last WWars, how some families and institutes rose to power and stayed there.
How CIA came into being, UN were installed and the plan for global domination were advanced.
A sneaky plan to have absolute control over the human population.
A latest Xmess message on bitchute:

Something "SPECIAL." A little Christmas Cheer! Huge happening at the Bank of England (toot! toot!) and SpyGate revelations. Throw in a little Rudy and Ukraine and hot diggity I think we've got ourselves a pair of handcuffs!

If a large part of the political, financial, media, royal and business elite gets jailed, fired, killed or just disappears.........
maybe then some of us will start to wonder what is going on, wonder if the narrative that we have been tought all our lives has been true or false. Not just a US thing, international, worldwide like 5G in low orbit.

Q is not James B. related, no service to Royal lunacy but the movement, revolution has connections to child consumption and abuse, the reason why Trump admin. has so much focus on taking down child traffic. Late Jeffrey E, Pizzagate...….
My best guess is that the patriots are lead by the family, a Christian fellowship who focus on what Jesus did.

I think once Trump gets his second term and the Justice dep. has been purified, we will see how deep and dark the rabbit hole really is. We will see what these people at the top do, the child parties :twisted:
Then throw in the genocide, false flags, treason and robbery..........
More than enough for the death penalty.

Since industry these people never had real opposition, only opposames like Hitler gang working for the man.
Both WWars elaborate flase flag events? At least both are collective forms of idiocy, any child understands that.
What is driving these events? Are we that stupid by nature?
6th Mass extinction by managing habitat the way we do for all organic species around us on this finite planet……
More and more complex machines for more people, are we that dumb?

Just saying there are reasons, forces that lead to our current predicament of doom and disaster.
The occult elite and their satanic hobby are linked to these forces and there is a slim chance that this will be exposed.

Alex Jones spoke online with David Icke on why the elite has so much interest in the consumption of children, virgen offerings to Moloch and so on. David hit the nail on the head, we are their food, snake eating its own tail remember?
Besides there is the blackmail bonding of members and key people to be used in their planning.

There is no freedom other than personal power, a feeling of being lucky and doing magic.
To bring back derived fake power from a global level to nation states is a first step, that is all.
Money is not real power, this world is but a spring board to power, even the truth or science or any machine will get you nowhere.
This universe is just a world you and I are making up so to speak, something you have to believe in in order to keep living and have a shot at the holy grail :-D
You know, just saying, in the light of abrupt CC, why keep these bloody secrets to yourself?
I keep dreaming about Atlantis, for me and family, the only ones I care about :roll:
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Second leg worked upon

Unread postby Whitefang » Thu 26 Dec 2019, 13:02:46

@NeonRevolt @RedPill78
I also agree that it will be Soros. The 2nd side of the triangle. The Rothschild are the triangle base:
House of Saud - 1st. Operation -> King changed
Soros - 2nd. Operation -> Funding of Antifa and D's out
Rothschild - 3rd. and last op - 'We are saving Israel for last'.

I think the House of Saud has been cleaned out, a 6 Trillion base of terror, regime change for the better, patriot control
North Korea under control instead of CIA false flagged
Wall to prevent dope income/migrant terror trouble
Afghanistan 500 billion dollar opium industry under control
Thousands of child dealers busted
Secret police and Justice reformed, domestic terror halted.
ISIS stopped and deleted

All that after all the MSM attacks, democratic party using everything, treason and lies for years now.
And still so much succes in draining the widespread corruption and exposing criminals within about all the institutes we use to live together, again a worldwide affair.

Compare that to Lord Obama, change we can believe in......yes we can!!!
8 years wasted and double the trouble before we had a puppy negro on the throne.

Jason on YouTube with Q drops and info
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